

作者: _G0J0_
Anime & Comics
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WebNovel で公開されている、_G0J0_ の作者が書いた ¡¡¡BIENVENIDO A MI REINO DE HEROES!!!¡¡¡ YO SOY NARUTO DELKIRA!!! の小説を読んでください。Básicamente una historia simultanea de ¡¡¡BIENVENIDO A MI REINO DEMONIACO!!!¡¡¡ YO SOY NARUTO DELKIRA!!!básicamente es la perspectiva desde el mundo demoniaco de naruto y como obtendrá el control del ...


Básicamente una historia simultanea de ¡¡¡BIENVENIDO A MI REINO DEMONIACO!!!¡¡¡ YO SOY NARUTO DELKIRA!!! básicamente es la perspectiva desde el mundo demoniaco de naruto y como obtendrá el control del reino demoniaco para ver como ambas historias convergen.ahora si la sinopsis. Hijo del rey demonio y la criminar Arsenal (lilith Okumura).[y si es para hacer referencia a Arsenal del fanfic de honor en la familia y siendo justos no me gusto para nada ese fanfic, demasiado perderdicio de idea y tramas]~quien diría que cuando invoque un demonio para un trato invocaría el rey demonio he he~ dijo una mujer moribunda con un traje desgarrado consiste en un abrigo negro, una bufanda de color gris y una pantalón azul marino una mujer hermosa con su piel pálida, cabello de color azul oscuro y ondulado, con grandes ojos color turquesa. Ella también tenía un par de lunares en la cara. con su traje destrozado y sangrando, no tenia mejor plan que invocar un demonio, poco conocido por el publico en general pero ey quería vivir y ahora delante de ella tenia al jodido rey demonio. Un demonio extremadamente alto, de piel clara, cabello morado hasta la cintura con una pequeña sección atada en un moño redondo y varios mechones que cubren la parte superior de su rostro. Tiene orejas puntiagudas, garras oscuras y cuernos blancos que se curvan hacia arriba.ese día mis padres se conocieron y no tarde mucho en nacer yo, Naruto Delkira, al menos ese es mi nombre en el mundo demoniaco pero en el mundo humano es Naruto okumura.

10 タグ

Your Touch And Love

Danendra and Alina have been in a relationship since high school. But they separated because Danendra had to complete his education. "I'm going to carry out state duties, I ask that you will remain faithful to wait for me until I return later". Danendra said to Alina. "I will always wait for you". Said Alina. Before leaving, Danendra and Alina spent time together, they were a very romantic couple. Danendra's love for Alina is so great, and vice versa. "I will still miss you, Alina". I will go home to justify you, take good care of yourself, Alina". Danendra said before his departure. Danendra looked at Alina differently, as if he wanted to say something but was unable to express it. Who would have thought, Danendra's departure at that time was the last meeting for Alina. Alina hears about Danendra's death on the battlefield. Alina was devastated, Alina was shocked to hear the news. She ran to the room and took a photo of him with Danendra. "I hate you, I hate traitors like you, why are you doing this to me, why?". Alina shouted hysterically, tears streaming down her cheeks. Alina witnessed the return of Danendra's body which was neatly wrapped in the coffin. The marriage that Danendra promised is now just a story. Meanwhile, not one day after Danendra's departure, Alina's parents set her up with Rei, who is none other than Alina's best friend as well as her boss where Alina works. Since then Alina has never wanted to communicate with anyone, including her parents, it's been one year since Danendra's departure, during that time Alina stayed in the room. Danendra is the first and last person Alina loves until now. ................................................................. ............... "What about Alina?". "Will Alina be able to live her life without Danendra?". "Will Alina accept her match with Rei who is none other than her own best friend?". Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel. If you like it, don't forget to support this novel by giving as many Power Stones as you can, and write your opinion in the review and comments column so I can correct what's wrong. One Power Stone and comments or reviews from you are my motivation to write. Happy Reading!

Linayanti · 都市
153 Chs

Destiny chose us and love will find a way

True love will never find you in a possible situation where you are expecting it, It will find you in a impossible situation where you are least expecting it could happen. Why there are so much of rules and regulations to even fall in love? Why people dont understand love is not something which defined rules, limitations and boundary? Most of the time I think the people who are living in another country they are so lucky in case of all this they fall in love with someone and get easily become part of each others life. But in India there are few more steps, few more rules and regulations, few more limitations set by the society. And I have seen many of the great love stories not completed from ancient time because of this hypocrite society we have and personally transparent society is much better than the hypocritical one. I have seen many of the people who even not express what they truly feel for someone. In our country if any individual want to fall in love with someone so the first question come in place will it possible? What will be the future of it? Will I supposed to invest and confess my emotions? And if that so what people will think about me? Whether my family will accept it? And list goes on, It's seriously a biggest question in itself what people will think? Trust me, if I have a right I will write this question in a world record book because many of the great things in to the world which can actually bring a good changes, many of the great love stories which will have a capability to set an example and many of the great lovers are actually failed because of this just a single question. Why we don't understand the sImple concept ? That it is never about a community, religion, cast, gender, status symbol, society and our families it's only about a person who you choose for yourself. Because many of the people who decided to go according to the set of rules they are actually end up regretting for a complete life like they had a chance to write there own love story but they never gave even a shot. So this story also have same concept about life where two people meet, got to know each other and love will ultimately find them in this big world and so called destiny everytime come in to the picture but they caught up in this same situation. Will they be together? Will they realize there is something in between them? Will they give that shot of love? There is love, passion, commitment, attraction and the so called destiny, when destiny decided to connect them again and again no matter whatever you do that particular thing will happen with you. That's all about this story is "Destiny choosed us and love will find a way" .

RenukaDeshpande · 現実
1 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


