
C18: Years of Time Skip |Part 13|

• (Wano Country) {Year: 18.9} •

Compared to the future Ryu had watched in his past life, Wano Country was now in for better one. Well, unless the next Shogun screws it up. If any organizations were to attack Wano, they'd be in for a surprise if they ever break in the barrier.

The community were now almost united and had a lot of people who were stronger than high-ranked Marines. Thanks to several families who had invested in making dojos all over the Wano Country, people learned different martial arts. Even women were allowed to learn them due to the gender equality. O-Tsuru, the temporary representative, had not let the community down with her amazing persuasion and stubbornness, she ensured that anything decided at least had benefits for them.

The officials had been working and deciding hard ever since Ryu overthrew the Shogun, but now they could work peacefully and easily due to the new system for the community. Unlike before, the new system valued the wellbeing of the citizens in Wano Country instead of money. There were times where Ryu had to help here and there, but it was minuscule. People could vote for new officials when the officials' terms were over or retired.

As for the prison, it was difficult to break in or out, but there were still prison wardens and guards to ensure nothing would happen. The order were called Polices due to Ryu calling them. They took care of criminals, by arresting them and taking them to the court for decision on their punishment.

However, there were still people who didn't want a united community. They began to appeared ever since Ryu had announced he would leave Wano Country in 2 years.

Ryu checked them out in secret and found that they were only bluffers who had done so to keep Ryu in Wano... He sighed in exasperation, they were like Rin, only excessive. The community also didn't want him to leave, but they couldn't stop him, could they? It seemed that the community were confusing that if he left, the barriers would go down.

So, Ryu clarified to the community, that the barrier won't go down when he left, but they would go down when the next Shogun came. Even if the barriers went down, the community itself would easily take out any people who had bad intents. Although that calmed them slightly, it showed they were reliant on him and his barriers. He decided that the barriers definitely had to go down some day, otherwise they'd be too reliant that they went rusty in defending themselves, though not in internal strifes.

The internal strifes happened rarely, but they did indeed happen in Wano Country. They were mostly about the Shogun, who should have it. Most of them aligned with Ryu becoming the actual Shogun, but Ryu told them that he only took Shogun in-name, and held it for a 'friend' in the future.

So there were now three sides in that debate, Ryu-Becomes-Shogun, No-Shogun-Don't-Need, and neutral. The No-Shogun-Don't-Need contained of people who thought that a shogun wasn't needed, they could continue without one. Ryu scolded them, if they didn't need a shogun then why did the officials have to decide for a temporary leader to approve and finalize? They retorted that they'd rather him to be the Shogun, making Ryu roll his eyes!

Ryu became too popular that there were even legends about him and assumptions of where he was from. They already knew he was from the outside Wano Country, but not where exactly. Being too popular also involved a lot of fans, specifically women. He was the number 1 bachelor, he found out from Rin some day. Ryu was devilishly handsome, stronger than the whole Wano Country itself, could handle himself, and he could be diligent when needed. He was often shown as a cold person, but that only made masochist women wet in their groins.


Ryu was now teaching several people about Haki. Those several people actually had managed to somehow gained Armament Haki and Observation Haki. So, he decided to help them learn more about them and advance them. With Ryu and his system, the several people understood what he said one way or another, making their lessons easier.

After several months, he decided that they should start teaching others about the Haki they owned. As expected, no one had Conqueror's Haki in Wano Country.

There were starting to be more people with Armament Haki and Observation Haki, though basic. Ryu was thinking he may have overdid it, that Wano Country could easily become a group of crew that could hold their ground against each Yonko's crews. Thankfully, the community had no such intention, they wanted to protect their own and stay peaceful country. They had enough of corruption and oppression in the past.

Wano Country was now one of the strongest countries in the whole world. Ryu decided to let a bit of information to be sent out from Wano Country, they can protect themselves now.

• {Year: 19} •

News Coo spread out shocking news about the Wano Country that was said to be isolated and about Ryu.

Everyone in the world was shocked at Ryu taking Wano Country in his protection, but they understood after reading more. He was strong and had the capability to protect a whole country by himself!

His defenses were nearly impenetrable, Ryu himself overthrew the Shogun alone, and Kaido of the Beasts couldn't stop him. Ryu was too strong, they agreed as they started to understand why his bounty paper kept increasing. It turned out that the World Government had found out about this long ago.

Wano Country was now considered as one of the strongest countries in the whole world. People with the strength stronger than higher-ranked Marines were almost common in the country. The community there could easily be on par as a Yonko's crew. Their community were nearly united, which were unheard of due to piracy, but they understood it was due to the Isolationism, oppression in the past, and most importantly Ryu, that they became united.

The World Government confirmed those information when Ryu let their spies send information to them from inside Wano Country. It turned out that his barriers could cut off the connection between Den Den Mushi and any animals carrying notes would be turned into dusts when they passed through the barrier.

People were now thinking of Ryu as the uncrowned Yonko. In fact, if Ryu wanted, he could easily wipe out the World Government, even the Gorosei. As for IM, Ryu wasn't sure if he could fight him due to no information on him.


Somewhere in New World...

"Haha! It seems that Ryu is considered as an uncrowned Yonko now. Even though he could easily be the Pirate King." A certain red-haired man said as he read the newspaper.

"My student has grown up..." A tear came out of a dreadlocks man with sniper gun behind his back. "But why doesn't he show off his marksmanship?!"

"He must've been embarrassed to use it, dahahaha!" The red-haired man jokingly said. After he laughed, he muttered. "But... what is he going to do next?"


In Sabaody Archipelago, Shaku's Bar...

Sitting on a stool near the bar, the healthy gray-haired man held his newspaper to Hancock who was glaring at him as if he was an cockroach. "H-haha, I wasn't going to read it before you."

Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress and female Shichibukai, had been visiting Shaku's Bar often ever since she found out that Rayleigh somehow received informations on Ryu and kept it away from her. Hancock was angered that he dared to keep it away from her, so she kept beating him up every time she saw Rayleigh. Rayleigh didn't even resist because he knew that if he did, his wife would definitely look at him with scorn.

Grabbing the newspaper, Hancock immediately ignored him and read it carefully. "Mm... I see... Wano Country in New World...?"

"I should go visit him there..." Hancock muttered, thinking of visiting him. Elder Nyon heard that and immediately told her not to much to Hancock's annoyance.

"Nyou can't!" Elder Nyon shouted. "Nyou have your job as the Shichibukai and the Empress of Amazon Lily! What is the World Government going to think of nyou and Ryu when they see nyou both together?!"

"I don't care old hag!" Hancock retorted angrily. "I only care about myself and my sisters and R-Ryu!"

Hancock blushed and stuttered at the end as she added him. Her sisters were still outside, keeping a watch out.


Somewhere in Paradise of the Grand Line...

"Wow! Ryu is too strong," A orange-haired woman said as she read the newspaper while on mission. "Hey Sabo, look at this!"

Sabo, the No. 2 and Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, took and read the newspaper as Koala handed it to him. "Hmm, he has the power to easily deal with the whole Celestial Dragons... Have we tried recruiting him for the Revolutionaries?"

"Yeah! He declined though, he didn't like to deal with the World Government's politics. Hmph! He said he didn't like politics and yet there he is, doing politics in Wano Country!" Koala had excitedly spoke of Ryu until she became angry at him for declining... Sabo sweatdropped at that.

"I-I see. Well, as long as he doesn't hinder our goal." Sabo muttered. He joined the Revolutionaries because he lost his memories and he was apparently saved from the World Noble's wrath. He felt like he was missing something ever since then, something or someone important.

Suddenly, a glint appeared in his eyes, as he remembered what Koala said before. Ryu had helped her when she was down, perhaps that meant helping her find her moral beliefs? Sabo was always smart, so he could deduce several things from a simple sentence. Looking down at Ryu's picture in the bounty paper, he hoped to meet him. 'Perhaps this man can help me find what's missing from my heart...'


In Fishman Island...

"And now people are calling him the uncrowned Yonko!" A human-sized goldfish mermaid said as she finished reading the newspaper for her huge yet cute daughter.

Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, Manboshi and Shirahoshi circled around their mother, Queen Otohime as she read. They were amazed and happy that Ryu was enjoying his life. Otohime was shocked though, such power could easily deal with Poseidon. She had been confused as to why Ryu had said he had been stopping Shirahoshi's power, but now that he left, they've been seeing Shirahoshi starting to gather pressure a bit. They now understood Ryu had done something to her, she could now handle her emotions and power more smoothly.

During the times Ryu had accompanied Shirahoshi, he had been telling emotions-inducing stories to her, causing her to either cry or get angry. But after awhile, she managed to start understanding the point of the stories, which in turn helped her to understand other people's goals similar to her mother's Observation Haki.

"Wow! Ryu-sama is amazing!" Shirahoshi said, slightly blushing after declaring so. Her mother and three brothers looked at her knowingly, smiling. "W-what!"

"You would always say that for your beloved~!" Fukaboshi jokingly said, causing her to blush even more. They then laughed together.

"Oh? What are you guys laughing together for?" Smiling, a giant-sized and muscular coelacanth merman came in.

"Father-sama! You have to stop them from embarrassing me!" His darling red-faced daughter yelled as she moved to him.

"Is it about Ryu?" King Neptune smiled knowingly, just like the other four did to her. His daughter froze and looked like blood would drip out of her face. He then laughed boisterously. "Hahaha!"

"Not you too!"


On a certain huge elephant in New World...


A huge yellow feline mink sobbed as he read the newspaper shakily. A huge grizzled canine mink had tears in his eyes too nearby. Their human best friend saved Wano Country! They were so thankful that Ryu existed at this very moment.

Both of them had failed in helping their savior, Kozuki Oden, back in the past with Wano Country. They originally planned to help him open the Wano Country but they got betrayed by Orochi, rendering them incapable of fighting back.

"Thank you, Ryu!" Duke Inuarashi said, even though Ryu wasn't there.

"Yes, thank you! We will remember this forever!" Master Nekomamushi announced. Turning to his day-counterpart, he said. "Ryu has helped and saved Zou, and now he saved Wano Country! We're forever indebted to him once again."

"Yes!" The grizzled canine mink agreed resolutely. Their Mink Tribe were forever indebted to Ryu and Kozuki Family now! If they were to sacrifice for either of them, they would willingly do so!

Suddenly, both of them looked in the eyes at the same time, as if they had accidentally forgot something! A certain white rabbit mink were standing behind them, angered. She was pushed away from reading the newspaper about Ryu.

Carrot had received the newspaper from the News Coo and was about to read it when it had the word 'Ryu' in it, only to be pushed away by Duke Inuarashi and Master Nekomamushi because they had seen Wano Country in it! She was so angered that she felt like they stole her carrot. The only person who were permitted to take carrots from her was Ryu!

Trembling, both yellow feline mink and grizzled canine mink turned to her. "A-ah..."



In Marineford...

"Damn that Ryu bastard!" The Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, yelled for the world to hear. "He alway brings me trouble from those five old bastards!"

"Hahaha! That's your fault! If you had left him alone, they wouldn't had troubled you," Vice Admiral Garp laughed boisterously, while eating rice crackers on the table.

"Ugh! What's going to happen of the World Summit, Reverie?" Sengoku muttered wonderingly. "Those old bastards wouldn't happen to be thinking of inviting the pirate, would he?"

Garp suddenly looked serious at that senseless thought. If they really did...

"Ahahaha~!" He cried tears of laughter at that. "A pirate being the Shogun of a huge strong country, and it's Ryu at that!"

Sengoku even teared up slightly. But he suddenly stopped. 'Crap! Knowing them, we might have jinxed it!'


In Mariejois...

"Should we attempt to invite the Wano Country to the World Government?" The white gi samurai started.

"But Ryu is a pirate!" The youngest blondie rebutted.

"However, he has Wano Country under his control..." Tallest and thin bearded man stated. "We should be looking at him as a king leading a country for now."

"Actually, would he even accept our invitation?" The baldie with birthmarks on forehead retorted. "Besides, if he were to come... I'm sure the other kings or queens would wet themselves..."

"Hahaha!" The white-gi samurai agreed. "You're right! Such powerful man they heard of would cause them to wet themselves when meeting in person!"

"Let's just try anyways," sighing, the gray dreadlocks man ended the debate. "I hope he doesn't accept though..."

It'd be embarrassing if a pirate came into the World Summit in a year, the gray dreadlocks man thought. The World Summit was for kings and queens that the World Government were affiliated with. They were deciding whether to try affiliate with the Wano Country.

Ryu would definitely laugh at them, did they even want to be a part of a larger body? No way! The Wano Country's community would rather be on its own, not wanting to be a subsidiary group of another. And especially when a pirate was essentially the King of a large country.

• (Wano Country) {Year: 19.4} •

Near the sea defense of Kuri's...

"Damn! What's with this f*cking thing that's blocking us!" A tall and slightly muscular man yelled as his crew tried to get in. The man wore a open-front shirt with a tattoo on his upper left arm, ASCE, with the S crossed out. He was Portgas D. Ace, the captain of Spade Pirates.

"Captain! We can't go in at all, it seems we have to move on!" A crew-mate shouted at him.

Sighing, he was about to tell them to turn around when he saw a sword-like beam flying towards their ship's deck. "Everyone be prepared! Something's coming!"

All of the crew brought out their weapons, and watched out for the sword-like beam. The sword-like beam went to their deck, and just when they thought it was gonna crash, it stopped and out of it came a bright green eyes man. 'Wait?! A f*cking bright green eyes man?! Isn't he the Solitary Pirate Ryu?!'

Sweating, it looked like their captain recognized him too. How could Ace not when Ryu was basically the very man who he idolized! Ryu saved a country, helped people, traveled freely, and was very strong! He wanted to be like him, but with a goal of being the Pirate King!

"Hmm." Ryu grunted as he looked around, glaring daggers into every single person on the deck. While he was doing that, he mentally spoke. 'I made such a damn cool entrance, haha! But what's with that sweating starry eyes man, wait, isn't he Ace?'

"You," Ryu pointed towards Ace. "You look like the captain of this crew. Now tell me why were you guys trying to get into the Wano Country?"

As he spoke to the end, Ryu brought out a slight pressure on them all. He wanted to rest them out, to see how strong they currently were. The crew feeling the pressure shook with their legs, but they refused to fall. Seeing that, he was surprised. It turned out that Ace found good men.

"W-we didn't know it was the Wano Country, sir Ryu!" Ace spoke while suffering the pressure. He wasn't angry that his idol pressured them, instead, he was amazed! However, that wasn't the point. Bowing, Ace apologized to Ryu, surprising him and the other crew-mates. "We apologize for trying to get into the country."

Ryu only simply stared quietly for awhile. Suddenly, he took back his pressure and laughed, different to his cold demeanor. "Haha! You're just as expected of his brother!"

Ace and his crew was confused at that. His brother? "Do you know Luffy?"

"Yeah, in a way." Ryu replied, smiling slightly. Taking out a New World Log Pose, he threw it to Ace's bewildered face. "Take that, you'll need it to not get lost in New World. You can come back to this country later."

Ace was surprised that his idol gave him something, he had to keep it safe no matter what! Ryu looked like he was about to leave, so Ace quickly spoke. "Thank you, sir Ryu! But I want to ask you something!"

Ryu turned to look at Ace questioningly, prompting him to continue. "Why do you not become a Pirate King? You're already strong alone to be one."

"Eh?" Ryu didn't expect that, he thought it was something else but it was just that. Chuckling, he told them while leaving. "Because I already am, in my way. I'd rather stay a pirate, being the freest man, traveling anywhere, and doing whatever I want! To me, a Pirate King is that. Everyone has their own views on what a Pirate King is... so what is your view on it?"

Ryu didn't wait for him to answer as he went sword-like beam to Wano Country. He came in such a cool entrance and left in the same way. Ace was in a daze, he didn't expect such answer.

'What is a Pirate King to me?'

Then Ace resolutely looked up and at his crew, determination burning in their eyes. Ryu had such charisma that he easily boiled their blood. They all shouted at the same time.

"So f*cking cool!"