
2. Training with the Monkeys

While I didn't get any debuffs if I didn't sleep. I did get tired due to the mental fatigue of working hard. Though I did only need around 6 hours of sleep a night I found out I could stay awake three days working hard before I would start to become overly tired and notice effects on my behavior and mental faculties. Waking up at 6 a.m I decide to work out with my sword and running for the first three hours of the day with my gravity belt on.

* Ding

+ 2 Str

+ 3 End

+ 2 Dex

+ 3 Spd

+1 Will

+ 3 levels in Novice Swordsmanship *


Name: Jonathon D. Mercury

HP: 1000/1000 (Str×20=HP) 1% | per minute

SP: 55/1100 (End×20=SP) 1% | only while not

WP: 56/1120 (Wil×20=WP) 1% | in combat

Str: 50

End: 55

Dex: 52

Spd: 52

Wil: 56

Novice Swordmanship: Lvl: 95 (7%) [ When you use a sword you gain Lvl/8% boost to Str, Dex, and Spd ]


My little camp had changed a lot in the month since I set it up. I made a house with trees I a had felled and made into planks with a concrete base I now had house built. I saved money by making everything I needed by myself. My house also had two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and a livingroom to relax in with a couch, chairs and a table.

Running into town, I was excited to see Luffy and meet Garp today. Now that my part time jobs were over. If I wanted to save up I needed to do more job requests and maybe head to Goa kingdom to look for some jobs. Walking into the bar and sitting down Makino places a plate of eggs, hashbrowns, bacon and a glass of orange juice in front of me. Thanking her I finish and look at the clock seeing that it is already 9:50. We headed to the dock as Makino told me about how Garp is a famous marine. I told her I knew of Garp when I first heard Luffy's name.

Looking out to the ocean we see a black dot that seems to be approaching. Once you can see the details you can make out a marine battleship with a giant dog figurehead. On the deck I could make out a tall man in a dog mask, Luffy and another tall man in a a dark suit wearing a marine rear admiral cloak(Bogard). Before Luffy stretches out his arms and launches himself towards us.

Crashing in front of us Luffy asks " Shishishi hey Makino, Jonny how have you guys been?"

"Oh, just the usual." Makino replies with a smile.

"Pretty good for me I built myself a house, saved up nearly 2 million bellies and started working on getting stronger and fighting." I said with a grin. Luffy's smile must be the most infectious I have seen in both lives. As we finished catching up the marine vessel docked near us.

"Bwahaha, don't run from the fist of love Luffy." Garp says before his fist turns black and he slams his fist on top of Luffy's head. Causing him to smack face first into the dirt, with a giant goose egg appearing on his head stretching out his strawhat. " Hey Makino. Who's the kid?" He continues now picking his nose.

Luffy instantly bounces back up the smile back on his face and all pain forgotten. " Grandpa, he's my first crewmate for when I set out to become Pirate King. I promised to make his dream come true and take him on the greatest adventure ever. Shishishi."

"Oh, really now." All boredom disappearing from his face instantly. Now he was looking me over he seemed to be serious, before suddenly, "Bwhahaha, Luffy he's so weak you guys will probably get caught in a week."

"Oi, even if he's weak no one is ever gonna catch me I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates." Luffy replied.

"Mr.Garp even though I am weak right now. I plan to train until we set out. In a month I managed to get five times stringer and train a whole bunch of useful skills. I am starting to train in hand to hand fighting, shooting and swordsmanship." I reply wanting to point out that I wouldn't be this weak in two years.

"Whatever." he said looking bored before saying his goodbyes and leaving.

We separate from Makino at her bar as I show Luffy my house. Hopefully where we would live and train for the next two years. He looked pretty excited looking around the house, forge and storehouse I had managed to make in a month.

"This is pretty cool Jonny. How are we gonna train?" He asks.

We go through my training for the next 4 hours. He looks at me weird when I'm very tired and he seems to be full of energy.


+ 4 Str

+ 5 End

+ 7 Dex

+ 4 Spd

+ 5 Wil

+ 5 Levels of Novice Spordsmanship skill evolves to Adept Swordsmanship

+ 3 Levels of Adept Marksmanship

+ 24 Levels of Novice Fighting

+ 2 Levels of Meditation *


Name: Jonathon D. Mercury

HP: 1080/1080 (Str×20=HP) 1% | per minute

SP: 60/1200 (End×20=SP) 1% | only while not

WP: 61/1220 (Wil×20=WP) 1% | in combat

Str: 54

End: 60

Dex: 59

Spd: 56

Wil: 61


Gamer's Mind: [ You are immune to all attempts of mental coercion. Will suppress fear and other negative psychological effects.]

Gamer's Body: [ You possess the body of a game character. All damage against you will be converted to damage a

gainst your HP including the loss of limbs.]

Will of D: [ Those who possess a strong will can conquer all things, even gods.]


Observe: Lvl:MAX [ You can see the name, HP, SP, and WP of people. You can see the Rarity and stats of any item.]

Meditation: Lvl: 11 (45%) [ While meditating recover HP, SP and WP level% faster.]

Novice Fighting: Lvl: 83 (78%) [ When fighting you gain Lvl/8% boost to Str, Dex and Sp)

Adept Swordsmanship: Lvl: 1 (75%) [ When you use a sword you gain 12.5+Lvl/4% boost to Str, Dex, and Spd ]

Adept Markmanship: Lvl: 9 (91%) [ When using a projectile weapon within 100m of you are Lvl% more likely to be able to track targets visually. Able to track targets visually within 10m 100%]

Apprentice Carpentry: Lvl 44 (68%) [ When using carpentry skills you work lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Navigation: Lvl 78 (11%) [ Using the stars and other astrological events you can tell where you are and which direction you need to head. Lvl% likelihood to be able to accurately read a map with the proper tools]

Weather Prediction: Lvl 2 (94%) [ Using just your body you can tell what weather will be like. Lvl% likelihood to be able to predict the weather]

Apprentice Cook: Lvl 39 (23%) [ When cooking you are able to extract nutrients and refine flavors lvl/2% more efficiently.

Apprentice Blacksmith Lvl 52 (7%) [ When using blacksmithing skills you work lvl/2% more efficiently. ]


Thinking for a second I look in the store and eventually found a gravity belt and a black hardwood naginata for 1,500,000 bellies total. Taking them out of my inventory I went to hand them to Luffy.

"Whoa are you magic? Or did you eat a devil fruit?" Luffy asks.

"No, Luffy this is a special ability that I have you have to keep it a secret, alright?" I ask.

"Shishishi so it's a mystery power. Awesome! It looks like my first crew member is special." Luffy replies.

After showing him how to put on and use the gravity belt I put it on ×2 and Luffy accidentally slams into the ground.

"Hahaha sorry Luffy I should have told you to get into a stable position." I laugh.

"Ah, you jerk that was anoying."

"Anyway Luffy I also got you this naginata it is like your old weapon a pole with a sword attached to the end what do you think?" I ask his opinion.

"It looks pretty cool I wonder what cool moves I could make with this." He says

"Alright Luffy so I figure we can train our bodies with the gravity belts and work on our weapons training with sparing and taking down some beasts. To save up money we can take missions in town and Goa kingdom. Once we are strong enough we should hunt down bounties. Then we can work on buying a boat. I did some research and I have an idea Luffy."

"Alright since your my first crew mate and First Mate I'll at least listen to your plan." He says with a serious face

"Luffy I know you want to be the King of the Pirates and I believe in your dream. But this is going to take a lot of hard work you understand that right? So I think that when we set sail instead of immediately hoisting a jolly roger. Instead we will hunt bounties until we go to Water 7 the ship building island or at least the Grandline. That way we can gather money to buy a permanent ship. You see Luffy I know a bit about the Grandline and no ship made in the blues can survive the whole journey. We will need a lot of money in order to get the most amazing ship and pirates can't collect bounties on others. Do you agree?"

"Shishishi as long as I'm free to do whatever I want I don't mind waiting a little bit in order to get a more awesome ship." He laughs

And just like that I spent the next 11 months living with Luffy. It took a few weeks to get used to Luffy's eating habits. We had to go hunting a lot more than when I was alone. After I learned Seimei Kikan I also started to eat alot more. All I can do right now is absorb nutrients but I'm starting to work on Tensing my muscles for Tekkai. I feel we're not to far away from being strong enough to start learning the Rokushiki. It turned out training with someone and fighting against various animals on the island boosted my stat gain by a huge amount. Having someone as strong as Luffy around has made making money no problem. The only bandits left on this island is Curly Dadan and her group. We made 176.3 million bellies. Let's just say quite a few criminals were just rolling in jewellery. Then we spent 150 million in order buy a ship that would be big enough to for the future crew and strong enough to last us to water 7. Luffy can handle ×5.5 gravity where as I am only at ×3.8. I now know for sure that his HP and SP are calculated differently than mine. Somehow this guy has 184,500 HP, 239,200 S, and 75,125 WP . I think he must get 100 HP and SP for each point in Str and End. But for some reason his will is also different for each point of Wil he gets 25 WP.

I am excited to talk with Garp tomorrow. I have an idea I want to run by him. He knows his Grandson is going to be a pirate but he wants him to be safe. I was thinking that we could be like a secret part of S.W.O.R.D.. I mean Luffy and his crew help all over the world might as well make it a little easier on my future crew. If Garp can get Sengoku to agree we might be able to even kill the celestial dragons one day.

I mean that should be the end goal for anyone that gets to come to One Piece. I mean they are the most vile people in the show. And Luffy is pretty indifferent about killing as long as they are bad guys he has no problems killing them. He just prefers not to scare any innocent people around so he usually just knocks people out. I don't think it would be hard to convince him to take them out after we get one piece.


Name: Jonathon D. Mercury

( Off Base Stats Only & only while not fighting)

HP: 25,560/25,560 (Str×20=HP) 1% rpm

SP: 26,800/26,800 (End×20=SP) 1% rpm

WP: 29,720/29,720(Wil×20=WP) 1% rpm

Str: 1278

End: 1340

Dex: 1307

Spd: 1406

Wil: 1486


Gamer's Mind: [ You are immune to all attempts of mental coercion. Will suppress fear and other negative psychological effects.]

Gamer's Body: [ You possess the body of a game character. All damage against you will be converted to damage a

gainst your HP including the loss of limbs.]

Will of D: [ Those who possess a strong will can conquer all things, even gods.]


Observe: Lvl:MAX [ You can see the name, HP, SP, and WP of people. You can see the Rarity and stats of any item.]

Meditation: Lvl: 46 (57%) [ While meditating recover HP, SP and WP level% faster.]

Adept Fighting: Lvl: 84 (78%) [ When fighting you gain 12.5+Lvl/4% boost to Str, Dex and Sp)

Adept Swordsmanship: Lvl: 68 (75%) [ When you use a sword you gain 12.5+Lvl/4% boost to Str, Dex, and Spd ]

Adept Markmanship: Lvl: 94 (9%) [ When using a projectile weapon within 100m of you are Lvl% more likely to be able to track targets visually. Able to track targets visually within 10m 100%]

Carpentry: Lvl 27 (68%) [ When using carpentry skills you work 25+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Navigation: Lvl Max [ Using the stars and other astrological events you can tell where you are and which direction you need to head. Lvl% likelihood to be able to accurately read a map with the proper tools]

Weather Prediction: Lvl 13 (49%) [ Using just your body you can tell what weather will be like. Lvl% likelihood to be able to predict the weather]

Cook: Lvl 49 (23%) [ When cooking you are able to extract nutrients and refine flavors 25+lvl/2% more efficiently.

Blacksmith Lvl 37 (7%) [ When using blacksmithing skills you work 25+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Apprentice Doctor: Lvl 66 (89%) [ When using health professional skills you work lvl/4% more efficiently. ]

Seimei Kikan: Lvl 8 (92%) [ The ability to control your entire body down to the cellular level. lvl% of control of your body.


The next day Luffy and I were waiting for his Grandpa to show up. I was excited to get some hands on training from him. Or well hopefully he would answer some questions I had. Maybe Bogard could train me in Swordsmanship. We see his ship in the distance and patiently wait for him, or well I do and Luffy just sleeps snot bubble and everything. Eventually they dock and Garp jumps down.

" Hey Mr Garp. " I say with a wave

Garp instantly smacks Luffy on the top of his head waking him up. "Why did you do that Gramps? I was sleeping." Luffy asks with a pout.

"Oh, you shitty grandson of mine. I take time off serving in the marines to visit you and you can't even greet your Grandpa properly?" Garp asks sarcastically. "Are you all set for your birthday training trip punk?"

"Hmph, of course I am shitty old man. Since it's my birthday present you have to take my future crewmate with us." Luffy says still with puffed out cheeks.

"Watch your mouth brat. I don't mind beating another brat for a month." He says before he starts looking me over. Before glancing at his right hand man " Hoho, Bogard look at this little brat he has gotten a lot stronger since the last time we saw him. Hhmm about 20 times stronger probably.Of course I could still take you out with a booger so don't get cocky kid." He finishes looking looking at me with a smirk.

"Yes. Garp he has gotten a lot stronger but he has only built the foundation for future power." He says giving me a clinical eye. Before he continues he glances at Luffy, "Maybe we should take him from your Grandson and enlist him in the marines. Him and your Grandson have become pretty famous in the East Blue. Dawn island is now known as the safest island in the east blue. No one with a bounty dare comes here anymore. If we put him on our ship we would never have to worry about him running away."

"Hey Gardo you better not. I don't care if your Gramps friend I won't let you take my nakama." Luffy says with a dead serious look and his strawhat shading his eyes. You can feel the intent behind his words. It's either wins of does. This must be his prelude to Conquers Haki.

For a second a think Bogard was serious before I see the corner of lips twitch a bit. Then he and Garp both start belly laughing.

Finally Garp responds " Brat know your place Bogard here could take you both on with hand. Let alone me if I wanted to take him you wouldn't stand a chance. But no one is gonna take your friend away Luffy."

After that we load up and sail away. I spent this time trying to get a sailing skill successfully. While traveling I decide to work out with my sword, work on my weather detection and my sailing skill. After about 14 hours I noticed that there was no more wind. That's when it hit me we are in the calm belt, but I wasn't scared I was on a marine ship, Garp included. After four more hours we eventually landed on a huge jungle island

* +6 Lvl Sailing skill

+ 3 Lvl Adept Sprdsmanship

+ 3 Lvl

+ 8 Str

+ 5 End

+ 3 Dex

+ 1 Spd

+ 5 Wil

Sailing: Lvl 7 (78%) [ The ability to controlthe ship in the correct direction Lvl% of the time. Only within operating standards of the ship] *

"Bwahaha alright brats this is where I'll train you two for four weeks. While I'm away Bogarf will lead my ship on a tour around the area he will stop by one a week. On this island there are a lot of big animals. You two will fight them. Try not to die." He says while munching on his crackers. His wardrobe now sandals, shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and a hat. Then he grabs us both before jumping in the air and littering jumping on the air until we land on the beach over 500 meters away.

Seeing the naval ship sailing away, I wait until the ship is no longer visible before turning to Garp. " Garp thanks for agreeing for teaching me. I actually want to talk to you some time later. But now I would like to share a secret with you." Then I pulled out a handgun, Ebony and Luffy's naginata before returning them."

"Oh so you are a devil fruit brat too. And a rare space paramecia by the looks of it." Garp says giving my a thoughtful look.

"Nope Gramps! My nakama has an amazing mystery power. He can put anything he touches away then pull it out later. And the most amazing part is that he can even store MEAT away and when he pulls it out its still fresh." Liffy says before he starts salivating just thinking of the meat.

"Yeah Luffy is actually correct. I don't have a devil fruit and I can prove it." I say before walking into the ocean before swimming a bit and coming back. "See I have a power and I call it inventory."

"Wow. I have seen a lot of things in my life but I have never heard of something like that. Maybe its magic or something. You should probablykeep that a secret. I don't care" He says while blowing a booger off his pinky. Then he turns and asks. "What's your full name kid?",

"Its Jonny D. Mercury." I say with a grin

"It makes sense why I feel he's a weird kid. He's one of us." Garp mumbles to himself. Before finishing aloud. "Whatever so it looks like Luffy is training with a naginata and you train with a handgun and a sword."

"Yeah Garp. I also train with a rifle and we both practice our hand to hand fighting. I even learned a skill called Seimei Kikan. I've started to train Luffy in it. It's the first step to this stuff called Rokushiki. Oh yeah Gap did you do geppo earlier?"

"You stinky brat how do you know about the Rokushik let alone Seimei Kikan?" Asks with a puzzled look on his face.

"Oh when we beat up the people at the black market I happened to find this training manual." I lied as I pulled out the manual and tossed it to him.

[ New Mission

1: Survive Garps training

2: Don't pass out at the end


1: How to Awaken and Train Haki for beginners

2: Mystery logia devil fruit


1: Death

2: Pass out ]

"Oi, brat you better keep this a secret any world government official or marine that sees this will kill you first and ask questions later. Don't get me started on how those CP guys would act if their secrets got out like this. So don't show these moves off until you to join the marines."

"I planned to teach Luffy and my future nakama that when we go out to sea." I say. As Luffy says at the say time. " I'm not gonna be a marine you dumb Grampa."

"It looks like you forgot the taste of my fist of love." He says before disappearing and punching both of our heads into the ground.

-500 HP

"What the hell old man? I've been nothing but respectful." I say while giving him a dirty look. Damn that hurt a lot more.

"Bwhahaha your the one that said he's your captain so take your punishment like a man." He replies while pointing at Luffy who is still rolling around on the ground.

"Well when you put it like that. I guess I better just get used to it." I say with a look of finality on my face. Then he smiles at me, pats my shoulder and throws Luffy over his shoulder as we head deep into the jungle.

We stop upon a clearing, near a river, at around 7:30 a.m. . There are around 50 monkeys ranging from 1 to 3 meters tall. Garp walks over to the biggest monkey and seems to say something before walking back towards us. "Alright you brats go fight all the little monkeys that come forward. No weapons and don't hurt any of them too badly." He says before grabbing us by the back of the shirt and throwing us towards the monkeys.

Immediately after we land on our feet, 20 monkeys come charging at us forming a semi-circle around us. Five charge towards each of us. I focus on my monkeys. Running to my right I charge at the closest monkey. jumping up while I keep moving a kick the monkey with enough force to knock it back into a tree cracking it.

As I turn towards the next monkeys two reach me at the same time. I focus on one monkey with a quick jab and an uppercut this monkey is knocked out. The other monkey didn't waste his chance as he jumped at me landing on my back before he bit into my right shoulder.

* -150 HP *

Reaching over I grab the monkeys head pulling him off. Then with a quick spin I throw him at the other two close monkeys causing them to fall into a pile. The remaining monkeys had started to charge over after I knocked out the second monkey and the 8 monkeys quickly regrouped.

They split into two teams of four and surrounded me. I decided to charge the group that was positioned away from Luffy. I run in and closethline two monkeys knocking 5them down. I grab another monkey and quickly slam it on the ground knocking it out. The last monkey quickly clawed my leg with his nails.

* -60 HP *

Ignoring that monkey I kick one of the monkeys in the chest into a tree knocking it out. Right as I connect with the second monkey the other 5 monkeys caught back up with me and dog piled me.

* -150




-150 *

I grab two monkeys with my hands and smash them into two of the monkeys that are biting me. Then grabbing the last monkey of my back I throw him into the rest of the monkeys. Then five punches later and all of my monkeys are knocked out.

I finally let out a sigh of relief now that I'm done. I look over at Luffy to see his 10 monkeys in a pile. With no visible injuries. It looks like he has been done for at least 4 minutes. My whole fight was maybe 5 minutes. It just shows how good Luffy is at taking out crowds of people

"Bwhahaha those babies took you so long and you even got injured it looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you this month." Garp laughs seeing my fight.

* + 3 Str

+ 5 End

+ 2 Dex

+ 6 Spd

+ 8 Wil

+ 3 Lvl Adept Fighting *

After fighting the monkeys we made camp. Then Garp would send us out to hunt some of the larger animals on the island. We used out weapons for that part. After lunch we would fight each other with blunt versions of our weapons. Then bare hand fighting. Then more training our physiques. After 5 days even the largest monkeys were knocked out in a single punch. After that we had to hunt the large animals on the island barehanded this caused a rapid growth in my Fighting skill.

Tomorrow we are leaving the island in the morning and today is our final test Garp is going to fight us both at once and to pass all we have to do is not get knocked out.

"All right brat today it's time to see what you two learned." He says casually while picking his nose.

Luffy and I nod at each other before we disappear much quicker than a month ago. Appearing on opposite sides Garp casually blocks us both as I kick and Luffy punches. Then Luffy and I both keep disappearing and reappearing all around Garp before he stomps the ground sending us rocketing back into a tree.

* -300 HP *

I swiftly pull out our weapons. I equip my handguns and sword and throw Luffy his naginata. We launch ourselves back at Garp striking with our blades. His fist shine black as he blocks our attacks. We start moving faster trying to land a blow on his body. This lasts for five minutes before he takes our blades without us noticing. Then boom we were both kicked into the ground.

* -400 HP *

Garp stomps the ground and disappears. I barely manage to activate Tekkai before I'm hit

* -400









Luffy and I are pummelled by his fist now sporting bruises and small cuts. "Alright boys enough playing around try not to die from this punch." Garp says as both of his fist glow ominously black and he appears in front of us. I am slammed in the chest and hurtled deep into the forest I clashed through at least 3 trees before landing.

* -20,000



-600 *

Holy shit I almost died. I lost 25,700 HP. I am laying here and I can barely stay awake. I'm trying to focus on my breathing. I sit there for a few minutes barely holding onto consciousness. When I hear the soft footfalls of Garp arriving.

"Good job not dieing." He says.

*Mission part 1 acconplished rewards added to inventory.*

I barely manage my crack my eyes open and glare at him. Now that I've been healing for a few minutes I manage to start looking around and sit up.

" Oh your still awake. I guess I held back more than I meant to." He mutters as he lifts me on to his shoulder. That's when I spot the fruit in the tree. It's unlike any fruit I've seen before, a devil fruit. A purple fruit that looks to be made out of swirls with three straight green leaves.

I barely manage to call out as he starts walking. "Can you hold on for a second Garp. I think I see a Devil fruit in that tree to our left. Could you grab that for me?" I weakly ask.

He glances over before shrugging and grabbing the fruit. I'm so tired I just stick into my inventory when he hands it to me. After that I pass out.

*Mission part 2 accomplished reward was found*

I awaken in my tent with the fire going outside. Luffy is passed out and it seems like Garp is waiting for me by the fire. I wonder if he knows I want to talk to him about something important. Walking over to the fire I pull out some food for us to eat. Luffy does his weird sleep eating thing while I enjoy my last meal on the island with Garp in silence.

"Garp. You know Luffy is never going to join the marines don't you? He values his freedom too much. I know you want to keep him safe." I say with a sad smile on my face.

"Of course I know that brat. I've always known he couldn't be a marine. That bastard son of mine had to ruin his life before he was even born." Garp says with a grin frown.

"Well I have been thinking. I will be the second in command on his ship. You know he won't cause civilians harm. And he won't hurt marines unless necessary. I'm saying how about we will secretly help the marines without the world government knowing." I say trying to look as earnest as possible.

Now his face is dead serious. "You know that's treason against the World Nobles." The look he is giving me is making me shiver and I'm struggling to even maintain eye contact. It may be a minute or a second before he suddenly laughs. "Not that I care what those bastards have to say. So what do you want exactly?"

"Well I was thinking just a one way den den snail between the two of us. I will tell you about any corrupt marines we encounter or pirates we beat that are evil. You could ask us to handle someone. As long as it's a bad person and Luffy crosses their path, we'll handle them." I say with a grin.

"Actually I have a special group that you could help out with." he says with a smile. Then he tells me about S.W.O.R.D. and how it would be perfect for us. He even mentioned that they have a plan to send a marine undercover as a pirate to investigate the underworld. Naturally I promised to share any information we came across.

The next day the marine ship shows up. Luffy and I decide to rest on the trip back. After disembarking at Dawn Island. Garp hands me a special black den den snail and two bracelets of seastone. I said I wanted to start training Luffy and myself to resist the effects of seastone and that way I can keep in contact with him once we start our voyage. Seeing him sail away I glance over my stat page and thank him for his help.


Name: Jonathon D. Mercury

( Off of Base Stats & while not in combat only)

HP: 32,840/32,840 (Str×20=HP) 1% rpm

SP: 34,400/34,400 (End×20=SP) 1% rpm

WP: 38,640/38,640(Wil×20=WP) 1% rpm

Str: 1642

End: 1720

Dex: 1664

Spd: 2041

Wil: 1932


Gamer's Mind: [ You are immune to all attempts of mental coercion. Will suppress fear and other negative psychological effects.]

Gamer's Body: [ You possess the body of a game character. All damage against you will be converted to damage a

gainst your HP including the loss of limbs.]

Will of D: [ Those who possess a strong will can conquer all things, even gods.]


Observe: Lvl:MAX [ You can see the name, HP, SP, and WP of people. You can see the Rarity and stats of any item.]

Meditation: Lvl: 68 (7%) [ While meditating recover HP, SP and WP level% faster.]

Elite Fighting: Lvl: 20 (4%) [ When fighting you gain 37.5+Lvl/2% boost to Str, Dex and Sp)

Elite Swordsmanship: Lvl: 6 (5%) [ When you use a sword you gain 37.5+Lvl/4% boost to Str, Dex, and Spd ]

Elite Markmanship: Lvl: 25 (79%) [ When using a projectile weapon within a kilometer of you are Lvl% more likely to be able to track targets visually. Able to track targets visually within 100m 100%]

Carpentry: Lvl 34 (68%) [ When using carpentry skills you work 25+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Navigation: Lvl Max [ Using the stars and other astrological events you can tell where you are and which direction you need to head. Lvl% likelihood to be able to accurately navigate with the proper tools]

Weather Prediction: Lvl 16 (21%) [ Using just your body you can tell what weather will be like. Lvl% likelihood to be able to predict the weather]

Cook: Lvl 67 (3%) [ When cooking you are able to extract nutrients and refine flavors 25+lvl/2% more efficiently.

Blacksmith: Lvl 39 (84%) [ When using blacksmithing skills you work 25+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Doctor: Lvl 3 (8%) [ When using health professional skills you work 25+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Seimei Kikan: Lvl 25 (92%) [ The ability to control your entire body down to the cellular level. lvl% of control of your body. ]

Tekkai: Lvl 16 (73%) [ When using Tekkai use it Lvl% more effectively. ]

Poison Resistance: Lvl 3 (88%) [ You resist Lvl% of poison damage.]


After stopping by to see Makino I finally made it home. I was so nervous talking to Garp that I had forgotten to check what the devil fruit I got on that island. Thank god for that mission I was on the island and never saw that fruit. It was the missions luck that had him hit me right to that spot.

Oh shit. looking at my inventory I can see the name of the fruit without the observe ability. Haha canon is going to completely change now. I have the Dark Dark fruit. That means Teach shouldn't become Blackbeard and Ace won't be captured. But this also means I will have to hide my powers so they aren't well known. I don't want him to hunt me down or even capture Ace to lure out Luffy and by extension me. Either way this is amazing. I can get alot of good Devil fruits on the trip with Luffy. I take out the Dark Dark fruit and put on my seastone bracelet.


I take a bite and swallow no chewing. It still taste horrible like worse than a rotten fruit and you can tell this is as ripe as it can be. It's what you imagine that water at the bottom of your trashcan tastes like. But somehow burnt. I immediately pull out juice as *ding*, *ding*, *ding* goes on in the background as I try to get the taste out of my mouth. Once I can taste juice again and the *ding*s subsided I looked at screen in front of me.

* Perk Gained Dark Logia Phsyiology: [ The ability to turn your body into Darkness. This gives you the ability to control shadows and the gravity within during night. This devil fruit is special. By covering a devil fruit user in darkness and killing them you can steal their devil fruit.]

Skill Learned Novice Darkness Generation: Lvl 1 (0%) [ The ability to generate darkness during the day. Generate darkness on Lvl% of the total body.]

Skill Learned Novice Darkness Control: Lvl 1 (0%) [ You can control Darkness within 1 meter of yourself. You can freely control Darkness on your body. Lvl/max distance ]

Skill Learned Novice Gravity Control: Lvl 1 (0%) [ You can control Gravity within 1 meter of yourself using Darkness. You can freely control Gravity using Darkness on your body Lvl/Max distance ]

Skill Learned Seastone Immunity: Lvl 1 (0%) [ You can use Lvl% of stats while under the effects of seastone. ]

+ 3 End

+ 20 Wil

Notice: Due to change in physiological structure of your body your HP, SP & WP will now be calculated differently *

It has been a long time since I've felt this weak but this should be an excellent way for Luffy and me to train our bodies to be even tougher with the gravity belts we can get strong enough to start learning all the Rokushiki. By the time we set out we may even have awakened our Haki.

When Luffy got back I gave him his seastone bracelet and he immediately collapsed with his tongue hanging from his mouth. Before he faces me and pouts out, " Jonny why would you do that I'm so weak now. You owe me meat now."

Pulling out some lunch I explain to him my plan, on how we will train for the next 11 months till his birthday, over a meal. We will train physically until we can freely move under seastone this will take from 1-3 months if Wano is anything to go by. While doing that we will train in the Rokushiki manual style and hopefully within 5-6 months we should each have at least 3 of them down. That's also when our ship should be done. Once it's done I plan to go out sailing with Luffy for a bit and have him get used to sailing. We will also start working on our Haki exercises I got from the book. It seems that the blindfold and stick training are the best way to unlock Observation while physical practice, combat and meditation were key to unlocking Armament. To unlock Conquers it is unique to the individual and you had to have a King's Ambition. I took this as a dream worthy of a true King. Hopefully we will unlock atleast one a piece and master the Rokushiki including the Rokugun. Then we will set sail and hunt pirates in the East Blue until making our pirate debut in the Grandline.

What Luffy doesn't know is that I plan on secretly stealing from some of the Goa kingdom rich in order to increase our nest egg for our future ship. I want the future Sunny to be huge I want to recruit as many good people as possible.

* 11 Months later *

Just like that today is Luffy's birthday he is 17 and we are going to set sail today. I am sleeping in Makino's backroom one last time before we leave and Luffy is with Curly Dadan. Looking over my Stat screen I am super happy about the growth Luffy and I have made since our trip. Luffy and I have managed to get all the Rokushiki down. For Observation Haki Luffy has this down pretty well and can dodge a good number of my hits if he gets serious I just managed to awaken mine last week. For Armament Haki I unlocked it but Luffy seems to be struggling it may be due to the fact that he hasn't had a serious fight to really use it. I think he will get it down against Crocodile. We are both now immune to seastone and one amazing surprise I found was for me the skill evolved and now I'm working on my Ocean immunity this is taking a lot longer. But once I complete it I will be able to fight with everything but my devil fruit at full power underwater.

Then their is Luffy's Devil Fruit I don't know if he us a genius or what I told with about "my ideas" about gear 2 and 3. Then I also told him about contraction and how that's a key property of rubber how it contracts. He came up with a pseudo gear 4 after I told him about Seimei Kikan and he went oh you can do that ok me too. It doesn't have Armament Haki and he can only last 2 minutes going all out. hut those 2 minutes would wreck anyone before the new world. He still needs to improve his body and the best way is to train with the gravity belt until his body can handle the strain.

Getting out of bed I wash up and walk out to see Makino waiting with a plate of food. " Are you all set for your adventure Jonny?

"Yeah Makino. I'm just gonna run around town getting any last minute things while I wait for Luffy. I figured I could get all my good byes out of the way. It's pretty amazing that everyone in the town took me in after my accident." I say feeling truly gratefully for everyone helping me out after I arrived in this world.

" Oh Jonny." She says hugging me before continuing, " You have helped everyone in town. taking on the tasks and sometimes even doing it for free. We all appreciate you. Everyone is going to miss you around here. "

" Thanks Makino." I say as I run out of the Bar. Going around town I say thank you to everyone that taught me various skills, from the local doctor to the dock worked that showed me some knots. It was around 10 a.m. that Luffy and Dadan showed up.

" Are you ready to head out Captain?" I ask Luffy leaning over the edge of our ship.

" Shishishi. Yeah Jonny let's set sail." He replies as he jumps up onto the ship.

Setting sail we can hear the villagers wishing us all well before they scream. Turning around I see the lord of the coast. With a quick gepo and sour I appear in front of it and decapitate it storing it in my inventory.

Then Luffy turns back to the townspeople and screams, " Bye everyone! I'm going on an adventure! And I"LL BE KING OF THE PIRATES! Shishishi" Luffy finishes with a smile and wave before turning back.

Now all we have to do is find Alvida.


Name: Jonathon D. Mercury

( Off of Base Stats & while not in combat only)

HP: 204,150/204,150 (Str×50=HP) 1% rpm

SP: 206,050/206,050 (End×50=SP) 1% rpm

WP: 213,250/213,250 (Wil×50=WP) 1% rpm

Str: 4083

End: 4121

Dex: 3942

Spd: 4339

Wil: 4265


Gamer's Mind: [ You are immune to all attempts of mental coercion. Will suppress fear and other negative psychological effects.]

Gamer's Body: [ You possess the body of a game character. All damage against you will be converted to damage a

gainst your HP including the loss of limbs.]

Will of D: [ Those who possess a strong will can conquer all things, even gods.]

Dark Logia Phsyiology: [ The ability to turn your body into Darkness. This gives you the ability to control shadows and the gravity within during night. This devil fruit is special. By covering a devil fruit user in darkness and killing them you can steal their devil fruit.


Observe: Lvl: max [ You can see the name, HP, SP, and WP of people. You can see the Rarity and stats of any item.]

Meditation: Lvl: 100 (max) [ While meditating recover HP, SP and WP 0.01level% faster.]

Active Meditation: Lvl 32 (75%) [ You gain 0.01Lvl% of full per minute to HP, SP and WP.]

Elite Fighting: Lvl: 99 (74%) [ When fighting you gain 37.5+Lvl/2% boost to Str, Dex and Sp)

Elite Swordsmanship: Lvl: 93 (52%) [ When you use a sword you gain 37.5+Lvl/4% boost to Str, Dex, and Spd ]

Elite Markmanship: Lvl: 97 (7%) [ When using a projectile weapon within a kilometer of you are Lvl% more likely to be able to track targets visually. Able to track targets visually within 100m 100%]

Carpentry: Lvl 97 (6%) [ When using carpentry skills you work 25+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Navigation: Lvl Max [ Using the stars and other astrological events you can tell where you are and which direction you need to head. Lvl% likelihood to be able to accurately navigate with the proper tools]

Weather Prediction: Lvl 33 (0%) [ Using just your body you can tell what weather will be like. Lvl% likelihood to be able to predict the weather]

Master Chef: Lvl 2 (78%) [ When cooking you are able to extract nutrients and refine flavors 75+lvl% more efficiently.

Blacksmith: Lvl 92 (84%) [ When using blacksmithing skills you work 25+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Doctor: Lvl 96 (8%) [ When using health professional skills you work 25+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Seimei Kikan: Lvl 100 (Max%) [ The ability to control your entire body down to the cellular level. lvl% of control of your body. ]

Tekkai: Lvl 100 (max%) [ When using Tekkai use it Lvl% more effectively. ]

Tekkai Kenpo: Lvl 66 (21%) [ The ability to use Tekkai while moving and fighting. Can use Tekkai on Lvl% of the entire body.]

Soru: Lvl 85 (82%) [ Use Soru Lvl% more efficiently.]

Geppo: Lvl 82 (33%) [ Use Geppo Lvl% More effectively.]

Rankyaku: Lvl 75 (62%) [ Use Rankyaku Lvl% more effectively.]

Finger pistol: Lvl 78 (90%) [ Use Finger Pistol Lvl% more effectively.]

Rokugun: Lvl 44 (21%) [ Use Tokugun Lvl% more effectively.]

Poison Resistance: Lvl 39 (80%) [ You resist Lvl% of poison damage.]

Adept Darkness Generation: Lvl 97 (32%) [ The ability to generate darkness during the day up to 1 meter away. Generate darkness up to Lvl% of the max distance.]

Elite Darkness Control: Lvl 26 (0%) [ You can control Darkness within 25 meter of yourself. You can freely control Darkness within 10 meters. Control Darkness up to Lvl% of the max distance.]

Adept Gravity Control: Lvl 87 (9%) [ You can control Gravity within 10 meter of yourself using Darkness. You can freely control Gravity using Darkness within 1 meter. Control Gravity using darkness up to Lvl% of max distance ]

Seastone Immunity: Lvl 100 (max%) [ You can use Lvl% of stats while under the effects of seastone. ]

Ocean immunity: Lvl 52 (78%) [ You can use Lvl% of stats while in the ocean.]

Beginners Observation Haki: Lvl 22 (12%)

[ You can sense all being around you within 10 meters. You can sense Lvl%/max distance.]

Adept Armament Haki: Lvl 7 (94%) [ You can use your will to attack even Logias. 25+Lvl/2% added to the total damage ]
