
“A Demon’s Rise in a Multiverse”

Transmigrating into the world of "High School DxD," Vitan Asmodeus encounters the legendary grimoire, Radix Astil. He embarks on a journey through various dimensional worlds! In the world of "Unbreakable Machine-Doll," he masters the 72 demon gods, comprehends Sloth, and becomes the Demon King Belial. In the world of "Black Bullet," he judges the foolish and selfish humans, comprehends Pride, and becomes the Demon King Lucifer. In the world of "Date A Live," he controls the Kabbalah Tree of Life, comprehends Lust, and becomes the Demon King Asmodeus. In the world of "Blade Dance of the Elementalers," he devours the world, comprehends Gluttony, and becomes the Demon King Beelzebub. ... In the Little Garden, the final trial of humanity, Vitan Asmodeus looks at the numerous beauties in his community and falls silent. Why do I have so many harems?

DaoistY5ZOUh · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 2: Like Sisters, Like Mothers - Gurefia

Chapter 2: Like Sisters, Like Mothers - Gurefia

Asmodeus City!

This city shares the same name as the brown-haired, handsome man from the ancient castle.

After the data-engraved ribbon appeared, Vitan and Radix, wrapped in the ribbon, also appeared in the city.

However, just as the citizens remained calm during the magical upheaval, they all simultaneously stopped their activities the moment the man appeared.

Pedestrians halted their steps!

Street vendors emerged from their shops!

Even the children, who had just been pushed back into their rooms by their parents, secretly opened their windows, curiously watching Vitan standing in the middle of the street.

"Lord Vitan, are you here to inspect the capital today?"

The question came from an elderly man with white hair, dressed in a suit and monocle.

"Oh, it's you, Levi," Vitan's gaze slowly swept over the old man, then he nodded slightly.

"We are expecting distinguished guests soon. Organize the people to retreat."

The old man immediately placed a hand over his heart and bowed slightly, displaying impeccable noble etiquette.

"Yes, Lord Vitan!"

This old man was a long-standing subordinate of the Vitan family, trusted by two generations of the Asmodeus family leaders for his ability to handle matters.

The citizens quickly evacuated. Whether they were children, young adults, elders, or women, they did not resist the red-haired youth's orders and swiftly left the street under Levi's guidance.

At the moment the street fell silent, a faint silhouette of a man and a woman appeared at the eastern corner.

Normally, it would be impossible to see the features of people at such a distance, only their general outlines.

The two figures seemed to notice Vitan and Radix standing there.

An astonishing scene unfolded!

A pair of bat-like wings grew from the backs of the man and woman. With a gentle flap of these wings, they lifted off the ground and shot towards Vitan.

The two landed gently in front of Vitan, flapping their wings.

The man had short green hair and blue eyes, with a somewhat demonic appearance.

—Ajuka Beelzebub

The woman wore a light-colored dress, with long silver hair like a galaxy, and a tall, voluptuous figure that seemed to radiate a coldness surpassing absolute zero.

—Grayfia Asmodeus

Currently, they are two of the four great demon kings ruling this underworld and all demons.

Yes, this world is the one Vitan, a transmigrator, had seen in a hot-blooded high school anime called "High School DxD" back on Earth.

He arrived in this world thirty years ago!

And he was born into the Asmodeus family, one of the seventy-two pure-blood demon families.

The Asmodeus family was ranked thirty-second among the seventy-two demon families in the original work, but in this world, it had not been extinguished.

Frankly speaking, he found this world quite troublesome.

He did not have the advantage of foreknowledge that normal transmigrators enjoy.

After all, he had only watched the first and second seasons of the anime before it was banned online, and he had not read the novel version.

As for the novel, well, those who know, know.

Moreover, the reality of this world did not entirely follow the anime's development.

For example, the silver-haired demon king, Grayfia Asmodeus, in front of him.

In the anime, she was a powerful character, but her role was the wife of Rias Gremory's brother, Sirzechs Lucifer, and his queen.

The demon king named Asmodeus should have been another bald man.

But in this world, Grayfia did not marry Sirzechs and instead became one of the four great demon kings, replacing the bald demon king.

So, after learning that the information did not match his memories, he stopped caring much about the original plot.

"Why have you two come to my territory today?"

His attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, unlike ordinary demons who would be extremely respectful when meeting a demon king.

"Well, we have some matters to discuss with you. Won't you invite us to your castle?"

As expected, Ajuka, the demon king, did not mind Vitan's somewhat disrespectful attitude, smiling warmly like a spring breeze.

Grayfia remained silent, maintaining her cold and beautiful demeanor.

"I understand! You two, do not resist."

With a helpless sigh, the black ribbon engraved with the number "7" once again enveloped the four of them.

"Thank you!"

Ajuka said, simultaneously dispelling his defensive spell, allowing Vitan's magic to envelop him.

The scene shifted.

The location changed to the reception hall of the Asmodeus castle.

The most prominent feature of demon architecture is its size—large!

The underworld's land is not the same as the human world.

In terms of area, the underworld and the human world are about the same size.

However, two-thirds of the human world is covered by oceans, making it unsuitable for human habitation.

The underworld has no oceans, meaning it is entirely covered by land.

In the underworld, only two intelligent species live: demons and fallen angels.

Both species have difficulty reproducing, so their populations are not large.

A few hundred years ago, demons experienced a mixed war involving angels, fallen angels, and demons from the Bible forces.

After that war, demons did not rest but immediately engaged in a conflict between the new and old demon kings faction.

These two consecutive devastating wars wiped out more than half of the seventy-two pure-blood demon families.

Ordinary demon soldiers were also heavily depleted in these wars.

As a result, the two species' populations are so sparse that the underworld is vast but sparsely populated.

A pure-blood demon family can occupy a territory comparable to a small country, all of it land.

The Asmodeus family's territory, ranked among the seventy-two demon families, is excessively large.

Their territory is as large as the entire land area of Japan.