
“My Naughty Princess Consort”

Translator: Artsy -------- Synopsis: In the 21st century, divine physician Qian Jiujiu was targeted by a bomb when she was rescuing soldiers in the battlefield. Because of the bomb, she crossed the to a new state and became the second daughter of concubine in Qian familiy. Because the taoists asserted that she would "curse parents". Therefore, she was sent to village outside capital for 16 years not long after rebirth. This time, her father took her home, just to let her marry Mu Yexiao instead of her lineal sister. Who is Mu Yexiao? The sixth prince of the state, the favorite prince of the emperor. Because he was injured in the battlefield, his legs were disabled, and he was unable to bear children. In anciet time, he also failed to seek effetive medical treatment. The royal family decided to marry the legitimate daughter of Qian families to Mu Yexiao, in order to drive away bad luck. However, as a modern doctor who combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Qian Jiujiu won't obedient to fate? She used her wonderful medical skills to heal the Mu Yexiao's disabled legs, hoping this prince could support her. But who knows he was very shrewd! Who yielded to whom? It's difficult to say. ----- DISCLAIMER: This is my own translation. Please give credit to owner when you use it somewhere else.

Artsy_Flashy · 歴史
50 Chs

Chapter 10 - Face Mask

Translator: Artsy


Mu Yexiao gave Hong Ling a look and said, "Hong Ling, go back now and see if the Princess Consort needs anything."

Hong Ling went according to command. Just as she reached the entrance, Qian Jiujiu opened the door and came out.

"Hong Ling, you're here. Such good timing. I'm starving, go prepare some food for me quickly."

Only then did Hong Ling bring over the food that was long prepared earlier. She did not forget to take a few peeks on Qian Jiujiu's results.

Noticing Hong Ling's actions, Qian Jiujiu pouted and took out a porcelain bottle. "Here, take this to your master."

Hong Ling was taken aback. She turned to look at Qian Jiujiu, but Qian Jiujiu's head was already down and she was gobbling down the food.

Then, she turned around and walked toward Mu Yexiao's place.

With Hong Ling kneeled down on the ground, Mu Yexiao gave her a look. "Your Highness, the Princess Consort sent me to give you this."

Dong Chen glanced at the porcelain bottle with surprise and took it. "Your Highness, I'll let the imperial doctor check on this now."

Mu Yexiao nodded slightly. "Alright, go ahead."

Finishing his words, he looked at Hong Ling again. "Go back and serve beside the Princess Consort."

Hong Ling turned to leave. When she returned, Qian Jiujiu was already done with her meal.

"Hong Ling, you're back. Great, get me some water. Quick, quick, quick."

Now that she had her stomach filled, Qian Jiujiu finally remembered to do some facial.

While waiting for Hong Ling to come back with the water, Qian Jiujiu touched her face slightly and clicked her tongue, "Tsk tsk."

"I really don't know what kind of person the original owner was. How could she have treated her face like that, did she not know how to do some whitening?"

"If she could not afford cosmetics, washing her face with water drained from rice is good too."

With the basin of water in her hands, Hong Ling came back to Qian Jiujiu's low mumbles. She was about to say something before seeing Qian Jiujiu taking out another porcelain bottle.

There was another bowl too. From the porcelain bottle, she poured out some powder and added some water into the bowl, mixing them together into a gooey texture. Right after that, she started applying the mixture onto her face.

Hong Ling studied Qian Jiujiu confusingly. "Princess Consort, do you need my help?"

Qian Jiujiu stared with her big eyes before responding, "Yes, find me a lying chair."

The corner of Hong Ling's lips twitched, but she speedily moved a lying chair over. Qian Jiujiu lied down without hesitation and handed the bowl to Hong Ling.

"Hong Ling apply this on my entire face. Don't miss out on a single corner."

"Yes, Princess Consort."

Taking the bowl, Hong Ling started to apply the mixture onto Qian Jiujiu's face carefully. In the meantime, she asked curiously.

"Princess Consort, what's this thing? What does it do?"

With her eyes closed, Qian Jiujiu answered, "This is called a face mask. It can help to improve my skin. If you like it, you can have some too."

Face mask? What kind of toy is this? Despite all the confusion, Hong Ling voiced her gratitude.

"Thank you, Princess Consort. Let me finish with yours first."

The things that she was using were no doubt good enough, but Hong Ling was still touched that Qian Jiujiu would be willing to share with her.

Compare to the other mistresses, Qian Jiujiu was indeed better.

With that in mind, Hong Ling was gentler now. At the same time, Nan Feng was watching everything from outside. Swiftly, he ran back to report to Mu Yexiao.

Mu Yexiao was rather interested in Qian Jiujiu's weird gestures.

Just that, what was this face mask? It seemed like some joke made up by Qian Jiujiu too.

"Dong Chen, what did the imperial doctor say?" Dong Chen who was off to see the imperial doctor was now back.

"Your Highness, the imperial doctor examined it. According to him, they are indeed detoxification pills and in fact, they are of good quality. These pills can be consumed to cure common poisons."