
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · 書籍·文学
134 Chs

Chapter 63: The possibilities of the Gate of Trut

It was dark outside the window of Ravenclaw Tower. The boys in the second-year dorm were fast asleep, completely unaware of the sudden arrival of a dark figure in their room. The intruder appeared out of thin air, making no noise whatsoever.

Silently, the shape landed on the only unoccupied bed in the room, concealed behind closed blue curtains of a four-poster bed. The moonlight streamed through the window, casting its luminous glow upon the face of the figure. It was none other than Zehir, the devil who had moments ago been in Lockhart's quarters, striking a deal with the incompetent professor.

With a pleased grin still on his face, his form suddenly began to change, a small glow spreading all over him. His long, dark hair started to shrink, his black eyes transforming into a beautiful emerald green. His adult body gradually grew smaller, until he was the height of a second-year student. Once the transformation was complete, a pair of glasses appeared in his hand, and he put them on his nose.

"I love transformation magic," he thought to himself as he made himself comfortable on the bed.

Zehir was none other than Harry Potter. He still wore a pleased grin, having made an incredibly advantageous deal that cost him nothing but promised a substantial amount of gold.

There was one thing he had been wanting to test for a while, and it had worked perfectly. He had created the Main Gate of Truth and granted himself ownership of it. He had also designed the ability to create smaller gates of truth in others, customizing them to some extent. However, he wasn't sure if it would work outside of his Sacred Gear, where the Gate was located. Nevertheless, like his other powers and abilities, he could channel the things he created and use them, although it was much more exhausting outside of his Sacred Gear and depleted his demonic power reserves. He was currently completely exhausted.

He had managed to bring forth a fully spiritual creation into the real world, based on a fictional world, and implanted it into someone else's soul. Unfortunately, this only worked with spiritual things and energies, not physical ones. He speculated that his Balance Breaker might be able to overcome this limitation, but he knew he was still far from reaching that level.

Now, he would earn more money through Lockhart. Of course, he set exorbitant prices for the things he hadn't revealed yet, emphasizing that Lockhart lacked the basic knowledge for any of them, hence the high cost. He guided Lockhart towards acquiring additional pieces of information.

Most of the knowledge he offered was seventh-year and above, as Harry's own understanding of magic was already at the fifth or sixth year level in many fields. Combined with insights from over a million people who studied and practiced magic, while developing a magic-based society, there was a vast amount of knowledge to be bought.

Harry himself was determined to reach the seventh-year level this year. Unexpectedly, he had gained knowledge in areas he hadn't studied before. The Gate he gave Lockhart functioned like any other gate, collecting all the knowledge Harry possessed as a prize. It turned out that Lockhart wasn't completely talentless in magic; he was simply lazy. Apart from some simple first-year charms, Lockhart was a master of the memory charm—a charm Harry had yet to study. Through their deal, Harry gained considerable understanding of it.

Some might argue that he broke the Devil Laws with that deal, as his Gate worked like any other, granting him control over Lockhart's soul upon his death. However, it felt more like Lockhart willingly surrendered his afterlife to Harry. It was absolutely worth it since Harry gained money, knowledge, and a soul in return, albeit in a few years.

The most significant aspect, though, was that he had successfully brought the Gate of Truth into the real world. Harry hadn't dared to test it before as he lacked experimental subjects in case something went wrong. Since it seemed to work flawlessly, it opened up many new opportunities for him. It provided an easy way to acquire knowledge and, more importantly, offered a potential solution to one of the biggest problems faced by devils.

When a devil died, their soul ceased to exist, instead the energy became a part of the Abyss, according to Ajuka Beelzebub's research who exactly tried to understand and solve that Problem. Unlike humans who ended up in one of the pantheon's afterlives, devils had no afterlife. With his Gate of Truth, Harry had the possibility to solve this problem; he just needed to find a devil on whom he could test it without incurring a great loss if it failed. Maybe Riser, but the political fallout would be troublesome, and no matter how he disliked the bird brain, Riser was truly hard to kill with his Regeneration. At least the implications of a possible Devil Afterlife under his Control were astounding.

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Although Harry had completed one deal, it seemed that either the other leaflets he had left in the library had not been found yet, or those who found them were not interested in using them, at least not yet.

In the meantime, he had to spend his days at Hogwarts evading three particular individuals. Whenever he spotted Lockhart in the corridors, he had to escape to avoid being subjected to a lecture on fame and publicity. While Lockhart's lessons had improved since Harry gained magical abilities, it was still tiresome, especially when Hermione wore a smug grin, falling once again into the trap of idolizing books. It was one of the problems with his friend that he would have to address in the future. Maybe he should tell them he was a devil? It had worked with Luna.

The other two people were much harder to avoid. For example, Colin Creevey seemed to have memorized Harry's schedule. Nothing delighted Colin more than saying, "All right, Harry?" six or seven times a day and hearing Harry respond with a slightly exasperated "Hello, Colin."

But there was another stalker, much stealthier but still apparent to Harry. Ginny Weasley, Luna's best friend, would often secretly follow him and observe him. Occasionally, she would bring Luna along, who, to Harry's dismay, had given the redheaded girl the idea to create a new club—a Harry Potter fan club. Professor Flitwick who was very supportive of his Students, was very open to that idea. Especially since it's been a while since any new clubs in Hogwarts were formed. He agreed to inquire with the Headmaster.

Ginny wasn't as bothersome as Lockhart and Colin, and she even protected Luna from some girls who tried to bully her. However, Harry absolutely did not need a Harry Potter fan club. Having a group of people dedicated to stalking him, which is what he was certain it would turn out to be, sounded absolutely horrifying. Unfortunately, all he could do was curse Luna for her imagination, as it seemed that the fan club was truly becoming a thing. Especially since Harry was sure, that this kind of thing would exactly fall into the sort of humor he believed Dumbledore enjoyed.

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