
“My Naughty Princess Consort”

Translator: Artsy -------- Synopsis: In the 21st century, divine physician Qian Jiujiu was targeted by a bomb when she was rescuing soldiers in the battlefield. Because of the bomb, she crossed the to a new state and became the second daughter of concubine in Qian familiy. Because the taoists asserted that she would "curse parents". Therefore, she was sent to village outside capital for 16 years not long after rebirth. This time, her father took her home, just to let her marry Mu Yexiao instead of her lineal sister. Who is Mu Yexiao? The sixth prince of the state, the favorite prince of the emperor. Because he was injured in the battlefield, his legs were disabled, and he was unable to bear children. In anciet time, he also failed to seek effetive medical treatment. The royal family decided to marry the legitimate daughter of Qian families to Mu Yexiao, in order to drive away bad luck. However, as a modern doctor who combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Qian Jiujiu won't obedient to fate? She used her wonderful medical skills to heal the Mu Yexiao's disabled legs, hoping this prince could support her. But who knows he was very shrewd! Who yielded to whom? It's difficult to say. ----- DISCLAIMER: This is my own translation. Please give credit to owner when you use it somewhere else.

Artsy_Flashy · 歴史
50 Chs

Chapter 22 - Dancing Posture

Translator: Artsy


Even Qian Jiujiu was astonished by Mu Yexiao's actions. She blinked her eyes twice in confusion and asked, "Your Highness, have you never tasted chicken before?"

Mu Yexiao glared at Qian Jiujiu indignantly and replied, "You're the one that has never had it before! I just, hmph, love eating it."

Eyeing the piece of chicken in his hand, a flustered frown crept onto Mu Yexiao's countenance unwillingly. He actually resorted to such actions. Sigh, Qian Jiujiu is truly irksome.

However, Mu Yexiao suddenly gasped in surprise in his heart. Has Qian Jiujiu become someone that can sway my emotions so easily now?

Or am I becoming increasingly attracted to her behaviour? This is not ideal. Hence, a displeased expression appeared on the Prince's face again.

Qin Jiujiu could not help frowning at his disgruntled expression. However, she was quite famished now. Furthermore, the tantalizing aroma of the chicken soup wafted in the air, slowly stimulating her sense of smell and appetite.

Unconsciously, her stomach let out a loud rumble, protesting in hunger. So, she looked at Mu Yexiao and casually remarked, "Since Your Highness has started eating, I shall begin having my meal as well."

Immediately, Qian Jiujiu grabbed the remaining plate of chicken and placed it before her. Ignoring the suspicious eyes fixating on her, she proceeded to eat to her heart's content.

Unabashed, she soon finished eating the entire chicken. With her hunger quelled, she announced that she felt re-energized and elated. However, when she raised her head from her plate, she noticed Mu Yexiao staring at her.

She patted her chin and asked, "Your Highness, is something bothering you? Why are you looking at me in such a manner?"

Mu Yexiao was utterly flabbergasted by her question. Is something bothering me? He was merely astounded as he had never witnessed a dainty lady ate so ravenously before.

Shaking his head, he simply replied, "Nothing. Is the food enough? If you need more, I will ask the servants to bring us more."

Qian Jiujiu pursed her lips and answered casually, "It's fine. I'm quite full now. But, Your Highness, you said that you like chicken, right?"

Mu Yexiao's lips twitched a little. Must you keep returning to this topic? So unlikeable. After coughing twice awkwardly, he said, "Yes. I quite like it."

Qian Jiujiu seemed ecstatic by his response. "Splendid. I plan to boil herbal soups for you in the future to improve your health. Then, we can start officially removing the toxins from your body."

"Actually, I was troubled as I couldn't find out your favorite food. After all, it'll be quite tormenting to be forced to eat something you despised. Since you like chicken, that's a great piece of news to hear!"

"I'll simply use chicken as my main ingredient, that's it. I'll see you tomorrow, I will return to my room to rest now. Your Highness, I shall excuse myself now."

After saying that, she turned around and left instantly, without even having a farewell glance at Mu Yexiao. Her departure left the people in utter shock, as they exchanged perplexed glances with one another. Meanwhile, Dong Chen stared at Mu Yexiao with a disgruntled expression worn on his face.

"Your Highness, when did you start to like eating chicken? As your personal guard, why do I not know this at all?"

Mu Yexiao simply raised his head to look at the sky in silence. Who says that I love chicken? I was merely saying nonsense because Qian Jiujiu flustered me so much.

Speaking of that, I might have to eat chicken every day in the coming future. Will I become sick of it and finally vomit?

Hong Ling and Hong Chou also seemed slightly anxious as they followed Qian Jiujiu back to her room. After she arrived, Qian Jiujiu ignored them and began searching for a paper and brush to write with.

Then, she made a checklist and said to Hong Ling, "Hong Ling, bring this list to the butler and ask him to prepare the items I've written."

As she said it, Qian Jiujiu finally noticed their bizarre expression. "Why do you two look so troubled?"

Hong Ling raised her head and looked at Qian Jiujiu with a dissatisfied expression. "I'm reflecting on myself. Why do I not know that His Highness loves eating chicken? I must have been too lax and careless."

Exasperated, Qian Jiujiu instinctively rolled her eyes at her. "That's because His Highness doesn't actually like it. Alright, hurry up and send this list."

Hong Chou stared at her with a puzzled gaze. "Princess consort, why do you say so? He told us this himself."

Qian Jiujiu let out an amused snicker. Hong Chou was not a very talkative person and strictly abided by the rules. Even though they had just been acquainted, Qian Jiujiu had grown to quite like her.

"His Highness merely needed an excuse to cover up his misdemeanor."

A glint of realization flashed in Hong Chou's eyes. "Princess Consort, you're so intelligent!"

Qian Jiujiu looked at her and said, "Ah, that's right. Hong Chou, do you know how to make a face mask? Come, do it for me. After applying a face mask, I'll go to bed."

After all, she had many tasks to be done tomorrow. Hong Chou shook her head and kneeled down apologetically. "I'm sorry, Princess Consort. I have no idea."

"Rise, I'll teach you."

Hence, Qian Jiujiu now had another servant that knew how to make a face mask for her. Soon, Hong Ling also returned after sending the list over.

Seeing that Princess Consort had already applied her mask, she heaved a sigh of relief and said to Hong Chou, "Hong Chou, I'll stay guard tonight."

Hong Chou nodded. Hong Ling was the one that served the princess consort first. Hence, even though both of them were the princess consort's servants, Hong Ling still understood her better.

Hence, Hong Chou unconsciously misheard Hong Ling's plan. Naturally, Qian Jiujiu did not care about these.

She believed that she must accomplish things herself. After all, she would not remain as the princess consort for her entire life. It would be difficult to change one's extravagant behaviors.

She must not be accustomed to being treated well as the princess consort. Otherwise, she would suffer in the future. Moreover, she never treated Hong Ling and Hong Chou as her servants.

Knowing that she would be very busy tomorrow, Qian Jiujiu swiftly went to sleep after applying the mask.

The next morning, she woke up before the sun had even risen. Then, she left her manor as she wanted to do things on her own. Hence, she must seize the opportunity now.

While there were people protecting her, she must toughen herself up. She used to be a military doctor in the warzone. Thus, even though she was not adept at ancient martial arts, she was quite skilled in modern fighting techniques.

After she had risen, Qian Jiujiu washed her face and went out for a run. After that, she started training.

Early in the morning, Mu Yexiao was informed by his servant about her routine. "Your Highness, Princess Consort has woken up and is dancing now."

Dancing? Mu Yexiao was clearly baffled. Qian Jiujiu was not light-footed or good at dancing. She's also quite rough. Yet, she actually knows how to dance?

Nevertheless, Mu Yexiao seemed quite intrigued. "Since Princess Consort is so disciplined and started dancing so early in the morning, bring me over to watch her."

Dong Chen merely felt that his forehead was beaded with anxious sweats. Can that posture really be called dancing?

Suddenly, he felt worried and miserable. If His Highness saw Princess Consort's dancing posture, will he say that I'm lying?

Despite his worry, Dong Chen brought Mu Yexiao to see Qian Jiujiu in the courtyard.

When they arrived, Mu Yexiao saw Qian Jiujiu's dance and unconsciously let out a cough. Ahem. What is that dancing posture?

Qian Jiujiu heard it and stopped her military boxing. Then, she stared at him and said, "Your Highness, good morning. Why are you awake so early?"

Good morning? Is that her greeting in the morning? Qian Jiujiu is really lazy, how dare she greets me in just two words?

"I heard that Princess Consort is dancing energetically so early in the morning, hence I came over for a visit."

Dancing? Qian Jiujiu unconsciously let out a crackle. "Who's dancing? That's not a dance. Don't look down on me, I'm actually training."

"Forget it, you won't understand it anyway."

You ignorant ancient fools! Of course, Qian Jiujiu would never utter these words and only mumble them silently in her heart.

Mu Yexiou lifted his eyebrows. "Of course I wouldn't if you don't tell me. Say it."

Qian Jiujiu rolled her eyes at him inelegantly. "You're quite courteous. Since you asked me, I'll answer you. I'm training my body, I was boxing just now."

Mu Yexiao could not help snickering at her answer. "Huh, it doesn't seem like you know boxing."

"Are you mocking me? Just watch. After a month, I'll beat you into a pulp!"

Mu Yexiao's expression instantly darkened. "Who are you beating into a pulp?"

Qian Jiujiu felt a little intimidated by Mu Yexiao's grave expression. So, she pointed at Dong Chen and said, "I'm talking about Dong Chen. I'll beat him into a pulp!"

Sorry, Dong Chen. Just act as my shield for once. After all, I've helped you before. Furthermore, I'm now under his mercy!

Meanwhile, Dong Chen merely felt like crying in his heart. No doubt, he would not believe that Princess Consort could beat him up after a month.

However, he felt a little despondent about her lack of courage. Princess Consort, can you grow a backbone?

Qian Jiujiu undoubtedly could not hear his silent musings. Otherwise, she would retort. What's a backbone, is it food?

Qian Jiujiu hastily turned her back away from this condescending man and started practicing on her own.

Mu Yexiao did not continue to pester, he merely looked on silently from the side. However, the more he watched her, the more surprised he became.

It seems she's quite skilled at it. He could not help watching in great amusement.

After an hour, Qian Jiujiu finished her training. Seeing that Mu Yexiao was staring at her, she could not help rolling her eyes. "Is it that fun to watch me?"

Mu Yexiao almost choked on his saliva. "Princess Consort, can you be more reserved?"

Qian Jiujiu blinked puzzlingly. "When was I not reserved? Can you be more honest instead? It won't hurt you to admit that I'm great after staring at me so long."

After that, Qian Jiujiu entered her room to change her clothes. Then, she left for the kitchen directly.

Mu Yexiao casually followed her along. "Why did you come to the kitchen?"

Qian Jiujiu massaged her belly. "Aren't you hungry? I'm here to make breakfast for you."

She then ordered the servants to start the fire and the butlers to prepare some ingredients to be sent to Qian Jiujiu's little kitchen.

With the ample fresh ingredients and Qian Jiujiu's nimble movements, a sumptuous breakfast was soon served.

She merely gazed at Mu Yexiao and said leisurely, "Your Highness, please help yourself."