
Leon and Victoria's, Lustful Adventure Part-II

Sector- D, Block- C

Building no. 7, room no- 34

Victoria nearly felt life sucking out of her body. She tried to adjust as much as she could, but it wasn't even near enough. 

She couldn't breathe properly, but then she felt Leon putting one of his hands behind her head, and again she felt Leon pushing his dick even deeper. 

She couldn't believe that she still hadn't taken his dick fully down her throat. 

There was still some of his dick left, and then suddenly she felt extreme pain coming down from one of her nipples. 

She yelped in pain, tried to scream in agony, but it backfired as Leon pushed his dick even more deeply inside of her throat, shoving his dick fully down her throat until his balls were pressing on her chins. 

Now she couldn't breathe. She so wanted to take one spasm of breath, but she couldn't. 

Leon's dick was fully inside of her throat, and he wasn't taking his dick back, letting his dick remain there.