
Chapter 22

Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis walked into my compartment and the only reason I recognised them was because of the fanfics I had read. Huh, I didn't realise I could remember the fanfics as well. Guess you do learn something new everyday.

The two girls took a seat across me before the half-blood best friend of the Slytherin ice queen introduced herself and then the blonde, blue-eyed pureblood did as well.

After the round of introductions were over, we settled in a pleasant sort of silent company, with each of us doing our own respective things. The two of them had the same trunk as I did, though probably without the apartment, and thus we didn't have to worry about lugging around the heavy trunks over the seats.

Tracey and Daphne were reading books, with the former reading one of mine (she didn't recognise me, probably because the books only had my name and some basic info at the author section, no photos), and the latter reading a book on... Occlumency? Huh, I guess it's true that the purebloods focus on building shields from a young age. I could tell that the book was charmed to look like a different book, but I could see past the glamour. Purebloods apparently don't take chances.

I too was reading. It was book on rituals charmed to look like a Runes book. While Runes were advanced, I would only get a few looks for reading a book on that topic instead of what I would have to face for reading something related to dark magic.

The ritual I was planning to do was one of those dark rituals, but in my case it wouldn't be that dark. It was a ritual that needed a close unwilling blood relative to die, and it was supposed to be a painful and slow process. In return, the caster would get the essence of the relative, i.e. the Body, the Mind and The Soul. So a healthy boost all around.

I chose this ritual because it was practically the same as my Integrator Spell, and that this would offer me the greatest benefits. Not to mention, the closer the offered body was, the greater the benefits and what could be closer in blood to someone than one oneself?

Now all I had to do was slip off to the RoR as soon as possible and wake up the next day even more overpowered than before.

The thought almost brought a combination of a smile and smirk off my face but my occlumency skills saved me from that occurring. I was brought out of musings when I heard a cough and looked up to see Tracey asking me if I would leave for a moment since they needed to change into their uniforms. I obliged and walked out of the apartment and since I was already here, I think perhaps I should take a look around the train.

I walked through the hallways, and looked through a few compartments on both sides and didn't find anyone I recognised. Before long I found the prefects compartment and the bathrooms. Shrugging a little, I went over to one of the bathrooms and changed into my uniform before putting my old clothes into the trunk and recasting the charms and hung the chain around my neck. Casting a few cosmetic charms to straighten myself up a little, I walked back the length of the train, and once again didn't find anyone I recognised. Uncaring about that fact, I returned to the compartment I was sitting in, and found that both of them had changed into their uniforms and were chatting, though Tracey was the one who was doing more of the actual talking with Daphne mainly listening in and occassionally chiming in with a few remarks.

After the round of pleasantries including the knocking and polite request to enter and receiving an affirmative response was over, I once again took my seat and looked out the window.

It had gotten a little dark by now and I could barely make out the features of the tiny wizarding village of Hogsmeade. So that means we were probably about to reach Hogwarts.

I was excited about starting my actual Hogwarts life and this time I was sure I wouldn't get sorted into Gryffindor, since the true me wasn't a reckless idiot...I think.

I still don't remember how I was in my previous life but I figured that was probably for the best. I could make things up as I go and who knows? Maybe I'll end up better than the original me. Though that is probably not that big of an achievement what with all the magic I was capable of now.

Ravenclaw would probably be the best House for me, and it did amuse me a little to think of the number of fanfic characters who were sorted into Ravenclaw. Well, I guess I would contribute to increasing that number.

Soon, we were getting off the train and I noticed Hagrid calling out to the first years in his gruff voice, it was hard to not notice him considering he towered over everyone and everything around there.

Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis along with a nameless extra joined me in my boat, and the ride across the Black Lake was pleasant, though I suppose the fact that the boats were self propelling had more to do with it than the company I was keeping. The boats made me even more interested in enchanting and Runes, and I vowed to create a similar vehicle, for land, water and air.

Hogwarts once again took my breath away, and I didn't think I would get over the sheer magnificence and beauty of the giant magical castle any time soon, not that I wanted to.

I spent the rest of the journey, which was way too short in my opinion, admiring the view of the ancient school.

Soon, we were getting off the boats, and surprisingly the Giant Squid/Kraken didn't have to help any first year falling into the lake. Huh, I kind of wanted to see that.

We were ushered to the doors to find a certain strict Professor waiting for us.

Let the re:sorting begin!