
|M'lady is mine|

She is my brother's slave.... I hated her.... but I fell in love in her.... How would it end?

ADDISIYN · ファンタジー
3 Chs

My story....

. She was hugging her knees and she was asleep. Crazy girl. She heard me. She got up fast and she wiped her eyes. "Sorry for staying out so late" I apologized. "It's okay, um… you hungry?" she asked. She held her head. I nodded. The two of us walked to the kitchen. I sat on the chair while she cooked. I saw her and she kept holding her head by her left hand. Suddenly she held her head fast and she sat on her knees by the help of her right hand. I helped her and she said to let go. She gave me my food. She sat in front of me and she was asleep. I woke her up and I fed her. She ate and I helped her to my room. I told her to change. She nodded. I got out and I saw my mother's photo frame. I smiled. I washed my plate and Asha called me. I walked to my room and I saw her on the bed asleep. I laid next to her. I closed my eyes. Suddenly Asha hugged me. "You don't mind right?" She asked. "Nah, I don't" I said. I got up and changed in the dark. I didn't wear my shirt and I laid on the bed. She hugged me again. I felt her crying. I felt the blanket wet. "why are you crying?" I asked. "It's been a long time since someone took me in, I really miss my family" she said. "You remember them?" I asked. "No, I don't… I only remember my brother put the necklace around my neck and he screamed at me to run away" She said. I pet her. "You got no news from them?" I asked. "No I don't" she said. "You remember, your brother's face?" I asked. "How can i? I was only 4 that time" she said. "How old are you now?" I asked. "17" she said. "oh so you are a year younger than me" I said. Silence. "Where are your parents?" She asked. "My dad cheated 2 years before I was born… and my dad made the women have a baby. He left that women too and that women had a son 2 year old from my dad after when I was born. That women died and my mom took care of the baby. My dad cheated again and my mom got divorce. And the baby of the other women is Jason, but never mentioned it to Jason" I said as tears dropped from my eyes. "What about your mom?" She asked. "She… She died because of me" I said. "What? Why?" She asked and got up. "well, I was playing on the street… and the ball went on the road. I went and grabbed the ball in my hand. And I heard a truck. That second my mom pushed me aside. And the truck hit her, she would have been saved… but, her blood loss was a lot" I said and more tears dropped. Asha hugged me tight. Asha fell asleep. I fell asleep as well.