
[Origin: Reboot]

Machine Translation of my reboot story, [Origin]. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the worlds in which my story is inspired [Except OCs and original plot]. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Many people have asked questions about how everything started. What came first, the chicken or the egg, did god create everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome to Origin, here you can discover the answer that so many scholars have sought, but it will be a hard road full of dangers at every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end, are you brave enough to take the first step? Will you be able to get the strength you need to keep moving forward? To move forward or to give up Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Origin... Do you want to start your journey? * * * * * *

GenoXX · アニメ·コミックス
86 Chs

75: Information

"I'm sure you know why you're here, Orimura" - said Chifuyu as she looked at her younger brother, who quickly understood how upset the black-haired woman was.

"For letting my bloodlust get the worst of me and almost killing one of my classmates" - Ichika replied while biting his lip - "If it wasn't for Cloud, I..."

"Ok, I think that's enough" - Cloud said as he entered the room after leaving Cecilia in the infirmary to recover, though not before giving her some motivational words so that the cruel defeat wouldn't be so heavy, or at least to distract her while she digested the situation she had been in.

"My younger brother almost became a killer, Cloud" - Chifuyu said as she looked at the young man who had just arrived - "I know this will happen sooner or later, but I don't want the first death to be one of his training partners."

Ichika's expression darkened before letting out a heavy sigh.

"That's why I told you to change the classes a bit, we really need conditioning for the rookies" - Cloud said with a frown - "The sight of blood in the middle of the battlefield, could cause the rookies to lose concentration, resulting in their deaths if they aren't cautious enough, look what just happened."

Chifuyu was silent as she frowned - "What are you proposing?"

"Isn't it simple? We have the help of a certain idiot rabbit" - Cloud replied as he folded his arms - "I'm sure she will accept the proposal to create a simulation room for situations like this."

Chifuyu again remained silent as she felt how this proposal was viable - "Doesn't sound like a bad plan."

Ichika remained silent with his head down.

* * * * *

"Has this information been verified?" - asked a girl who was only showing her silhouette due to the darkness of the room.

"Affirmative, all information has been sent directly from our academy spy" - replied a woman while nodding firmly.

"Interesting..." - murmured the girl who seemed to be the leader of the group of women gathered in the room - "Who would have thought that the [perfect soldier] would be an unknown boy, and not the instructor's younger brother..."

"Does this affect our plans at all, leader?" - asked a third girl.

"Nothing has changed" - replied the leader as she narrowed her eyes - "Unless our bosses have said something I don't know..."

"My lady, a message has arrived from the general!" - exclaimed a woman as she entered the office - "He has ordered the capture of the [perfect soldier]!"

"Ho ~?" - the leader of the group let out a small smile as she read the report - "Interesting, this is getting more and more interesting..."

"What do our orders say, leader?" - the second girl asked with a frown.

"It's simple, it's information about our new target, at least everything we managed to find..." - replied the leader while frowning slightly.

"Anything we need to know, leader?" - asked the woman who had brought the message, after all, she was not authorized to read the report.

"All of his private information has been erased, and the only thing that remains of him is that he was part of [Project Raiden] which involves the creation of a biometal that attaches to men to create androids capable of facing our [IS]." - replied the young leader of the group while frowning - "Fortunately, only one test subject managed to survive, and only because of the strange energy inside him..."

"Our contact can't inform us about anything else?" - asked a girl as she frowned.

"Negative, not even our internal contact knows anything about subject R, that's why it's up to us to investigate him, at least before we can start with our capture operation" - replied the leader with irritation - "The high command ordered us not to attack until we have all the necessary information to ensure the capture of the two targets, with Cloud Strife having priority."

"Hai!" - exclaimed the girls firmly as they ran to their posts, leaving only the leader of the group, who was sitting in her office chair as she tapped her desk - "Seriously, these idiots like to cause us trouble, more so with entities that are potentially dangerous..."

The girl was silent as she thought carefully about her next moves, especially what she would do after getting the instructor back with them.

"Whatever, our priority is to check Ichika Orimura's current status, and capture him if he's not strong enough" - the girl muttered while letting out a small laugh.

She slowly walked into the light and revealed her features.

She was a small girl with silver hair almost gray, and the beauty of a porcelain doll. She was wearing a white q military suit, although the most eye-catching detail was that she had her left eye covered by a black eyepatch with small red touches, while it was of a beautiful crimson color.

"Sorry for the interruption, Captain Laura Bodewig" - said a beautiful blue-haired woman who was wearing a black office suit, a beret of the same color, as well as a patch over her left eye as her captain - "We got images regarding the battle between one of the targets a possible national representative."

Laura's expression changed slightly as a small smile appeared on her beautiful porcelain face - "Perfect, I want you to put it on the monitor, Clarissa."

The girls quickly entered the office of their leader, Laura Bodewig, the captain of the Schwarzer Hase (Black Hares) organization and the prospective representative for Germany.

"So that's Cloud Strife..." - Laura said while narrowing her eye - "His movements are fast and precise, potentially lethal..."

The girls simply kept silent as they waited for their teammate to do her job as a member of the logistics team.

"That was quick, however, it did give us some information" - Laura murmured as she looked at the one in charge of the analysis - "Report."

"Captain, this man has a SS danger rank" - replied the girl while frowning - "And this is in his base form, we are not sure if he will access some other form, or if his weaponry will give him a higher power level..."

Laura was silent because she honestly didn't know what to say.

An SS rank danger level, was basically a monster, one that could be compared to Chifuyu in her current state, SSS rank being Chifuyu's most powerful state, in other words, when she was known as the strongest woman in the world.

"This is... interesting..." - Laura murmured while a huge smile appeared on her lips - "If what you say is true, then we have the perfect proof to succeed in getting the instructor to come back with us to Germany..."

* * * * *

"I don't know if this is good, or is it bad..." - Tabane said while watching the images of the battle between Ichika and Cecilia - "It's a surprise that Ikkun won, although I'm a bit worried about that bloodlust he released at the end of the battle, it's too much like the one Chifuyu had... although this shouldn't be a surprise..."

Tabane slowly analyzed the information gained from the battle, especially the moment when Ichika managed to activate his [second shift], gaining the unique ability of [Byakushiki] - "However, what's more interesting is that that girl, Cecilia Alcott also managed to activate her unique ability, and without needing to activate her [second shift]... Hmm, I'll have to do some more research to get the perfect [IS]..."

Tabane turned around and looked at the [IS] lying on her desk, a beautiful red armor, which had a pair of katanas in front of it.

"Getting the information from [Raiden] slightly accelerated my project, and that's not counting the ideas it made me rethink" - Tabane muttered as she took the general report of her next creation the gift she was planning to give to her younger sister for her birthday.

"Enhanced weaponry thanks to the biometal obtained from [Raiden]." - Tabane said with a huge smile - "Though it's not like I have to feel guilty about stealing information from someone else's project, not when I'm going to pay him back with this..."

The inventor quickly picked up a box that was under her work table and opened it, revealing what appeared to be a red katana with a black hilt, though the biggest detail was that this beautiful weapon was releasing some powerful electromagnetic discharges.

"High frequency sword, I managed to create two of these beautiful pieces of robotics engineering" - said Tabane while letting out a small laugh of happiness - "Not only they are made of the same biomechanical material as [Raiden], but they also have the amazing ability to cut through everything they touch as if they were hot knives cutting butter, and the electromagnetic current they possess, they have the ability to completely ignore shields..."

Tabane stroked the edge of the sword, which again began to release a small red discharge.

"Honestly, I don't know if it's a good idea for two such weapons to exist, much less intend to give one to that boy" - Tabane muttered as she frowned slightly, though she quickly shook her head - "Well, never mind, the final results are none of my business ~"


Remember, this story is a machine translation and lightly edited with Grammarly of my original story.

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