

It was a competitive match between the siblings. It was Lillie's turn. She was grateful her competitive side wasn't coming out as much as it usually does. But she was able to quickly catch up to everyone and if she made this shot, she would be in 2nd place.

"You shall not say anything while I strike." Lillie pointed to Anthony, knowing very well that everytime she shot, he distracted the girl.

"I hold no promises." Anthony innocently smiled.

Lillie huffed as she got into position. She lined herself up parallel from the ball as she tried really hard to concentrate. Right when she was about to strike, a sneeze was heard and the girl hit the ball a little too hard this time.

"Anthony!" Lillie yelled turning around to stare at the Bridgerton boy.

"My dearest Lillie, it is not my fault." Anthony said as he sneezed again. "Oh my apologies it seems like my allergies are here."

"Could you have not held it in before I shot?"

"My apologies my love. It needed to be released. I am fine thank you very much for asking.

Lillie rolled her eyes as everyone took their last shot. Keeton ended up winning. Everyone was expecting it. He was always a good player. Lillie and Lord Kingsley wandered off to the gardens, getting away from everyone to have some alone time.

"The Pall Mall game was fun was it not?" Lillie said as they sat down on a bench.

"It was indeed." Lord Kingsley said, not looking at the girl. He was embarrassed with his performance.

"It is quite alright. My Brothers are hard to beat. You would have to be an excellent player to beat one if not all of them."

"I chose the wrong mallet, that is all." Lillie nodded and was about to say something before Lord Kingsley stood up. "I must be going. I shall see you at the ball tonight?"

Lillie nodded looking at the Lord one last time as he exited her house. She sat there wondering if she truly did see a marriage with him. He already lied to her about his Pall Mall skills, what's there to say he will lie about other things?