
[Representing the sin of rebellion: Rebellion]

In the village of Cinder, there is a shrine that was built before the current inhabitants of the village were even there. For generations, the shrine filtered all the misfortune from the region and all those who lived there had a long and fortunate life, but after several generations things have changed. The surroundings of the shrine are now lifeless, as if everything that comes near it dies, and the forest surrounding the village has suddenly become more populated, which means more hunting; and more danger. But, the biggest change has occurred in the last few days, why are knocks and sounds of someone singing coming from inside the shrine? ___ Hi, I'm new to this novel writing thing, I had literally stopped studying for a break and started writing as a joke when I thought, "Hey, why not?" And here we are. I'm South American and so I don't know English, only Brazilian Portuguese. I am using Deepl to write, so sorry for all the mistakes. "God! I don't even know if anyone will read this! How embarrassing~! Meow~!" Ps: The image does not belong to me, I got it from pinterest, if the author wants me to remove it, just let me know!

Librarian_Heroen · ファンタジー
3 Chs

First Step of Sin

[Representing the sin of rebellion: Rebellion]

-First Step of Sin

In a village with around a thousand inhabitants, there is a small temple. It is mainly made of dark, old wood, and the stench there was predominant, as if the wood had absorbed the stinking miasma. The windows and doors of the temple were sealed with paper money, as if never to be opened again.

The whole village was full of life and prosperity, making the shrine stand out in a picturesque and sinister way, the closer to the shrine, the more lifeless the surroundings became, as if it were cursed, so the shrine was situated somewhat away from the inhabitants.

The villagers were afraid, but could never leave the place, and didn't want to anyway, the village was very rich and full of life, all these blessings were attributed to the god their shrine worshiped, although in recent years, the temple has become more and more sinister, with an even more oppressive atmosphere, if this continued like this...

Who knows what could happen?


'Where am I?'

Everything was dark...

Everything was cold and lifeless...

Feeling the cold wood beneath himself, he tried to move, only to, with great difficulty, manage to stand up; thus tearing at some kind of material that restrained him.

As he stood up, the floor, whose wood was already rotten, gradually gave way, before finally giving way for good, thus opening a huge hole that was accompanied by a very loud noise. He barely managed to register the situation of feeling his floor vanish when he fell headlong onto the floor, thus being able to hear sound the snapping of his neck accompanied by the sound of a falling body.


"Haah..." In the dark amidst the splinters of wood, a quiet sigh echoed from the thin, small figure that lay there, his figure exuding an unsettling pressure along with an aura of strangeness and horror.

He carefully stood up once more, but this time, instead of standing, he sat up, bringing his knees to his chest in a relaxed manner.

Another pop was heard as his neck snapped back into place.

Raising his hand, he noticed that there were some black threads coiled not only around his hand, but also all over his body. This was what was restricting his awakening.

Feeling his eyebrow rise involuntarily, he wondered, 'That's... hair!'

None of it made sense, where was he, how did he get there? Checking his last memories, his eyebrows grew little by little frownier.

Flashes of memory flashed through his mind, but this made him more and more uneasy, with the questions that arose: 'I remember coming back from finishing my first project with the newly formed group and going to rest, I remember the good and bad times I had, but mostly the bad ones, I remember the stories I read and the songs I heard, but then, why? Why can't I remember my name and the names of others in my life?'


As he dwelled on the nonsensical situation he was in, a dark purple translucent picture with words white as chalk projected itself floating in front of him.


[Name: -]

[Occupation: -]

[Race: Demon God]

[Titles: Evil Incarnation; Second Life;]

[Tilt: Absolute Evil]

[Karma: -500]

[Abilities: Mind Manipulation, Distribute Curse, Distribute Blessings, Hair Manipulation, Blood Control, Misfortune, Nature Manipulation, Puppet Creation, Heretic Touch]


He moved to get on his knees on the floor as he leaned closer to the purple board, only for it to move away to the same extent, not allowing him to approach beyond a certain distance.

The board was filled with information about his person, abilities, race, karma...

No name...

'I don't remember either.'

He resigned himself shaking his head a little.

No occupation...

'Impossible, I'm a game developer, I even have my own team?!'

He magnified himself as he puffed out his chest.

A Demon God...


He lifted the corner of his lips in mockery, but he never stopped being calm. In fact, he was always calm...

The Incarnation of Evil and The Second Life...


He rolled his eyes at his first title, but, second life...? He felt some pieces slowly begin to fall into place as a dangerous idea grew, causing his emotions to float for the first time since his awakenings, thus giving him the realization that his heart was beating very slowly, about a third of its normal speed.

Absolute Evil...

'Demon God, Evil Incarnation, now this? I may not have been a saint, but I was never evil, on the contrary, I always considered myself ultimately a kind person!'

He didn't notice that his breath had been held for a while... and that he didn't even miss him.

Negative karma...

'I'm a demon now...'

He looked away casually while lost in thought only to see an altar. A typical temple altar

Yo, what's up with you? I have a test in a little while, wish me luck! Meow~!

Oh, and don't forget to leave critics about the plot, I thought of some things, but I lack experience so... Bruh, is that how I use 'bruh'?

Librarian_Heroencreators' thoughts