
Chapter 282 – ClownFrog and third prince?


(Something is off…. They don't seem to be fighting?) – though ClownFrog while flying through the sky.


"Hm? What is going on?"

["These people don't wish to fight. They instead wish to speak to you."]

["They are not even trying to run away any longer."]


(First unknown people appear and now suddenly surrender?)

(This doesn't make sense.)

(They should still have solid chance to run away…... By any chance it wasn't the scouts spotting them, but instead they let themselves get spotted instead?)

(Is it a trap?)


(It's worth a risk.)

(And if its indeed a trick, oh well, I can just murder them.)

"Fine. I will talk with them."


"Boss said he agrees to talk." – said Morion.



"Hey!" – said the noble man knight while whispering to the eyepatches man.

"The fuck?! That wasn't the plan!"