
[BL] I have transmigrated into the myself of my past life!

(a BL Chinese Historical Novel) From the Chinese "Mingyun", literally "Destiny": something abstract and conceivable as the absolute power capable of determining the future of the entire Cosmos, or more commonly, of every single individual on Earth. Peng Xiao is a young college boy living in Hong Kong who grew up under the wing of his mother and the continued support of his sweet younger sister, Peng Xuan. The two have always been the opposite of each other but, despite everything, the two have always been inseparable. It's precisely because of this brotherly love that, after buying his sister's much desired book for her birthday, Peng Xiao will find himself involved in an accident that will bring him not only into a coma in the modern era, but also into a totally different place from his current habits: a parallel world where his identity will no longer be that of an ordinary boy struggling with his studies, but that of one of the three protagonists of the novel he had just bought! But, who would have thought that the new people around him really looked like the real people he had always dealt with? And especially, what if the Prince Chu Jinyan, carries on his first love without the involvement of a leading female figure?

only_a_person · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Prince Chu Jinyan 2/3

Song Liuyuan wasn't the only one to put his hand on that wooden stick: he found himself sharing his grip with a tall, unknown boy!

Damn, what would he have expected? He puffed out his cheeks snorting, but he was still determined ti not let go: the young Song glared at him while the other was connecting that mashile figure in front of him with his past memories of him. A guard was already ready to take the sword in hand, stopped by the boy in white clothes who brought it back to his post. A small, sweet smile was born on Chu Jinyan's face.

Song Liuyuan: «hey you! I've seen it before, so let It go!»

Chu Jinyan laughed slightly, shaking his head amused by the situation but still, he didn't want to let go. He looked at him, inspecting him: it had been so many years since he had last seen him and he would never have imagined meeting him again in a similar situation... he must still hate him for what he had done in the past. The prince's servant knew all too well the boy whom his majesty had met, as did the rest of the people who were intent on spying on the scene from their place. The man felt helpless about it: he was Song Liuyuan after all.

Chu Jinyan: «Who says you saw it first?»

Song Liuyuan: «Listen to me pretty little face, I won't say it again: I was the first to see it, therefore, it's I who now order you to let go!»

Chu Jinyan both raised his eyebrows, giggling again. He had decided to gamble with it just to see if he had really accomplished what he had said eight years ago: "if you walk through that door, from that moment on to me, you will be just a stranger".

He had done it. He had turned away from him, out of sight of him as if by magic. And now they were face to face again: how was he ever going to see him again as his best friend?

There was silence between them, accompanied by the looks of the servants and guards behind the third prince and, shortly after, Zhang Chen also entered the scene, who tried to bow in every way without success.  Song Liuyuan snorted, letting go: «ah, okay, take it! Maybe you can put on some fat»

Chu Jinyan widened his eyes at that statement, and then carefully observed the Tanghulu he was holding, hearing his servant talking to the merchant, thanking him for his patience and finally paying him with the exact amount of Tael. He shook his head handing it to the boy in front of him, who was amazed at first and, when he pulled the wooden stick from the grasp of the handsome young man in front of him, he smiled thanking him. The young boy took the cake offered by the stranger close to his lips but something in him told him that it wasn't right. Prince Chu Jinyan had confirmation of him: he didn't know how but, somehow, he had really managed to forget him. It was better that way; he deserved it... he shouldn't have treated him that way. Seeing him smile had been enough to set him on the road again. He wanted to get away from the scene but at the same time, Song Liuyuan stopped him with a call, removing that stick from his lips: «wait!».

The young man in the white clothes stopped and turned to him in silence, looking him up and down when he saw him approaching. There were exactly six balls of dried fruit on the stick. The young Song decided to remove three, taking the hand of the man still without identity, placing them on it.

Song Liuyuan: «we're even now»

Chu Jinyan was surprised and, as soon as the boy turned his back to go away, he stared at him closing his hand with those delights inside, remembering.

Remembering his childhood when he was little. He was eight and ran away from home after yet another fight with his parents. The only home he had thought of was the Song residence where the two half-brothers lived. When he saw Liuyuan for the first time he held a stick of Tanghulu in his hand, which he shared without hesitation with him, making him a happy child. Perhaps, on the one hand, Song Liuyuan hadn't completely forgotten about him. He shook his head creating a small curve on his lips: «let's go» he ordered.

Finally Song Liuyuan was able to enjoy the three pieces of Tanghulu with a smirk on his face. Zhang Chen was really curious about the situation.

Zhang Chen: «ah, young sir. I'm curious about one thing: why did you make that gesture?»

Song Liuyuan shrugged, taking a small bite of the first ball on the stick: «it just didn't feel right. He paid for it, in short, he had to have his share of the compensation».

Zhang Chen smiled slightly... maybe, that memory loss would really pay off for him.

Song Liuyuan: «listen to me, Zhang Chen: are you sure you don't want a hand to carry those things?»

Zhan Cheng was surprised once again, not by that kindness but by what he had called it: «Don't worry, young sir. You must see this gesture of mine as a help»

Song Liuyuan: «Don't be so formal, call me Liuyuan, This "young sir" gives me a headache»

He laughed at it, finishing shortly after the last scoop of dried fruit. He threw the stick in the appropriate space, and then took some boxes from the hands of his servant, who was continuing to refuse... at the end he sighed accepting that help, thanking his young master (never happened before!).

When Prince Chu Jinyan arrived in front of the great doors of his destination, he sighed. He had decided to walk that road, only to be able to fully enjoy that nostalgic air of the past. He ordered his servant and the guards who had followed him to go back to the carriage they had left just before the city, so as to be reunited with the other similar ones, who had remained guarding that object. With a bow they accepted the young royal's request, immediately realizing that as soon as they arrived, they would have to issue the order to proceed to the Song residence. When the boy entered, he was immediately greeted by the presence of the man he was supposed to meet: Song Chuyue, if not Liuhua and Liuyuan's father, with a big smile on his face.

Song Chuyue: «ah, Jinyan, how long has it been?»

The one appointed bowed politely in front of him, who stopped that gesture by taking him by the arms: «there is no need to be formal, boy.  I'm glad to see you again... Liuhua is very happy for this».

He laughed slightly, and then motioned to the minor to follow him inside his structure. Every step he took was as if he were walking towards the light that he hadn't been able to see for years: the Song residence had remained the same.

It wasn't far from that city and as soon as Song Liuyuan finished his rounds by buying two or three more things, he returned to his home happily exhausted. By now the famous prince Chu Jinyan was surely gone and his father had well gotten that much desired lunch with his future son-in-law. As for his lunch, he had dragged Zhang Chen with him to have a meal at a nearby inn. He was thrilled by the taste of the food he ordered, he ate more than expected!

Finally arrived at the palace, in the blink of an eye he reached the main room and, in that exact spot, he saw the person he was looking for: his presumed sister.

Song Liuyuan: «ah! Liuhua!»

In the blink of an eye with a smile on his face, he ran towards her, who had turned from his call as if she was surprised to see him, but that didn't pass into the sight of the young boy.

Song Liuyuan: «guess what? I went to town! Seriously, it was beautiful, I bet when night falls it's even more beautiful»

Song Liuhua: «... eh!?»

Song Liuyuan, without considering her and placing the boxes on the ground together with his servant who was now out of breath, started talking again: «I got some things from you, especially a dress in your favorite color... or at least, I think it's your color favorite, I don't remember but I really think it will look good on you!».

He searched for the box he was talking about and then gave it to the girl, who blinked unaware of what she was supposed to say or do.

Song Liuyuan: «I also wanted to get you some Tanghulu but they were finished. Ah, about that, a very funny thing has happened, seriously!»

Song Liuhua: «Liuyuan-»

Song Liuyuan: «ah, let me finish! There are these things for you too. See them as a thank you gift for what you keep doing for me! Oh, I also bought some books that you might like, so maybe you won't get bored any further»

Song Liuhua: «Liuyuan, wait-»

The stepbrother was now taken by the desire to talk, he didn't stop for a second! He was happy with what he had been able to buy, especially with regards to the things he chose for the girl! He had based himself mostly on Peng Xuan's tastes: he had thought that, perhaps, given her similarity, her tastes were also the same or similar to her little sister. He didn't notice that there were other people in the room, right behind him... something that Liuhua wanted him to know.

Song Liuyuan: «this is my favorite, it's a brooch that-»

A fake cough made itself heard in that huge room. Song Liuyuan clenched his teeth, turning to the individual who had distracted him, still holding the small box in his hands clutched to his chest. The man wore a black suit with gold trimmings, with embroidery of the same color. Before opening his mouth, he thought about what Song Liuhua had told him about their father: damn, that man must have been him! Song Chuyue.

Song Liuyuan: «ah, uhm- father... how did lunch go?».

Only after saying this he notice the other male figure who was still staring at him, near his father's right, making him open his eyes immediately afterwards: it was the same boy he had met at the market! Why the heck was he in his palace!?

Song Liuyuan: «you-!»

Song Chuyue: «Liuyuan!»

The strong call of the man was heard throughout the main hall. Song Liuyuan found himself directing his gaze from the young to the adult, swallowing. The man would have liked to speak a little longer, but the young man in the white clothes preceded him: «It's nice to see you again».

Song Liuyuan frowned. They had only seen each other once, yet that sentence made him shiver: is it possible that after just one meeting he missed him? Incredible. The older man felt all kinds of outbursts.

Song Liuyuan: «huh? We only met once! Don't treat me as if we already know each other, it's disturbing!»

Song Liuhua hastily joined him, having left what the boy had given her in the hands of her servants. She grabbed his sleeve and pulled it lightly and shook her head when he got his attention. It goes without saying that the young prince Chu Jinyan was confused by such behavior.

Song Liuyuan: «ah, anyway... how was the Tanghulu? Sweet? Sour? It seemed both to me and-»

Song Chuyue: «You told me you were going to train. If you don't want me to punish you again, you better keep your word and leave!»

The young man in question nodded, sighing sadly. He knew very well how to behave in such situations, even without the support of Song Liuhua, who had to let go from his sleeve after being warned by her father with a single glance. He had been there for a little over three days, and he was already afraid of that grown man.

Song Liuyuan: «with... permission»

It was a soft whisper.

He made a small bow without looking up and, remembering the various reference points of the previously drawn map, he quickly left the scene, followed by the eyes of his servant, his sister and strangely, even by that boy whose name he didn't yet know.

Song Liuhua sighed.

Song Chuyue: «You know how he is. In recent years he has really gotten worse: I apologize on his part, Ah, if there is nothing else to talk about... Liuhua, my daughter, can you accompany Prince Chu Jinyan to his carriage for me?»

The girl nodded and when she saw the man walking away, she approached the young man in the white clothes.

Song Liuhua: «Jinyan. There is one thing you should know about my brother»