
[OreGaIru : New Me!]

What if Hikigaya Hachiman had a previous life? And what if, one day, he suddenly remembered his past life? Will his worldview and his ideals towards society change? Read [OreGaIru : New ME!] to see what happens. =========== Note - 1 : -->AU(:Alternative Universe), certain events and timelines have been adjusted. -->No-Harem -->[Yukinoshita Yukino × Hikigaya Hachiman] -->Notably, while the setting remains in Japan, traditional Japanese honorifics such as '-san' and '-kun' are replaced with their English equivalents. Note - 2 : Obviously, the light novel or the anime series -My Teen Romantic Comedy : SNAFU- doesn't belong to me. This is purely fan-fiction of those amazing works. =========== Just a humble request. If you guys like to extend your support, drop by at my Patreon account. p@treon.com/WrightBrothers --> I am planning to constantly have minimum of 15+chapter in advance. 

WrightBrothers · アニメ·コミックス
181 Chs

Book Store



[-Same Day-]


[Hachiman's POV]

"Betrayer of trust! My partner, you have deceived me!"

Zaimokuza launched his usual overly dramatic statement at me.

He continued. "This is not the 'Sacred Haven' you vowed to guide me. The existence of this filthy place mocks the very essence of my sanctity."

"This 'Unholy Land' is corrupted with evil miasma. Each breath I draw feels like a dagger tearing through the fabric of my soul."

His words were filled with righteous indignation and disgust.

Heads up! In reality, the so-called 'Sacred Haven' was just a 'Manga Store' in Zaimokuza's vocabulary, and the 'Unholy Land' he spoke of was simply a 'Book Store' where I had brought him.

…well, no wonder he sucks at writing.

He began to add. "The air itself is poisoned wit-!"

"Stop the nonsense, you fu*ker!" Unable to contain my annoyance any longer, I interrupted his rambling and scolded him.

Man, I think this is really a bad idea.

"And what do you mean by tricking you? I never said we were going to a Manga Store. You are the one who assumed wrongly." I retorted.

Well, it is true. I didn't deceive him, but I also never mentioned it was going to be a normal academic-related Book Store either.

"All I said was that I would take you to a place to improve your writing filled with books, which helps broaden your horizons." I tried reasoning with him.

…but now I rethink it. I guess for a freak like him, it more or less translates to a Manga Store.

Now I can't say I didn't trick him. Can I?

"How could this Unholy Land help me improve as a Writer?" He scoffed at me, as if I were the one who lacked intelligence.

"Come on, isn't that basic? If your Japanese literature increases, that, of course, will transform into your writing." I explained like I do with a three-year-old child.

"Even so…" But he was still stubbornly against the idea.

God, I am already in a sour mood for being ditched like an idiot. Now this…?

"Cut the bullshit and pick up the books you are interested in." I huffed as I grabbed a book for myself from the shelf

"...but I have no interest in anything here." Though grumbling, Zaimokuza reluctantly complied with my request and started to search through the shelf to find a book to his liking.

Which I hope he does find. While he is at that, I hope he picks up a few books related to academics.

I am not asking for too much now, am I?

Hum, anyway, finally some peaceful time.

"Oh, this book looks interesting! This too…!" Zaimokuza suddenly shouted from beside.

It looks like I let my guard down too soon.

Honestly, I want to rest. I am too tired.

I am not even interested in finding out what flipped him so abruptly.

Today has been exhausting, beginning with oversleeping…

Next, I endured a brief hour of Ms. Hiratsuka's lecture for being late.

…and then staying awake through the rest of the classes that unfolded in the usual boring way.

Regarding the Service Club? - Well, today we decided to take a day off.

The reason?

President's orders.

At least that's what I was informed. But I know damn well that doesn't count as a proper reason.

Yeah. If you ask me, it is blatant disregard for the Vice President(:aka me) of the club.

What's even more irksome is that this message wasn't conveyed through a face-to-face conversation. Instead, Yuigahama acted as a digital messenger on behalf of the 'President.'

Yeah, even though we are in the same class, she texted me instead of saying it directly to me.

Apparently, our so-called 'President' lacks the courtesy to have my number or even share it when asked politely.

Seriously, one instance of disrespect after another…

Wouldn't it be more convenient to simply have my mobile number, Yukino? Why go through all this unnecessary hassle?

Anyway, as the club is on break today, I have a lot of time in my hands.

And as sleepy and tired as I am, instead of going straight home after school, I decided to stop by the bookstore in the Marinepia shopping center - strictly for academic purposes, mind you.

But as I browsed through the shelves, I ended up purchasing more than I intended too. Again, they are related to gaming development.

Oh, and Zaimokuza also picked up some writing-related books, while I forced him to take a Japanese literature book too before leaving.


After our visit to the bookstore, Zamikoza hastily departed, citing some vague excuse about 'having' something to do.

I chose not to press him on the obvious lie. After all, my main objective in bringing him along had already been achieved.

My intentions were plain and simple.

I needed to remind him to start preparing for the upcoming midterm exams, even though they were still some time away.

Additionally, I wanted to encourage him to hone his writing skills.

Surprised? Thought that I was joking...? Well, I wasn't.

Who knows? He might get busier in the future because I have some plans for him. These plans might be interesting to him, but they could also take up a lot of his time, and he might not be able to concentrate on studying.

I can't let him fail his exams because of these other things. Now, can I?

Hum… What a good friend I am.

Well, that sums up everything, I guess.


Left alone, I made my way to the café, figuring it was as good a time as any to focus on my own studies.

But it seemed everyone else was thinking the same thing because the place was crowded with students of all sorts.

Just as I was thinking I should have gone home after all, I spotted some familiar faces.

So they are here, huh..? I wondered.

"This looks cute…!" Totsuka Saika, wearing his signature jersey, was admiring a cake in the showcase.

Does he train daily?

I guessed after seeing him wearing the training jersey he wore during our second quest to help him improve his tennis skills.

Although it's possible he just preferred wearing a jersey instead of our school uniform, it didn't matter which one you wore at our school. Pretty convenient, right? But I highly doubt that's what happened.

My eyes moved on from him to the spot next to him in the cafe.

"Okay, it's your turn to ask a question next, Yukinon." Said another familiar face.

Yuigahama and Yukinoshita were making good use of their time while waiting for their orders and were deeply immersed in their studies.

"Right, here's the first question, then." Yukinoshita stated. "Complete the phrase : 'When the going gets tough-'"

Hm, it was some simple Quiz questions, huh?

So, this is the reason the club was on break today. I guessed.

"...do trains on the Tokyo-Chiba line shut down?" Yuigahama answered hesitantly.

…and got the answer wrong too.

The correct phrase is - 'When the going gets tough, these days, there are more trains that slow down without stopping'.

"Incorrect…" At this mistake, Yukinoshita's face clouded over too, just as you would expect of her.

Nonetheless, she moved on. "Next question, then. This one is more about geography - Name two local specialties from Chiba."

"..." (Yuigahama)


The hands of the clock ticked away as seconds flew by.

"*gulp…Uhm." Yuigahama nervously gulped.

I think something really stupid is about to come from her mouth.

"Miso peas… and boiled peas?" She had a deadly, serious look on her face.

Again, incorrect. Like completely. Is she even a Japanese citizen?

At that, I stepped in and asked. "Hey, do you really think all we grow in Chiba is peas?"

"Whoa!" Yuigahama jumped.

Realizing it was just me, she said. "Oh, it's just Hikki. For a moment there, I thought you were some creep trying to hit on us..."

Did she just call me a creep?



[To be continued….]


[Author Reminder : 20+chapters advance in Patreon.]
