
Δ₣Ŧ€ŘŁI₣€_ŴØŘŁĐ> a vision of something false, a simulation.

Welcome to the many simulacrums of afterlife_world> where death isn't quite the end of your existence...this world is grim and nothing makes any sense... who knows how many times we've actually died?!...in this ever expanding simulation we call life....death could easily be waking up from a dream or a nightmare... in this collection of stories you will encounter all sorts of mind bending and thought provoking tales...travel through countless simulacrums...to uncover the truth behind afterlife_world>

magister · SF
5 Chs


"To the sleeping world as we know it today... we've been exposed to all types of social media(s)...unaware of what's lurking underneath all the glitz and glamour... distracted by the everyday routine(s)...we often get lost and our minds caged from seeking the truth behind this goldilocks world...but this will all change soon...all the secrets...all the fucking bullshit of mankind will be cast into the bitter black void with everything else...this SIMULATION will soon come to a climactic end...all hell will be loose upon this ignorant world complete destruction!" -THE UNKNOWN VOICE OF THE VOID...RAMBLINGS OF A PROGRAMMER>>>

[in an empty classroom a young boy sits quietly at his desk daydreaming wondering what tomorrow will bring]

Deus: sighs....another boring day it would seem,

[Deus hears a loud commotion outside the classroom door and gets up to investigate]

Deus: what the hell are you doing here?

[A scruffy bright eyed boy is standing in front of desu it looks like he was just in a random fight]


[Matsu looks at deus and smirks a bit while smiling]

Matsu Pendragon: dude I totally won that fight tho!!..I'm not a wimp like you!! hehe Mr. smarty-pants!!...watcha gonna find looking in a book anyways? besides boredoom!

[Matsu grabs deus book and looks inside]

Matsu Pendragon: bro what's simulation theory? just thinking about this gives me a headache!

[Deus looks at matsu and laughs maniacally]

Deus: you don't sayyyy haha?...and honestly the knowledge in that book is beyond your comprehension....someone as narrow-minded as yourself wouldn't understand....

[Matsu looks at deus and rolls his eyes nonchalantly]

Matsu Pendragon: whatever man...I'm gonna get going...it's getting late and it looks like it's about to pour down outside, the sky is pitch black....looks wicked!!

[Matsu goes towards the window and looks at the sky in amazement]

Deus: well you better get going before you get caught in the rain...I still got work to do...soo I'll see ya later...

[Without warning a great and terrifying sound was heard]

Deus: what the hell was that?!

[Matsu looks at deus in shock]

Matsu Pendragon: yeah man I heard it too!!!

[Matsu goes and hides behind deus]

Deus: if you don't get the hell away from me...I'm scared too damn it!!

[Deus goes towards the window to see what made that monstrous sound]

Deus: damn?!...what that hell man! what am I looking at??...I can't describe what I'm seeing there's no word for it!!!

[Matsu looks and desu and frowns while covering his face]

Matsu Pendragon: we are gonna die aren't we?!

[Deus shakes his head and looks at matsu happily]

Deus: there's a massive fissure in the sky...it looks like something huge is about to come through it...this doesn't look good for us... everyone is in panic mode we gotta remain calm if we are to survive this....and no you won't die...

[Matsu takes a deep breath and grabs his backpack from outside the classroom]

Matsu Pendragon: this really sucks man! I bought that game you were talking about btw...it's totally bad timing...as usual...story of my fucking life when we are about to die...

[Deus looks at matsu puzzled]

Deus: wait...are you referring to that VR game called ORIGIN?!

[Matsu unzips backpack and shows desu]

Matsu Pendragon: of COURSE!! I got you a copy too, you cheap bastard!!...I even got the premium VR headsets illumi

[Deus looks at matsu surprisingly]

Deus: if we are to survive we must deep dive into ORIGIN!!...WILL YOU JOIN ME MATSU??...IF YOU WANNA LIVE TO SEE A BRIGHT TOMORROW...WE NEED TO DO THIS NOW!!

[Matsu nods eagerly and hands desu the illumi VR headset]

Matsu Pendragon: what about that thing that's creeping through that crack in the sky?!...ugh!! I see it now!!! damn it all...what the fuck is that thing....

[Deus looks at matsu with a cold expressionless face]

Deus: I'm pretty sure that thing is cthulhu the tentacles alone are enough to verify it's the real deal...it's a great powerful god...as far as I know there's no way we could kill it as we are now...we must cross over into ORIGIN!!

[Matsu grabs his VR headset and inserts ORIGIN in the back of it]

Matsu Pendragon: this is fucking crazy man!! how are we gonna stand up to a god?!

[Deus smirks with an evil grin and opens up his book]

Deus: heh...we will become gods ourselves! this whole world is one big simulation... nothing matters in the grand scheme of things anyways...those with power must fight!!...and with this chant we will become what we are! demon lords!! hahahaha!

[Matsu backs away from deus slowly]

Matsu Pendragon: wtf are you talking about deus?! becoming demon lords?? man you're definitely out of your mind...

[Deus starts to chant something familiar and terrifying]

Deus: "false realities...cheap imitations... countless of them...unknown to the weak minded...trapped in an endless loop forever running on the wheel of ignorance...these simulacrums will no longer blind us from the real" I cast off my chains and name!!

[Deus puts on his VR headset and is engulfed by a shining bright light]

Matsu Pendragon: what in the holy hell did you just do?? you went off the deep end this time...ugh!! what is this blinding bright light!!!

[A familiar voice bellows out a bloodcurdling laugh]

ASMODEUS: HEHE!! Hahahahah!!!! ^,..,... he has to be one of the major player(s) in this game of ORIGIN...once we slay it we should be able to get exactly where we are supposed to be hehehe!! let's grill this mother fucker!!

>>>>>ohhhh! hi there! you've reached the end of this chapter in the many simulacrums of afterlife_world> I'm yours truly laughing_crow...the trickster!!...inviting you to embark on a heroic quest to kill a evil octopus aka cthulhu!!!...to uncover the secrets behind this strange VR world we call ORIGIN!! STAY TUNED AND DIVE INTO THE NEXT CHAPTER..."DEUS!! GEMINI BLADES OF THE WAKING WORLD!! DONT MISS IT! AND AS ALWAYS ITS NOT OVER TILL I SAY ITS OVER ^,..,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPIRATIONAL THOUGHT} The world is a magical place worth exploring...open your heart and mind to new possibilities...BE COURAGEOUS BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE!! SKY'S THE LIMIT...PUSH PASS YOUR LIMITATIONS!!!...BREAK THROUGH THE SKYLINE AND TOUCH THE STARS!!