
Episode 5


Clear, the clouds were dispersed by the current, the students of the university had fun, studied or rested from their classes, since they were on vacation. Most of them having parties, visiting family and friends. With all this because a teacher would be on the premises. The answer was very obvious if we looked at it from the perspective of the director of the same university.

A teacher and one of the guests of honor had put on a little show in between the planned contest. It was not only that, but some rumors from some students who observed that one of their teachers was having a relationship secretly from the university with a student.

Being the descriptive teacher and guest, they were sitting in their desk chairs, in full view of the principal.

_ surely you already know why I called them to my office, it is not necessary to ask about the behavior they had at the time of the contest _ the director, spoke seriously to the two present.

_ Sorry for that, Director, we just had a little brother talk and I assure you that it will not happen again _ Lincoln apologized, scratching the back of his head, nervously.

_ they are brothers? _ the director was somewhat surprised that his teacher has a blood relationship with one of the most brilliant scientists in the world. What's more, I didn't expect them to be brothers.

_ Ah yes, my old last name was Loud, but I had to change it when I got married _ Lincoln clarified. Feeling more relieved to clear his doubts.

Lisa on the other hand, just stared at her brother and the principal's talk. Drawing a simple conclusion, she understood that Lincoln and the principal were getting along. Relaxing her since, as promised and swear, I would not do anything that would harm him. But she had something to talk about with the director. And that more opportune than now.

_ director_ lisa caught the attention of the subject in question. Lincoln was silent to know what his sister would say.

_ Yes, dr.loud? _ The director, looked at his guest.

_ I want to join your university, of course, if you can _ Lisa said.

Surprising the director, but not Lincoln, who already sensed it coming. For the director, it was a bomb, one of the best teaching classes at her university, it would be something great according to her criteria. And luckily for the lord, they had a bacchante for medicine.

Muffling a huge smile, the director, left the subject of the contest in oblivion and usurped priorities.

_ I would be very happy to have you at my university, dr.loud; Just come tomorrow to have the contract ready and of course if you have nowhere to go, the university will give you a room for you _ the director, I speak something quickly, because of the emotion.

Lincoln, on the other hand, looked at the whole issue calmly, Lisa had overshadowed the problem, offering his professional work. Now it was only a matter of time before he dropped out of college and went home to enjoy his vacation. Although he still had to deal with the idea of ​​having Lisa around. He knew he had to talk to her, to clarify some things.

And as the albino predicted, the director removed them from his office a few minutes later. With the two of them outside, Lincoln offered to show his sister around campus. Lisa glad to have more time with her brother and being alone, accepted and they walked through the corridors.

_ then, brother, as you ended up as a teacher, according to my calculations, I thought you would end up being a professional cartoonist _ lisa spoke. Looking at her old calculations from her cell phone.

_ It's a very curious question, I mean, I didn't think I would be a teacher either, but look at me, I teach future professionals in the tax office; The answer to that, is somewhat long, you want to go to the cafeteria to eat while I tell you, I craved a hamburger _ Lincoln spoke, while he laughed a little touching his stomach.

_ Sounds good, I have in mind some sanguis of jam and butter _ Lisa spoke, understanding his brother on a whim. Walking slowly through the corridors, Lincoln began to tell his story.

_ it all started, when I was living in the Pingrey house ...


Retrospective scene

A young albino, he was lying in his bed, reading a book that his new family had provided him. It had been about 2 years now, since he had faced his fears and left his former family. And things seemed to be looking up for this boy. Not only had he overcome his dependence on the Loud, which at first had a hard time assimilating that that united family, sisters who enjoyed his company like him, parents who understood him and helped when they needed it. They would have changed for the worse. But thanks to having great help from Carol Pingrey's parents, Messrs. Marco and Marcelin. And with a lot of therapy he had overcome his physical and mental traumas.

There were moments of nightmares, where he screamed and cried, but always the Pingrey gentlemen, hugged him and reinforced their affection. Like his daughter, Carol, who had grown very fond of him.

But that was rarely.

With all this, Lincoln set out to improve as a person. Contributing efforts in studies and sports. Fortunately for the albino. A few months when he was adopted by the Pingrey, they had moved to another city, favoring that he did not meet any family member.

His advances were very good, that is, he had a hidden talent for physics and mathematics. He still did not stop the habit of drawing. Something that the Pingrey lords were proud of. With the help of Carol, who was already halfway through college, he was able to take advanced classes.

And for all his efforts, he was rewarded and finished high school at 14. And with a free admission to college from his sister Carol. For his more than excellent grades he was awarded a scholarship.

But it was the question of what to study that Lincoln was thinking.

The albino thought he had to choose for a promising future. On the one hand he was very good at physics and on the other he was a very good artist. Two subjects very far apart from each other.

The thoughts of that teenager were interfered with by a small knock on the door of his room.

_ Lincoln, are you okay, can I come in? _ The female voice of the young albino's adoptive sister was heard outside.

_ pass _ Lincoln answered.

And as if it were usual, Carol entered the young man's room. And seeing her thoughtfully lying on her bed. She lay down next to him staring at the ceiling as her brother did.

¬_ And how do you feel _ Carol, I ask. Already knowing the problem that his adoptive brother, only wanting his albino to tell him more about his feelings, make him open up more with her.

_ With doubt, I still can't decide what to become _ Lincoln replied. Specifying your dilemma.

_ Did you convert? _ Carol said something confused.

_ you know, how I can become a better person, the decision I make will decide that I will become_ Lincoln answered. I had thought a lot about this particular topic. If he became an artist, he was sure, that he would relax, that he would express his feelings through the brush. And on the other hand, being a physicist, I wouldn't know if it would be the same or it would close forever. For some reason, Lincoln didn't want to let his trust end.

_ Why so much doubt, your career does not decide what you will become, that will only be done by you _ Carol explained. He was already in college and there were cases in which colleagues were greatly influenced by their careers.

_ But it influences the result, right? _ Lincoln turned to look at her, to look for an answer from his favorite person.

_ Maybe ... you are right, Lincoln, but you should not worry about what you will do, I have faith that you will not change, that you will be the same person that you have always been and if in the case that you become what you fear to become, always you will have me, to give you a couple of combos, to make you react _ Carol spoke, hitting the forehead of her albino with a finger.

_ I think that, it relieves me a bit, not the hit, that will hurt ... but thanks for the help, Carol _ Lincoln said with a smile. He watched his sister's eyes for a few minutes and she copied the movement. Their hearts were beginning to heat up and race. But neither wanted to stop seeing the other's eyes.

End of flashback

_I think that was the moment, in which he began to feel something for her and it was also the reason for him to make a decision _ Lincoln said, melancholy. Sitting in one of the chairs in the college dining room.

_ I'm glad, that you have found love brother, even after what happened, you already know who _ Lisa, I speak; referring to a certain childhood love interest of his brother.

_ I also thought about that and you know what happened to her _ Lincoln asked; curious to know the future of his first love.

_ Not much, what I have been able to know about her is basic, she is still living with her parents and attends a university, any personal interest, brother? _ Lisa asked at the end. Although she didn't know much about her brother now. She always had very fast feelings as a child. And she was curious, and she wanted to know what her brother thought of that girl.

_ Of course, she influenced a lot in elementary school and made me curious, what had happened to her _ Lincoln confirmed.

_ It shows that Carol was a good wife, it seems that she closed wounds and I'm glad for that _ Lisa said. Speaking of Carol; now the scientist held her brother's late wife in high regard.

_ It's delicious, but it is better to hurry, Leah is very excited to play with you coming home _ Lincoln said, finishing his hamburger. Lisa nodded, she liked spending time with her niece.

Both finishing their tour of the university, Lincoln said goodbye to some of some students. For Lisa, the time she spent with her brother was a blessing, knowing and learning from him. He got a bit excited when they started talking about theories and thanked Carol very much for this. Since now he could talk about science with his albino brother without repeating his words.

But the two of them were stopped at the exit by a girl, beautiful, blond hair and wearing a somewhat rude clothing.

_ Lincoln, what happened yesterday, something bad happened? _ the blonde spoke, worried about her teacher.

_ Or not at all Penny, I just had a small inconvenience, nothing important; look at my side, she will be a new medical teacher, you already know her _ Lincoln introduced his brown sister.

_ Nice to meet you, Miss Penny _ Lisa spoke kindly; having practiced not being so cold, in her introductions. She raised her hand to shake with the college student.

_ It is a pleasure for me, it is my idol of medicine _ Penny squealed with excitement, with her hands she shook her idol very energetically.

_ So you wanted something? _ Lincoln asked. Friendly and with his characteristic smile.

_ he, y-yes, I wanted to know if you would like to come to dinner with my family on Sunday, they will have a barbecue _ somewhat blushing Penny, I ask.

_ Sunday, okay, I'm really looking forward to going _ Lincoln said, choking on a large and delicious steak, well sewn.

_ Great, this is the address _ Penny, I handed a note to Lincoln, where was the location, where would the dinner be from_ bye, I'll be waiting for you, Lincoln _ was the last thing the two brothers heard before the girl ran away.

_ You know what he likes about you, right? Brother _ Lisa asked. Noting the trail the girl had left.

_ I know, but it is not very adorable to say no, also it caught some of my attention _ Lincoln spoke, being something mysterious.

Lisa was somewhat perplexed because her brother, this flirting with his student, but in a matter of age, they seemed to be the same. But she was still a student, sooner or later that would cause trouble.

Without knowing or by a reflex, something that the scientist had not noticed, was that her hands were in fists, clenching hard for some reason, She did not want her brother Valle to that dinner, but she could not tell him to just not go.

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