

After Major accidentally destroyed the universe. He could change one thing for the next universe. He chose to remain with the people he cared about most. In this new reality, things weren't quite the same as they used to be. Everyone seemed more free to do what they wanted and the world gave off much a much more positive vibe. One thing that did change was that the once powerful character now found themselves rendered powerless, causing them to learn from the grounds up once again. The world may give off more positive energy than before, but where there is light, there is always darkness

alaagon · 都市
14 Chs


"Hokay, a one, a two and a blast off." The Glutton blew them up in the air at the barrier, Major negated it, and as per usual there wasn't a hair out of place but they were going far too high. They were headed for a window on a tower at the top floor. Like a group of cannonballs they, one by one, smashed through the glass and landed into the room.

They formed a really uncomfortable pile, that from afar looked like a collapsed game of twister. "Can you move?"

"No sorry, my leg is stuck."

"Oi, that hurts douche bag."

"Stop touching me."

"What are you idiots doing?" A short woman, with pink skin and long pink hair, strung into two ponytails was sitting on a chair, with her legs crossed in the corner of the room, watching the action unfold.

Everyone's head turned to her, not all of them could see her though."Are you done messing around? Galvinor, you can use portals, remember."

"You're right." Galvinor portalled everyone to safety and it felt good to be reunited with their limbs once more. "Ahem, Its my duty to introduce you all. This is Gamina, my twin sister. She's also in on the operation."

"Wow dude, two years of training and not a single mention of her. Really giving us the entire lowdown on this joint. Information like this would've been real useful, really really useful." Major held thumbs up sarcastically. "Well nice to meet you. Names Major, I'm basically the leader of this fine operation, got my squad with me, bout to go and discipline Solomon."

"Ha! Discipline Solomon. Nice try you fool. Solomon isn't a pushover. I've been studying him for a while now. I know his ins and outs, you have little chance against him as you are." The woman folded her arms and pouted towards him. "Idiot."

"Wow it's like talking to Aureli but not talking to Aureli." Major was brainfarted at this unfortunate turn of events.

"Ahem, don't compare me to her, I have my own personal traits that make me shine and give me advantages in life."

"What? Like only needing half the amount of face cream?"

"I'll kill you."

"Ahem." Everyone's heads snapped back to Gamina. "If we may, there's much we need to discuss about my brother. Namely his abilities and weaknesses. I have gathered much information over the recent month of this reality. To sum it up, his raw strength was enough to subdue a trick element master. The same one that taught him tricks. Solomon posesses three tricks in total, Fire, Darkness and a special one called Cursed. You already know the uses of fire and darkness so I won't cover them.

Cursed is a strange formless element that works by inhibiting the body in various ways. An example of something he can do would be weakening, literally reducing the strength of someone's muscles. He seems to possess the ability to imbue his other tricks with this cursed element so watch out for that. His tricks aren't normal.

And finally, the most worrying aspect. His AEnigma. I'm not sure of the name yet, or really what it does since I've only seen it once. I remember a black and purple flame appearing from his hand. His eyes went pitch black when using it. He placed the flame onto a man in front of him and his body vanished into thin air. He was disintegrated by the flames in a matter of seconds. It was one of the scariest things I have ever seen.

Bottom line, don't let it touch you, or you're dead. Period."

Nox scratched his chin, a bit confused and concerned by this information. "If his AEnigma is what you say, what odds do we have at beating him? None of us possess the skills to combat that. I mean I can absorb and deal with his darkness, Mureli is a fire meat shield and Major can deal with both. None of us can deal with that AEnigma of his."

"That's going on the result that well be hit by the AEnigma. Galvinor can always portal it away if need be." Major tried to bring some light into the situation.

"Actually I can't, my portals don't really work on tricks and AEnigma. Hence the reason I couldn't just portal through the barriers earlier." Galvinor seemed strangely ashamed by this factor.

"Cheer up dude, we'll find a way through this. Were strong after all. Look, I think we should just YOLO it."

"Hell no."

"Are you an idiot."

"What an imbecile."

"What? Just thinking of ideas here." Major shrugged his shoulders at the group. He understood their lack of agreement but the unfortunate truth is that no one had a plan for Solomon by their accounts. He can't be beaten, not unless they're willing to put everything on the line to do so.

The room fell silent. Not a sound in the place as everyone started to come to terms with the fact that they might not make it back from this trip. That this might be the place they die.

Nox spoke up and broke the silence. "We're here to save people. We may aswell YOLO it. One life isn't worth the entire world unfortunately. If we leave, a year down the line, well die along with everything. It's not just earth that will be destroyed and you all know it. Trillions of lives will be lost."

Aureli stepped forward after he spoke. "He's right, we all decided to come here and none of us ruled out the possibility of death. It was just a feeling that was simmering under. We have a job to do today. I'm no quitter."

Mureli followed her. "Even though you don't remember me. You're still my sister to me at heart. If I could fight beside anyone, it would be you."

Major closed the discussion. "Well then, it's about time we confronted him directly, don't you think." Major held his hand out and everyone followed suit and placed theirs ontop. "For mankind and all its sister species."

The group all walked forth into the main hall, before them were two massive doors, big enough to fit a giant through. Major held his hand up and a large ball of fire was forming from his palm.

He launched it at the door at breakneck speed, causing them to go rattling off and through the doorway. They all stepped into the frame of the throne room. It wasn't anything like they expected, it was a huge dome shaped room, the sky was inside and was as red as the outside. The floor was a perfect reflection of the sky above. In the distance, there was a throne, floating in the air.

As the group approached it, it swivelled on its axis, revealing a behemoth of a man, ten feet tall, blazing red skin, glowing red eyes and two maroon red horns sprouting from a bald head. He was resting his chin on his fist as he stared deeply at the group.

"Shall we begin, my humbled guests."