
Chapter Fifty Two

"It is still not good enough." 

I was standing in front of a mirror in my bedroom, and it was the King's reflection in the mirror that was staring back at me.

"Why does it keep turning transparent, and not just that, what is wrong with his face? Why I can't ever make his face right?!" I talked to myself, annoyed, staring at the weird illusion of the King I made around me.

Last night I had a brilliant plan to enter the guarded royal library. 

'Since the King's approval is needed to get in there, all I need to do is become the King himself. They cannot stop the King from entering his own library.' 

That is what I thought.

"But, it is easier saying than done, huh." I said exhausted looking at the reflection of the weird King's figure in the mirror.

Almost the whole night I spent practicing my plan. 

I thought since I'm pretty used to manipulating light to create some illusions like changing my appearance, I thought that it wouldn't be that hard to make this happen.

But the King is way taller than me which makes most parts of the illusion get transparent. Also, it seems I still can't make the illusion move quite right, it doesn't follow well my moves. If I walk, most of the time, the illusion I created of the King around me keeps behind, standing immobile, like a statue.

I sighed tired. 

"And the worst part is that his face is always kinda weird." I said, looking at his odd face.

If I didn't know beforehand, I wouldn't think the "King" I created seemed like the real King at all.

'I definitely need more practice.' I thought making the illusion disappear.

I sighed. 

"I am exhausted."

After hours and hours of practicing this magic, I finally threw myself on the bed, to finally sleep. 


I was in Prince Noah's room having breakfast with him when he suddenly asked me annoyed.

"What is wrong with you?" 

"W-What do you mean, Your Highness?" I asked embarrassed though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Prince Noah didn't say anything, he was just staring at me annoyed knowing how obvious it was what he was talking about. 

I tried to stay still but then I turned my face away and covered my mouth yawning.

"This! You kept yawning since you got in here." Prince Noah said, irritated.

Just a few hours after I finally went to sleep I was awakened by Mary telling me that Prince Noah's schedule started earlier than usual today, and because of that I just couldn't stop myself from yawning. I was genuinely feeling tired.

"I am sorry, Your Highness." I apologized.

"Are you this tired just because you had to wake up earlier than usual? Geez, you are such a baby." Prince Noah said, crossing his arms like he couldn't believe it.

"...I'm sorry, Your Highness." I apologized again, feeling ashamed of myself for being called a baby by a child.

Prince Noah just sighed and said clicking his tongue. "Tsk...You can go back to your room if you want."

I was caught off guard by him. 

"T-There is no need, Your Highness. I am fine." I quickly said.

Prince Noah stared at me surprised for a brief moment, and then he gave the shoulders saying. "Alright, then. Don't complain later."

Tense I drank my tea trying to avoid the look of the other maids serving us.

'I already don't have a good reputation here what would people think if they hear that I don't even need to work too?' I thought, scared for myself.

Looking at my cup I sighed.

'I wish it was coffee…'


"Do you have any questions, Your Highness?" Prince Noah's old professor asked.

"No, I don't have, professor." Prince Noah answered.

"I see, then for today our class is over, Your Highness." The old professor said, and then took some books with him. "I will take my leave, then. Have a good day, Your Highness." He said, bowing respectfully.

"Have a good day, professor." Prince Noah said, and then the old professor finally left the room.

Since early in the morning we've been in Prince Noah's study room and I was feeling excited to finally leave.

I felt a bit guilty feeling relieved that Prince Noah's class was over, though. Usually, I love watching his classes, but today they just made me even more sleepy than I already was.

I was already feeling relieved expecting us to leave the study room, but for some reason after his class was over, Prince Noah didn't go in the direction of the door, but he walked towards one of the bookshelves and took a pretty big book from there. And then, he took a seat in one of the sofas and started to read the book.

I tried to stay still for a moment, waiting for Prince Noah, but it seemed he wouldn't leave any time soon. Then I looked at Mary and the other maids, but they said nothing.

Impatiently I asked. "Your Highness, aren't you going to have lunch?"

Usually after his morning classes, Prince Noah has his lunch, but today he didn't seem to care about that.

Without even looking at me he answered. "Look at the time, it is still too early for that."

I looked at the clock and saw he was right.

"I see…" I said, dispirited.

'Ugh, we woke up so early today that I completely lost track of time.' I thought, exhausted.

Then, again without looking at me Prince Noah suddenly said. "If you are hungry you can have the snacks they brought for me earlier."

Usually, the maids bring Prince Noah some snacks during his classes, though he rarely eats them.

I was surprised by his kind offer, but it wasn't like I was hungry or anything.

"There is no-" I was about to deny Prince Noah's offer, but he interrupted me saying louder.

"Mary, bring us some coffee, the tea might be cold by now."

"Yes, Your Highness." Mary said diligently.

"C-Coffee?" I mumbled, surprised. 

The word 'coffee' caught my attention, Prince Noah usually drinks only tea I've never seen him drinking coffee before.

"Are you going to join me now or not?" Prince Noah asked impatiently, looking at me.

"Hm, I…"


"Is that good?" Prince Noah asked.

"Yes, it's pretty good." I said, shamelessly, after drinking the freshly made coffee.

Prince Noah just nodded and then he was back again focused on his book. 

I was with Prince Noah still in his study room sitting on a sofa while Prince Noah was on the other sofa opposite to me. Between us, there was a small table full of snacks and coffee recently brought by the maids.

And as I thought I was the only one drinking and eating, Prince Noah didn't eat the snacks nor did he even once drink his coffee. 

Prince Noah was just reading his book, focused, although, from now and then he glanced at me as if he acknowledged my presence. 

After the incident in the Servant's Hall, I couldn't stop noticing the maids' stares, and asking myself what were they thinking. If they shared the same opinions the other servants seemed to have about me.

'Well, if drinking this coffee will make me hated by everyone, then it is worth it.' I thought, feeling invigorated after drinking another cup of coffee.

I decided to take another biscuit, and just then I realized they were Prince Noah's favorites. I remembered seeing them the day I first saw the royal family two years ago.

'The day I stupidly showed myself in front of everyone.' I remembered, embarrassed.

Then, my attention was back to Prince Noah, noticing how absorbed he was in his book.

'...I don't know why, but I feel a bit sad looking at him.' I suddenly thought while staring at Prince Noah. 

Since the arrival of the other royal families, I noticed something quite unusual to hear in the palace. The constant sounds of children playing and laughing. From time to time I could hear some children playing outside.

'I thought all royal and noble kids had a similar life to Prince Noah and his siblings, a serious and disciplined life.' I thought, looking at Prince Noah.

Since early in the morning the only thing Prince Noah did was study, even now after his teacher left.

'Well, I don't know about the princess, but both Prince Noah and Prince Dylan seem to be always busy, just studying and training.' I thought.

After staring at Prince Noah for a while I then suddenly asked, taking him out of his book. "Do you want some biscuits, Your Highness?"

Prince Noah looked at me, and then at the plate with the biscuits on it.

"No, you can have it all." He said, going back to read his book.

'T-That's not what I was asking about.' I thought, embarrassed.

Then looking at the biscuits plate I noticed how few of them were left. I've eaten most of them without even noticing while drinking the coffee.

I cleared my throat, ashamed, and then I asked. "What book are you reading, Your Highness?"

"It is…it is a history book." Prince Noah answered, vaguely. 

'That does not help much.' I thought.

It was a pretty big book, but the way Prince Noah was holding it I couldn't see well the book's cover.

Curious I asked. "Can I take a look?"

Prince Noah looked at me a bit surprised and said. "...Sure."

I got out of my seat and sat beside him to get a better look at the book. It took me a minute to realize which book was it.

"W-Why are you reading this book?" I asked, astonished.

To my surprise, the book Prince Noah was reading was the one I read before in the royal library about the internal wars that happened in the extensive history of the kingdom.

The one that also talks about the Anarchists.

"I am just…" Prince Noah started saying, but then he stopped himself and suddenly asked me. "Have you read this book before, Alex?"

His look at me was a mix of confusion and curiosity. After all how and why would a servant even read this book? 

"Hm… I don't, I mean… Yes, I did." I said. I don't know why but looking into his eyes, I decided to not lie.

Prince Noah seemed surprised, for a moment I thought he would be mad at me for reading books I shouldn't have access to, but actually he just seemed curious. 

"Why?" He asked.

"...I heard the rumors about the Anarchists and I got curious about them." I answered, being honest.

Prince Noah looked at me and then looked away in silence.

'Is he mad?' I asked myself staring at him, but I couldn't really read his face.

Then Prince Noah looked at me again and surprised me when he said with a serious expression. "I want to know more about them too."

"R-Really, why?" I asked, astonished. Different from me, I thought Prince Noah knew everything about the Anarchists since he is a prince.

Prince Noah looked at me with frustration in his eyes. 

"All I know about them is what everyone talks about, but even when I asked my teachers in the past they always told me the same, that the Anarchists were just barbarians rebels, and I shouldn't worry about them, but now…" 

Prince Noah stopped himself, probably trying to not spill out what was told to him in privacy by the King. 

"...you know, everyone is talking about them now." Prince Noah said looking away.

'Well, knowing what I know, I can see why they haven't been clear about the Anarchists to Prince Noah. After all, how could you tell a child that there was a terrorist group out there wanting to kill him and all his family?' 

I looked at the pages of the book and noticed he hadn't reached the part where the Anarchists were first mentioned yet.

"Your Highness I think you shouldn't…" I said, but I stopped myself.

Prince Noah looked back at me again, confused. Looking into his childish eyes, made me feel guilty about what I decided to do. 

"Excuse me." I said, leafing through the pages of the book, without permission. "Here, they are first mentioned here in this chapter, Your Highness."

Prince Noah looked surprised at me, but then he quickly looked at the book, obviously curious. I could see his eyes quickly moving through the pages of the book, reading as fast as he could.

The chapter was about "The Bloody Marriage" where the Anarchists invaded the church during the marriage of a royal couple, killing many royals that were in there for the ceremony.

In a decent world, a child shouldn't have to fear being killed by terrorists, but this world is not like that. Although I know Prince Noah is protected inside the palace's walls, I can't be sure what could happen to him outside.

'Ignorance could kill him.' I thought.

"Where else are they mentioned in this book?" With a worried expression on his face, Prince Noah asked me as soon as he finished the chapter.

"Well, they were mentioned a few more times later, about them stealing or destroying royal boats or something like that, I don't quite remember it…" I said, trying to recall all the moments the Anarchists were mentioned in the book.

"Is that all?" Prince Noah asked, looking at me, and I noticed a bit of suspicion in his tone. After all, why would these rebels be relevant nowadays if the only big thing they've done was hundreds of years ago, besides stealing and destroying some boats?

I gulped.

"...What do you know about the King's mother, Your Highness?" I asked, after being in silence for a moment, thinking about the right words.

"My grandmother?" Prince Noah asked confused.

I nodded, nervous.

Prince Noah's expression got a bit saddened while saying. "I know her death is related to the Anarchists, I just don't know how."

"...I see." I said, feeling relieved, I didn't want to be the one spilling it out to him.

"Looking at your face, I can tell it is all written here, isn't it?" Prince Noah asked, looking at me as if he was reading all my expressions. 

I just nodded knowing I couldn't lie.

"Where is it? Show me." He said, determined.

"I think you already know enough, Your High-" I tried to say before being interrupted by Prince Noah.

"Alex this is an order." He suddenly said, serious.

I was taken by surprise by his determined tone and serious eyes that were firmly staring into mine.

I hesitated for a moment. But I decided to give in. 

'He has the book with him, sooner or later he could find it by himself.' I realized, trying to ease my sense of guilt. 

"...It is here." I said after showing him the chapter where it's written how the King's mother was killed by the Anarchists.

Prince Noah's serious expression slowly faded away the more he read, giving space to a complex expression, a mix of sadness and revolt. When he finished reading he went in silence, staring at the pages, like he was still absorbing all this information.

'It must be hard to read about your grandmother's death even more a death like that.' I thought, looking at Prince Noah with empathy.

But then I remembered she was also my grandmother and it didn't impact me much.

'Well, it is different for Prince Noah.' I thought.

I couldn't understand his feelings, after all for me the King, his mother, and even my mother, are just people blood-related to this new body of mine, not to the real "me".

'But for him, she is his family.' I realized, looking at Prince Noah's pitiful face. 

Prince Noah then looked at me again, but his expression was completely different from a few seconds ago, he seemed calm as if many things suddenly made sense to him.

"Is there anything else about the Anarchists after this chapter?" He asked.

"I don't think so, Your Highness." I said, telling the truth.

"I see." Prince Noah said, closing the book. Then he looked at me and said looking into my eyes. "Thank you, Alex."

I shook my head. "No need to thank me, Your Highness, it was nothing."

"If I said thank you, you should just accept it." Prince Noah said frowning, annoyed.

"S-Sorry..." I said, embarrassed.

 "Tsk." Prince Noah clicked his tongue, and then suddenly he put the book away from his lap and raised himself from the sofa.

"Where are you going, Your Highness?" I asked, confused.

"Weren't you the one wanting to leave? We are leaving now." He said all grumpy as usual, and turned away without waiting for me.

"S-Should I place the book back on the bookshelf?" I asked, confused, after all, I was a servant.

The maids had already opened the door for Prince Noah and he was about to leave, but he looked back at me and said. 

"No, just leave it there. This book is too heavy, you will end up dropping it."

Although he was not that wrong, remembering how hard it was for me to hold the book by myself in the library, still I was annoyed. 

"I told you I've read that book before and I didn't drop it. I am not that weak." I said after reaching him and the maids. 

"Hmm.." Prince Noah murmured disinterested, as if he didn't believe my words.

I sighed, trying to not get annoyed.

"What is your schedule today, Your Highness?" I asked.

After being woken up early in the morning, I knew nothing about Prince Noah's schedule. Since the funeral ceremony was near, I was expecting the reason why he had class so early to have something to do with that.

"Today I…" Prince Noah said but then stopped himself after seeing something.

Confused I looked at what called his attention.

To my surprise, it was the twins Ethan and Erick.

Wow I've been away for so long I saw we can use now Bold and Italic to write here! Omg Idk if it will change anything in my writting but I'm really glad haha (There is also a way for me to make notes though Idk what it is for, still its surprisinly good all these new things)

I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter and sorry again for all the waiting.

A random question, what did you guys think about the moments between prince Noah and Alex in this chapter?

LenoAuthorcreators' thoughts