
Chapter 2





Night after night we watch him. Like clockwork, he's easy to predict. At least on the surface. To the typical agent it looked like: work, dogs, food, then five to seven hours of Internet. His "conspiracy channel" the boys at the office would say with their arrogant smiles.


To the tech I'm privy to, I am a ghost online, no footprint when you can fly. I could see the fourchan conversations; I followed him in the deep web forums. I sat as an invisible wallflower in a dark web private conversation when he bought access to classified government files. Weather warfare, to deep state propaganda plans. Tor was the popular tool for untraced surfing, well, was. He did a decent job of covering himself, but we have something better than the police. See Stingray. See Triggerfish, Kingfish. All of those, what we have, is even better.


I watched him for weeks, digging his own grave. All to acquire his coveted precious, the truth. His research. His real work, his devotion for a society not wanting to be unplugged. More like his death wish.


Exposing every secret will do that under a government built on lies. The real reason he's taken our attention. His "Guffybomb".

Exposing the machine that runs everything. Imagine, millions figuring every detail of where their taxes go. The endless wars. Everything from the air you breathe to the water you drink, all weapons. The endless stripping of their constitutional rights with propaganda driven false flags. Imagine him waking the sheep. Millions of angry sheep. He needs to be removed sooner than later.


You know covering your camera with tape doesn't work, and the mics are always recording. He knew that. Your laptops, iPads, phones, televisions, all of them, all the time. He knew. He knew about the massive FEMA camps for the ones incarcerated by the mass data collection. "Orwellian Though-Crime cities" he coined it. Owning a crypto phone limited his exposure. But we have so many tools. See "man in the middle attacks". See "dirt boxes". 


Dude is seriously dedicated. No life, no friends, no family, no girlfriend. Just work, then more work after that. Kind of sad.


Over one hundred thousand people subscribe to him. They all ask, beg for him to reveal himself, yet he has no interest of showing the world his alter ego. A modern day super hero with the ability for digging and finding the truth, exposing it to the light, with such brilliance, even I subscribed. 


He's James Corbett, Jim Lee, Dutchsinse, Luke Rudkowski all in one. One part "Full Spectrum Survival", one part "Storm Clouds Gathering", one part Truthstream Media". He is "Anonymous". 


Even being demonetized by YouTube didn't affect him. It galvanized his will, his followers. He caught fire in the last three months, the N.S.A. was well aware. So were a couple of others that the masses don't even know exist. The ones that silence others like him that you haven't heard about yet. See Rich Seth. See William S. Gareth. 


He's smart, even funny sometimes. You can hear the real him bleed through. I almost rooted for him.