
The Fox is given a mission

Chu Yun couldn't believe he had just arrived back in Zui and already there was gossip about him. These people couldn't go a single day without riding his ass.

The rest of the meal with Gu Wei and the Queen Dowager was unbearable. Chu Yun couldn't relax under the old Dowager's shrewd gaze, and he could just tell there was some silent conversation happening between Xiao Zai and his dam. That worried him most of all.

It was obvious that Xiao Zai held his dam-father in high regard; whatever he said went. If Gu Wei decided to make Chu Yun's life a living hell, all the ground he had gained with Xiao Zai would have been for nothing.

He needed to be vigilant. It was obvious there was more to Gu Wei than met the eye.

The meal finally came to an end. The Queen Dowager and Gu Wei came in the same carriage, and were going to leave the same way.