
[LOL] Rift-Summoned:He Comes from the Void

Kane, cursed from the start, finds himself transported to the perilous depths of Runeterra's most treacherous corner—a forsaken Icathia. Beneath the sunless sky, in a land seldom walked by man, where ravenous beasts reign supreme, despair loomed large. Were it not for the monstrous yet enigmatic girl, Kane's story might have ended in a swift and ignoble demise, making him the briefest visitor in trans-dimensional history. In a desperate bid to outlast the darkness, he seeks refuge under the protective wing of Kai'Sa, the Daughter of the Void. But with Kai'Sa unable to shield him at every turn, Kane embarks on a harrowing journey to replicate the medical marvel that forged her symbiosis with the void. Bracing for the ultimate sacrifice, he opens himself to the void, to graft its living chitin armor onto his very skin. Yet, in his moment of truth, as he poised to become one with the abyss, the void recoils...

Daoisth5q9cG · ゲーム
30 Chs

Restless in the Abyss

In the dimly lit tunnel, an alien profile was cast in the sinister glow, accompanied by a voice both oppressive and ethereal, recounting horrors unknowable.

"High concentrations of energy can strip creatures of consciousness in an instant, their forms reshaped and dominated by the Void;"

"Underground, strange 'lakes' exist, but they harbor no fish. These lakes are gateways to another dimension, and if one lingers nearby, gleaming, nascent monstrosities will soon emerge, rushing towards you from their shores;"

"The faintest touch of a Void creature can dissolve organic matter, reshaping it into forms they require. To put it vividly, imagine melting a human down like chocolate, then recasting them into a monster."

"For now, these are the three methods of proliferation I know. Should I discover more, consider this lesson appended."

In the midst of this terrifying atmosphere, one might expect Kane to weave ghost stories. Yet, he was imparting a lesson in the macabre truths of their world.

Kai'Sa was initially recalcitrant until Kane introduced a role-playing game, casting them not as father and mother, but as teacher and student.

"Teacher Kane…" Kai'Sa paused, aware that interruptions could lead to a playful punishment.

"Student Kai'Sa, what queries do you have?" Kane asked while untangling her knotted hair, now tinged with violet at the roots.

"What is chocolate?" she inquired.

"Chocolate is a confection, available in Piltover for purchase."

"Candy? That must be delicious. My father once brought some home, but the desert's heat melted it into syrup... Still, it was sweet, the sweetest thing I've ever tasted."

Kai'Sa's fond memories warmed her, but as they slipped away, she drew her arms tighter around herself.

"I hope your questions become more meaningful. The more you comprehend the Void, the sooner we can leave the underground. Then, I'll treat you to as many sweets as you desire."

Kai'Sa was but a child when she fell into the abyss, her experiences of the world above limited. Kane, too, was intrigued by the magical realm they inhabited.

Eventually, they would leave the subterranean gloom to bask in sunlight and explore the world anew.

Children are easily swayed by simple promises, igniting her eagerness with nothing more than hopeful words.

"I wish to understand how our carapace binds with us."

"An excellent question!"

"The carapace melds with skin at the point of contact. Both dissolve into soft, pale fibers that then rebuild and fuse together, creating a new flesh that bonds the two."

"This sinister process requires energy, which is why my first attempt, lacking a Voidling heart, led to partial assimilation—a grave error on my part."

"So, the heart serves that purpose," Kai'Sa realized, resolving to obtain more of those precious organs.


"Tell me about the formation of the Darkin Armor."

"But I'm weary."

"Then sleep."

The relentless darkness of the underground distorts one's sense of time. Kane's lecture extended until exhaustion claimed him.

He chose to keep watch, knowing young Kai'Sa lacked such awareness. Without explaining his vigil, he simply stroked her hair, coaxing her into slumber.

To ensure Kai'Sa's first night as a symbiote was peaceful, he used his altered eye to still the restless carapace, sparing her from pain as she drifted into dreams.

Beyond the omnipresent dark, the cold was eternal—a trial they had to endure. In this underworld, no plants grew, and no wood existed to kindle a fire.

Fire might ward off beasts, but in the depths below, it would only attract ravenous monsters. Instead of revealing oneself in the light, it was wiser to blend into the darkness.

A weary sigh echoed through the void.

Symbiosis demanded its toll; Kane's second skin tightened, the prickling sensation intensifying as a gnawing hunger swept over him.

It hungered.

It craved even Kai'Sa, desiring to consume her.

The voracious hunger sought to command Kane's body, to reach out malevolently towards Kai'Sa.


Kane suppressed the murderous urge, trembling as he took deep breaths, his clenched fists warping the air around him.

Perhaps only he felt these urges so acutely, a side effect of his altered brain, which heightened his sensations, allowing him to perceive the carapace with uncanny clarity.

It was as if he could devour an adult drake in his hunger.

Whereas Kai'Sa gauged its voracity by the tension in her skin and the degree of pain inflicted upon her body.

Their difference, perhaps, lay in his ability to control the carapace—they perceived the Void not as humans, but as creatures from that very abyss.

Eventually, unable to bear the hunger, Kane used his left eye to quiet his left hand.


Voidlings remained motionless without purpose, as though they could stand eternally in place, unwavering even as eons passed.

But these beings held no noble quality. Their cognition was primal, with only the scent of life stirring them into action.

Scattered across the cavern, their unnatural bodies supported by four blade-like legs, they twitched as though afflicted by some mental malady.

The flickering of light from their trio of eyes danced upon the cave walls like dandelion seeds in a breeze.

Yet, anyone with common sense knew there could be no wind below the earth. The stagnant air spoke of a place infused with terror and hostility.

Kai'Sa crouched at the cavern's entrance, her carapace masking the scent of life that clung to her. With no wind to contend with, there was no need to strategically position themselves downwind.

Kane honed his senses to locate the cluster of Voidlings. Before commencing their hunt, he instructed Kai'Sa to observe the creatures, marrying last night's lessons with the sight before her, deepening her understanding.

Such was the duty of a devoted teacher.

Kai'Sa recognized the Void's triadic essence within the Voidlings, their pulsating hearts, and their rejection by the world.

She was learning to eradicate these threats more efficiently, to prevent the tragedy that befell her from repeating itself upon others.

Kane stood within the shadow cast by the rocky wall, closing his eyes to sense the swarm.

Raising a hand, he pinched thumb and forefinger together as if crushing a grain of salt.

A single crystal dislodged from the salt block, mirroring a Voidling at the edge of the swarm, which he drew near with mental command.

And Kai'Sa, stepping back into the shadows, raised her spear high, prepared to deliver her righteous verdict.