
"The Legendary Mage"

Prologue Long time ago... There was a clan suffering because of the other clan. The people of this clan are powerless, hopeless and innocents because of that the gods and goddesses of this world get anger and they decided to created a secret clan. They physical form are like in humans but they are powerful. This clan bring peace and destroyed the evils, million years pass by. The evil came back again and created a powerful clans. They destroyed the secret clan and ruled again in this world. But they didn't know some of the secret clan are survived and came in Earth/Mortal world to aggrandized. And a prophecy showed... The evils get angered and they decided to aggrandized too to prepared the at coming war. One girl is born... To bring the light... The clan are back... To stop the dark... The light came up... And the dark goes down... The peace was show... And the war was gone... The light was always stay... And the darkness was always gone... ———— A woman who loves stories about magic and normal living as well as her family. What will her do if she knows her is not a normal person as well as her family? And will she know that they are not just like this in the world they live? New life and new world will experience and accessible? Will she survive in this new life and this world?

princesmary10 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - I'm a Mage


"Baby, baby, wake up."

"Baby, wake up, you might be late for your graduation."

"Baby ..."

"Hmmm ..." I moan.

"Baby, wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Mom ..." I exclaimed her name when I saw her.

"Good Morning baby, get up." Mom said and got up from my bed, I got up and sat on the bed.

"Get up and take a bath, it's 8:00 am, we will be waiting for you in the dining room, okay." She said and went to the door then opened it.

"Yes Mom," I answered.

"Your ready baby." Mom said and looked at me seriously, I was surprised.

Ready for what?

"Ready for what Mom?" I asked her in surprise.

"Hmm ... nothing baby, hurry up, your graduation is at 9:00 am." She said and left my room.

I looked at my watch, it was 8:10 am, I quickly got up and went to the bathroom, and took a shower.

Hello!!! I'm Maria Maxine Valdez, 17 years of age, grade 12 student and graduating and finally, it's now. I'm so excited!!

When I finished taking a shower, I immediately put on my uniform and got dressed, then I went downstairs, I caught up with Mom, Dad, and Bi--.

"Wait, this is true! Big Brother is here."

I immediately ran over to him and shouted his name.

"Big Brother Mike !!" I shouted Big Brother's name Big Brother and I were very close when he left to study college far away I was really sad, he stood up and greeted me with a hug so I hugged him he is also.

"Good Morning little sis, I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too Big Brother, when did you come?" I asked him.

"Last night little sis you just fell asleep." Big Brother answered my question and let go of the hug and looked at me, I pout to meet his gaze.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked again.

"Because you slept so well so I didn't wake you up." He answered.

I sniffed more and he just laughed at me.

"Hahaha ... stop that, sit down and eat." Mom disobeyed us, we followed and ate.

"Mike, how do you study?" Dad asked Big Brother and I listened to them while eating.

"It's okay Dad." Big Brother replied to Dad.

"Why did you visit here son?" Mom asked.

"Ahh..because we are on vacation now Mom so I decided to visit here and also so that I can attend Max's graduation so that I can also make up for the two years I didn't attend his graduation." He replied to Mom while looking at me, I smiled at what Big Brother said, no one spoke and when we finished eating we went to school.

WHEN we got here at school graduation started right away.

"Max, is your older brother the one next to your parents?" Jessabel asked me next to me and now our names are being called.

"As I said before, yes," I answered stunned.

"I'm just making sure, you'll be stunned right away." He said, I just sighed no matter when this woman was blabbering on.

"Max where's ---" Jessabel's question didn't end when I stood up because my name was called, I immediately went up on stage and so did Mom and Dad, Big Brother was left at the bottom because he would take the photo, they gave my parents the medal and diploma, Mom hung the medal for me and Dad gave me the diploma, Big Brother took us, when we finished taking the picture of Big Brother we shook hands with officials, after that, we went down, Big Brother met us.

"Congratulations little sis." Big Brother said and hugged me.

"Thanks, Big Brother." I thanked Big Brother for what he said, he let go of the hug and imitated me in the chair, when I was able to sit down they sat down in their chairs, Jessabel was called and went up on stage with his parents, when the event ended we just took a picture and went home.

"Max, do you want us to eat outside to celebrate your graduation." Mom said next to me in the back seat, Dad was driving and Big Brother was in the passenger seat.

"No Mom, it's okay if we just go home to celebrate my graduation there," I replied to Mom.

"Ow... okay, I'll call your Nanny so they can get ready." Mom, I nodded.

When we got home, Mom immediately took care of lunch, I went to my room to get dressed. When I finished getting dressed, I would have gone downstairs when I hit my reflection in my whole body mirror. I came here and looked at my whole being.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!" I loudly shout when I see myself in the mirror.

Why did my eyes turn violet and my hair turn white?


"What happened?!" Big Brother shouted as he entered my room and was stunned to see how I looked.

"Mike what happens?!" Dad asked next when he entered my room, just like Big Brother was shocked to see me.

"Baby what-" Mom was stunned by what she would say when she saw me.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked them and lightning flashed, I looked out the window and the black sky was threatening to rain, the wind was also strong outside.

The weather was good before? Was there a storm?

I immediately stop what I thought and look at my older brother when he spoke.

"Mom, Dad it's time, to tell the truth, what where Max is." Big Brother said seriously while looking at me seriously, I frowned at what Big Brother said, I looked at Mom who also looked at me seriously, I was surprised when the color of their eyes changed and Big Brother hair changed from black hair to orange and also his eyes, so did Mom's from black hair to purple hair and white eyes, to Dad's from black hair to orange hair like an older brother but Dad's eyes are red.

"M-mom, D-dad, Big Br-brother, w-what are you doing?" I asked trembling.

Tell me, this is a dream right, we can't be human. Wizards, Witches, Mages, Gods, Goddesses, Vampires, Werewolfs ... don't say we're one of them, it's just in the stories, isn't it, that it's all fiction, they're not really in this world, are they, tell me !! I'm right? !! "

"Max we'll explain." Mom said and approached me, I backed away and I pushed back my study table causing the items to fall, I didn't hear anything falling or breaking so I look on the floor that the items fall. They just float in the air and slowly descend to the floor.

"That's my power baby. I'm a Gravity Mage." Mom said I looked at her and I looked at Big Brother when he let out a fire in his hand.

"This is my power and I inherited it from Dad." Big Brother said. Dad also let out a fire in his hand.

"I know how you feel little sis because I was like that when I found out that I'm not human and they're Dad and you, it's hard to accept it but we're really like this and I know that you can easily understand it because you're addicted to fantasy creatures like as," he said, I sighed and stared at him for what he said.

What addict? I just like them and he's the one who influenced me, so am the addict now.

I just removed what I said in my mind because Big Brother looks serious, I can even be told like a child because it's a serious conversation, but the surroundings are awkward, I don't want us to be like this, I'm not used to it.

"So if the Mage is real, don't say that Wizards, Witches, Sorcerers, Vampires, Werewolfs, Fairies, Gods, Goddesses, Fortunetellers, Monsters, Demons, and other fantasy creatures are also true?" I asked Big Brother.

"Yes." Big Brother answered without a trace of lies.

"Oh really!"

Based on what I've seen before and it doesn't look like it's a dream, they're telling the truth.

"Then."I pretend thinking.

"I want to see them!" I said happily and smirk, they were stunned.

Hmm... what kind of power do I have, maybe gravity like Mom's because if Big Brother fires and he inherits it from Dad, maybe gravity is my power.

"Baby aren't you surprised?" I was stunned at my thought when Mom asks.

"Of course Mom I was surprised at first but it's so cool if you find out that you are a mage." I happily answer Mom.

"I told you Mom when Max found out the truth that was her reaction and look she so happy." Big Brother said.

"Why should I be sad that I have superpowers, wait I'll tell this to Jessabel, yeah!! that will be shocking." I said excitedly, I would have taken my cellphone when it floated and went to Mom's hand, they signed.

"I thought you were reading fantasy stories." Big Brother said.

I was surprised when I realized what Big Brother meant.

I'm stupid, people like us may be secretive to people.

"Let's just continue the conversation downstairs, the food downstairs was done," Dad said and before he left the room, his hair gradually turned black. Mom looked at me worried so I smiled at her after that her hair and eyes also turned black then she followed Dad, Big Brother and I were the only ones left in the room, I was surprised by it laughed out loud.

"I was young that time and I'm not as immature now as you are!" I said to him and punched him, he stopped and shouted, I immediately ran out of my room so that he wouldn't retaliate against me, I even heard him call my name. I was about to go downstairs when he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back to my room, I struggled.

"Brother, let me go !!" I shouted at him and tried to remove his hand.

"Max stops it, we'll just restore the color of your hair and eyes, the butlers and maids downstairs can't see you look like that." Big Brother said and I stopped, he let go of me and moved away from me a little.

"You can't get your hair back to normal because you haven't been able to control the energy coming out from your body so the true color of your hair and eyes comes out but there's a spell for that." Big brother said again and staff appeared in front of him, he took it and he moved away from me two meters, he pointed at me with his staff and immediately our foot lit up, I looked at my foot and Big Brother. There are two magic circles at our feet, one is with him and the other is mine, I looked at Big Brother when he spoke the spell.

"Abscondo Sua Verum Conformo!"

Immediately, my position became clear when it disappeared, I was just looking at Big Brother, what had just happened didn't sink into my brain.

Big Brother chanted a spell, I wonder if we're a mage.

Big Brother's staff disappeared, his hair and eyes returned to normal.

"It's only 15 hours, the true color of your hair and eyes will also return," said Big Brother but I was still staring at him.

"Aaawww!!!" I cried out in pain when Big Brother hit me.

"It was like that earlier when you hit me and to make you conscious, you were an idiot before, we were called downstairs to eat!" Big Brother shouted in my face and immediately ran out of my room laughing.

"BIG BROTHER !!!" I shouted his name and chased after I recover from what happened earlier, I quickly got to the dining room, my speed as in less than 5 seconds, when I saw Big Brother going to the dining table I immediately pushed him, I was surprised when he jumped far from the dining table and hit the wall, there was a crater and cracks on the wall due to the force of the impact, Big Brother slowly slid towards the floor and he fell now on the floor, Big Brother is writhing in pain, Mom and Dad are standing up with shock.

I guess my strength?

I immediately approached him and apologized.

"Big Brother sorry, I didn't mean to, Big Brother!" I said tearfully and uneasily.

What did I do?!!

Mom and Dad approached laughing a little.

They weren't angry, I almost killed Big Brother.

"Mike, stand there, it won't kill you. It's just a push." Dad's holding back laughter.

Aren't they angry, they still seem to be laughing at what happened?

"Stand there, don't make fun of your little sister, get up," said Mom, Big Brother got up and scratched his neck.

"That's pretty strong huh." Big Brother said and stood up, I stood up and approached him.

"I'm sorry Big Brother, you're the one who's hit me. I was shocked by what you did earlier!" I told him, he turned to face me.

"So I'm still at fault, you're the one who's hit me first!" he said to my face.

"Cause you were laughing at me earlier!" I shouted and snorted.

"Stop that, this dish is getting cold." Mom disobeyed us who was already sitting at the table with Dad. I turned to Big Brother and sat down at the table.

"Ouch!" I screamed as Big Brother squeezed my arm before sitting down at the table next to me.

"Mike!" Mom warns Big Brother, Mom and Dad just sighed at Big Brother and I's doing, I was rubbed on my arm which was red because of what he did before.

Mom explained to me what we are, Mom is the son of an Emperor and Dad too, I will also study where Big Brother studying and we will go tomorrow because the entrance is next week, it was night and I was here on the Veranda while looking at the stars.

A lot happened today. I finished high school and then I know I'm not human and now I will go to a magical school similar to the ones I read but it is different because what I read is they are adopted and they will know they are not human and will return to the world where they will save that world and meet the man they will love. I don't want my life to be like that but I don't expect that what is happening in my life will be like that, I just wish my life would be like the fantasy stories I read, but real life can be even worse.

I just sighed at the thought that I would just be like the ones I read if my life was a story, I went to bed to sleep because Big Brother and I wake early tomorrow.

I didn't expect that I'm not a human, before drowsiness visits me I can't get those words out of my mind before I fall asleep.

"I'm a Mage"