
“Ray’s Destiny Unfold” (An adventure in the Pokemon world)

This is my first ever writing guys! Criticize me all you want but be a little nice kay? Please give me feedback that will inspire me. Thanks to WebNovel, I found my writing passion back which went lost a long time ago.

Ahmed_Tamim_007 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Two Paths Intertwined And A Foreign Encounter

#Viridian City

Ray was preparing for his departure, his mother attentively packing all the essentials. Mixed emotions filled the air as his mother, both proud and concerned, lovingly said, "The day has finally come. I have to say goodbye to you, my dear," her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. Memories of her husband's dark shadow cast over their family surfaced, burdened by the judgmental gazes of the townspeople. "Just promise me you won't become like your dad!"

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll be fine with Ryu by my side. I'm going to find Dad and bring honor back to our family, for sure," Ray reassured her, his voice brimming with determination and love.

"I love you, my son," his mother whispered, wiping away a tear. "I believe you will bring light back to our family."

At that moment, a knock came at their door, unusual for them to welcome visitors so often. Both Ray and his mother were surprised. Ray opened the door, revealing a girl who was Liza. She wore a light jacket with leggings under a skirt and had a backpack slung over her shoulder. She adjusted her baseball cap, hiding her ponytail-style brown hair, and her blue eyes sparkling with excitement, looking like she was ready to go on some adventure.

Surprised and curious took over  Ray's face. "Hi Liza! What brings you here so early in the morning? Don't you have any assignments for Prof. Oak?"

"The assignments are in progress. Today I'm here to pick up Ray," Liza replied, her excitement evident. "Well, don't keep me in suspense. What for?" Ray interjected. 

While Ray's Mom joined them waving at Liza. "Hello there, Liza." She turned to Ray with a taunting smile. "My, my, Ray, you didn't tell me you were going with Liza."

"What? I didn't even know that!" Ray exclaimed.

"Yup! I decided to accompany you on your journey. You often mess things up, and since your mom won't be around to fix you anymore, I'm going to babysit you until you grow up properly. Aren't you grateful?" Liza teased.

A flash of anger flickered in Ray's deep-black eyes. "Jeez! I didn't say I needed company. And why are you acting like I'm a baby?"

"Now, what else could I ask for my boy? Please take care of my boy, Liza and be safe out there," Ray's mom said with conviction.

"You too, Mom?" Ray sighed.

"Now listen carefully, Ray. Always maintain a healthy diet. Don't forget to brush your teeth and change your underwear every day. I've given you a new set of clothes and everything you need. And don't cause too much trouble for Liza, okay?"

Liza struggled to hold back her laughter, while Ray felt a sense of embarrassment. "Mom, you're killing me now." Ray continued with a long sigh, "Okay, I'm off, Mom. Take care of yourself. Pray for me and wish me luck," he said, stepping outside the house. "I'll visit you again soon, I promise!" They bid farewell. 

As her son and Liza ventured off on his grand adventure, Ray's mother stood there, watching until they disappeared from sight. Her heart overflowed with a mixture of hope, love, and a mother's everlasting worry.

Ray and Liza walked together while their Pokémon were playing nearby. Ray couldn't help but ask, "What's your deal, Liza? Aren't you supposed to be assisting Prof. Oak in his lab?"

"Yeah, about that. You know, ever since I was a child, my dream has been to meet as many Pokémon as possible, become friends with them, and learn their ways. Making that dream come true requires me to embark on an adventure. But I've always lacked the courage to step out of my comfort zone until now"

Ray listened intently, adjusting his headband, as Liza's words resonated within him. "So, what I'm trying to say is," Liza continued, her tone growing serious, "Would it be alright if I join you on your journey? Will you allow me to travel alongside you and experience the wonders of this Pokémon world?"

Ray felt a mixture of shock and excitement at Liza's proposal. After a moment of contemplation, he replied casually, "Fine! You can come with me. Just don't get in my way." Though Ray didn't say it, he was more than happy that Liza had joined him.

A radiant smile appeared on Liza's face as she expressed her gratitude, "Thank you so much, Ray! I promise you won't regret having me as your travel companion."

"Yeah, whatever you say! I know you wouldn't listen even if I said no."

"Ohh Come on! I know how happy you are that I'm coming," Liza teased.

#Viridian forest

While exploring the forest, Ray attempted to catch Pokémon by simply throwing Pokéballs. "Is this your idea of catching Pokémon?" Liza taunted, mocking Ray's approach. Feeling embarrassed, Ray asked, "Then how should we catch them?"

Liza let out a sigh and replied, "Seriously, Ray? You have to weaken them before attempting to catch them with a Pokéball." Liza decided to teach Ray the essential aspects of being a Pokémon trainer, including proper techniques for catching Pokémon. However, when it was Ray's turn to catch a Pokémon, he failed to capture Rattata, Pidgey, and Mankey, as they all managed to escape from his grasp. Despite the unsuccessful attempts, Ryuji finally encountered a wild Pidgeotto and decided to give it a shot.

"Ryu, use Ember!" Ray commanded confidently, but the Pidgeotto swiftly evaded the attack with a gust of wind. It retaliated by launching a powerful Twister attack towards Ryu, who found himself struggling to hold his ground. "Argh! This Pidgeotto is tough," Ryu exclaimed.

Noticing their struggle, Liza called out to Ray, signaling him to back off, and swiftly intervened by releasing her Squirtle, which she had received from Professor Oak. "Squirtle,  Water Gun! Now, Rapid Spin! Finish it off with a Bite attack!" Liza commanded with expertise, successfully capturing the Pidgeotto.

"Yay! We caught a Pidgeotto!" Liza exclaimed joyfully. "Don't worry, Ray. It takes practice and patience. You'll get another chance," Liza reassured him, trying to lift his spirits.

While Squirtle managed to defeat the Pidgeotto, Ryu's attempts had been in vain, sparking a friendly rivalry between these two pokemons as Squirtle playfully teased Ryu, adding a hint of humor to the situation.

After several failed attempts, the group decided it was time for lunch. Exhausted, they set up a campsite and gathered fruits and berries to prepare a meal. Ray couldn't help but express his surprise, saying, "I didn't know you were such a good cook, Liza. It turns out you're useful after all." 

They packed up their belongings and were about to set off again when they heard a loud commotion nearby. They followed the noise and stumbled upon a group of Spearow attacking a bird Pokémon. Despite the relentless assault, the bird Pokémon fought back bravely.

Liza shouted at the aggressive Spearow, "Stop disturbing that Pokémon!" She rushed towards them, but the Spearow showed no signs of retreat. Consulting the Pokédex, she identified the bird Pokémon as Magpica, a beautiful flying-normal type that had recently migrated from a distant region.

Thinking quickly, Liza released her Pidgeotto and Squirtle to aid in the battle, while Ray called upon his Charmander, Ryu. "Pidgeotto, use Twister! Squirtle, Water Gun!" Ray joined in, commanding Ryu, "Burn each of them with Ember!" The Magpica seemed relieved to have their assistance and fought back with determination.

After an intense battle, with the allies' assistance, Magpica unleashed a powerful Aerial Ace, causing all the Spearow to retreat. Impressed by Magpica's strength, Ray couldn't help but express his amusement.

"It seems the Spearow didn't welcome Magpica warmly. Poor thing, even though it's so beautiful," Liza remarked as she approached the slightly injured Magpica and used a potion to heal it. Magpica seemed pleased by Liza's kind gesture.

Suddenly, Ray, filled with confidence, challenged Magpica, saying, "Hey, Magpica! Battle me! If I win, you're coming with me." Magpica's body language clearly showed it was ready for the challenge. Ray called upon Ryu to attack.

"Are you sure you'll be okay, Ray? Magpica seems just as strong as Pidgeotto, which you couldn't handle," Liza expressed her concern.

"Who knows? We won't know until we try. Ryu, use Ember!" Ray commanded, and Magpica countered with its Double Team, multiplying itself into ten copies. "What the?" Ray grew frustrated.

Liza explained, "This move is called Double Team. Don't panic, Ray. Only one of them is real. You have to find it."

Sighing, Ray realized the challenge before him. "So, only one is real, huh? Well, we'll attack each of them then! Ryu, use Ember on all of them!" Ryu unleashed a flurry of Embers, but once again, he missed the real Magpica, leaving both Ray and Ryu frustrated.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Magpica swiftly approached Ryu with a Quick Attack. "Not so fast, Magpica! Ryu, use Smokescreen!" A cloud of smoke filled the air, causing Magpica to miss its target. "Yeah! Did you see that? We can use diversion too!" Ray exclaimed with joy. However, Magpica cunningly blew away the smoke with a gust, leaving Ray disappointed again.

With a powerful Aerial Ace, Magpica brought Ryu down. "Ryu, are you able to fight? If not, then return," Ray called his Charmander back. However, Ryu refused to give up. Suddenly, Ryu's body started glowing with a red aura. Curious, Ray checked his Pokédex.

The Pokédex revealed that Charmander was attempting to use a move called Dragon Dance, a priority move that enhanced both its attack and speed. Ryu must have inherited this move, as a normal Charmander wouldn't be able to learn it through level up.

A glimmer of realization shone in Ray's eyes. "Alright then, Ryu, use Dragon Dance!" Ryu's strength and speed increased as a surge of energy coursed through him. With newfound agility, Ryu dodged Magpica's attacks effortlessly. "Now, finish it with a Scratch!" Ryu's claws grew larger and stronger, landing a hit on Magpica. Seizing the perfect opportunity, Ray threw a Pokéball and successfully captured Magpica.

"Phew! You are mine" Ray sighed in relief as Charmander approached him, smiling. "Way to go, Ray! That was awesome," Liza praised. Ray called out Magpica, saying, "Welcome to the team, Magpica. Let's give it our best!" Magpica nodded happily, ready to join them on their adventure.

With valuable lessons learned and new Pokémon companions by their side, Ray and Liza continued their journey toward Pewter City, eagerly anticipating the challenges that awaited them.