
¿Did You Check The Window?

2 Chs

¿Why did you run?

After i ran out the room i looked around trying to find the exit, but the weird part is that i was still in the room he was just staring at me, he had beautiful blue eyes it was like looking at a beautiful lake through his eyes. The last thing i heard before he vanished was, "Is this scary enough?" I was scared alone i called for help but no one could hear me i got knocked out for no reason. I woke up the next day and i just stared out the window i called my girlfriend letting her know what had happened she called me crazy, she let me go sleep at her house. Me and her just went out for the whole day we had fun but i still had him in my mind i couldn't forget his eyes, his face it was burnt it was like he got burnt but how is his eyes still good. I went to sleep in the room next to her i was scared to fall asleep but i had to i closed my eyes for a couple minutes i fell asleep, I woke up to hearing a big slam by the door i woke up as fast i could i looked up to the door and it was him just standing there looking at me. i got scared and got up i tried running but he was at the door, i just stared at him i screamed for my girlfriend to get up but she didn't it was weird i screamed at him saying "what did you do where is she" he didn't answer then he came to me and got right up to my face and said, "¿why did you run?."