
[DROPPED] The Power of Nature

After over half of his life spent in his favorite game; The True World. A top of the art VR game. It had been the leading VR-MMORPG game since its launch 20 years earlier, but today marks the day of the shutdown. === As he found himself in the body of his character with all its power. With the power of a God of Nature, how will he fare in this new world?

MrColt · ファンタジー
14 Chs

The New World

It has been days since I started walking and my little bird friend already left me, he had his home and mate where I found him so he flew back home. I didn't mind at all, I knew I could kinda teleport to where I was going, but I wanted to enjoy my walk. I found ponds with many different colorful fish in and I saw a huge albino elk, it was almost glowing and I could sense its purity. It was a pure and innocent animal, we shared a look and it bowed towards me.

I already knew that I was a God of Nature, every animal I met greeted me with respect, I even saw a pack of wolfs that were on a hunt, but they stopped just to pay their respects to me. I even tried my hand on my magic, I could control nature itself, if I thought a tree was in my way as I walked, it would move, effortlessly. I didn't make it move though, I felt it was disrespectful to move it from where its made it home for centuries.

I saw creatures, which humans would probably put in the "monster" category. I saw Elemental wolfs, foxes, and more. I even saw a four tailed fox as big as a car. I saw Ents, the sentient, moving trees. I could also see my destination far ahead. I smiled when I saw it. A tree that was many times larger than all other trees in this huge forest, I knew it because I created it. The World Tree; Yggdrasil.

I remember creating the elves there and I bought guardian packages for real-life money to create guardians for my domain, they all lived by Yggdrasil. I can't wait to see them alive and real, not as an NPC. That's to say if they even exist here, but there are many variations of Yggdrasil and I worked hard to make my unique, and I could see even several miles away that this was my Yggdrasil.

As I got closer I found a road, not a cobblestone road or an asphalt road the humans might use, but a flat path with just grass, I knew this was created with nature magic. I started following the road and it didn't take long before I saw a big wall, made from wood, but not just any wood. I remember making it. The walls surrounding Yggdrasil are the roots of the World Tree itself. Even though I was a few kilometers away from the big gateway, I could see the elves on top of it. I felt proud when I saw them, I could feel their purity and love for nature, that made me proud and loved.

While only a kilometer away from the gateway, I noticed the elves starting to move around, I knew they had seen me, or maybe even felt me. With their affinity with Nature, they already knew who I was, I was their god. I could feel their excitement at my approach.

I reached the gate and it was already open and all the elven warriors stood in lines making a path for me to walk, they say down on their knees and had their head high as they looked at me. I remember making that setting on them. For them to not look at their object of worship while on their knees is seen as disrespectful.

I looked around in curiosity and they had made the entire inside of the wall into a civilization, just as I wanted. I smiled when I saw it, I was proud of them, and they felt it. Some started crying in happiness, I mean who wouldn't be happy if their god acknowledged them. I just kept walking straight for the center, my home, and all around me, elves, wood spirits, and other creatures gathered to look at me.

As I closed in on Yggdrasil I saw the palace, which was the home of the elven rulers. I made them as High Elves, an evolution of the elves that had a higher affinity with nature and also a longer lifespan. A regular elf can live up to a thousand years while a high elf is ten times that, at around ten thousand years. I don't know how long it has been for them since I descended last, but I can tell by their reaction that it has been a while.

I saw the big entrance into Yggdrasil open and a small fairy flew towards me and crashed into my chest. I didn't feel anything though. This was Lilias, the spirit guardian of Yggdrasil. I made her to guard the tree and I made her setting, just as the other guardians as a friend of mine. What can I say, I was lonely and I wanted friends.

"You're back, master!" Lilias said in between sobs while hugging my chest. Although I was small, she was even smaller, she was around 1"6 with two glittering wings on her back and long golden hair that reached her lower back. She had a white and golden princess dress on her and a silver tiara on her head.

"Lilias," I said, My voice was very... scary. It didn't sound male or female, it sounded like growling, but an elegant growling. It was hard to explain, but let's just say it didn't sound human.

"How long have I been gone?" I decided to ask that to get it out of the way, I hope it hasn't been too long, it would be cruel to my friend to leave them alone for too long.

Lilias looked at me with her bright purple eyes and wipes her tears away. "Eight hundred thousand years" she said. In shock, I grabbed her in my embrace and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry!" I said with a bit of sadness in my voice. It just made her cry even more, but I could tell it was in relief and happiness. I also sensed the surrounding elves that heard us got very happy.

I kept moving towards Yggdrasil with Lilias in my embrace, by the entrance I turned around towards the elves and smiled and gave them a small wave before I closed the gate. I didn't want to hinder their duties and their amount of worship towards me is insane.


I stood on one of the balconies on Yggdrasil and looked around. It was so beautiful, I could stare at this for eternity. After I got in, Lilias gave me some information on the most recent events, which is the last thousands of years. Around twelve years ago, everything in my domain got transported to this new world. At first, they were confused but accepted it quickly as they thought I did it.

Luckily all my guardians followed, without them some of the cities would have fallen according to Lilias, as humans and demons both wanted a piece of the land my domain was on. Humans mostly because of greed, I don't blame them, it's in their nature. But I will not forgive them if they try anything now that I'm here.

The demons, on the other hand, didn't want the land, they wanted the essence that was in all creatures I created, My guardians, the elves, and spirits. According to Lilias, they grow stronger by feeding of the essence of beings that are close to gods. In the human land, there is a holy kingdom that is close to a god of light, and demons love feeding on them, but as they have the power of light and demons are creatures of darkness, they are hard to feed on.

So when my domain arrived it was like a new feeding ground spawned for them. Ynas, the Guardian of my domain, the strongest of them manage to scare them away, but there are always some that try to sneak in to feed. Ynas is a massive green dragon that when created, had to be nerfed by the devs due to the sheer power. He had the power of a world boss.

A world boss needed 20+ players to take down. I had to nerf him though, but I did it in settings only, I made him cursed. The curse nerfed his attributes by over 50%. But even then, he was my most powerful guardian. The curse did more than just nerf his attributes, but that's not important now.

Mythi, the Guardian of the forest was a Fenrir. A massive silver furred wolf. She could make herself smaller, but she took pride in her size. She was the most powerful assassin class guardian. Ynas was a tank, his scales are close to indestructible. Lilias was support, she was a master illusionist and also had many buffs.

Asea, the guardian of the Elves. I made her an Eternal Elf, the only elf with eternal life. She was a master with both ranged weapons and close combat. She also had powerful offensive nature magic.

All guardians are a powerhouse, each one of them could handle a party of max level players. Even I could not defeat them if it weren't for my god powers in nature. But now, that I'm not restricted by the game system, 100 of them would not stand a chance against me. I'm also pretty sure I can lift the curse on Ynas

Speaking of the guardians, I could sense them all moving towards me at high speed. I smiled as I sensed their excitement and happiness. Even I'm excited to meet them.

Yggdrasil is full of Woodmen, that was a skill I had in the game, to create servants, but I spent a long time customizing each of them, they all had different looks and they come in the form of maids, butlers, cooks, and more. Though their power isn't strong, in comparison to the guardians, they are stronger than the average High Elf and were balanced in ranged and melee. They had high nature affinity, but they could only use some support spells.

They may be woodmen, but I designed them to look like a mix between me and the elves. According to Lilias, the elves call them Godkin. They don't leave Yggdrasil often though, I heard a few leaves when a new generation of royalty takes over to teach them all they need to know. This was a custom that started a few thousand years after I disappeared.

Right, I almost forgot to mention another NPC I made, he isn't a guardian. Well, I got him in a guardian package but never used him as a guardian, the devs would never allow it. I mostly made him as a meme to see how far I could tweet the system. I wonder if he exists here? If he did, he'd be a god himself.

'hmm, let's see if he's still here' I thought to myself as I started descending Yggdrasil, towards the underground, a hidden area that even Lilias didn't know about. Only I know it. When I entered it was unleashed, I felt him, his power, he is indeed here. I smiled hard in excitement.

"Seb..." I called out to him.

Thanks for reading and I apologize for the info dumps and I hope you enjoyed.

MrColtcreators' thoughts