
season 2 episode 1

Sweet taste

After beatings and a great count of curses, with his self-esteem falling more and more and his will to live were as fragile as unstable glass, it would take for a person to no longer want to walk anymore, Lincoln Loud, was very optimistic and believed that everything would be fixed in a matter of time.

That after spitting in his face, insulted and belittled, he would apologize and tell him that all those lies were just that, simple lies. That they only said it because they were mad at him.

He was a boy who only lied to himself to smile in the morning. And why not do it, when at the end of the day, he might see his pretty girlfriend. Waiting for him after his club activities and walking home together always brought a smile to the albino, because he was with his special someone.

The wounds and the pain, were overshadowed by just talking with her. Something Lincoln wanted to do all day but was not allowed by his family.

Their lips were closed so as not to release any information about their current relationship, because Lincoln knew that if his family found out about his girlfriend, they would find a way to make it end.

- Linki, are you hungry? - Leaving any thought, Lincoln looked up to see his sister Leni, the only one who seemed aware of everything. Among all members of his family, Leni was the only one who cared the most about his condition. And that was something that Lincoln always loved. And even though his incestuous feelings still made his heart pound, he already knew that that kind of relationship would hurt his sister.

And it was the last thing Lincoln wanted to do.

Giving him a big smile, Lincoln pretended to be fine.

"A little Leni" Lincoln watched as his sister took some pieces of bread out of her buns. And I give it to em

—It's more than enough, Leni—

start eating them.

- that's all I could get linki, I hope that's enough - with a downcast gaze, Leni wondered why her family did this to her little brother. But before getting angry, she felt a hand in her hair caressing her and which relaxed her. And looking up the girl watched as her brother gave her a charming smile, although it was not ready, she knew that that smile meant that everything was fine.

_ Go home, before they catch you with me _ with that last the girl, nodded weakly and went home to get ready and go to school.

The same was true for Lincoln, pulling out a new pair of clothes from the doghouse, before changing he showered with the garden hose.

Ready for his school, Lincoln began his walk to it. And since his family would not let him in the van, he had to walk in an early hour. On the way he relaxed a bit, walking in silence he arrived at his school and as a ghost he entered it.

Settling into his desk, he waited for his girlfriend to show up and it didn't take long to see Cristina's red hair.

_ Good morning, Link _ received with a kiss from the redhead, Lincoln, also greeted his girlfriend and they continued to sit together and talk about trivial topics.

Like every day, Cristina greeted her boyfriend, although she was still a bit embarrassed by those videos where she kissed a photo of her, she had to admit that the albino was a good match. Her interest began with that rare white hair, then her personality began to draw attention to her; of a cheerful, optimistic, loyal and loving child.

After watching the video of the albino, she felt ashamed, but not angry as everyone would have believed.

The day was perfect for both of them, more so for the young albino. Who had waited for the moment to get away from his family and be with someone who loves him.


Like most of the time, Lincoln and Cristina were hanging out in a nearby park after school. Enjoying the company, since they were a couple, they used to be somewhat sticky for some viewers who were watching them.

Holding hands, they narrated small anecdotes that had happened to them in their lives, before they met, from time to time they gave a few small kisses on the lips, showing their great affection.


A week later

It was late afternoon and all the students who were not in a school club had left.

On a bench the albino waited for his girlfriend to come out of his athletics club, looking at the orange sky and beautiful clouds, wondering what would happen if his family did not reconsider his actions. A few dozen chances and none were good for the albino.

There was only one future that could be happy enough to accept it.

But since he could not see the future, only worry about it, the albino resigned himself to letting out a sigh.

It was getting dark now, Lincoln didn't have much time away from home or land. The point is, they didn't let him go free, they held him like a prisoner and he only came out when he had to.

Getting up from the bench, he went to look for her.

Arriving at the clubroom, Lincoln started to play, but then he heard Cristina's laugh.

"Tell Cristina, because you keep dating that fool." That question made Lincoln stop what he was going to do.

- Do not say that and it is personal - Cristina's voice, provoked in Lincoln a sense of security.

—Come on, don't be like that, tell us why you're dating him after the bet -

—Don't tell me, you started to like it -

—I thought you had better taste, Cristi—

"Of course not, I know it's pathetic and all that they said, it's just that ... I feel sorry for it."

All security, love and happiness that the albino had felt broke in that instant, I don't notice it, but his tears were afloat. Clutching his chest in pain, Lincoln lowered his head and sobbed silently.

His heart ached more and more, more than those blows he received. He was insulted by his family, friends and now his only source of happiness.

For some reason his tears stopped falling.

Lincoln, his eyes were momentarily turned off and a few minutes after being silent, he turned around and left the place. He walked very calmly and in a deep silence, not feeling alive, he wandered through the park where he spent most of his time with that person.

He sat on that bench, under a tree, where they always enjoyed their moments together.

An elderly couple looked at the young man and found it curious that he is not accompanied by that girl with reddish brown hair. That every time they were together, the older couple did not avoid remembering their youth. And it was beautiful to remember old times, the elderly, they just stared at the albino for a while and surprisingly he did not seem to move, as if he were planted in that place.

As if instead of waiting it was in a shutdown state.

It was only a few minutes that the elderly could see such strange behavior of that albino boy. Since he got up and left the place.

It was not that the albino left the trance he still was, but his body moved on its own and headed home. And once from the paved sidewalks, I see how his sister was practicing kicking soccer from the house, near where he slept. I walk over to her and interrupt her game.

"Get out useless, you'll ruin my training," Lynn Jr. exclaimed angrily to be interrupted by "bad luck."

Lincoln did not move a muscle and with force, he kicked the ball towards Mr. Complaint. His action caused him to stop looking at his sister and when he turned to see her, it was too late to dodge the push, it was not something he had done either.

- What's wrong with you, idiot! - Taking him by the neck, Lynn glared at her brother and to her surprise, the scum spat in her face, which made her pissed off more - I'll kill you!

Wanting to be hurt, wanting to feel pain, Lincoln did nothing to defend himself, he did not feel the first blow that blew out his nose, the second that knocked out a pair of teeth, the third that left him blind in one eye and the others that followed. . There came a time when the physical pain suffocated the pain in her heart, she felt better even when she felt her hot blood all over her face.

Feeling released by the pain of his broken ribs, he did not let a tear escape and was knocked unconscious after another blow to his skull.

He woke up in a very familiar white room, the medical emergency room, Lincoln could only look with his single intact eye from the beating as his entire body was covered with bandages. He really didn't care much about his health right now, he felt better after all.

Stopping inspecting himself, he felt a warm hand touching his, he turned to see who that warmth came from and smiled to see his Leni, it seemed that she was the only one who really was perfect in this world, I never left him alone, she was so kind and gentle with him, but to his "bad luck" it was his sister and it was very obvious that she would only see him that way.

The albino's movements woke up the blonde girl and once awake, she proceeded to gently hug him. Lincoln, feeling that embrace, felt free to retain her suffering and on her sister's shoulder, she cried and let go of everything.

Leni did not know, believing that he was crying for his injuries and pain, she was not aware that her brother was heartbroken.


Lincoln woke up very tired but satisfied, it was cold but the body of him and his naked sister was warm enough to warm them both.

It was a very good night for both of them, although the act was committed in the open, for the albino it was one of the best experiences that he had in his life.

But it was almost morning and I knew that some people were running at this time and I did not want to be looked at for being naked.

-Lisa, wake up- trying to lift Lisa from his chest, Lincoln felt that something was still connected inside Lisa, under her gaze and observed that his member was still inside her- wake up, Lisa, you have to wake up

Feeling full, Lisa woke up and looked at his love a little worried, then the memories of last night flashed through his mind and he couldn't help but blush at the lewd acts in the open air they had committed. Getting up in surprise, he fell to his knees because his legs did not feel well.

- There! ... I can't feel my legs- to Lincoln's amusement, he watched as his sister tried to get up, he felt a bit proud of being responsible for his sister not being able to feel her legs- Lincoln! It's not funny, Help me get dressed before someone sees us.

—I'll help you, but don't blame me, you're the one who asked for more - that comment from the albino made Lisa blush with shame.

- Shut up and help me - Lisa stopped begging for help from her now partner, when he is already dressed in his pants, he carried her and made her sit on the bench.

Proceeding to dress her, Lincoln just turned on his brain and now that he was not under the influence of his own lust, he could take a closer look at the Loli body of his 13-year-old sister. Although she didn't care much about the law, legally lisa was already an adult.

She didn't have a big chest, but she had really soft curves and skin, finishing dressing her. Lincoln finished putting on his shirt and buttoning it up.

- What are we now? - Lisa sitting and already dressed, she asked her brother who sat next to her, burning her and warming her from the weather.

Lincoln looks at Lisa and, surprising her, gave her a tender kiss on the lips.

"Make it clear," Lincoln smiled, "or do you want another one?"

"No, I'm still doubtful," Lisa replied very happy and answered by another kiss on her lips.

Carrying her princess-style Lisa, Lincoln, on the way home and luckily, Leni would still be babysitting Leah.

Once home, Lisa could walk a little better. Holding hands Lincoln and lisa, looked at each other and nodded. They both knew that for the moment their relationship would be secret.

Knocking on the door, Lincoln heard a step behind the door and it opened, showing a Leah in a new pajama.

A white pajamas with lots of pictures of kittens.

"Dad! You like it, look, it's very nice, don't you think so" turning around, Leah showed her father and aunt how cute the design was.

"She's very pretty, darling," Lisa praised.

"You're so cute, it makes you want to eat you" Lincoln grabbed his daughter and hugged her for so much tenderness. Leah on the other hand smiled and for her father's embrace.

- Lincoln? - Leni appeared and looked at her brother and sister just arriving - it's good to see you both, come in and finish breakfast

Lincoln and Lisa were hungry and entered the house to see what their sister did. Closing the door they approached to talk and ask about their day.

So Lincoln predicted that today would be a great day.

next week another chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zenagames_Gcreators' thoughts