
[System User] in the multiverse of Madness

When I found out about the multiverse the first time I was told one thing. "The multiverse doesn't make any sense at all." I don't remember who told me that anymore. Back to the topic. My name is Leon Garcia and I am someone referred to by many as a reincarnator. Anyone would think that an enchanter is something special, I would be the main character and the world would revolve around me. But in reality there are thousands or millions like me. No one in this place is unique or special, that's something I found out for myself. And if you want something you have to earn it through force, in this place the most honest or the most honorable doesn't win. The most bastard and unhinged wins. So I will set out on my journey through this place with my annoying companion with the goal of fulfilling my dream. To have a harem of beautiful women and a peaceful life. That would be it, at the end of the day I don't think it would be that hard to achieve..... "Did I just raise a flag?" □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□ [Warning]: English is not my first language. □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□

Reader_Madness · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 3. My luck is shit (2)

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[Disclaimer]: I don't own anything, this is purely a fanfic to pass the time.

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□•••□•••□(Leon's POV/ 1 year"□•••□•••□

I opened my eyes and the first thing that greeted me was an unfamiliar ceiling.

I looked around confused, I didn't recognize this place. While doing this I realized something else.

My body had shrunk, no, wait…

What the hell happened to me?!

I wasn't even able to move properly, shit this can't be possible. It just can't be.

'Fuck! I was reincarnated again!'

[Shut up… I can't sleep.]

A translucent screen appeared in front of me, but next to the screen also came a recognizable voice.


[...Leon...I said shut up...I want to sleep...]

This bastard...

'Zell, what the hell happened to me?'


A box appears on the screen where Zell was seen, it was similar to a video call.

[Shit reincarnation worked!]

Did reincarnation work? Because it sounds like this bastard had something to do with it

[Hey mate, what do you think? I got you a system!]


[And I saved your life, you don't have to praise me, you little shit. Although I will gladly accept your praise.]

'Zell, you prevented my death...'

[Yes, like I said, I saved you]

'Son of a bitch!' - I shouted angrily when I found out what that bastard did - 'You didn't save me! You ruined my damn death!'

I watched as Zell's face changed from shock to confusion to understanding to offense.

[Hey bastard, I saved your life!]

'Fuck you, I was ready to die' - I said while ignoring my speech that I said in chapter 1.

After all, Zell can't hear the [Crazy Voices] so they can't tell him what I said. Besides …

He really he was ready to die.

[Son of a bitch, if you die, I'll die too, if not someone who feeds me! Who will make sure to take care of me? Who will make sure that what I eat is not poisoned?]

´Yeah. Yeah. whatever.´ -I said while trying to massage my head, but I realized that my little arms weren't even able to reach.- 'Now tell me why you're on a fucking screen.'

[What? What are you-]-he asked confused before realizing his situation.

[What the fuck!? What happened to my beautiful body!?]

I watched as Zell moved back and forth across the screen.


[Don't know. I was fine before all this and now I'm in this shit.Me.Me. What the hell happened to me?] - I could see how Zell was steps away from suffering a panic attack.

How problematic…

'Idiot, calm down' - I said while making him focus on me - 'Maybe the System did something to you. Are you able to control it?'

[Wait...]- Zell came to his senses while trying something.

[Congratulations León García for acquiring the "Supreme King of Corruption" System!]

'A system with the words King and Supreme, I only lack the words Absolute or Peerless to be that bastard's copy.'- He said while remembering a troublesome idiot.

[Wow now I'm the System, my life is really strange...] -Zell said as he seemed to evaluate the decisions he had made in his life.

While ignoring Zell's pitiful existence, I focused on the system name.

'What type of corruption are you referring to?'-In the [Multiverse] there are several types of corruption: Demonic, sexual, mental, spiritual, energetic, etc.

[Uhm… from what I know about the System, it is based on corrupting other entities….]

'Don't tell me, I honestly thought it was about being a fucking vigilante. You know how to save innocent people and then make a pact with a fucking sociopathic entity. - the flying parasite responded sarcastically.

[No friend, it's about corrupting other entities. Even the name says it]

'Zell, you know what sarcasm is, right?'

[But the way of corruption is peculiar] -Zell continued, completely ignoring my question.



'What?' - When this novel went from an attempt at a cheap comedy to a cheap attempt at an erotic novel.

The [Author] ran out of ideas and now he's looking for any way to get attention?… Maybe.

[Apparently this system was made for your previous [User] to corrupt [Female Entities] and obtain rewards, but there is something else strange.]

I seriously listened to the information Zell gave me.

[Apparently the System has another Subsystem, I didn't see it before because it was blocked and I couldn't understand almost anything. But now that I'm [Administrator] you can see that it apparently has a Hunting Subsystem.]

´Hunting?´- I felt a bad premonition.

[Yes... hunt for [Users], [Reincarnators], [Transmigrators] and [Protagonists]. I have to say, maybe the previous owner was up to something shady.]


I felt a headache form at all the information. What a great way to start my third life…

The only thing missing is that he is now in the sights of some [Transcendental Entity] or better yet that he reincarnates in a world about to be invaded by some group of degenerates.

'Is it necessary to do hunting missions?'

[No, not anymore. Apparently the previous Administrator forced the previous owner to comply with them. But since you have me as my partner, you can ignore them or you can do them if you want.]

That was good, while I processed all the information, I started to think about what to do in this new life.

But I already had my answer.

I will live my life the way I want, a peaceful life with beautiful women.

[Have you already chosen what to do?] - Although Zell asked me, he seemed to already know my answer.

'Yes, I will not complete the missions, although I will use the Supreme King of Corruption System'

While I was preparing to plan my way to my desired. Zell continued speaking.

[But there is a problem…]-Zell seemed quite uncomfortable at whatever he wanted to say.

And seeing him like that I started to worry.

what's going on

[Apparently something happened in the reincarnation process and the System cannot be used for a while.]


[To be exact, there are six years left until it is functional.]

Well, that's problematic. But I try to see the good in this situation.

In my second life I never needed a system to get ahead. Plus, I don't think anything really fucked up is going to happen.

"It's okay Zell, we can last that long," I said calmly.

[It's good that you seem so calm, friend.]

It is not a big thing. For now I will try to survive.'

One of the priorities for the new life he planned was to strengthen me.

One of the rules of the multiverse is that women always cause problems. Although it sounds very sexist...

[You know it's strange that I'm having this conversation with a baby.]

Remembering that, right now he was just a baby, how awkward.

Going back to the period where he wasn't even able to clean himself was disgusting.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a small process for the life I want.

'It will only be a few difficult years and then a good third life will begin, I will count on you Zell'

[Okay partner, as long as we are together no one will stop us, once again we will undertake the classic adventures of Leon and Zell. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA]

As I ignored the cheap imitation of the Joker's laugh, I thought about what this new life would be like, which made me smile.

This time I will have a good life, after all, nothing can go wrong.

□•••□•••□"six years later"□•••□•••□

The sky was cloudy and along with the rain it was a shitty combination. It was like the world wanted me to get depressed or shoot myself. Although in my situation shooting myself sounds very tempting.

While I looked in front of me at the cross embedded in the ground, in which I had buried my father from this life.

Looking behind me I could see a shitty old man who seemed to be talking about me and my situation.

"The Bastard left without making this month's payment..." - I heard him click his tongue again and again. - "Brat, I don't care if you steal or prostitute yourself, have 700,000 yen for tomorrow or else I will have to cut your body and sell it in parts."

A huge debt because of the piece of shit that is now underground. After his great speech the old man left.

In this situation I only thought of something.

'My luck is shit.'

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[Author's words]:

And now with the end of this chapter, we can finally begin the real adventure.

I'll be honest, it was a long prologue. It would have been better if I put everything in one chapter, but I write on my cell phone so it's complicated for me.

Thank you very much, to anyone who has decided to spend their time reading the nonsense I write.

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Nah, I´d win.

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