
[SHIFTED] Who Made Me A Princess With A Software System?

Bad luck I was a software engineer of 24 with a terrible personal life but a successful professional life one day, I got reincarnated into a isekai novel who made me a princess at what's worse I have and installed software in my brain... God, if I don't fix 2 two bugs of the story line then I would die for real and the artificial universe would collapse... Gotta save the world....

Kindapassingby · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Chap 1


(I don't add own any media)

'Hi I'm Sayeon Park a 24 year old bachelor who was dumped by her first boyfriend and cheated on by the other after that I fell into depression and hence avoided falling into relationships. It was the 6th year since I thought of not falling into relationships or so I thought before I got isekaid into an isekai novel. Now it doesn't matter any way but...

Well, I never thought that I would become princess Athanasia of who made me a princess, well when I got assassinated at the award winning party and then when I regained consciousness I thought that I was at the hospital but to think that I had a small body and hands when I saw a beautiful lady with red eyes made me think that WHAT THE HELL I HAVE GOTTEN MYSELF INTO...

Haah...well 1 week ago I got to know that I had been reincarnated as princess Athanasia from the novel who made me a princess, I was in an isekai novel wherein the female protagonist travels into the novel called 'lovely princess' and in her quest to survive, she decides to run away before her 18th birthday when Claude,her father was going to kill her due to a scheme ofcourse but in wmmap novel she instead gets entangled with her tsundere father and they live a happy time until Claude loses his memories and forgets Athanasia and gradually starts getting close to Jeanette, who was Athanasius, the original crown prince of the novel but then Claude in the killing spree to get to the throne kills him a long time ago. After a long time of the memory loss game, Claude gets stabbed in head by Lucas the royal wizard of the palace with some magical tree branch and he regains his memories and after a long time, when all the secrets get out, Athanasia and Jeanette end up becoming good friends (novel ending). And thus the novel ends up happily ever after...

I actually thought to play along the actual story line and win over the world by my charm a week ago a tragic thing happened...


Lilian was showing me the pictures of family hierarchy when I saw his face Claude, my father, Claude de Alger Obelia; f***; no this can't be true no never ever it's just a coincidence...pls tell so Lilian,pls 😣 looking at my expression Lilian told that"oh princess I just remembered I didn't tell your name right", girl and you say you have been withbme since my childhood,oh god,"princess your name is Athanasia, Athanasia de Claude Obelia", I m dreaming right,pls say yes,haha(sarcastic laugh), F***ING HELL, I .have .been . reincarnated. into .an .isekai .novel .wmmap...

Well lets not panic let's just play along the story line and everything will go well... 😅

'Ding' '