
Crystal [#11]

August 14th, 2010.

Around 07:00 AM

Kaleb was holding himself back from absolutely losing it. His fingers clenched hard against the blackened diamond of the necklace from the bitch he stole from- for the first time that he has woken up before Jason. He was able to get free from the horny sex addicted horny man without triggering any sort of reaction from him that inevitably led them to fucking like rabbits. Instead, he was able to slide out of the bed to work on breakfast while Jay still slept, but when he returned about 3 minutes later, he saw the big beast of a man- easily 7 feet tall, muscular enough to bend and break metal with his bare hands, hugging the pillow he had his head resting on a few moments ago, his hips moving as his still rock hard cock searched the warm embrace that it had gotten so used to rest inside of.

It was weirdly adorable, and Kaleb had severe cuteness aggression.

He immediately left the room, thoughts running through many ideas about what he could give Jason that he would hug, and a teddy bear came to mind immediately. Jason probably had one as a kid, and if he didn't have one, then Kaleb can give him one anyway! It'll be adorable, and maybe Jason will stop trying to keep his cock buried inside him every night if he started sleeping with a teddy bear. Maybe he can put a hockey mask on it too-


"-oh shit." Kaleb hissed and looked down at the now slightly cracked... diamond? What the fuck? It seems a combination of his manic grip, Jason's strength, and his own magic seemed to have mixed together enough to give him a strength boost that was big enough for him to crack a mother fucking diamond- or maybe this was just cheap, not even a real diamond!

Most likely both at the same time.

"Okay, not thinking about how adorable Jason looks." Using [Cure Wounds] on himself, Kaleb cleaned his wounded hand and sighed as he went through the motions of preparing breakfast. He'd need to buy groceries, but money was a bit of an issue... Maybe he could, once again, steal it, but there are many ways to get money! Just looking through his new and beautiful [Spellbook], he knew he could use [Charm Person] or [Fast Friends] to get money by magically controlling people, and then he could also use [Dominate Person] to steal a bank before leaving under [Invisibility], but he'd need to be careful about these things lest he is tracked down by the police... So powerful teleportation magic, invisibility, dominating people, and a few other steps to get millions of dollars in an extremely intricate bank heist- Or, he could simply find someone with money and "befriend" them.

Offer his magical services around the internet, find a billionaire to steal the soul of and curse it to serve him forever, wishing it into reality- really, there are many ways to make money with magic.

"...that's future's me problems."

With that in mind, he quickly finished preparing breakfast in a proper kitchen! This was amazing as fuck because he was getting really good at cooking- it was like an artform, you had a few little rules you need to follow, but you can break them every now and then. Baking, though? Oh boy, baking was like chemistry! There are rules and you need to follow them and pray to the baking gods they work, else you'll find yourself surrounded by sad little treats nobody wants.

They'll either be too raw or too cooked, and both are bad.

Kaleb had just finished placing the berries around the toast when a powerful hand touched his shoulder- he sighed softly and was about to turn around and say hi to Jason when he was pushed forward against the kitchen cabin aggressively, making him wince slightly at the pain and think that maybe Jay was a bit angry? "Woah, hey! Jay, what's wrong-" A cold, metallic object pushed against his back and into his spine, making him gasp and immediately cast [Shocking Grasp] at whoever was attacking him. Jay can't hurt him. Jay would never hurt him. There was a soft moment of twitching, enough movement for him to twist around, a knife still inside his body and cast [Wind Gust] against the very familiar masked face of The Shape. "-fuck! Off!"

The spell had overflowed with magic, the push was enough to send the masked bitch flying- Another stab, this time a knife thrown through the kitchen window, through the metal bars and right into his shoulder: "ARRGGH!" His scream was of genuine pain, adrenaline kicked in as he casted [Cure Wounds] on himself again, pushed out the knife on his back and shoulder. His hands lifted up, and he focused- he had only seen this spell in passing, but it would have to do! "[Tiny Hut]!" Immediately, this dome of energy surrounded him, making the knives that were thrown at him *plink* *plink* *plik* against the magical barrier and fall to the ground.

"Jason!" He screamed, called for him, but he didn't come. All he could think on that moment was: 'Oh no. He was asleep- Does that mean that Freddy has him?' Because if yes, then he has to deal with Michael fuckinf Myers by himself, and maybe more people! "Fuck!" His eyes gazed all around him, his nerves raising every second and he could feel himself frowning- how did they get pass his detection of the territory? He could vaguely, very vaguley sense somebody near the house, but it was being actively blocked by something.

"Shit, okay, what to-" His hand moved and he casted [Eldritch Blast] immediately, hiting this weird hound. A black dog with bright white eyes!? "-fucking Hellhounds now!? What's next, Cerberus!?" His eyes were looking for signs of Myers, he could hide anywhere, and his mind was trying to decipher where every sign of danger was- Inside the bubble he made for himself, no attack could phase through, unless they break the [Tiny Hut] first or forcibly enter it. He could attack from inside, but he needed time! Jason wasn't waking up, and he was surrounded by various skilled hunters and killers, what the fuck can he do?

'Go down?'

No. There's that weird fucking thing called the Alien that can burrow, as well as the Demogorgon too, they can burrow faster than him.

'Up then.'

He didn't know if there were many Slashers or monsters that could fly, but he'd take his chances with flying things than with them on the ground! He moved, going towards the stairs that led to the first floor that was still being worked on. Immediately he felt a knife trying to hit his head, but it glanced off with a sound of metal grinding against metal as the [Mage Armor] he had casted upon himself reacted. His feet carried him faster than they have ever done before, and once he reached the first floor, he saw someone there waiting for him- A woman with a white bunny mask: "Huntress." Shit! He ducked under a thrown ax that had suddenly appeared in the woman's hand, sweat dripping from his body like a waterfall-

Thank the gods he got that boost from Jason, or else he'd be dead by now.

"[Jump]!" Casting a [Jump] spell on himself, he did not hesitate to jump up- the spell easily added distance to his normally short jumps, making him push through the thin ceiling he and Jay had been working on, breaking through planks of wood with his skull. "Shit, this hurts." Once on the roof, he had to dodge out of the way from another ax while casting [Shield] to block another one as well as a bunch of tiny thrown knives- he looked to the one who threw them and had to pause: "...A K-pop guy!? What the- did some weird K-pop stan just tried to kill me!? What band is are you even part of, BTS!?"

His answer? Knives!

"I never liked your music!"

More knives were thrown.

"Where do you keep pulling out knives!?" This time he had to block a thrown ax: "And where do you fucker get your axes!?"

You already know the answer: More axes to the face.

Kaleb was running out of ideas- in the roof he was not safe, he was out of immediately danger, but there were these weird drones approaching his home. His hand glowed as he casted [Eldritch Blast] to drop them, but they were soon blocked by these black ravens that looked to be made out of some sort of liquid? Ink? "Oh fuck- why is every single one of you here!?" To answer his question, crows started to fly towards him, and he was having none of that shit! This spider wants to kill him so badly, then he just has to survive and kill this shadow spider thing because it was clearly puppeteering the Slashers around and keeping Jason out of it using Freddy Kruger, that fucker.

"Okay, time to get serious-" Slapping his hands together, Kaleb had to inhale a breath of fresh air before he did what he had to do. Adrenaline seeped into his veins as he pulled, tugged at the thread that connected him and Jason, pulling more and more of whatever was that fed the immortal undead man. The curse of Crytal Lake was what gave him supernatural abilities, but what Kaleb was doing affected his body, mind, and soul! He felt like he was drowning, his entire being was being submerged underwater and he was dying.

And in the blink of an eye, he felt anger at the Intruders that surrounded his territory. Anger all consuming and bright, burning within his heart like a fire that could not be put out even by an ocean's worth of waters. Rage and hatred danced together within his mind like the forgotten dreams of a child who grew up to be a cynical and hardened adult, rage that made him want to destroy everyone inside his territory, except Jason himself.

He was his territory. He was his. His and never somebody else's- not even death.

"So this is what Jay feels all the time? Damn, no wonder he was so sexually repressed!" It was very, very fucking hard to concentrate on anything other than the sheer need to dispose of those within his territory, to be rid of them permanently, to kill them in any way available to him or the most gruesome... Bathe in their blood, kill, kill, kill! "Oh fuck, okay-" A few [Eldritch Blast]s here and there to knock off a bunch of black ink crows followed by him aggressively ripping the ceiling boards with his bare hands and using the wood to hit a bunch of suicidal crows, block a bunch of knives, and even hit a masked bunny Slasher in the face with such a strength that she went flying off of the roof in a blinding, supernatural speed.

"[Shield]!" He applied the spell, creating a shifting barrier of pure defensive magic that barely stopped a knife- right by his side was The Shape, and he hated the fucker. "Well, fuck off!" Instead of throwing him off or blasting him off, Kaleb was surprised when a very familiar hand broke through the ceiling and grabbed unto Michael's feet and pulled him down.

There was no mask, Jason's face looked right at him, which is how he noticed that he was still asleep.

"...He's a sleepwalker?"

Well, not exactly.

In the dream world, Jason had long broken Freddy's legs and head as he frantically tried to leave the dream as he could feel that Kaleb was in danger. Amidst his desperate wordless pleas, he felt it- a bridge pulling his body, so he followed it through the dream! He saw nothing but the thread, and the thread was guiding him to where Kaleb needed him.

So, when in his dream, he felt the urge to do something, he did it-

Which was how he was beating the shit out of Michael Myers while asleep.