
Episode 3


_ For the love of God, lisa, you know that everything is nonsense! _ Lincoln Loud said in a pleading and desperate tone; being held by the wrists and ankles. Lying on a table at the mercy of his 4-year-old younger sister.

The brunette with glass eyes, they are at his table monitoring the entire body of his brother, his actions may be somewhat risky and bad, but it was all for the common good, he was creating a vaccine that would help the recovery of broken bones. And he needs a test subject and who more than his brother, with all that bad luck, had the opportunity to experiment with a human body, giving the excuse of curing his brother.

She checked how the bones of her brother's lower body, more specifically the bones of the chalcanium and proximal and distal phalanges, were damaged.

Three real ribs completely broken. And the cube on the left divided in two. Something that surprised the scientist was that her patient was completely conscious. In most cases, a single broken bone was enough for the subject to have a shock from the pain or to scream about it.

_ Please Lisa, don't do it, it hurts ... _ Lincoln said in total supplication, with tears in his eyes, the albino boy could resist the pain of his broken bones, but not the pain caused by regenerating them. It was a burning throughout his internal body.

The scientist did not mind the cries and pleas of her brother, ignoring his whim, she took a syringe and brought it to the rat's neck.

_ No, no, lisa, put that thing away, please distension, put it away! _ Lincoln tried to scream again but his voice was blocked by a tape.

_ Quiet homo-sapien, it will only hurt a little _ lisa each time brought the needle to the skin of the albino, who was trying at all costs to get out of that table. The needle is slowly inserted through the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, muscle, and then into a vein. Injecting the serum.

Then the albino felt it, as her whole body began to burn, as the bones joined and re-formed. The albino couldn't help but scream.


A small chill ran down her spine. As an involuntary reflex he felt the burning, pain and her screams. The young physics master's breathing began to accelerate. Strangely the albino felt heavier than usual.


Those simple words managed to tense him enough to sweat with fear.

The gazes of the two brothers connected for a brief second, long enough for the albino to slip away from his student's hand and start running.

The students, teachers, guests and director; they were very impressed by the genius girl's tears. The students began to whisper things and the teachers and principal fixed their gaze where their tearful guest was watching. Only to see the physics teacher, Lincoln Pingrey, rush off the premises.

_ Lincoln, come back! _ And to the impression of all the students, Lisa Loud shouted the name of her best teacher. The brunette jumped down and ran after her brother.

Leaving the public in suspense and curiosity. Instead the director just continued the contest.

Miss Penny, I hear whispers from your classmates like; "It will be her girlfriend" "I don't think so, Professor Lincoln never liked me, minors" "It could be her sister", those whispers only made pressure on the student's clenched fists.


_ brother! _ Lisa Loud shouted again when she only saw her brother's white hair in the distance. Even though it wasn't her best stat, she couldn't give up this opportunity.

Instead, the albino just ran home, she was scared and that was something visible in her eyes. The memories of all the experiments towards her person, passed through her head, for each step, she remembered the horrible pain that she had manifested. But her distraction was so great that she didn't notice a small rock on the ground. That caused her downfall.

Thanks to that stumble, the scientist was able to reach him and pounce towards him in a huge hug and with force, so that he does not escape.

_ get away! _ Lincoln shouted scared; abruptly trying to free himself from his biological sister's grip. Just feeling again the hands that caused so much pain, caused him to tremble.

_ No! I know I'm wrong, Lincoln, I'm an idiot, stupid and treacherous, I'm a bad person, but I'm too smart to know that if I let you go, I won't be able to see you again! _ Lisa said crying. While squeezing with all her might. Her tears only fell to the ground _ please don't go away, don't go away from me again, brother, have mercy, this feeling hurts, it hurts a lot _ with the pain in her heart, Lisa begged.

_ You had no mercy, when I begged you to stop! You had no mercy when you used me as an animal, don't you wear mercy with me, don't think that I will have it with you! So get away! _ with a hint of courage Lincoln said, still trying to get away with blows from his sister.

Lisa received the blows that were aimed at her sword; resisting her because this was nothing her brother suffered at her expense.

_ excuse me, excuse me, please ... _ Lisa Loud desperately begged.

_ I can not, I can not, understand, I do not want to know anything about you and your stupid family _ Lincoln in a last blow, hit the occipital part of the scientist, falling faint to the ground.

With some fear, Lincoln looked at what he had done. I look everywhere but there was no one. His sight fell on his sister again.

"What do I do with her?"

Not knowing what to do with it, Lincoln thought of various possibilities; take him to the police station or a hospital, it would take his time and they would ask about the damages, he would probably end up in more serious trouble. At school, they would take information from his personal life and his students would see it differently, for having brought the guest unconscious and injured. And if he left her here, something could happen to her, terrible. She didn't want to know anything about them, but she didn't want anything bad to happen to them; in another sense, Lincoln, hated his conscience.

He could only carry her and take her to his residence. Maybe, just maybe she could come to terms with her sister, not to go back and not say where she lived.



With a little pain in her head, Lisa woke up. Her memory returned and she remembered what had happened. She found her brother and they were chased, which led to her fainting. He looked to his left and saw a photo that caused him to be impressed.

It was a photo of some young newlyweds. She took the frame and appreciated the photo more, I observed the husband carrying his wife. The impressive thing was that she knew the people who were celebrating. It was his brother, Lincoln, and his sister's rival, Carol Pingrey.

She didn't think so, her brother is a married man.

_ you're done _ a voice familiar to Lisa. Coming from her back, she caused her to turn around, to see her brother sitting on a chair.

She was speechless for a moment, leaving an awkward silence. But reassuring for the girl. But steeling himself, he asked.

_ Did you get married? _ Lisa asked.

_ Yes _ was the short answer of the albino. Looking at the photo that her sister's hand held.

_ I really regret having done that damage _ tried to apologize, Lisa left the frame in place and approached her brother.

_ I know you do, but I can't let you come back in my life _Lincoln said, looking at the ground.

_and you have every right to do it, but I just want you to give me a chance, I will leave everything to have you in my life again_ she said, taking her brother's hand.

_ Please understand, I want to forget that, and move on _ Lincoln said, trying hard not to remember her experiments.

_ Just one chance, and I promise you if I ever hurt you, physically or emotionally, I will never go back, just one _ smooth, he squeezed his brother's hand, trying to speak.

On the other hand, the young albino did not know what to do, all the damage, memories were still in his head and he did not think he would be able to forget them. He thought about the good to forget the bad. The moments when he carried his little sister on his shoulders, when she helped him in his studies and the good moments they spent dancing. With all the good stuff overshadowing the bad memories, I reconsider, just this once, to give a chance. Maybe it was time to face his past and not keep avoiding it.

"Because I'm an idiot"

_ It's okay Lisa, only one _ the albino left sighing about everything that her mind had to deal with now. But she was interrupted by a big hug from her sister.

_Thank you, thank you, I really promise that I will not hurt you again _ she cried like never at this moment. She had recovered something inside her, something had also been born that moment.

In them the connection that had been broken was rejoined. Stronger than ever that was love.


After a beautiful moment they parted ways. Lisa was smiling very happy to have her brother back. On the part of the albino he was also happy, but internally he was a little afraid.

_ Are you hungry? We just made dinner and there is a lot of _ Lincoln kindly invited.

_ Are we finished ?, You and Carol, they cooked_ Lisa asked, very curious about her brother's married relationship. But he was alerted to see a grimace almost invisible to his eyes. She was small but she could see sadness in his eyes.

_ Carol ... died, lisa ... _ Lincoln gave with a somewhat low tone. Then lisa understood why that grimace originated.

_ sorry for that, I did not want to make you remember that _ she lowered her gaze.

_ -No problem, it's been a while since your departure; But let's forget that, come on, they're waiting for us_ Lincoln got up to direct her to the table.

Lisa observed every detail of her brother's house, a detail that made her sad is that the love of her life had passed away. But she with her all her effort would improve her brother's mood. Looking at the frames she could see some photos of her and Carol. In the photos you could see how happy they were.

_ Lisa, could you do me the favor of not talking about them _ Lincoln said.

_ I understand ... no problem, brother _ she could only accept that she did not even want to know about her family. Without asking more. She took a few quick steps to take her brother's arm. The albino was surprised but did not deny affection. But she couldn't deny that it made her a little uncomfortable.

_ Hey, sorry for the blows, I was not in my boxes _ Lincoln said, before reaching the first floor.

_no problem, I deserved it _ he looked at his brother, who smiled a little. Knowing that it was an honest little smile, she was glad for it.

_ dad! You were late with the lady, don't blame me if I ate your dessert _ a shrill voice was heard. Alerting the chestnut.

_ L-Lincoln ... y-y-you have one _ Lisa's glasses were wet by small tears of emotion, sadness.

_ Yes, her name is Leah _ Lincoln finished. Causing the brunette to take her hands and hold back a cry of emotions.

Then Lisa saw her, she was a girl with pale blond hair, with beautiful eyes, white skin, a round face and small freckles on her cheeks.

Lincoln watched his sister's reaction and tried to calm her down, giving her a little pat on her hair. Lincoln looked at his daughter, who was looking at him and his sister.

_ Daughter, I introduce you to your aunt, Lisa _ the albino said, still stroking her sister's hair. To the surprise of both, the little girl came out stars in her eyes. And she walked quickly towards them.

_ cool is my aunt, but if she is very young, my name is Leah_ The albino's daughter said as she took her new aunt by the hand.

Lisa just walked up to the girl and gave her a big hug.

con estos son 4 capitulos.

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