
My Costar remembers

The Crown Prince's actions shock even Si Wang who recoils in amazement and drops the sword.

The Crown Prince's body crumples to the floor, a pool of blood spreading beneath him, as the light goes out of his clear eyes.

Xin Hulei is stunned silent, his eyes wide and his mouth open although no sound passes through his red lips.

Yao Shen is put in the uncomfortable position of seeing himself die. He knew this was coming, but it's still terrifying. For him to be here of course the Crown Prince had to die. 

He's him and yet not. Variations of a same soul -- a cycle repeating.

Yearning across the centuries for the person standing in silence over his quickly cooling corpse. While Xin Hulei is frozen in amber, Yao Shen is dust, of the mortal world, of the underworld -- from the stars.

He tries to meet the eyes of this Xin Hulei who is beyond seeing him, seeing anything, but it doesn't happen.