

[Timeskip, Nine months]

Dude I'm so nervous right now! I stare at the gates of UA and gulp in some saliva that has built up at the back of my throat. If I knew I would be this nervous I would have- wait what would I have done? Probably nothing, I don't think there is anything that can cure nerves.-

I take it that a shaky breath and resolve myself, I now feel much better. I can do this, I have been training for this since I have gotten my Quirk. I am ready! Let's go do this.-

I walked through the gates followed by other applicants, I at the corner of my eyes see a green haired boy 'Talking' with a brunette. I smile and continue on my brisk walk. I am lead by a school facility to where I am supposed to take my written exam, obviously had to show my applicant ID that we were sent through mail.-

I take a seat at one of the tables and wait for more fellow exam takers to arive, I sit there patiently until the whole area is filled. A faculty member places a sheet of paper along with a pen on my desk. I turned my attention to the questions.-

They were pretty easy questions, they were a mix between Hero ethics, Japanese, and mathematical skills. I begin writing down answers and explaining such answers. I finished after twenty minutes.-

I looked up and leaned back in my seat, okay one more to go, the practical test.. I am looking forward to smashing some robots. After About 30 minutes of me daydreaming, I do that a lot, One of the faculty members announces that the time fo the test is over and we are to meet in the lecture hall.-

I get up and push up my blue tinted glasses and leave the room. I am lead by another faculty member to the lecture hall, I looked in and grimaced at how many people were jammed into the big hall. Damn, my social anxiety his killing me right now! Sigh, whatever… I walk over to a seat and sit down and look forward waiting for the others to arive.-

The hall fulls up pretty quickly about soon a man with blonde hair spiked to the back walks in with a grin, "Hello listeners! Present Mic here!" He says loudly, it was good that he was far away otherwise my ears would probably be in great pain right about now. I'll skip Mics explaining of the practical exam and give my own quick run down..-

Robots, beat the shit out of said robots, there are three different types, 1 pointer, 2 pointer and 3 pointer. They give you the points by destroying them and surprise, there is another type, 0 pointer. It's big bad and about the size of a small skyscraper. Okay my shit explaining aside, the whole situation with Ida and Deku happened. I said nothing because it wasn't my place to butt into the whole debacle, and for the record it wasn't because of my social awkwardness, yeah totally..-

Okay so that brings me here.. I am currently waiting at a gate to the exam, I am going full crown on this.. Why? Because. What?! I was to show off! I want to be the top dog here, I may have goody too shoes dreams but that doesn't mean I don't want to show off.-

For the record I have gotten back to my previous sanity while wearing the crown, still crazy, just I can keep my wanting to fight villains to the side.-

As I hear the buzzer my appearance suddenly changes, my Eyes become tinted blue, my skil light blue and my hair turns white and that includes my chin beard.. my teeth sharpen and a mad expression shows it's way onto my amazing face!

|AN- I want to show that Kori is also a crazy in his internal monologue..|

Oh~ This is going to be quite chilling~ HAHA!

"HAHA! Watch out gentleman and ladys Big Daddy Ice King is about to pop off! HAHA!" I said and fly into the city.-

I fling some ice bolts into the city that transform into Ice Golems, which go on the hunt for pointer robots.-

I occasionally throw a spear through a robot or to head, "HAHA! To easy Peezy lemon squeezy~ HAHA!" My mad chuckles get weird glances from the people below me trying to get points. I would like to add I see no future 1a guys or gals in this city so I must be in one that they didn't, which is good I can let loose without worrying about taking thair points.-

My eyes rapidly scan the area, in my view there is lots of frozen and torn in half robots the latter being from my Ice spears. I start to fly to a different area of the city, as I am flying I see a Girl getting cornered by tree 2 point robots, "Oh, A Danzel in distress?! Ice King is here to save the day! HAHAHA!" I lift my hands up and a cloud forms and starts raining ice needles down on the robots, "Ouch! That's going hurt! HAHA!" I fly off leaving the random background character girl to be left in shock, staring at the robots who had lots of needles sticking it over them, Sparks bouncing off them indicating that they were destroyed.-

My flight comes to a stop when I hear a sudden earthquake.. I looked behind me to see the giant Zero pointer stomping through the city, "Ohhh~ What do we have here?" I say my sharp teeth showing by my grin, I moved my glasses on my pointed nose and laughed, "HAHA! Let's see if I can make something as big as that!" I shouted and waving my hand a giant bolt of blue Ice energy lands onto the ground, a massive Ice construct begins to form.-

It took the form of a Ice gorilla, The silver back kind, I jumped on it head and sink into its head. This gives me control of the Giant Ice-Gorilla. I began to pilot it and charge at the 0 Pointer, the building frost over as I brush by them in the Gorilla.-

The gorilla rears back it fist and three spikes form like Knucklebusters and slam into the robots face, This causes it to topple back and land on it back with an Indent on its face. The gorilla opens its mouth and a concentrated beam of frost slams into it, this results in a giant zero pointer popsicle.-

My Ice construct suddenly melts and my body that was now out in its base state without the crown slowly lands on the ground since the ice construct slowly melted from the top to the bottom, this help me because quite frankly I can't move a muscle.-

I let out an exhale, my entire clothes were wet from the water I was in. "Shit, well at least I won't get a cold." I am immune to cold literally, I could probably go to the South Pole butt naked and be a-okay.-

"Watch your language youngster." Chided the old lady that I didn't notice coming to me, "hey recovery-girl, I can't be healed, it was my energy that was used." I said, if she used her quirk on me I would probably die.-

"Okay then, take a gummy instead." She says putting a gummy in my mouth, I didn't expect that.-

Well I will be okay in about fifty years…-

[In the UA Examination room]

"Holy shit.." Said a shock midnight, she was immediately chastised by the principal however, "Language." He said looking at her she nods but points at the paused video of a giant ice gorilla, "But you have to admit, that was something." She said her still shock expression showing.-

"It's reckless, that's what it is." Said a tired looking Aizawa, Present Mic patted his friend on the back getting a half-hearted glare from him, "Come on Shota! You got to admit the kid is strong!" He said with a grin.-

He let out a sigh and rubbed his temples. "This is going to be a problem child, I can tell." That got a laugh from everybody in the room.-

"Well, let's see what this young man can do?" Said Nezu looking forward to seeing what this Kori fellow will do in the future. "Let's hope it doesn't get him in trouble though." He added as an after thought.-

On the side All Might had a smile on his face, there were some promising students this year thats for sure.-

[Back to Kori]

I left the UA exam city my body feeling like it was about fall apart as I got into the bus that would drop us off back at the entrance of UA.-

My mother picked me up and I got home and flopped onto my bed, "Zzzz~" and promptly fell asleep.-



There ya go chapter ten baby! And a 1.5k chap at that too! Haha hope you guys enjoyed.

Au revoir!