
Episode 9

I would like to be her

_ linki, linki, it's really you_ a big smile of pure happiness, caused Lincoln to smile too, having missed that smile since the last time he saw it.

I never expect to meet his sister this way, lately things were coming towards him, as if everything was connected; Lynn's speech, Lisa's meeting, her dreams and now this. Perhaps she never asked or prayed to heaven for the opportunity to meet her beautiful angel again. But he was grateful for this happiness he was experiencing, if Leni herself were transmitting it to him.

It felt really good.

On the other hand, we see a smooth with a difficult face to decipher, his emotions were combined in a storm; happiness that Lincoln and Leni had their reunion, since he knew the affection that both had for each other.

Sad; for not being the one to give him that happiness, his reunion with his brother was nothing compared to this; there was no fear, mistrust and hatred, she knew she deserved it and many other things, but she would have liked to be treated with the same happiness that her brothers transmitted.

But the emotion that internally atrophied the scientist. It was a feeling of annoyance and irritation to see them so close together, holding each other and very close to each other. It gave her a bit of courage not to be the one in his arms, the one who brought tears of happiness to him, she wanted with her heart to be Leni.

Even so, he did not interrupt, he had promised his brother, not to annoy him again and betray that trust that had been granted him, with that in his mental standards, he stroked his arm and looked the other way, so that his heart would leave to hurt. Everything to make your brother happy, repeat in your mind.

Then we went to the impressed Leah, who was a bit stunned by the new member, she was not surprised how her father had been grabbed by a huge hug, if not, by the blonde girl who was on top of him.

The similarity to her mother was almost the same, if it weren't for her hair that was lighter and smoother, she didn't wear makeup on her eyelids. The little girl had seen pictures of her mother scattered on the walls of the house, so she had an idea of ​​what she looked like.

Putting the game aside, she walked over to where her father and that lady were. I was very curious to know who it was.

_ Now, calm down ... I'm here, I'm not going to leave _ Lincoln said, helping Leni get up, while she wiped away the tears she had shed.

_ is that, it makes me very happy to see you again, linki _ Leni adjusted her dress a bit, but at no time did she let go of Lincoln's hand.

_ It also makes me very happy to see you, Leni, look at you, you're already a lady _ Lincoln smiled and looked closely at his sister, she had a very elegant dress, but her always pale green color made it shine.

_ Yes, well silly, I had to grow up _ Leni said, with her characteristic smile of the obvious.

_ I am pleased to know that you did not change _ Lincoln commented, but then he looked behind Leni, his daughter, who was looking at him with curiosity and nervousness. He knew what was going on, or thought he knew what his daughter was as curious as he was nervous about.

_ Leni, I want to introduce you to someone, daughter come closer _ Leah was startled a little, when she saw that her father called him, but she knew that he wanted to introduce her to the young lady, whose name was Leni. She did not protest and stood beside her father, she also took his hand to try not to get nervous.

_ sister, she is my daughter, Leah, daughter, she is your aunt, Leni _ lifting the daughter into his arms, Lincoln introduced his daughter, who thanks to being in her father's arms, could see the girl more closely , who his father proclaimed as his aunt.

Pretty skin, a radiant smile, and kind eyes, Leah got acquainted with this person. They were identical, she was also blonde, according to her father she had a beautiful smile as well as a tender look. The little girl didn't know why, but she liked the similarity.

Like her brother's daughter, Leni Loud, she was also a bit disconnected, with just the mention of the word "daughter", her mind exploded, due to a small overload of sentimentality, she was affected by the beautiful reunion of her brother, for later, a tremendous blow of surprise when seeing that it introduced to him his daughter. All that combined, caused her hands to block her mouth, so as not to scream with joy, sadness, emotion, she herself did not know that she was going to leave her chest.

As she had done before, she cried with emotion and without waiting any longer, she hugged both of them.

Father and daughter were surprised to feel a big hug, but more than Leah, whose cheek was being rubbed by that of her new aunt, Leni.

_ he has! How adorable, I have a niece, what emotion, we have many things to do, go to the mall together, I will teach you to sew, I will show you my store, I almost forgot, we will also go to the mall together _ an excited Leni, I drink from the arms of his brother, his niece and I hug her with strength, talking about what they will do together.

Only the albino's daughter, noticed that her aunt had repeated the words, "shopping center", since her brothers were already used to Leni's contradictory nature. Although she found the little girl funny as her aunt, she carried her.

Lincoln smiled to see how everything seemed to look very good, he did not care about the fact that Leni had taken his daughter from his arms. She was really still used to the old Leni.

All this was witnessed by Lisa, who even looking away, could hear everything and her heart hurt a little, that she had always kept her away from her. But for her brother, it had throbbed again. Being the super genius that he was, he understood that he didn't want to be here, right now.

Without saying anything, she used a reverse ability of her sister, instead of appearing from the walk, she just disappeared, walking to a place where she could relax and breathe.


_ not jealous _ lying to herself, lisa. She knew exactly what was happening to her, what she felt, but she refused to accept it, she wanted her brother, she didn't know in what way, she wanted him for her, but she flatly refused to think it was for something more than brothers.

She was right now, at her brother's house, waiting for her, she didn't understand why, but she wanted to see her arrive with her niece, without the shadow of her sister, Leni.

A few knocks on the door, caused Lisa to quickly open it, hoping it was her brother, but to her dislike it was only Alis, her brother's friend and Leah's caretaker.

_ Good afternoon, Lisa, can I know if Lincoln is here _ Alis asked, she was looking for Lincoln to ask him out again, since the other time, he liked me so much that he wanted to repeat it. And being the direct girl that she was, she would ask herself.

_ he hasn't arrived yet, he's in the park, you can go look for him if you want _ Lisa said it simply, but even though she didn't notice, her voice sounded a bit annoying.

_ I think I'll wait for her inside, with permission _ entering as if it were her own residence, she sat on the furniture. She was someone skilled at detecting the feelings of others, she dared their expressions and noticed that her future sister-in-law was upset about something. It would be good to help her by talking about it.

Lisa really did not care if she entered, she knew the girl and her closeness with her brother, so to speak he was almost a relative. She also sat on one of the furniture that surrounded a small table. Everything seemed to remain in an uncomfortable silence until.

_ May I know what is happening? _ Alis asked, watching her sister-in-law tense a bit.

For a second she would have liked to be her old self, who did not show so many emotions, but it was inevitable to know that she was upset, her actions and humor showed it. She did not want to talk about personal matters, but she needed to talk to someone about this and even more to a stranger, who could give her some object points, about what she had to do.

_ Not even I really know, lately things are taking an unknown turn, I would not know how to express it well, but I feel attracted to someone for the first time and I do not know if it is okay to feel that way _ Lisa explained as much as possible, since sentimentality it seemed to him an unexplored place.

_ hmm ... I understand, does this guy have a girlfriend? _ Alis asked, she understood something about the subject, since it had happened to him, he had noticed albino in his first year at university, but unfortunately he was married at that time.

_ No, he doesn't have a girlfriend that I know of _ Lisa explained, seeing the girl's reaction, as she was surprised by how insightful she was.

Alis had, connected the dots and understood what was happening, but she did not know how to feel, considering herself open-minded, she knew that there were types of relationships in the world, incest, for her it was something normal, not because she had seen or witnessed it, but because in ancient times it had been carried out and today there are only few cases. Of course, that love will have consequences such as having consequences for their descendants. For a change, it was a long topic, which right now was not in her head,.

Looking ahead of her. To his sister-in-law, he would not know how to help her, he no longer wanted to do it, they were both against the same man.

His mind was recomposed when, he observed the sadness and Confusion, in the young scientist, they were not rivals, yet, the brown girl was only confused. Like anyone in your case.

_ answer me something and think about it; you felt a heat in your chest when you were with him, you felt that you didn't want to stop talking to him, you felt that you love him _ Alis said, looking seriously at the girl.

Lisa thought about it, I inquire about all her memories, from childhood like those of now. She had felt that warmth, when she and Lincoln embraced in their reconciliation.

She felt like she didn't want to stop talking to him, when they were walking through the university, talking about whatever they wanted to express.

She felt she loved him, when they held hands and looked into each other's eyes, happy to be each other.

The chestnut scientist understood that if she loved him, she could not deny that fact, she loved her brother. And she had to admit it once and for all.

_ Yes, I feel that I love her _ was Lisa's only answer. That I can leave your lips. Her tears began to come out, she knew how absurd it was to have those feelings and she did not deny that Lincoln would throw her out of her life, if she found out. He didn't want her to walk away again, not again.

Alis watched as the young woman began to cry and only approached her, to put a hand on her shoulder, giving her support. She was in love with the same man, but she understood Lisa's position, it was difficult, even for her. This was not the time to declare your feelings.

But someone had heard all that and did not know what to do or say.

translating all this is a bit boring. but interesting to see all my flaws.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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