
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Chapter 8 | will there be war or peace *edited*

I dont own star wars or any anime I use in this work


In the last two weeks, a significant shift has occurred on this planet as Jake, with an impressive addition of 2.4 million SP (Space Points), granted its inhabitants a two-week extension to make a crucial decision. You might be curious about Jake's motivation behind this unexpected act. Despite his tight deadline of under four years to conquer multiple planets, Jake lacks the necessary forces to subdue this particular world through conventional means.


To address this challenge, he has granted the populace a three-month window to decide voluntarily. By doing so, he aims to accumulate the required SP and subsequently acquire the manpower he needs. This strategic move aligns with his inaugural Quest: achieving planetary dominance without resorting to violence. Successful completion of this Quest promises remarkable rewards, including 10 million SP, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, two Victory II-class Star Destroyers, and five CR90 Corvettes.


Completing this Quest holds immense appeal for Jake due to the comprehensive fleet it offers, primed for combat. This approach not only saves him valuable time and SP but also secures him a potent force for future endeavors.


One morning, Jake rises from his resting place, readies himself, and sets out for the Bridge. During his journey, he passes a group of stormtroopers engaged in an intriguing conversation. Overheard phrases like "generals is a god of some kind" and "we just appeared out of nowhere because of him" indicate the growing perception of Jake's remarkable abilities. An amusing exchange follows, suggesting a camaraderie as one trooper playfully speculates, "doesn't that mean hes our dad," met with lighthearted resistance. Amidst their banter, one of the troopers spots Jake's presence and swiftly initiates a salute, prompting the others to follow suit in hastened respect.


Jake acknowledges them with a nod and continues his stride, a private thought playing in his mind: *They perceive me as a deity of sorts. It might serve me well to embrace this notion, given the advantages it brings.* Upon reaching the Bridge, he gazes through the window, his gaze tracing constellations across the expanse of stars. Beside him, Haku joins in, their eyes also drawn to the cosmic tapestry. With a touch of introspection, Haku wonders aloud, "Could my home be out there, among the stars?" In response, Jake offers a tempered perspective, "Chances are slim within the known galaxy. Perhaps in the uncharted reaches," he gestures to the window's left, "yet it's best not to nurture unrealistic hopes—even the possibility of it lying beyond our universe is a remote one," he adds, his words carrying a sense of realism.


"I understand, but hope is all I have," Haku muses before stepping away, leaving Jake to his contemplation by the window. Kushimaru approaches and breaks the silence, asking, "Boss, when do I get to see some action?" Jake responds, his tone measured, "Your time will come soon enough. Just remember, in eight years, a Galactic war is on the horizon. We'll take on the role of a covert third party, positioning ourselves as mercenaries. Our strategy will involve aiding and 'assisting' whichever faction offers the highest price. This way, we'll gain insights into their military tactics. And when the war reaches its zenith, that's when we make our move."


AN) I know the clone wars happen 10 years after the naboo invasion not 4 like I mentioned but I want to speed this up with out making jake to powerful)


Time skip 2 and a half months { + 12 million SP}

Staring out of the window, Jake's gaze lingers on the planet below. The looming deadline, now merely six hours away, signals the brink of conflict. Prepared for the impending war, he leaves his establishment operational, poised to procure a substantial army if diplomacy falters and invasion becomes the only recourse.


Amid this anticipation, one of his officers approaches, informing him of an incoming communication. Without hesitation, Jake orders its reception. The president of Andnga emerges on the communication line, expressing their agreement with the terms laid out. However, they present a counterproposal, requesting access to advanced space technology, ships, weaponry, and encryption codes. Jake responds promptly, assuring them that their request can indeed be accommodated. He proposes a package including a small ship, a fighter, and a contingent of armed battle droids. The president finds this agreeable, leading to Jake's confirmation to deliver the assets to a specific set of coordinates capable of accommodating a ship measuring 150 x 48.6 x 32.6 meters.


{ Quest completed + 10 million SP and a fleet}


Jake's command echoes through the air as he directs his entourage to board a CR90 Corvette, a vessel that would soon dock with the mighty Imperial I-class Star Destroyer. Once the docking process completes, the crew disembarks, their presence adding to the gravitas of the moment. Further directives follow, with Jake instructing a group of twelve droids to embark the ship. Two of these are skilled pilots, and there's even a TIE Fighter stowed aboard.


With a clear mission, Jake briefs the droids, his tone resolute, "Your destination is the planet. Allow the inhabitants to interact with you as they see fit. However, remember not to divulge any information about our operations. If any attempts are made to tamper with your programming for that purpose, you are to initiate a self-destruct sequence." The droids reply in unison, their response echoing, "Roger, Roger."


{ plants owned 2 your second planet hit max income of 10 million SP bringing your income to 11.2 million SP}


AN ) I set a max on this as I remembered some planets have population up in the trillions and that would be to powerful so when a planet hits a population of 1 billion civilians its income hits a limit)


Jake found himself taken aback by their surprising agreement. Memories of his own homeworld crossed his mind, a place where such an overture would likely have ignited conflict, even if defeat was imminent. An underlying frustration surfaced, prompted by the imposed limitations on a planet's potential income. Despite his annoyance, he grasped the reasoning behind this framework.


[Scene Break]


Amidst the serene corridors of the Jedi Temple, the grand master's eyes opened, a ripple of awareness coursing through him. The Force resonated with an intense disturbance, a stark departure from the usual patterns. He sensed a multitude of unfamiliar presences converging, a phenomenon that hadn't been present until now.


AN) that's the end of this chapter leave a power stone if you enjoyed and have a great day