
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · 書籍·文学
134 Chs

Chapter 26: Restricted Section and Slytherin's

During his second week in the Castle, Harry Potter finished his Lessons for the day, after saying goodbye to his classmates he decided it was time to check out another important part of the Castle. The Hogwarts library stood before him, a haven of knowledge and untold secrets. With its towering bookshelves and hushed whispers, it beckoned to him like a sanctuary of wisdom.

The Hogwarts Library was located off of a corridor on the first floor of Hogwarts, as Harry stepped into the vast room, the scent of old parchment filled his nostrils, rows of rows of tens of thousands of books filled thousands of shelves all over the Library. A Room filled with magic and mystery and Harry was eager to explore every inch of it.

His gaze wandered from shelf to shelf, his eyes gliding over titles that promised untold wonders. Books on charms, potions, magical creatures, and the history of the Wizarding world whispered their stories. There were so many books that it would take him decades to read all of them, the Library far outstrips the size of the one in the Ravenclaw Library.

'Damn, this is a lot. So much of wanting to study all of them.' Thought Harry his gaze wandering through the Room, 'A lot of them are probably not about magic itself, but History books and Legends could be also useful. So how am I supposed to study them all? Maybe…'

After having the flash of an idea, Harry stepped towards one of the Shelves and pulled a book a copy of, 'The History of Levitation' out. As he held the Leathery book in his hand and focused for a moment, an exact replica appeared in the Library of his Tower inside his Sacred Gear. All the contents of the book were exactly there, even the signs of age were replicated.

'Well, that worked halfway.' Thought Harry wryly as he compared both copies, his original plan was to directly learn all the contents inside the Book, that was something he didn't think of before. But even though he could create an exact copy and understood what it was made of, his Sacred Gear couldn't just put the Content inside his head, and he had to read it normally, 'Well that confirms my guess that Big G isn't omniscient. That he wasn't Omnipotent is clear already, or Devils would have been wiped out a long time ago.'

With an excited glimmer in his eyes, Harry looked around the room, 'Well at least I am able to collect all of the Books here and read them over time even when I am already graduated.'

Harry picked up one book after another, creating copies of them inside his Sacred Gear before picking an interesting one to read, so he wouldn't look suspicious and headed towards one of the Table's, sitting down and enjoying a nice book about the Light Charm Lumos.

Spending a few hours in the Library, picking some books from time to time up to copy them into his Sacred Gear before choosing another book to read, Harry noticed an entrance closed by a rope on one side of the Library leading to a completely isolated section of the Library. Stepping closer to the entrance, wanting to get a better look at the room behind the Rope, recognizing it as the restricted Section. As he suddenly felt a presence behind him.

"What do you think you're doing, young man? The Restricted Section is off-limits to students without the permission of a Professor!", warned Madam Irma Pince the Librarian of the Hogwarts Library with a strict look on her face. She was a thin, irritable woman who looked like an underfed vulture.

Startled by her sudden appearance, Harry tried to explain himself, "I-I was just... searching for a book. Got a bit turned around, I suppose and just wanted to see what was in there." Harry replied, his voice tinged with nervousness.

Madam Pince's sharp gaze scrutinized him, her lips pursed with suspicion. Sensing her disapproval, Harry quickly retreated, his longing gaze lingering on the forbidden entrance behind the rope before he left, deciding it was best to leave the Library for today. But he swore to himself that he will get to the forbidden Section too.

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As Harry left the Library, he met a group of people that he managed to avoid for quite a while. These three often tried to approach him after classes, but Harry managed to lose them in one of the many Corridors of Hogwarts.

Unfortunately today his luck run out as he met Draco Malfoy with his two attachments Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle as he left the Library in a hurry. With no possibility to avoid them this time, they directly approached him. "Finally we meet Harry Potter. Somehow every time something comes between us when we tried to approach you!" greeted the pale blond boy.

Standing on either side of the pale boy, they looked like bodyguards "Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," said the pale boy carelessly, noticing where Harry was looking. "And my name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

"I remember your names from the Sorting. It's nice to meet you Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Goyle, and Mr. Crabbe." Nodded Harry to each of them trying to be as polite as possible. "What can I do for the three of you?"

"We came to introduce and invite you to spend some time with proper members of the Wizarding World." Replied Malfoy with arrogance, "You know some Wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Stretching his hand out for Harry.

Harry calmly nodded at that before he replied, "I understand. Thank you for the offer Mr. Malfoy, but as the heir of a most ancient and most noble family, I will have to be careful. I need to form my own picture of the Wizarding World and its members since I lived outside of it for such a long side. Ms. Greengrass was already so helpful to offer me her help. But I appreciate the offer.", rejecting the arrogant Blond in such a manner that he wouldn't be offended, while still shaking his hand as a show of respect.

During his research about customs in the Wizarding World, he read that outright rejecting an offered hand is an insult. So Harry chooses a diplomatic way out, relying on Daphne without offending Draco Malfoy.

"I see too bad, Mr. Potter. But if you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to approach us. House Malfoy would be honored to be of assistance. Many members of House Slytherin would also be happy to assist you from what I could hear in our Common Room." Nodded Malfoy a bit disappointed, but he could understand that Daphne Greengrass was faster than him in making connections to Harry.

"Thank, you Mr. Malfoy. I will keep that in mind." Agreed Harry, absolutely knowing that any assistance would have some form of price, this was the true nature of politics, as he got ready to leave, "Well then Gentlemen. I need to return to the Ravenclaw Tower as I have a further appointment. It was nice to make your acquaintance."

"You too, Potter." Said Malfoy as he continued to the Library with his two grunts following behind him.

Harry also continued on his way, relieved that he didn't make a new enemy. But he was still confused about what the Goal of House Malfoy was. After all from all the informations he could gather they were Supporters of Voldemort, his father was even part of his inner Circle and only remained free because he was able to bribe his way to innocence.

Were they somehow targeting him, or had another nefarious goal in mind? Or did they think Harry could replace Voldemort for their Goals? Well, Harry would need to be careful around them, since they were at least former allies of one of his greatest enemies and his parent's killer.

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