
Chapter 4

After some time, Victor found exactly what he was looking for. An abandoned construction site that no one seemed to care about, it was supposed to be a new building for the Stark industries, but they halted the construction of the building a few years ago.

Seeing the place he nodded to himself and took out his notepad and pencil to write down a series of things that he had to test out.

1 - Did I became stronger?

2 - Did I became faster?

3 - Did I got some other power?

4 - Any changes that aren't that physical?

The list was short but it covered pretty much anything he could ask at the moment.

"Let's start." He spoke to himself as he walked around the place. He wasn't a person that liked to beat around the bushes, the first thing he did was to search for something heavy to lift.

There were a few options, some abandoned cars, and different types of trucks, after searching on the internet about the details of each one, he decided to try and lift the one that weighted fifteen ton, a truck used to transport heavy load.

Putting his hands bellow the truck, he started panting as his muscles contracted, building up strength from all around his body, there wasn't a single muscle that didn't work together with the others to increase his overall performance.

Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds, thirty seconds... In thirty seconds he managed to fully lift a fifteen thousand kilograms truck above his head. Sweat poured down his face, as he struggled to breathe, in the end, he only managed to hold it for twenty or so seconds before he had to put it down.

Panting he sat down and started taking notes of what he discovered.

For the next days, his time would be spent on this seemingly boring activity.


A few days had passed since the incident at Oscorp, Midtown high had finally restarted classes since they stopped in respect for the kids that died.

Victor learned a lot during his free time, his powers were, way different than anything he could have expected. To begin with, he discovered that he could crawl on the walls as spiders do, but... it seemed like his hands and body literally glued to the surface, he couldn't find any reasonable explanation for this, it was no different than magic as far as he could tell.

When he does a specific movement with his hand, webs will come out of his forearm, and he can do a lot of things with it depending on how much strength he exerts with his muscles and even when he wills it to be different, but he still had to study it more in order to understand how to exactly control the webs, other than that, it seemed that he could somehow control how much time it lasted until dissolving naturally, the longest being 4 days, and the shortest an hour.

Other aspects included some side of sixth sense for danger, extremely improved healing capabilities, super agility and speed, and... electricity? He wasn't sure how though. When he touched a lamp by accident it turned on without a source of energy, so he could only think that he could somehow produce electricity.

The thought of his capabilities, was exciting, to say the least, he could already picture himself at the Olympics, or playing basket, or whatever. All that he could think of was how to exploit his powers for his own benefits... But in the end, he didn't even need to do that exactly.

In four days he also noticed that his memory was much better than before, he could think faster and possibly even learn faster, if he put some time into studying, maybe he could be like Parker, Tony Stark of Richard Reeds.

Although he would never abandon his books, even if he somehow became a science genius, the books would still be his love.

The first day was being quite depressing. Everyone was quiet most of the time, and the teachers were more boring than ever before.

Victor would have had to force himself to stay awake if it wasn't for his sixth sense bothering him literally every time he approached Parker! And he wasn't stupid, he could tell that Parker was having the same problems because he also felt somewhat uncomfortable whatever they were near each other.

Today however was being quite different from usual, whether or not that was a good thing. During the break, only Peter was bullied, and Maxine came to talk with Victor.

"So, how are you? Did you recover from the accident?" She sat down beside him, putting her plate with the food the school gives on the table.

"Yes, it was a pretty tough weak though..." Victor's eyes trailed towards her body, Maxine wasn't the kind of girl that developed excessively fast, her chest wasn't that big nor was her lower parts, however, it couldn't be denied that this 1,65 meters tall girl had a really well-proportioned body and a face that even without makeup could make any boy's heart thump wildly.

"You know my eyes are up here, right?" She pointed to her eyes when she noticed where he was looking at.


"Sigh... Don't worry, I know you can't help it, I'm that beautiful after all."

Victor chuckled hearing her words. "You know, some say that being humble is a quality."

"Well, it is difficult to be humble about my appearance when you can't take your eyes off me." Seeing how Victor blushed and avoided her gaze, she laughed and took a bite of her sandwich.

She was about say something when the sound of a plate falling on the ground echoed through the school cafeteria.

They turned to see and spotted Peter who was being surrounded by the jocks, basically Flash and his buddies.

"What did you just said, Parker!? Are you fucking nuts?" He held Peter by the collar of his shirt, lifting him above the ground a few centimeters, making it so that Peter had to use the tip of his toes so that he could keep standing.

Some stood up and started forming some sort of circle around them as they shouted. "Fight! Fight!"

Victor and Maxine also approached to see what was going on.

"Put me down, Flash!"

"Or what Peter, what are you gonna do, huh? It's 6 against one!" He punched Peter in the guts, and threw him on the ground, Peter frowned but he didn't seem to have taken a lot of damage.

"Flash, what the hell are you doing!" Marry Jane came running from the door and pushed him away from Peter.

"Stay out of this MJ, I'm going to beat the crap of this nerd today!" Flash kicked Peter's leg. "This bastard thinks he can humiliate me in front of the basket team? I'll show him what humiliation means!"

He was about to kick him again, but a punch connected to his face, making him fall face-first on the ground.

Everyone opened their eyes-wide, startled with the scene, where did the punch come from? Looking at where Flash had once been, they noticed Victor standing motionless there with clenched fists.

"Fuck, I forgot about the delinquent!"

"Do you think he is now buddies with Parker?"

Victor crouched and helped Peter stand up.


"No need to thank me, Parker, stand behind, let me take care of this." Victor interrupted him and spoke with a frown on his face.

"Marry Jane, let's not stand in their way, it will better if we let the boys take care of this issue." Maxine approached MJ and whispered in her ear.

"But... Peter will get in trouble..."

"Don't worry MJ, Victor can shoulder all the responsibility on his own, it wouldn't be the first time anyway."

MJ could only nod helplessly and give way for the two.

"So, Peter." Victor began. "Can you fight?"

"I... Well... Cough... Yeah." Peter struggled to speak for some reason as if the question somehow bothered him.

"Good, try not to get all beaten then. I have experience with street fighting, but I can't promise I'll be able to get us out of this unscathed." Although he said that, Victor thought something else on his mind. 'I mean, I'll surely get out of this without a scratch, I just don't know about you... Anyway, I'll have to find some time to thank the gods later, who would have thought that I would have such an opportunity to see if there was something wrong with Peter as well, today I'll understand why my danger sense keeps bothering me when I'm near you.'

"WAAGH! GET THEM!" Flash shouted as he stood up and ran towards Victor.

Flash's friends all moved at the same time, it was three for each one.

Michael was the first to reach Victor, he tried an uppercut, but he sidestepped with agility, avoiding the punch, and soon after he kicked him the leg, making Michael trip and fall on the ground, his head hitting the edge of a table, rendering him unconscious.

The other two didn't waste time, Flash tried to kick him from the right side, directly into his ribs, while his friend Brandon simply punched him straight in the head.

This time, his danger sense kicked in and he subconsciously avoided their attacks, turning 180 degrees with one hand on the ground, kicking the two on the face with his legs that were facing the ceiling.

"Wow! What the hell! Did the delinquent learned Kung fu?"

"Damn, I'll post this shit on YouTube, look at those moves!"

Victor more or less understood why people were saying those things, but their next words truly startled him.

"Is that really Parker!?"

"Damn look at those abs! I didn't know Parker was going to the gym, could he have been planing to beat Flash and his friends already?!"

"It's not just Peter, look at Victor as well." Victor's shirt had lowered, approaching his face since he was upside down after avoiding the two attacks and counterattacking with two kicks of his own. "He was definitely bigger than Parker, but I didn't know he was so ripped!"

Jumping back to his feet, Victor turned to look at Peter and watched as he easily avoided one punch after the other, even the ones that came from his blind spots. 'I knew it! There must be something wrong with him as well, there is no way, he would be able to dodge that unless he was like me!'

Peter in the end still restrained himself from even touching them, always avoiding the guys like they were the plague.

"AAAGH! STOP MOVING PARKER! FACE ME IF YOU ARE A MAN!" Luca shouted as he tried to hit Peter on the back once more.

In the end, Victor had to take them down one by one by himself, not that he minded it though, it would be better like that, it's not like he would be expelled anyway, many people were afraid of his father influence after all, although he didn't know why.

"What's going on here!" a voice that many weren't used to hear, reached their ears. "Get out of the way!"

"Fuck! It's principal Coulson, what the hell, we almost never see him, why is he here today!?"

"What the hell did you say? Principal Coulson is here today!?"

The crowd dispersed, giving him the way to reach the trouble.

"Ah, a bunch of troublemakers I see, who is the one responsible for this?" His voice was calm, but his authority was undeniable, the man had been the principal for over 2 years, and ever since he came to the school, not only its ratings increased, the overall grades of the classes increased as well, making midtown the second-best school on the ranks of New York.

Victor turned to look at him and raised his hand. "I beat the shit out of everyone here." He pointed to Ned, one of his geek classmates, a skinny boy with brown hair and blue eyes who was holding his smartphone and recording everything. "Ned recorded everything, it's enough to prove my words."

"What!? I wasn't recording-"

"Give it here." Principal Coulson extended his hand as he looked at him.


"Don't worry, I just need the evidence, weren't you studying to become a journalist? Count this as your first contribution to society."

Ned opened his eyes wide, and the people who knew him did the same.

"Wow! As expected of the Principal, he even knows what his students aim to be!"

"Truly a man that does his work with excellence." Someone nodded.

Ned sighed and gave the man his smartphone, but not before sending Victor a threatening glance, which disappeared soon after as he gulped and shrunk his face after seeing Victor glancing at him.