
Abandoned Villainess: Forgotten Princess

作者: chaosgoddess
Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 6.2K ビュー
  • 3 章
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What is Abandoned Villainess: Forgotten Princess

WebNovel で公開されている、chaosgoddess の作者が書いた Abandoned Villainess: Forgotten Princess の小説を読んでください。"Ah, did I die?"Medea Pandora de Viotto blinked the drowsiness from her blurry vision. Her white eyelashes fluttered in confusion at the familiar prison that had confined her since childhood. "Wasn't ...


"Ah, did I die?" Medea Pandora de Viotto blinked the drowsiness from her blurry vision. Her white eyelashes fluttered in confusion at the familiar prison that had confined her since childhood. "Wasn't this my room from before that vixen came into the palace? God truly did not abandon me after all." A villainess condoned by all when all she wanted was the slightest familial affection sent back thirteen years before her execution. "Well then, should I exact my revenge or let it go? Perhaps I should just be as heartless to them as they were to me?" ================================= Oneodore, a world of fantasy. One where the influence of the Goddess of life and the God of Death reign supreme, a certain girl deemed as a villain by everyone suddenly gets a second chance to redeem herself. Will she follow her original charted destiny or leave the world to burn in the destruction of her deeds? Would she choose to salvage the home that eventually betrayed her in the end or leave it to crumble? []===========[] This story will most likely have a realistic ending. The female lead is pretty overpowed and there will be minimal romance with no male lead for those that just need a breather like me! ^^ Also, the goal is pain. Beware because this novel is full of angst. This novel is mainly for me so expect infrequent updates.

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Alexsa Dan Ahn

Badai dan hujan lebat mengguyur kota besar di larut malam, tidak ada kegiatan di kota karena hujan di malam itu. Di dalam hutan seorang gadis muda usia 18 tahun terbaring dilumupur dengan pakaian rumah sakit berlumuran darah. Tidak ada yang menyadari keberadaan wanita itu di dalam hutan sampai keesokan pagi. Pagi hari setelah hujan lebat mengguyur, sekolompok petugas kebersihan memasuki hutan untuk membersihkan sampah yang hanyut terbawa hujan, seorang petugas wanita yang sudah tua bernama ibu Marina sedang membersihkan di sekitar gadis itu. Terlihat oleh nya banyak sampah plastik yang bersandar pada sesuatu hingga menghalangi sampah itu untuk hanyut terbawa hujan, awalnya ia mengira, itu hanya dahan pohon yang patah. " Karena hujan semalam, tanpa curiga ibu Marina membersihkan nya. Tak lama saat membersihkan ia terkejut saat melihat ada, tangan manusia di bawah tumpukan sampah, karena syok ibu Marina berteriak sehingga para petugas pembersih lain menghampiri nya. "Ada apa bu?" Kenapa berteriak". Seseorang wanita paru baya ibu Siti menghampiri nya dan bertanya dengan suara panik. "I-itu disana t-tangan." Ia menunjukan kearahs tangan itu sambil gemetar. Ibu Siti melihat ke arah tangan itu dengan pandangan heran dan sedikit ngeri. "Astaga, mungkin kah itu mayat?" Batin ibu Siti yang sudah ikut panik itu. "A-aku" akan hubungi polisi, tolong tunggu sebentar". Ibu Siti segera menghubungi polisi. Saat di selidiki ternyata wanita itu masih sadar tapi keadan nya sangat lemah karena baru saja melahirkan. Kedua wanita itu terkejut menyadari kalau itu adalah seorang ibu yang baru saja melahirkan anak nya. Di bawah arahan polisi, wanita muda itu di bawak kerumah sakit untuk di selidiki apakah ada kasus lain yang dialami nya. Di rumah sakit wanita itu dirawat. Para dokter menemukan pakta bahwa benar wanita itu sudah melahirkan seorang bayi dia juga mendaratkan bentuk kekerasan di tubuh nya dan dia pingsan karena overdosis dan kehilangan banyak darah, dan dokter itu mengatakan bahwa wanita itu akan koma selama beberapa minggu. "Berdasarkan bukti TKP tidak di temukan keberadaan bayi yang di buang di sekitar hutan, setelah di selidiki ternyata wanita ini bukan berasal dari kota ini. 2 bulan berlalu wanita itu terbangun dari koma nya, ia membuka mata perlahan dan melihat ruang putih serta beberapa dokter dan perawat mengelilinginya. "Apa ini, aku kenapa?" Suara wanita itu terdengar lirih menatap dokter di sebelah kanan nya. "Wah, aku pikir kau tidak akan sadar. Kamu memang wanita yang kuat." ucap dokter yang sudah sedikit tua di depan nya sambil memeriksa cairan media di tangan nya. "Nona, apa kau ingat siapa nama mu?" seseorang suster muda menanyai nya dengan lembut. "Na-nama, nama ku Alexsa. "Apa kau ingat hal terakhir apa yang terjadi pada mu?" Suster itu menanyai nya lagi. "Aku, aku seorang siswa SMA. Alexsa menjawab dengan nada sedikit bingung. "Apa anda tidak ingat kalau anda sedang hamil, atau melahirkan bayi?" "Tidak, saya tidak pernah hamil." Alexsa semakin heran dengan pertanyan suster itu. "Lalu anda dari kota mana, dari data yang saya terima, anda bukan penduduk asli kota ini?" Dokter di sebelah Alexsa juga ikut bertanya. "Aku dari..a-aku dari aku..aku tidak bisa mengingat nya, apa ini?" Aku kenapa?" Alexsa mulai panik. "Benarkah, wanita ini akan amnesia karna obat itu yang dikonsumsi nya itu sangatlah berbahaya." Dokter tua itu berbisik pada dokter di sebelah nya. "Nona, anda hanya amnesia, istirahat lah dulu kami akan kembali lagi nanti. Suster itu menenangkan Alexsa dengan sedikit senyuman. "Para dokter dan perawat meninggalkan ruangan Alexsa, Alexsa masih sangat bingung kenapa diri nya bisa lupa atas apa yang terjadi pada nya dan bagiamana di bisa kesini. Dia mencoba menenangkan diri dan kembali beristirahat seperti saran dari dokter. Mengalami amenesi membuat Alexsa lupa akan apa yang terjadi. 3 hari di rawat akhirnya Alexsa.

Riyanti_Yanti_6586 · 歴史
6 Chs

Group Pampering Our Runaway Mommy

Cheng Nuo ran away from her marriage! Her family wanted her to marry an old man in his fifties. On the surface, she agreed, but on the day before her wedding, she fled overseas. She did not dare to use her identity card to get a room, so she stayed overnight at a hotel beside the university city. Eventually, she accidentally picked up a handsome blond foreigner with blue eyes. After a ridiculous night, Cheng Nuo's family dragged her home. Six years later, two mixed-blood child models swept through the Asian fashion industry. They had three younger brothers and a younger sister, all of whom were famous child stars. Eldest Baby and Second Baby, "We protect the best, most beautiful, and most adorable Mommy in the world!" Hacker Third Baby, "Whoever dares to defame my mommy, I'll hack into their system and paralyze it." The Fourth Baby who was a martial arts champion, "I learn martial arts to protect Mommy." Fifth Baby, "Mommy is my muse." Child star Sixth Sister, "Thank you, everyone, for giving me this award, and even more so for my Daddy. Although I haven't met him yet, it was all thanks to his hard work and effort that we're able to become Mommy's family. Mommy, I'll always love you." Gu Cheng, "???" Back then, that scumbag abandoned him after sleeping with him. He finally found her! She owed him six years of love, so he must make her pay him back. This time, with his six children's help, he would love to see how she could escape!

Coffee Bean · 一般的
40 Chs

Feathers of Life

At what age does life become easier or is everything just a raffle draw full of bullshit luck waiting for you at the next chapter of your life. I never finished highschool for many reasons and my family was more broken then happy or even partially together. Today I turn twenty yet nothing feels accomplished and no matter how hard I try things seem to go left till the glass falls. Most people will use that reference about glass half full or overflowing but mine is unbalanced and always tipping over. My first relationship happened at a bad moment in life and I can only assume he was a good guy but is that my fault or my luck in life, does anyone need to claim fault or does it make us feel better. I was struggling inside my head at the time which made arguments from nothing and they just spiraled endlessly. I tried the doctors and the medication but I was killing a part of myself with each pill and that made me even more depressed. The last argument told me that this relationship wasn't meant to be since my beliefs and his clashed. He wanted me on the pills so I could always be calm, yet I couldn't continue down that road knowing I was losing pieces of me. it's true if we could only argue then why did we not end sooner but how do you end a relationship that became a lightning rod anchoring you. He was a shelter no matter our problems created by me and that shelter kept me safe from the horrors waiting for me everyday I was awake. So I never ended it till that single moment he basically told me, it was okay to lose me if it helped me be at peace inside. I can't blame him or those words but I also couldn't stay in that relationship, but just maybe if my life was different it would have been beautiful. Every day after that I had to cope with myself and find the correct way to coexist inside my own head, a battle I win and lose everyday. A few months later my job had to lay me off due to money and merging companies which made living arrangements problematic. Going home was an option but to what end exactly since going back to a broken home wouldn't help me in any capacity. So a friend let me rent her spare room which was a storage closet but I couldn't complain if it gave me a roof and somewhere to sleep. She was a good girl that made her way in life following the rules but she was never a push over either. Leading me to often wonder if I was a pushover and I just never noticed it. Within a week I had found a job at a cafe and part time work at a construction job which helped me bring in cash quickly. My managing skills came in clutch with that job since they had no other openings and my experience was above the requirements they wanted. working at a factory gave me something useful at least and all the aggravations leading those people paid off for me. Even though my mind is a mess I can work effortlessly and keep moving forward in life with minor hiccups. After a month of saving I found a building that needed an owner which now serves as my home and business. The couple gave me an offer I couldn't turn down and equally they couldn't wait to go on vacation which is where all my money went but it made me feel good inside at least. Some good happened but a lot of bad followed alongside it equally and before my birthday arrived I found myself sitting in jail for trying to help a stranger. Even though it was a misunderstanding, it affected some of my work and even my own business creating problems and creating decisions. {Some missing text due to limited length for this part, this is the introduction to the story though.}

Lightxxseeker · LGBT+
8 Chs

Imperfectly Perfect For Eachother

Zaroon Khan, 26 years old, hardworking, Workaholic, Introvert, Software Engineer, Kind Hearted, CEO of his Startup. Zehra Shaikh, 23 Year's old, Studying Medicine in the final year, With pure soul, Generous & Lively Person. She is a heavy sleeper. He is insomniac. She is Foodie. He is Health conscious. She is Extrovert. He is Introvert. She is Childish. He is Mature. She is Cheerful. He is Calm. She is Short Tempered. He doesn't get angry easily. Two different personalities, Two different persons, complete opposite of each other. When these two opposite poles will meet will they attract towards each other? If yes will their attraction last for long due to different thinking and personality? This is all game of destiny when they two get married while for one it is arranged marriage we can’t say the same for the another one!what will happen when the problems of life will strike upon them! Will they be able to solve their problems together or they will pull apart? Follow the Journey of Zaroon and Dr.Zehra who will face laughter, sadness, tears, love, misunderstandings all together. Will their love will be greater than their opposite personalities and thinking? ~*~ He made a confused face but when he looked at her face which was Looking like she was hardly controlling her laughter. "You made me a fool?" He asked still confused,on reply she laughed out loud on him. "I am sorry,but your expressions were worth it!" She said removing a small drop of tear from corner of her eyes due to her laughter. He smiled looking at her who was laughing without a care in the world. But he soon came out of his world, his eyes twinkle as mischievous ideas came into his mind. He came in front of her where she was standing and slowly raised his hand, he brushed her hair strands which were on her face, and kept them behind her ear while doing every movement very slowly. Zehra closed her eyes on the feel of his touch. Her skin started to tingle where his fingers touched her cheeks till behind her ears. "Zehra" he said in whisper on which she opened her eyes only to met with Black charcoal orbs which were staring at her intently. "Hmm" she hummed lost in the intensity of his orbs. "Even I couldn't find it!" He said still in whisper,she got confused as in what he couldn't find. ~*~ "Shut up, just shut the hell up." He yelled at her bringing more tears in her eyes and he started pacing around the room. "Listen... Listen to me" She spoke in a whisper making him more furious. His eyes have become red and his body started shaking due to the anger boiling inside him. "If you want to explain your filthy sentence which you just spoke then it would be better if you would not speak at all" He again said in the same voice making her cower back in fear seeing his state, hearing his loud voice his mother rushed to their bedroom. She was shocked to see her crouched on the floor. "What happened? Why are you Yelling Zaroon?" Aabiya shouted at her son and took her daughter in her motherly embrace who was already a crying mess. "Ask your daughter, she has gone mad" Zaroon again spoke, anger lacing his voice making Zehra fear him. "Lower your volume, Zaroon" Aabiya spoke sharply to her son who doesn’t seem to have any kind of effect on her words as he was still pacing around the room while pulling his hair strands. "Handle your daughter, I am going" ~*~

fazu_Mansuri · 都市
128 Chs
Latest Update
0 :Auxiliary Volume
1 :The Beginning of the End


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating