
Episode 4

A dance

The rozas were incredibly beautiful, they were a form of memory, a declaration of love and goodbye. On the sides of a hospital bed, there was that brush that overflowed his inner happiness towards the young couple. Under those sheets, the lower part from the waist of that blonde girl rested. I have tried to endure as long as possible, clinging to life and not letting go of her husband's somewhat calloused hand, I looked sadly at that brush. The last she would receive in her life.

Trying not to break for what was going to be lost, she squeezed her husband's hand tightly, next to it she bit her lip so as not to sob in front of him.

Her first steps, first words and the honor of being named as a mother, a life full of happiness, growing old with her husband and dying at his side. They were a torment for the heart of that woman who would not see her daughter grow up and could not be with her husband. She couldn't take it anymore and she cried, her tears slipping down her cheeks and then falling to the sheet.

Her husband seeing his love crying, could only take her in a big hug and not let go. I cry with her, it hurt too much for him too. But he had to be strong. Not only because it will be the last time you see your love. If not because he wanted her to go quiet. Whatever happens, protecting her daughter.

The husband's back became wet and the wife's crying, not wanting to leave. They made it almost impossible not to break down right there next to her.

She squeezed more and more, stroking her hair _ I love you and I will not forget you, you will always be my love _ the husband said, shedding tears. It was impossible not to cry when his wife, internally and in tears, was supporting life.

They both collided their foreheads as they parted a bit, even with their tears, they were happy to be with each other.

_ take care of her, make her brush her teeth every day, sleep early and tell her that her mother loves her very much _ the blonde girl said, trying to give her husband a smile, but it was almost impossible, she couldn't deny her sadness.

_ I will, I will, I swear to you, just stay a few more minutes, please just a few more minutes _ the albino husband pleaded, crying hard for the last will of his wife.

With each other they looked into his eyes and could not help but merge into his last kiss. Mixing their tears and caressing each other's cheeks, they never stopped crying. They would both lose today.

Lincoln and Carol ended their kiss with a small sad smile from both of them.

_ Although, I wish I can not, I find it difficult to breathe, it hurts _ Carol said crying; the pain in her lungs kept increasing and her breathing shortened.

_ I love you _ Lincoln said, as he laid his wife on the hospital bed. Carol looked into the eyes of her favorite albino, her husband, and her first love.

He remembered how she found him about to jump, to end his life. But before he does, she convinced him to move on, giving hope to that young man. Who would later become her husband and father to her daughter. I memorize all the kisses that had been given throughout her life. I appreciate the memories of your wedding and the day of your daughter's birth.

He only smiled at the life that he and she gave to each other.

_ I love you too, bunny _ Carol answered and giving him the nickname that she had given herself. Then she felt her breathing getting weaker and weaker. As her heart begged for oxygen. Her body began to cool down and her body stopped working.

That girl's eyes were slowly closing, but before leaving, she looked one last time at the love of her life and gave her her typical smile. That everything was fine. She also saw him smile, albeit with tears.

The albino when she saw how the eyes of her beloved closed completely and her breathing was stopped. She bit her lip to keep from screaming. Making a small wound on his lip. She approached her dear wife who was resting in peace.

And his lips kissed her forehead and said.

_ Thanks for everything, Carol _


Lincoln woke up from that dream, with tears in his eyes. And an anxiety attack invaded his body. Breathing heavily, she tried to get out of bed and turn on her cell phone.

Activating a song that helped him calm down. And thanks to the lyrics and melody of the song, the albino was able to breathe easier.

He walked over to the photo frame on his nightstand. I take it gently and look at his wife and gently touch the glass of the photo with his fingers, right where the face of his beloved was. As if the image were alive, the albino only dedicated himself to caressing it very upward, as if it were porcelain. His tears had stained the glass of the photo, but even with that somewhat forced smile he only approached and as in his dreams, kissed the photo where he was carrying his wife.

He would not lie to himself as he did to others, that the loss of his wife still affected him and hurt him too much. She would be his present and with her on his mind, it was clear that he would not advance into the future. He wasn't ready to let her go. For the 19-year-old, she was perfect.

He smiled even though his heart ached, despite your fears and sadness, smile. It was something Lincoln knew how to do from a young age. He was a prodigy at making people believe that he was happy with life. He will only smile to deceive the withered heart he had.

His daughter, even if it sounded bad, she was not enough to make his heart glad, as his mother had. But still, he loved his daughter more than anything.

With the photo still in his hands and his fingers touching the glass where his wife's face was. He began to dance slowly with it in his hands, in a slow, classical little dance, accompanied by the song that was still playing. He delicately rotated along with the photo. And she gave slow movements of her arms and legs, in a delicate, precise and elegant dance.

Still crying and forcing his smile, he danced with what he believed to be his wife, as if he had his wife next to him again, dancing to their favorite song.

By something strange that the albino sounds like, he could swear that the scent of brush and fresh air that his beloved had, was felt in the air, as if she were with him.

A strange being with a thin appearance and blond hair appeared in front of him. And I take his hands to dance with him. The warm sensation of his palms were the constant for Lincoln to look ahead of him. And he saw that his hands and body were being moved by what appeared to be his wife.

_Carol ... _ the albino said no more. Not wanting to think that it might be a hallucination, he just forced his mind to say that it was his ghost. And that it was real. Without further ado I dance with her. Every time the moment felt more real for the albino. Taking delicate steps left and right, up and down. Along with some twists. The song ended.

The albino who had closed his eyes, opened them to only find the frame with the photo in his hands. He understood that it was his imagination and just sighed, returning the frame to its place. Still he was happy to dance with her once more, even if it was just his imagination.

Encouraged, he left his room, still with his nightwear on top of him, to prepare breakfast. Some scrambled eggs with sausage in it, accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate. Your daughter's favorite. Closing the room leaving it completely empty.

But in that room, in the frame where there were still some tears, in the photo where the albino's wife was, where she was enormously smiling in the arms of her love. Actually somewhat paranormal, the image of her shed a couple of tears.


_ Dad, will Aunt Lisa come today? _ Leah asked, looking at her back eating her scrambled eggs, which fascinated her. Looking at her father who was drinking her hot chocolate.

_ yes, I think between a few minutes, but just be a while and then me and your aunt, we are going to college _ Lincoln said looking at the newspaper.

_ Ah, too bad, I was hoping to spend time with her_ Leah felt a little disappointed, but then her disappointment turned to curiosity _ Why aunt, Lisa, would you accompany you to your work? They work together, daddy! _ Leah was surprised, but I wait for her father's answer.

_ I don't know if he worked at the university, but I suspect that he did; but it's not because of work, it's just that the director sent us a message to talk to her _ Lincoln said, thinking about her sister. Although he still didn't like her presence. I knew she was very sorry. Not everyone decides to just leave everything, absolutely everything just to be with her and her daughter / niece.

The albino and her sister talked about some things, one of them was that she was going to quit her job in the army and move close to her. Which did not surprise Lincoln, since she knew that her little sister had been working with them before she left. He denied that he did it, he didn't want him to get in big trouble with the state.

Lisa said there would be no problem, that she had already done her job for the country. That her time will be her and her niece. Clearly when the albino gives him permission.

After that they talked about trivial things and some anecdotes, but never mentioning their relatives.

_ Or, then after that they will come home _ Leah said.

_ Yes, so don't worry p- _ before finishing her words, the doorbell rang. Lincoln with a normal pace opened the entrance of his house.

And I look at his sister, with a small smile.

_ Good morning, brother, I can enter your rooms _ Lisa said normally.

_ Good morning too, Lisa, come on in, there are scrambled eggs _ Lincoln said, letting his sister pass. She was grateful that he let her pass, and then went to the dining room and could see her niece with pale blond hair in it.

He went to her and hugged her _ good morning, Leah _ lisa said stroking her niece's hair.

_ Good morning too Auntie, I'm glad you came, although I know for a while _ Leah said, allowing herself to be pampered by her aunt.

_ Yes I am also happy to see you, but calm down for a longer time I will come again to play with you _ Lisa replied encouraging her niece.

Lincoln observed his daughter's interaction with her sister and it could be said that the two got along very well. With all this he was still a little uneasy about his daughter being close to lisa. But he had to trust, she would have wanted it.

He only dedicated himself to bringing his sister breakfast. Everything seemed to be stabilizing.

But again the doorbell rang, Lincoln knowing who it was, he opened it but before he left his sister's breakfast on the table.

On Lisa's side, he wondered who he was, but his prodigy mind deduced that he was perhaps Leah's nanny. But instead of paying attention to the babysitter, he turned his full attention to his niece, wanting to learn from her.

Opening the door, Lincoln smiled.

_ Good morning darling, what about breakfast today _ Alis said, happily as she touched her albino's chest.

Lincoln smiled at how playful his friend could be _ well darling, today we have scrambled eggs with sausage and hot chocolate to drink _ Lincoln followed suit. But I was not expecting the following.

_ Sounds delicious, but I like yours better _ Amy said, passing her hand on the left quadriceps, touching the crotch.

Lincoln blushed for that. Moving a bit, not being able to play the game, he said _ just go, breakfast is in the kitchen _

_ Haha, if you can't with the game, don't follow it _ Amy laughed, as she entered the house.

The albino just sighed, for it was something intense, he just closed the door and followed his friend.

Amy, entering her albino's house, quickly arrived at the dining room, only to find a girl with brown hair, very young, about 12 to 14 years old. Laughing with her friend's daughter. I didn't know what to think, I was a little jealous. And she wondered who that girl was.

_ Good morning, Leah and you young lady _ Amy said greeting the two.

_ Miss Amy! Look, I have an aunt _ Leah said. Causing the blonde to calm down.

When Lisa saw the babysitter, she introduced herself _ good morning, Miss Amy, I'm Lincoln's sister and Leah's aunt, my name is Lisa Loud _

_ Loud? _ Amy asked, not understanding why she did not have the same last name as her former teacher.

At that moment Lisa, she knew she had screwed up. But before she tried some miracle to save herself. Her brother came and saved her.

_ Hey Lisa, we don't have to go anymore, come hurry, Amy takes good care of Leah there is chocolate in the kitchen, if you like you can eat them, goodbye girls _ Lincoln hurriedly took his sister by the doll and quickly left the house.Leaving two blondes confused.

another chapter, I just saw that there are things that do not add up. But what's up, not everything will be perfect...

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