
“A Demon’s Rise in a Multiverse”

Transmigrating into the world of "High School DxD," Vitan Asmodeus encounters the legendary grimoire, Radix Astil. He embarks on a journey through various dimensional worlds! In the world of "Unbreakable Machine-Doll," he masters the 72 demon gods, comprehends Sloth, and becomes the Demon King Belial. In the world of "Black Bullet," he judges the foolish and selfish humans, comprehends Pride, and becomes the Demon King Lucifer. In the world of "Date A Live," he controls the Kabbalah Tree of Life, comprehends Lust, and becomes the Demon King Asmodeus. In the world of "Blade Dance of the Elementalers," he devours the world, comprehends Gluttony, and becomes the Demon King Beelzebub. ... In the Little Garden, the final trial of humanity, Vitan Asmodeus looks at the numerous beauties in his community and falls silent. Why do I have so many harems?

DaoistY5ZOUh · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 11: The Difference Between Rias and Sona's Servants!

Chapter 11: The Difference Between Rias and Sona's Servants!

Pure white magic beams turned into cold mist, quickly covering the uneven ground with a thick layer of ice. Even the lush trees were coated with a thin layer of frost, creating a winter wonderland.

The beams imbued with destructive magic also turned into tiny light bullets, scattering in all directions upon impact.

Whether it was the blackened ground or the walls surrounding the training ground, they all turned to nothing upon contact with the light bullets, leaving various-sized craters.

This was the characteristic of the Bael family's Destruction Magic, capable of directly breaking down the original structure of objects or magic, turning them into nothingness.

This was why, after Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Grayfia all became transcendents, Sirzechs was hailed as the number one demon in the Underworld.

Because, with his Destruction Magic, he was the strongest attacker in the Underworld.

"Only at times like this do I feel like I'm in an anime world."

With his hands on the railing, Vitan watched the magical duel between the two beautiful young ladies from the original anime with great interest.

"In your opinion, Vitan, who will win between my Rias and Sona?"

Standing to Vitan's left and right, Sirzechs and Grayfia squeezed him in the middle, Sirzechs asked the young man in front of him with great interest.

Vitan had always acted in a manner similar to esotericism since birth, naturally arousing great curiosity among the young noble demons.

But Sirzechs, being one of the four great Demon Kings and Grayfia's colleague, knew very well the immense power within this seemingly laid-back young demon.

Without hesitation, Sirzechs believed that the young man before him had talents not inferior to his own.

Despite Vitan's modesty, claiming that reaching the highest-ranking demon at thirty with the bloodline of the original Demon King was nothing to boast about.

But was that really the case?

No, it wasn't. With the concentration of his bloodline, pure-blooded demons would eventually reach the level of high-ranking or highest-ranking demons.

But that also depended on time. During the battle against the Old Satan Faction, many descendants of the old Satan families, even at nearly a hundred years old, had not reached the level of high-ranking demons.

"Rias will win!"

Vitan answered Sirzechs's question without any hesitation, his tone very certain.

"Oh? Can you tell me why?"

Sirzechs continued to ask with a smile on his face.

Vitan pointed to another battlefield.

The young girl, who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old and had a slightly thin figure, had already punched another blue-haired female in the abdomen.

Her powerful strength directly sent the Sitri servant demon flying back more than ten meters.

It was hard to imagine that such a young girl could exert such power.

"Although the duel between Rias and Sona is evenly matched, the gap between their servants is gradually becoming apparent."

In fact, not only in this battlefield, but the battle between Kiba Yuuto and the girl named Tsubasa Yura was also currently in Kiba Yuuto's absolute advantage.

The power of the Sacred Gear 'Sword Birth' was fully displayed in this battle.

The girl named Tsubasa Yura not only had to dodge Kiba Yuuto's dual sword slashes but also had to constantly guard against the blades that could suddenly emerge from the ground.

As stated in the original work, he couldn't help but say it again here.

The Gremory family really had a special talent for picking up treasures.

The original heroine Rias naturally needed no further explanation!

Akeno Himejima, a hybrid of fallen angel, demon, and exorcist!

Koneko Toujou, who possessed the legendary Nekomata bloodline!

Kiba Yuuto, who held the Sacred Gear 'Sword Birth' and later upgraded to 'Holy Demonic Sword Birth'!

And the troublesome Red Dragon Emperor from the original work!


These talents, rare in other demon families, were all gathered in Rias's team.

If it were just Rias, it wouldn't mean much.

But the fact that Sirzechs was the same way really proved this point.

In his peerage, there was a clone of Surtr from Norse mythology, Surtr Second, the strongest chariot in the Underworld.

His knight was the captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi, Okita Souji.

His bishop was the founder of the secret magic organization 'Golden Dawn.'

He even had the legendary holy beast, the Qilin, originally a sacred creature.

The continuous explosions within the barrier, the magic power forming light bullets, created a visual feast of fireworks upon detonation.

As Sirzechs and Vitan continued their conversation, Sirzechs's recognition of Vitan grew stronger, and his smile became even brighter. He then waved his hand.

The platform was divided into several small groups, each consisting of four or five people. No one dared to approach the combination of Grayfia, Sirzechs, and Vitan.

A man with a very imposing presence approached.

He was the man who had slightly caught Vitan's attention at the banquet earlier.

From a distance, Vitan hadn't closely observed the man's face, but upon closer inspection, he found that the man bore some resemblance to Sirzechs.


While Sirzechs usually exuded a gentle and elegant aura, giving the impression of a refined nobleman.

The man before him was exuding a wild and domineering aura, full of ferocity.

A strong man!

In an instant, Vitan judged that the man's strength was comparable to his own.

With powerful and steady steps, the robust man approached Sirzechs's side.

"Let me introduce you!"

"Vitan, this is Sairaorg Bael, my cousin."


Vitan's furrowed brows instantly relaxed.


This surname was one that could not be ignored by demons, gods, and other forces in the hidden world.

The Bael family, the head of the seventy-two pillars of pure-blooded demons, was crowned with the title of 'Great King,' the highest rank after the four great Demon Kings.

Even in the current system where the four great Demon Kings were selected from the strongest individuals among the demons, abandoning their original surnames to become Demon Kings, the Bael family still held more political power than the four great Demon Kings.

Even the Vitan family, with the bloodline of the original Demon King, could not compare to the Bael family in political power after losing the first generation Asmodeus.