
Cat Fight

Y/N's Point Of View

Bye, Mom. we're heading off to school. Aphmau said.

Alright mija! Take care! mom says as I follow behind Aphmau out the door.

Aphmau exits out of the house me follwing her, then walks farther down the street, leaving me behind. When I finally got there, there was that annoying pink haired girl from before. I walked there without anyone noticing and listened to the conversation.

"Well, if it isn't Ms. McDroolyPants." annoying voice girl said.

"Huh...M-Me?" Aphmau said confused.

"Who else would I be talking to? You're the only freshman who slobbered like a dog over Garroth yesterday at the club social!" pink haired girl pointed out.

"You were watching me?" Aphmau asked.

This girl was starting to get on my nerves she was disrespecting people for what? The right to get that Blondie? Cause last time I checked he didn't look into her at all.

"Of course. I don't like it when girls get all over my man. I mean, I know it's hard because he's such a dream boat after all." she said dreamily.

"A-Are you dating him?" Aphmau asked Ms Annoying Voice.

"Of course I am! He just doesn't know it yet..." she said.

Does she need an attitude check?

Of course she does! She just doesn't know it yet...

"So he's actually up for grabs is what you're saying?" Aphmau said tilting her head.

Aphmau I feel like your goal is to die by the end of freshman year.

"HEY! Watch it Freshman!" she yelled getting mad at Aphmau.

"N-No, no, no, no I didn't mean it like that! I didn't... no not at all! I was just implying that you were crazy!" Aphmau said.

I sighed knowing she was trying her hardest to find what to say.

"What!?" pink haired girl said obviously offended.

"Oh no! That came out wrong!" Aphmau said panicking.

"I don't like her tone, Ivy" one of her friends told her.

"I don't either. Her voice is so high pitched and squeaky! Plus she looks like a short potato. I don't see how Garroth would even be interested in her." Ivy said laughing.

She's one to talk about annoying high pitched voices.

"But.. potatoes are delicious..." Aphmau said slightly happier.

"What is with you?! Listen up! If you even think about getting close to Garroth Ro'meave you're in for a world of hurt! He's MINE! So stay away! Come on Lily, Alex, let's get going." she said before walking off.

"Later loser! " one of her minions was about to say until I jumped out. The next time you disrespect my friend you might wanna sleep with one eye open. I whispered to her and walked away Aphmau following. I looked back at her and saw she was staring at me with wide eyes

They were joking, right? That's all they were doing. Right? Aphmau asked.

Sadly not but I dealt with them..... I said chuckling a bit.


I glanced at Aphmau who was talking to herself probably about how Travis isn't here yet. I was thinking about working up the courage to talk to the kid beside me again. I finally decided I was going to go for it.

H-hi I'm Y/N what's your name? I asked. He put his phone down and stared at me in response. I decided I was going to give up but soon he responded with Zane. Hi Zane I know we got off on the wrong foot but I was hoping we could be friends? I asked him. What am I to you? he asked me. Well you seem like a reasonable person your Garroth's younger brother correct? I responded. He sighed and shook his head. That is why we can't be friends. You don't understand me. he said coldly and started to play games on his phone.

I sat there shocked. Shocked because I had heard that somewhere before.


3rd Person

Hi do you wanna be friends a boy with brown hair asked.

"What am I to you?" the girl with H/L H/C asked him.

Well your sister is very popular here and I think maybe if she's popular than if I hang out with you she might hang out with me. he explained.

I sighed and said again That is why we can't be friends. You see me as my sisters shadow. Therefore you will never really understand me the H/C girl explained. She went to the playground and played by herself watching her sister play with a lot of the kids there.


Y/N's Point Of View

I see Aph grab her phone so I decided I would draw something. I started drawing me as a kid on the slide by myself and Aphmau being the best at soccer. Or me winning at my first volleyball match with no one there and Aphmau beating her first soccer game with mom and dad cheering in the crowd. Or when I had friends and Aphmau took them in a heartbeat. Y/N was unaware of the eyes watching her as she drew.

Soon after I put my drawing supplies away Travis walked in.

Aphmau, Y/N, morning! Travis greeted.

"Hey not-alone buddy! You're late! How was Bio 101 yesterday?" Aphmau asked.

"It wasn't too bad. My sophomore friend was in there." he said.

I vaguely remember him talking about his friend at the club social. Dante is his name I think.

You mean the player guy? I asked.

Yeeah. So I'm cool. I'm cooool. Heheh um, w-what about y'all? H-how was the class y'all had? he asked us.

It was werewolf class, and some guy got thrown out of the window cause he ticked

Y/N off. Aphmau told Travis.

Uh, yeah, that sounds like the werewolf class. So— Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait. I didn't know that you guys were werewolves! Travis exclaimed.

We're not! we gotta go see about getting out of that class. I said sadly because I was enjoying it.

Suddenly the bell rings.

"It's time for first period already? Uh, geez, I was late. What two classes do y'all have today?" Travis asked.

Huuuh... It says first I have creative writing. And then it says I have something called WCFT 203? I said looking at my schedule.

Aphmau nodded slowly showing she had the same.

"Ohh. That's a fun class. My dad is actually a professor in Witchcraft at the local university. Ah, in any case, I got French 101 and I don't wanna be late. See ya later, not-alone buddies! he said and walked off.

See ya! Wait... he's taking French? Ahaha ooh la la... hehehe. we better get to class. Aphmau says in a super cringey way.

We walk down the halls and for the first time in a while I talked to myself out loud.

Let's see, 304, that's my... (sees two girls looking in the window to her classroom) Huh? What are those girls doing there? Never mind, I gotta get right to class! (she walks into the classroom) (sighs) Hopefully the teacher–phew Good, he's not here. Heheh. Alright, now I just need to go find a seat. Ummmm..... I trailed off

GAH! Aphmau yelled I turned to look at what she was looking at and saw those hot guys she kept drooling over.

"This is impossible... This is my class, what are they doing here?" Aphmau mumbled to herself.

Hey, it's you two! the guy with brown hair and blue eyes said.

Ah, the little freshman and the strong freshman from yesterday! Garroth said.

"Are they talking to me?" Aphmau said out loud.

"Yeah, we're talking to you." brown haired guy said.

"Are they reading my thoughts?" Aphmau said out loud again.

"We're not reading your thoughts. You're just taking aloud." Garroth said. I snickered at how Aphmau didn't realize it.

"Ahhaha..." Aphmau trailed off.

"Heh, why don't you come sit at our table?" Garroth suggested.

"Yeah, no one else wants to sit next to us, so it would be nice to have more people at our table." brown haired guy said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on." Garroth reassured me.

"Hmm, I wonder where our teacher is?" the blonde haired boy said thinking aloud.

"Second day of classes, Garroth. Things are hectic. Maybe the teacher didn't show up? In any case, let's not sweat over it too much.Kinda nice to get a free day right at the beginning of the year." the brown haired boy explained.

I nodded my head happily.

I suppose you're right, Laurance. So, little freshman, Garroth called out looking at Aph.

"EH!" Aphmau squeaked.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"I-I-It's Aphmau." my sister stuttered.

"Aphmau? That's a unique name." he said making Aphmau flustered.

"Thanks!" Aphmau said in a really high pitch voice.

And what's yours? the brown haired one asked me.

Y/N I said with no hesitation or stutter.

Nice name. he said I just nodded.

I don't mean to be rude but what's your name I asked the brown haired boy.

"Oh it's Laurence!" he said.

I just hummed in response.

"Why are you shaking? Are you cold?" Laurence asked Aphmau.

"It's because she's sitting next to the hottest guys in the Sophomore class." Garroth said proudly.

Aphmau looked really nervous and she was making weird noises.

Garroth chuckled and winked at her.

"You're going to give the poor girl a heart attack." Laurence said.

"Ah! Sorry, it's just you're really cute." Garroth said.

Your just going to make her more nervous!! I said.

They ignored me like my old friends did cause they were talking with or about Aph.

"Eh–" Aphmau started but didn't finish.

"It's definitely the uniform." Laurence points out.

Aphmau: "So... Laurance and Garroth are your names?" Aphmau said after making more weird noises.

"Ah, so you have been paying attention to more than just our looks." Garroth says teasingly but his face looking surprised.

"I mean— well, yeah, it's kind of rude not to pay attention to what someone is saying, right? Heh, hehe." Aphmau explained.

Oh really is that so? I mumbled so they wouldn't hear me.

Garroth and Laurance just laughed.

So is your friend from yesterday okay? Garroth asked Aphmau.

Uh– Travis? Y-yeah, he's fine, h-he recovered fast actually. Aphmau said stuttering a bit.

Glad to hear. So, what middle school are you from? Laurence asked APHMAU.

See the pattern here? After that I just ignored the rest of the conversation.

Y/N get up it's time for the next class. Aphmau said grabbing my hand. We walked into the hallway and made our way to Witchcraft.

"Are you even supposed to be in witchcraft class?" a girl with orange hair asked.

"It's what my schedule says, so like it or not I'm here, until I can change it!" the girl I know as Katelyn yelled.

"Well you don't have to yell at me, Katelyn." the orange haired girl said.

"I'll yell at you all I want! Gosh, I should never have given you another chance at being my BFF." Katelyn yelled again.

"Hi, are we the only ones in the class?" Aphmau said interrupting the fight.

They both say "Huh?" at the same time.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare at you guys, it's just you both were yelling, and—" Aphmau started but Katelyn cut her off.

Hey, you're those freshman from yesterday. (whispers) "oh this is perfect"

Huh? What? I said confused.

"Ahahaha. Lucinda, this girl here is my new best friend." Katelyn said pointing at me.

What?! I said.

"Oh, really?" the girl who I'm guessing is Lucinda said.

"Yeah really!" Katelyn said.

I got what she was trying to do and nodded my head.

"Oh really? What's her name? Your new, friend." Lucinda asked.

Oh, uh, haha, her name is...Y/N! Yeah

Y/N.... Katelyn said.

Katelyn: Well, that's one friend for me and how many for you? Hmm?

Hmph. Hey girl who is obviously not friends with Katelyn want to be my best friend instead of Katelyn's? friend cause Best friend is already taken if you do I'll help you out in this class. Lucinda said trying to bribe Aphmau.

Why are you guys even fighting over us? This doesn't make any sense! Aphmsu said.

"Don't listen to Lucinda. I'll buy you lunch from the cafe in school." Katelyn said looking at me hoping I'll stay in character.

"I'll give you a spell that turns people into cute kittens." Lucinda said looking at Aphmau hoping she'll choose her.

Katelyn: *Gasps dramatically* You're allergic to cats! She's trying to kill you! Katelyn said.

I'm pretty sure Aph is not allergic to cats but moving on...

"But I'm not allergic to cats! I love them! They're so cute and tiny and fluffy and—" Aphmau started before Lucinda cut her off.

"You don't even know your own friend's allergies." Lucinda said.

Wait, but I'm not your friend! Aphmau said but they ignored.

I don't need to know hers I only need to know my best friends. Katelyn said hoping that I'll keep pretending.

But soon a potion goes flying and lands on the two of them. Before I know it they turned into adorable cats.

Geez, those girls can fight. Sorry about that, girls the teacher told us.

"Uh, who are you?" Aphmau asked the teacher/witch.

"I'm the teacher of the witchcraft class. My name is Hyria." The teacher explained.

Why were Katelyn and Lucinda fighting so frantically? I asked.

Well, one of these girls happens to be my daughter. I can't get into details, because this is a problem they should settle on their own, but there was a boy that they both liked, and they turned into a frog, and, well, you've read the frog prince. In any case, class is about to begin. Students, take your seats. As for you four girls, since you all get along so well, you can all sit together. Hyria told us.

What?! Aphmau exclaimed.

Whatever..... I said

the two cats meowed in shock.

"Go on, sit down and let's begin your introduction to witchcraft." Hyria said pointing to four desks next to each other in the back.

I bet Aphmau is thinking about how nothing could go wrong today but I'm sitting here with two cats and they don't stop fighting so it gets annoying.

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!

Lucinda~cat snarkily said

Meow meow meow meow meow meow!

Katelyn~cat shot back.

Meow meow meow meow meow!

Lucinda~Cat said defending herself.

Meow meow meow meow meow meow!

Katelyn~Cat said to annoy her.

Mememememememeow meow!

Lucinda~Cat said in frustration.

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow! They both yelled.

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow! they both kept saying over and over again.

2449 words how nice!! I'm getting lower. :(