
Chapter 19

Even though Benedict and Aelianna didn't had to planned their wedding by themselves —the maids planned it — they decided to take the matters into their own hands, meeting three days in a row to discuss.

"What do you think about this color?" Benedict said while picking up a pallet of colors form the table. The couple was discussing the last details of the wedding.

"I like it, but maybe it could be lighter?" She said, while tasting some of the biscuits. "Would you like orange o vanilla cookies?", with her hand she pushed the plate with both cookies.

After he tasted both biscuits both locked eyes and replied at the same time with a knowing look, "orange." The couple laughed.

"Are we all set?" He asked once he picked the colors they both liked.

"Yes we are." She smiled and made her way towards to sit next to Benedict. After three days of figuring out what they wanted in their wedding they finally finished. The only two thing that's were missing was Elias wedding dress and Benedict's tux.

She happy sighed and took his hand in hers.

"You make me so happy." He whispered to her.

Even though they were allowed to have physical touch, Benedict and Aelianna haven't been intimate before, nor shared their first kiss either. They were waiting for the right moment.

"Knock knock." A voice said while entering the room.

"Papa?" Is it noon already?" She asked receiving a nod from her father who stood by the door — Aelianna needed to go get her wedding dress fitted— she stood up from her seat and kiss briefly Benedict's cheek.

"See you in two days my love," he said as he winked. Two days. In two days Aelianna Veuilleton will become Bridgerton, both families couldn't be more exited.


"May I have everyone's attention?" Colin said, everyone have gather to celebrate the engagement between Benedict and Elia — certainly they didn't have in mind Colin would make and announcement that would take the attention from the couple — "I would like to make a small but important announcement. I have happy news to impart." He continued "I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife, and she has accepted."

Everyone clapped and congratulated the newest couple, but the look in Violet's, Anthony's, Penelope's and Benedict's eyes showed shocked.

"You barely know the young lady." Anthony scoffed once he was in his office with Colin, "and in your brother big day? This is barbaric Colin, you didn't tell anyone and you decided to announce it on your big brothers wedding celebration! What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking you'd respond like this and how little I would care to hear." Colin replied.

"Do you think this is a joke? Poor Mother was beside herself."

"Mother seems perfectly happy to me. She congratulated us." Colin interjected, anthem sighed.

"So, you compromised this young lady" Anthony asked.

"Certainly not. I am a gentleman."

"Then why ever would you..."

Colin interrupted, "Why does anyone marry, brother? For love, of course." He sighed, "just look at Benedict and Aelianna."

"Look, I know you are still rather green, and that is my fault. I should've taken you to brothels when you returned from Eton. If this is a matter of wetting your wick..." The oldest Bridgerton said,

"You are an ass. Do you know that?" Colin scoffed.

"This is what comes of not sowing your wild oats. Proposing to the first chit you set your cap at."

"Enough!" Colin yelled while standing up, towering Anthony who was sat on his desk, "You insult me and my intended. It is not my fault, nor Marina's,that you cannot fathom true attachment. Why can't you support me like you did with Benedict, or Daphne."

"You are still a child, Colin."

"I'm older than Daphne." Colin replied hurt. "IfI caused Mother discomfort today, I am sorry for it. I shall speak with her. The truth is, I do not requireyour permission to marry Miss Thompson... but I would very much prefer to have your blessing."

"Then I am afraid I must disappoint you." Anthony stated.

"You have...in more ways than one."

"He took your ribbon?" Benedict asked Haycinth — Benedict and his mother were eating breakfast at the table with his younger sibling— ready to start a day full of activities

"Did you take the ribbon?"

"Dunno what you're talking ab..."

"I saw him do it."

"I saw it in your pocket." Benedict said

"It's not fair. He does it every time." Haycinth stated. " Just give it back. Gregory, stop!"

"Good morning." Colin greeted from the doorway, stopping Benedict from scolding his youngest brother.

"Greg... Morning, brother." Benedict greeted, the air filled with awkwardness.

"Colin, your engagement is in Whistledown!" Haycinth said.

"Hyacinth!" Violet murmured.

"What? It is!"

"Very well. Everyone out, I think." Benedict commanded, kissing briefly his mother cheek and said, "I'm going to get my Tux fitted, Eloise lets go."

While Colin Bridgerton stayed to talk to his mother about his marriage situation, Benedict and Eloise — who had a plate full of fruit in her hands — made their way towards the modiste, tomorrow was the big day. Benedict was getting married.

"I like this one." Eloise said from her spot, looking at her brother try on a dark blue tux.

"Do you think Lia would like it?" He asked, looking  at himself in the mirror he thought, is this the right choice?

"I think she would like it, but I think she would love the black one." Eloise stated, looking outside the window, in front was Aelianna Veuilleton trying on her wedding gown. Eloise smiled to herself and turned to look at Benedict.

"I think you're right." Benedict murmured while looking the other Tux, "thank you for coming with me." He smiled to her sister.


On the store in front Elia was looking herself in the mirror, white dress on and her hair down. She smiled to herself, her gaze finding the faces of her sister, papa and mama. Happy smiled on their lips.

"You look lovely, honeybee." Samson said while approaching her daughter, tears in his eyes. When he hugged her, he could feel all the excitement running in his daughters body, "I'm so proud of you."

"Papa.." Elia said. "You're doing to make me cry." She whispered.

Once Aelianna had her dress ready she exited the store with her family following close behind, just like Benedict that was exiting the store in front of Madame Delacroix modiste with Eloise by his side, she waved her hand and approached him.

"Hello there beautiful." He kissed her hand.

"Benny." She giggled. "It time for me to go." She said, knowing he couldn't see him before the wedding. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Brother! Lest go!" Eloise laughed while pulling Benedict's arm, dragging him away from his lady.