
Alchemist [#Status] - Spoilers Chapter 22


Name: Glory Edge 

Lvl: 61

Race: Treant

Titles: [Favored by the Gods]

Class: Nicolaus' Bane [Lvl 13]

Subclass: Vulcan's Descendant (Legendary Blacksmith), Poseidon's Descendant (Legendary Fisherman) Hestia's Descendant (Heavenly Cook) Ceres' Descendant (Legendary Farmer & Legendary Herbalist)

HP (Vit×5): 250/250

MP (Int×5): 750/750

SP (End×10): 500/500

[Gold Coins: 5,000,000,178]

[Silver Coins: 25]

[Copper Coins: 105]

USP (Unassigned Stat Points): 300


[Starter Stats: 5]

Strength (STR): 40 - Increases weight carrying and physical damage

Endurance (END): 50 - Increases SP and physical damage resistance up to 10%

Vitality (VIT): 50 - Increases HP and resistance against long-term damage (Poison, Fire, Ice, etc) up to 10%

Dexterity (DEX): 50 - Increases dodging and hit rate

Agility (AGI): 30 - Increases attack and movement speed

Intelligence (INT): 100 - Increases magical damage and MP.

Wisdom (WIS): 50 - Increases MP regain, Cooldown Reduction up to a max of 10%.

Willpower (WIL): 100 - Increases magical resistance and your mental resistance.

Special Stats

Superluck (LUK+): 50 - Better than the normal [Luck] stat, instead of increasing the drop rate by monsters by 0.5% with each point, increases drop rate by 1% by each point. 

Perseverance (PER+): 150 - You can resist the effect of mental debuffs such as [Confusion], [Pain], [Blind], and others easily.

Connectivity (CONN+): 150 - You can "connect" or "channel" things more easily, like connecting with various summoned creatures or channel the powers of the divine.

Focus (FOC+): 200 - You can focus more easily on things, making it harder for you to do a mistake!

Leadership (LEA+): 10 - Your voice carries authority, people listen to you and follow your orders more frequently.


Skills (And classes) are separated into Mundane, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical. 

Racial Skills: 

[Naturally Stealthy (Lvl 2)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Uncommon

Description: Increases stealth by 20% inside forests or areas of heavy vegetagion]

[Tree's Voice (Lvl 1)

Type: Active Skill

Rank: Uncommon 

Description: Increases the growth speed of plants around you when you sing by 10%.]

Class Skills: 

[Change (Lvl 3)

Cost: 0 MP

Type: Active Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Change one thing to another! Works on living beings whose level is your level.]

[Shift (Lvl 3)

Cost: 0

Type: Active Skill 

Rank: Legendary 

Description: You can shift and change the position and direction of things. Works on living beings on your level.]

[Lock (Lvl 2)

Cost: 0

Type: Active Skill 

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Upon activation, anything can be "locked" by this skill, status conditions become permanent, skills never leave cooldown, Transmutation becomes permanent, and much more. Upon using this skill again, anything "locked" by this skill can be "unlocked".]

[Unlock at lvl 25]

[Unlock at lvl 50]

[Unlock at lvl 100]

Passive Skills: 

[Nicolaus' Divine Alchemy (Lvl 3): 

Type: Passive/Active Production Skill

Rank: Legendary

Description: The divine ability taught by Nicolaus, this one is not as flawed as its normal counterpart.

Passive - Increases the speed in which Production skills level up by 30%

Active - [Transmute]

Description: Change one material into a higher quality material and lose none of the original material! (Ie: Wood to Stone, Stone to Iron, and so on)

Cost: 0 MP]

[Vulcan's Godly Smithing (lvl 3)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary

Description: Taught by Vulcan, God of Blacksmithing himself, you know the best ways to create the most amazing things in this world. 

Effects - 

Whenever forging an item, reduces the chance of failure by 50% and increases the chance of success by 50% as well. 

The owner of this skill can learn how to create anything and everything that has been forged before by analyzing the item.

Increases your SP is 10 times your Endurance, decreases the consumption of SP while forging by 40%.

Has a slight chance of creating a magical item, this chance increases with every level up of the skill.

Decreases the requirements of making items to null.]

[Parry (Lvl 5)

Type: Passive Skill/Combat Skill 

Rank: Common

Description: The ability to parry an attack using a weapon! Decreases damage taken by physical attacks depending on your Strength + Dexterity.]

[Dodge (Lvl 4)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Common 

 Description: The art of always moving your body out of harm's way skillfully! Increases the chance of not taking any damage from target attacks and half damage from aoe attacks, depends on your Dexterity + Agility]

[Poseidon's Godly Fishing (Lvl 2)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary

Description: Taught by Poseidon himself, you know so well how to successfully attract fish to your rod and how to pull them! When pulling something, your Strength multiplies by this skill level.]

[Hestia's Supreme Cooking (Lvl 3)

Type: Production Skill/Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary

Description: Taught by the serious Goddess Hestia, you learned so easily how cook even the hardest dishes, recipes will be found more easily around the world as well. While cooking, multipies your Dexterity stat by the skill level- Also, you never fail at cooking any dish, no matter what.

There is a small chance of cooking a meal that permanently increases a stat or unlocks a stat.]

[Ceres' Legendary Green Thumb (Lvl 3)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Thanks to Ceres' blessing, under your care plants will grow and prosper 100% faster, producing more than double the amount of resources.]

[Slippery Body 

Type: Combat Skill, Passive Skill

Rank: Uncommon

Description: Increases Dodging percentage by 00.5% for every Dexterity point]


Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Uncommon

Description: Reduces damage taken by long-term attacks and skills by 00.5% for every point in Vitality.]

[Copper Skin 

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Uncommon 

Description: Reduces damage taken by physical attacks and skills by 00.5% for every point in Endurance]

[Very Intelligent 

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Rare 

Description: Increases MP by 0.5 points for every point in Intelligence]


Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Uncommon 

Description: Increases MP regeneration by 00.5% for every point in Wisdom]

[Iron Will 

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Rare

Description: Increases your Magic Resistanceby 0.5% for every point in Willpower]

[Map+ (Lvl 3)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Very 

Description: Makes a mental map of the areas you've been through! It registers an area of 10 meters around your own body. The red dots on the map are the hostile entities, the golden dots are the players, the grey dots are the neutral entities, and the green dots are the ally/passive entities.]

[Plant King (Lvl 2)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Epic

Description: All Plant Monsters below your own level will be loyal to you from now on, levels on this skill increases "your" level by +10, making so monsters 20 levels above your own will be loyal to you.]

[Unbothered Movement (Lvl 1)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Epic

Description: Due to your quick and light feet, you can move Unbothered by many obstacles! Difficult terrain is nothing to you, you become resistant to the [Slow] and immune to the [Rooted] debuffs. While moving, increases movement speed by 10% for each minute moving for a maximum of 80% increase, once you stop the buff ends and the skill enters a 30 second cooldown.]

[Phoenix Rebirth (Lvl Max)

Type: Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Upon your [HP] reaching 0, you'll explode in a show of fiery red sparkling flames and be reborn anew. All your HP, MP, and SP will be renewed to 10% of its maximum.

Cooldown after activation of this skill is of 1 Game Month - 30 IRL hours]

[[Spell Sniper (Lvl Max)

Type: Passive Skill, Combat Skill 

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Your spell range and maximum distance is increased and multiplied by 100. This can be freely controlled by the user's will!]

Active Skills: 

[Emotion Infusion (Lvl 1)

Cost: 100 MP per Use

Type: Active Skill/Production Skill/Buff Skill

Rank: Epic

Description: To feel is to live, to live is to die, and to die is to feel- a cycle that endlessly repeats. You know how to feel so strongly that even things you want can hold emotions, these emotions are capable of giving extra attributes, abilites, and more to that which is infused with your emotions.

Effects - 

Imbues emotions onto items, spells, skills, and more! Adding Rage to flames increase the size of the flames, adding Sorrow to ice makes it colder, adding Love to food makes it better.]

[Hyper Focus (Lvl 1)

Type: Active Skill

Rank: Epic

Cost: None

Description: Your mind is always ready to focus on completing that singular task, to do so you can even deny your body food, water, and even air. 

Effects - 

You can stay completely focused on completing a task, increasing your [Willpower] and [Endurance] by 100% for the duration of this skill (Until task completion)]

[Bolt (Lvl 3)

Cost: 5 MP

Type: Active Skill, Combat Skill

Rank: Common 

Description: Sends a bolt of energy towards the target, dealing [Neutral] damage based on your spellcasting modifier.] 

[Shield (lvl 2)

Cost: 10 MP

Type: Active Skill, Combat Skill 

Rank: Common

Description: Creates a shield of magical energy that protects the user.]

[Rainbow Bolt (Lvl 1)

Cost: 50 MP

Type: Active Skill, Combat Skill 

Rank: Uncommon 

Description: Sends a bolt of color towards a target, depending on the color, the effect is different-

[Red: Fire Damage, Applies Burn]

[Orange: Earth Damage, Applies Rot]

[Yellow: Radiant Damage, Heals Allies]

[Green: Plant Damage, Applies Poison]

[Light Blue: Ice Damage, Applies Freeze]

[Blue: Water Damage, Applies Slow]

[Purple: Necrotic Damage, Applies Rot]


[Mana Wrapping (Lvl 1)

Cost: 10 MP

Type: Active Skill, Combat Skill, Support Skill

Rank: Uncommon 

Description: Wraps mana around your target, increasing its capabilities. If wrapped around a weapon, said weapon does an extra [Neutral] damage, if wrapped around and armor/shield, increases the defense of said shield/armor but upon impact, the enemy takes an extra [Neutral] damage.]

[Magic Missiles (Lvl 1)

Cost: 5 MP

Type: Active Skill, Combat Skill 

Rank: Common

Description: Sends 3 darts of homing magic missiles that deal [Neutral] damage.]

[Entangle (lvl 2)

Type: Active Skill, Combat Skill

Rank: Common

Description: Sends vines or roots to bind the target for 2 seconds]

[Fenris' Eyes (Lvl 1)

Cost: 10 MP, 10 SP

Type: Active Skill, Growth Skill

Rank: Common 

Description: Upon activation, you can see the hidden secrets of the world.]

Unique Skills:

[Bastet's Blessing of Good Luck

Type: Unique Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: A blessing given by the cat goddess of Luck, Protection, and Disasters! This blessing has all three aspects in one!

Effects -

Out of Combat: Outside of combat, this blessing increases your luck in very positive ways. You may find yourself more lucky in some days as this blessing passively increases your luck randomly between 5-to-50% every game day (24 Game Hours = 1 Real World Hour), increasing the probability of many things.

In Combat: This blessing activates, giving you many benefits! 

+50% Dodging (Non-applicable to AOE damage)

+50% Crit Rate (Critical Damage doubles your damage)

+10% chance of activating the Skill: [Protection of the Gods] when attacked while having beneath 10% HP.

[Protection of the Gods: Creates a barrier surrounding your body, making you immune to all and every type of damage for 2 seconds]

[Vulcan's Blessing of Metallurgy 

Type: Unique Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary

Description: A blessing given by the God of Forges, Blacksmithing, and Flames: Vulcan! This blessing carries all aspects of his divinities.

Effects - 

Out of Combat: 

Increases the quality of any item forged, has a fixed 0,5% chance of creating a Mythical Item of excellent quality. 

Increases the quality of any item forged, has a fixed 1% chance of creating a Legendary Item of excellent quality.

Increases the quality of any item forged, has a fixed 5% chance of creating an Epic Item of excellent quality.

Increases the quality of any item forged, has a fixed 25% chance of creating a Super Rare Item of excellent quality.

Increases the quality of any item forged, has a fixed 30% chance of creating a Rare Item of excellent quality.

Increases the quality of any item forged, has a fixed 40% chance of creating a Uncommon Item of excellent quality.

Increases the quality of any item forged, has a fixed 50% chance of creating a Common Item of excellent quality.

In Combat: 

Increases damage dealt using hammers by 50%

Decreases damage taken by [Fire] by 50%, immune to non-magical flames.

Increases damage dealt to [Constructs] and any non-organic material by 50%.]

[Poseidon's Blessing

Type: Unique Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: As the seas know your name, so does the fishes that swim in it- They fear it. Blessed by Poseidon, your rod will always catch, your net will always be plentiful, and your stomach never empty as long as you like fish.

Effects - 

Out of Combat:

Increases the quality of any fish caught, has a fixed 0,5% chance of catching a Mythical fish.

Increases the quality of any fish caught, has a fixed 1% chance of catching a Legendary fish.

Increases the quality of any fish caught, has a fixed 5% chance of catching an Epic fish.

Increases the quality of any fish caught, has a fixed 25% chance of catching a Super Rare fish.

Increases the quality of any fish caught, has a fixed 30% chance of catching a Rare fish.

Increases the quality of any fish caught, has a fixed 40% chance of catching a Uncommon fish.

Increases the quality of any fish caught, has a fixed 50% chance of catching a Common fish.

In Combat: 

Increases damage dealt using a fishing rod by 50%

Decreases damage taken by [Water] by 50%, you can now breathe underwater 

Increases damage dealt to any sea creature is increased by 50%]

[Hestia's Blessing

Type: Unique Passive Skill

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Burning like the flames of love, safety, and the warmth of home, you know how to help and take care of your family.

Effects - 

Out of Combat: 

Increases HP, MP, and SP recover by 50% outside of combat.

Unlocks the Stat: [Perseverance] - Perseverance: Resists [Debuffs] better, decreasing their effect and duration, even the effect itself from working.

+50 in Perseverance every time the skill [Hestia's Supreme Cooking] levels up.

Can assign a place owned by you as "Home", while fighting inside your "Home", all your and your "family's" stats will receive a buff of 50% their original stats, while enemies will receive a debuff that decreases their stats, syphons their HP, MP, and SP by both 1% every 30 seconds.

You can teleport to your "Home" whenever you want to, can bring with you a max of 5 people. 

Your "Home" can repair itself, be always clean, and resitant to external damage as well as immune to [Fire] or [Explosion] damage.]

[Ceres' Blessing 

Type: Unique Passive Skill 

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Ah, Ceres, the kind and soft Goddess of Farming, Harvesting, and Greenery... She is one of the most important Goddess there is! Without her, the other Gods would lose their civilizations and succumb to fade away with time.

Effects - 

Out of Combat: 

Increases Affinity to [Earth] and [Plant] magic by 50%, increasing damage dealt by [Earth] or [Plant] spells by 50% while decreasing their cooldown time and MP consumption by 50%.

While using a skill or spell that helps plants grow ([Plant Growth] spell, [Tree's Voice] skill, and others), increases the effectiveness of them by 50%. 

Unlocks the stat [Connectivity] - Connectivity: Connect to many things- Nature? Spirits? Items? That and more. 

+50 in [Connectivity] each time the skill [Ceres' Legendary Green Thumb] levels up!

Can feel and detect any and all plant life around you in a range of 5 square kilometers, every [Plant] type creature is friendly to you (at worst) or devoted to you (at best).

You permanently grows flowers on your hair, each flower can be removed and used in a potion, it makes so the potion will be successful no matter what. Each flower (22 of them) regrow every 24 in game hours.

In Combat: 

Takes 50% less damage from [Plant] or [Earth] based skills, spells, weapons, and even monsters! 

Deals 50% more damage with a scythe weapon.

Increases by 50% experience from monsters!]

[Nicolaus' Blessing 

Type: Unique Passive Skill 

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Given by the grumpy old man known as Nicolaus, you are now a lot further beyond your own brethren in this world. 

Effects - 

Out of Combat:

Reduces the consumption of MP using [Alchemy] skills to 0 MP per use.

Unlocks the Stat; [Focus] - Focus: It's easier to complete tasks and do things with a greater precision. 

+50 Focus every time the skill [Nicolaus' Divine Alchemy] levels up.

Can detect precious items and other things such as precious materials in a radius if 50 meters around you.

In Combat: 

Increases damage dealt by any spell by 20% 

Magic Items are 50% more efficient and deal 50% more damage. 

Decreases the Cooldown of [Change] to Null.]





Name: Vulcan's Descendant (Legendary Blacksmith)

Lvl: 03

Type: Production/Combat Class

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Taught by Vulcan himself, you carry the inner fire of the God of Forges, Blacksmithing, and Flames!

Subclass Skills 

[Unlock At lvl 5]

[Unlock at lvl 10]

[Unlock at lvl 25]

[Unlock at lvl 50]

[Unlock at lvl 100]

[Subclass -

Name: Poseidon's Descendant (Legendary Fisherman)

Lvl: 02

Type: Resource Gathering/Production

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Taught by Poseidon himself, you are the beast in the sea, someone so good at fishing that fish fear you.

Subclass Skills 

[Unlock At lvl 5]

[Unlock at lvl 10]

[Unlock at lvl 25]

[Unlock at lvl 50]

[Unlock at lvl 100]


Name: Hestia's Descendant (Heavenly Cook)

Lvl: 04

Type: Production 

Rank: Legendary 

Description: Ah, the Goddess Hestia is the most brutal and aggressive goddess when it comes to cooking- how are you even alive? You should be dead by now, even more so that you got this class!

Subclass Skills 

[Unlock At lvl 5]

[Unlock at lvl 10]

[Unlock at lvl 25]

[Unlock at lvl 50]

[Unlock at lvl 100]


Name: Ceres' Descendant (Legendary Farmer & Legendary Herbalist)

Lvl: 03

Type: Production/Resource Gathering 

Rank: Legendary

Description: By the greenest to the blood, rain, fall, and more shall come. Ceres is to most important Goddess, and so as both her classes are fused into one, you can learn both.

Subclass Skills 

[Unlock At lvl 5]

[Unlock at lvl 5]

[Unlock at lvl 10]

[Unlock at lvl 10]

[Unlock at lvl 25]

[Unlock at lvl 25]

[Unlock at lvl 50]

[Unlock at lvl 50

[Unlock at lvl 100]

[Unlock at lvl 100]


[Necklace of Mana Regeneration 

Durability: 100/100

Type: Equipment

Rank: Epic

Description: A necklace made from a high quality of mana crystals, enchanted by runes to attract mana from the world around to feed it to whoever is wearing it.

Effects - 

Mana Regeneration increases by 25% while worn]

[Unbreakable Wooden Shield

Durability: N/A

Type: Equipment, Weapon

Rank: Legendary 

Description: A shield made from an unknown wood that is unbreakable by any means. Magical or otherwise.

Effects - 

While worn, decreases physical damage that impacts it by 20%]

[Stardust Staff (★)

Type: Equipment, Secret Item, Weapon

Rank: Epic

Description: A staff dropped by a King Slime after consuming a Chaos Crystal, this staff increases the power of elemental spells by 40% for every element!

+200 MP

+ Skill: [Elemental Bolt]

[Elemental Bolt: Sends a bolt of random elemental energy- Can deal [Fire], [Water], [Ice], [Light], [Dark], [Explosion], [Earth], [Plant], or [Wind] damage to the target.]


Type: ???

Rank: Mythical

Description: ???]


Type: ???

Rank: Mythical 

Description: ???]


Type: ???

Rank: Legendary 

Description: ???]


Type: ???

Rank: Legendary 

Description: ???]


Type: ???

Rank: Legendary 

Description: ???]


Type: ???

Rank: Legendary 

Description: ???]


Type: ???

Rank: Legendary 

Description: ???]

[+10 Epic Items]

[+30 Very Rare Items]