
[Oneshot] I Was Rejected By Someone Who Confessed To Me

A one-off romance story, written solely for fun and maybe a slight tease for something I'm working on. Please check this out, it's only a thousand words. Note: The title is the synopsis.

Sakusei · 都市
2 Chs

Why Does No One Love Me?

<p>"Why? Why does no one…"<br/><br/>Her tears streamed like a waterfall as she wailed her heart out.<br/><br/>Seeing her like this, I felt cracks start to spread on my heart.<br/><br/>"Why does no one love me?"<br/><br/>Her words struck like falling rain, as a feeling of indignation started to well-up around my chest.<br/><br/>I knew she was simply venting her heart out after a break up, yet…<br/><br/>"That's not true at all…"<br/><br/>I pulled her into my warm embrace, all the whilst she continued to wail.<br/><br/>She broke free as she said, "I know you love me too, but that's different. You and I are…"<br/><br/>"Only friends right?" I continued.<br/><br/>With beady eyes, she nodded.<br/><br/>Seeing her answer, I paused. I might ruin our beautiful friendship if I say it… but if it can make her happy, why not?<br/><br/>I bit my lips, "I… I! I loved you in that manner too. Don't get me wrong though, now I simply wish to be friends with you. I just want to see you smile, it doesn't even have to be directed at me".<br/><br/>As I continued to talk, I saw her dazed face and so I decided to end with the brightest smile I could ever make.<br/><br/>I knew I made the right move, the moment her tears stopped flowing. However, her cheeks flushed red instead.<br/><br/>I stretched a hand towards her cheeks, "Are okay now?"<br/><br/>She flinched and jumped away, "Are you for real? I thought you were a good friend until now. Did you really think I'd accept you now that I've broken up with my boyfriend?"<br/><br/>Hmph~<br/><br/>Seeing her petite figure disappear into the staircase, I simply made a bitter smile.<br/><br/>With a thought, I decided to write a letter for her before leaving it on the table. Knowing her personality, she'd come back to check if she hurt me in any way.<br/><br/>With a sigh, I left the rooftop through another flight of stairs.<br/><br/>~A few minutes later~<br/><br/>Tap! Tap! Tap!<br/><br/>Click!<br/><br/>The door to the rooftop slightly opened, revealing a crack. <br/><br/>Upon understanding that there was no one else present, the door was flung open.<br/><br/>A figure slowly walked towards a table and chair.<br/><br/>She whisked her side bangs away in order to focus on the letter in her hand.<br/><br/>Tears fell once more, "I'm sorry…"<br/><br/>~February~<br/><br/>It's been a few months since her break up, and it seems like she's taking it on well. <br/><br/>Aside from the fact that she has refused each and every confession to her since then. Even those from people she once said that she fancied.<br/><br/>Her last breakup must have really hurt her. Well, at least we're back to normal friends now.<br/><br/>I'm on my way to the rooftop to spend lunch time with her again. She loved sharing food and as someone who loved free food, it would be a shame if I didn't take it.<br/><br/>As we ate our lunch, we usually had a topic for our conversation and this time it was about our friendship and how we met.<br/><br/>"Looking back, I realize why you were so fidgety when you introduced yourself to me".<br/><br/>Since it was such a long time ago, I didn't pay much attention to her words. <br/><br/>I simply nodded, "In truth, I can't believe I'm able to properly talk to you now. The me then would've never believed this could ever happen".<br/><br/>"Oh right, tomorrow's the 14th right?"<br/><br/>"Yup".<br/><br/>A strange feeling erupted in my chest as if telling me to prepare for what's to come.<br/><br/>She pulled a heart-shaped box of chocolates from her bag as she said, "Since we'll be busy tomorrow, I figured it would be for the best if I gave you these chocolates now".<br/><br/>Whew~<br/><br/>I secretly sighed in my heart.<br/><br/>Fortunately she wasn't confessing or anythi—<br/><br/>"Lei, can you hear me out first. You see, you got me thinking after your confession a few months back…"<br/><br/>I reflexively answered, "No".<br/><br/>"I said hear me out first. You see. I realized that even when I was with my ex, I was never as happy as when I was with you. <br/><br/>In fact, I even remember him warning me about you. Telling me to stay away from you and such, out of jealousy.<br/><br/>It turns out, I smile so naturally when I'm with you that I never even realized. I really am glad to have met you.<br/><br/>Lei, I love you too".<br/><br/>Haish~<br/><br/>Hearing me sigh, she indignantly asked, "Even if you can't return my love, can you at least tell me why?"<br/><br/>Gazing at her deep blue eyes, I couldn't help but reply.<br/><br/>"Elena, I love you so much that a simple smile of yours is enough to make my day".<br/><br/>"So why?"<br/><br/>I bit my lip, "Elena, I'm afraid; afraid to disappoint you, afraid to make you hate me, but most of all, afraid to lose you like your exes did.<br/><br/>If we were only friends, at most you would hate me but you would never leave me".<br/><br/>Hearing my answer, a smile blossomed on her cute face.<br/><br/>"Silly Lei, I would never leave you".<br/><br/>She dashed into my embrace as I fell onto my butt.<br/><br/>"I don't believe you, I bet you've even said the same thing to your exes before…"<br/><br/>"Then I'll prove it to you".<br/><br/>What do you mean?<br/><br/>She pecked my lips once and, maybe because she found my reaction cute, she pecked my lips a few more times. With each kiss, our lips touched for longer and longer times. Once I snapped from my daze, I started to kiss her back.<br/><br/>A few minutes later, we finally separated. Both our cheeks were flushed and our hair disheveled, but of course we hadn't done anything too far yet.<br/><br/>"You know what that meant right?"<br/><br/>I smiled back, "Of course Elena".<br/><br/>She pouted, "Don't call me Elena, it feels so distant, why don't you give me a better nickname".<br/><br/>I knew what she meant. To her, her first kiss is so sacred that she would only be willing to give it to someone she believed she would marry.<br/><br/>~Present Time~<br/><br/>"And that Ren, is how I met your grandma".<br/><br/>"Muffin, are you nagging our little Ren again?"<br/><br/>"No Honeybun, it's just that little Ren here asked about it. It seems he's gotten himself a little sweetheart".<br/><br/>Hearing his grandpa out him, Ren's face turned beet red while grandma poked her head out the door.<br/><br/>"Really? Our cute grandson already has a sweetheart? Little Ren, you can tell us and we promise not to tell your parents".</p>

Hello Readers! please do keep in mind that this is my first short story, so please give me some advice on what I should do and what I shouldn't.

Sakuseicreators' thoughts