
Chapter 1

When Brandon and AJ first met, AJ was much more comfortable in the darkness than Brandon. Brandon was more of an adrenaline junkie and was always looking for the next scary thing to do. AJ soon became Brandon's friend and they went on horror experiences together. AJ slowly but surely won over Brandon's heart with her courage and fearlessness.

Eventually, they started dating and fell madly in love with each other. They would go on all sorts of adventures together and share all their fears and emotions. No matter what was happening, they were always there for one another.

One night, they went to a horror experience together and Brandon was scared out of his mind. AJ tried her best to keep him calm and reassure him that everything was going to be okay, but it was clear that she was also scared.

Just as things were getting really bad, AJ saw something out of the corner of her eye and Screamed. Brandon ran over to her and they both held on to one another as the terror filled the room around them. When it was finally over, they felt like they were the only two people in the world.

They had always known that they were meant to be together, but now they knew that they were also meant to be scared and afraid together.

They continued to go on horror experiences together, but it was always with one another at his side. No matter how scared either one of them got, they knew that the other person would always be there for them.

And eventually, they became the bravest people in the world, because they had finally realized that together, they could do anything.