
A New World and New beginning

In the end, Evan, the primitive man, had established the civilization he had longed for and had dominated the entire tribe. However, he had underestimated the greed of his own race. He was betrayed by his closest friend and his kingdom was taken over. He could have fallen, but he didn't want to drag his son down with him. He protected Little Adam until the portal that would send him back to the modern world. Here's the conversation they had:

Evan: "Adam, I'm sending you back to the modern world. Sarah will take care of you there. Don't worry. When the time comes, Sarah will explain to you the functions of the ring, and you'll know what to do."

Adam: "Father, I can't leave you alone. I want to come with you."

Evan: "No, you must go. Your future is there. Mine has come to an end."

Adam: "But I don't want to leave you."

Evan: "I have never abandoned you. You are everything to me, and you will always be. Go and build yourself a future."

Adam: "Okay, Father. I will never forget you."

Evan: "I will never forget you either. Now go. Time is running out."

Adam ran towards the portal, listening to his father's last words, and went to the modern world with the ring.

The world, Year 2005, New York City, America

Adam suddenly found himself in one of New York's alleys with the ring on his finger. Sarah noticed that Adam's clothes were not suitable for the season and connected to the world's internet to search for someone who could take care of him and become his guardian.

After a short search, she found a woman named Johanna who seemed to be a well-educated, exemplary citizen but had been betrayed like Evan and was fired from her job and needed money.

She found Johanna's phone number and decided to call her. She hacked into the phone and changed the voicemail to her own voice. The message went like this:

"Hi, Johanna, this is Sarah. I have an offer for you. I want you to take care of a friend's son, but it can only be part-time. So, I would like to offer you a job. You can come to the house and take care of him, cook for him, and do housework for him. You can work whenever it's convenient for you, and I can pay you $5000 per month. If you're interested, call me, and you can find my number in your mailbox. Thanks."

After that was settled, Sarah opened an offshore account and transferred the illegal money she had obtained from criminal organizations to this account to create the necessary funds for Adam's background.

A few hours later, Johanna called back and said she was willing to talk about the offer. After Sarah explained Adam's needs for a caregiver (which included not asking too many questions, pretending to be Adam's mother, and managing fake jobs), Johanna accepted the offer.

Sarah asked Johanna to go to Adam's location and take him home. Johanna agreed to this because the deal included this and because she had some sympathy for Adam's story (even though she wasn't sure if it was true).

After two hours, he picked up Adam from the reported location with an old motorcycle and took him to his own home. Despite having received some training and with Sarah's help, Adam was still a bit hesitant, as their experiences had been too heavy for a 5-year-old child. He wished Johanna a good night and fell asleep wondering what the future would bring.

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