
"The Enchanted Masquerade"

In a small town on the outskirts of a bustling metropolis, there lived Ronnie, a cross-dresser with a penchant for extravagant outfits and a heart full of dreams. In a world where conformity was the norm, Ronnie stood out as a beacon of individuality. However, life in this mundane world had never quite felt like home. One fateful evening, while attending an extravagant masquerade ball in their most dazzling ensemble, Ronnie stumbled upon an antique mirror tucked away in a dusty corner of the ballroom. The mirror, surrounded by flickering candlelight, seemed to beckon to Ronnie, promising something beyond their wildest dreams. Unable to resist its allure, Ronnie touched the mirror's surface and, in an instant, was consumed by a swirling vortex of colors and lights. When the chaos subsided, Ronnie found themselves in an entirely different realm, a world of magic and mythical creatures. As they adjusted to this new environment, Ronnie noticed their reflection in a nearby pond, which revealed their appearance had changed completely. They now possessed an otherworldly beauty, and their clothes had transformed into an elegant gown fit for a royal court. It seemed the mirror had not only transported them to a different realm but had also altered their very essence. In this enchanting realm, Ronnie discovered that they were in the land of Eldoria, a place filled with diverse lifeforms, from graceful elves and wise dwarves to majestic dragons and mischievous fairies. Magic flowed through the very air, and the land was divided into various kingdoms, each ruled by a different race. Desperate to return home, Ronnie set out on a quest to find the legendary Seer, an oracle rumored to possess the knowledge of traversing between realms. Along the way, they formed unlikely friendships with beings they had only read about in books, including a gentle giant of a treant, a cunning rogue sprite, and a loyal griffin companion. Their journey was fraught with peril as they encountered dark forests, treacherous swamps, and cunning sorcerers who sought to use Ronnie's unique abilities for their own gain. But with their newfound friends and an indomitable spirit, Ronnie continued their quest, learning valuable lessons of courage, acceptance, and the true meaning of identity. Throughout their adventures, Ronnie found that their cross-dressing, which had once been a source of insecurity, became a symbol of strength and resilience. They inspired others to embrace their individuality, challenging the rigid norms of Eldoria and fostering unity among its diverse inhabitants. As their journey neared its climax, Ronnie finally stood before the Seer, who revealed the secret of returning home. But with the newfound wisdom they had gained, Ronnie faced a difficult choice: to return to their old world or to stay in Eldoria and continue their adventures, forever challenging the boundaries of what it meant to be true to oneself. "The Enchanted Masquerade" is a tale of self-discovery, acceptance, and the magic that lies within each of us. It reminds us that it's our uniqueness that makes us extraordinary and that the journey to find oneself can lead to the most enchanting of places, even if they are in realms beyond our imagination.

Misty_Ellaine · LGBT+
47 Chs

401 - 410

Chapter 401: Tenjin Tower! . . .

One hour passed, and as the group gathered in Unreal Plaza, the atmosphere was a mix of determination and despondency. Some of the more resilient individuals, still brimming with fighting spirit, stood resolute in the plaza's center, eagerly awaiting the elders to unlock the gate leading to the Celestial Tower. However, a palpable sense of listlessness hung over others.

Among these individuals were those with less than stellar academic records, their chances of passing the selection seemingly slim, and their enthusiasm for the Celestial Tower's challenges noticeably lacking.

Elder Wei furrowed his brow, his silence speaking volumes. Each passing year seemed to bring with it a greater number of geniuses facing substantial setbacks.

Suddenly, Elder Cao broke the silence, his voice cutting through the uncertainty. "This time, the choice to enter the Celestial Tower is yours to make. If you opt out, you may remain outside, but all subsequent scores will be null."

Elder Cao's words injected a renewed sense of urgency into the group. The prospect of receiving a zero score was enough to jolt even the most disinterested among them into action. Despite the odds stacked against them, maintaining a semblance of dignity in the face of failure remained paramount.

A handful of individuals, resigned to their fate, sank to the ground, their decision clear.

Initially, Yu Youcai and his companions had little intention of participating further. However, Elder Cao's words ignited a spark within them. Though hailing from a modest background, they refused to bring shame upon their homeland.

"Elder Cao, you're quite the compassionate soul. Were I in your position, I might not extend such leniency," Elder Lu remarked via telepathy.

Inwardly, Elder Cao sighed, responding in kind, "It's a product of someone else's hard work, after all. It would be a shame to see it go to waste."

"These geniuses may have stumbled at the outset, but to see them fall further would be a tragedy," Elder Wei added solemnly, his hands moving to form a seal.

This time, the gate that materialized was a resplendent shade of purple, adorned with intricate golden runes that pulsed with energy.

As the gate slowly swung open, revealing the mysterious expanse beyond, the group filed in one by one, each receiving a jade pendant upon entry. Divided into two sections, the upper portion recorded their progress through the tower's floors, while the lower portion tracked the duration spent on each floor.


Within the Celestial Tower, Han Feng found himself in a realm suffused with ethereal purple light. In the distance, a small gateway beckoned, from which cascaded a radiant purple-golden glow, forming a staircase that stretched into the unknown.

"It appears that the gateway leads to the tower's second floor," Han Feng mused aloud, assessing his current two-star ground level cultivation base. "To attain 60 points, I must endure on the second floor for more than half an hour."

"Venturing to the third floor would yield seventy points, with eighty points achievable by remaining there for over thirty minutes," he continued, calculating his potential gains. "And if I dare to ascend to the fourth floor, I could earn a whopping ninety points."

"Venture to the fifth floor and you'll earn a handsome one hundred and ten points," Han Feng murmured to himself, eyes glinting with determination. "But I aim for even greater heights—I must breach the fifth floor and endure for over thirty minutes to secure one hundred and twenty points."

The prospect of ascending to the fifth floor, equivalent to the spiritual power of a five-star ground level, weighed heavily on Han Feng's mind. His current spiritual level barely grazed the threshold of a three-star tier, a far cry from the pinnacle of a tier three-star.

Achieving entry to the fifth floor necessitated the activation of the Sky Fire Combat Body, a transformation not solely for physical fortification but also for bolstering mental prowess. After all, only a robust physique could withstand the rigors of ascended cultivation, while a fortified mind was essential for mastering newfound power.

Yet, Han Feng concealed the true nature of the Sky Fire Combat Body, resorting to deception to protect its sanctity. Exposing its secrets risked not only his safety but also the potential exploitation by others. The consequences of divulging such knowledge could prove dire, especially among covetous individuals within the martial world.

The perils of secret techniques lay in their propensity to outpace the body's capacity for adaptation. Without adequate physical and mental preparedness, practitioners risked catastrophic repercussions, from severe bodily harm to loss of control over newfound abilities.

As Han Feng ascended the staircase, he felt a potent force permeate the space, exerting pressure upon his being. Simultaneously, a subtle influence encroached upon his consciousness, testing the resilience of his spirit.

Undeterred, Han Feng pressed onward, his formidable three-star ground level physique resilient to the pressures exerted upon him. With steely resolve, he resisted the oppressive spiritual energy, navigating the challenges with practiced ease.

Suddenly, a pool of shimmering purple water materialized upon the first step, its presence hinting at the tower's formidable defenses. Han Feng observed its properties with keen interest, recognizing it as the rumored teleportation water.

With a calculated toss, Han Feng dispatched an object into the purple vortex, witnessing its swift disappearance. Meanwhile, outside the tower, the elders observed the subtle disturbance caused by Han Feng's experimentation, a wry smile tugging at their lips as yet another unwitting individual fell prey to the tower's defenses.

Undeterred, Han Feng continued his ascent, each step bringing him closer to his goal. Despite the tower's cunning safeguards, his indomitable spirit and unyielding determination propelled him ever upward, towards the pinnacle of achievement within the Celestial Tower.

As the pool of teleportation water extended to one-third of its reach, Han Feng and Meng Yaqing maintained their composure, navigating the tower's challenges with ease. However, for others like Lin Huixuan, the journey proved arduous.

Struggling under the weight of the tower's relentless pressure, Lin Huixuan grappled with the daunting prospect of faltering at the first hurdle. Despite his formidable cultivation base, the coercion of the tower's first level threatened to overwhelm him.

"It's unbearable! Am I to be thwarted here?" Lin Huixuan exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice. Despite his prowess at the peak of the 12-star mysterious rank, he found himself humbled by the tower's uncompromising trials.

With the teleportation water encroaching upon him, Lin Huixuan resolved to resort to drastic measures. "It seems I have no choice but to employ the Dragon Body Transformation. Though unstable, it should bolster my strength to withstand the ensuing challenges."

Summoning the power of the Golden Dragon Variety, Lin Huixuan underwent a dramatic transformation, his body adapting to the heightened demands of the tower. With newfound vigor, he surged forward, leaving the encroaching water in his wake.

Following suit, Xuan Shentong activated the Intermediate Ice Emperor Body, hastening his ascent alongside Lin Huixuan.

Meanwhile, others faced their own struggles. Yu Youcai, Lei Ruwen, Zangqinghu, Lei Junyan, Yu Henfei, and Lei Junyan found themselves ill-equipped for the trials ahead.

Hua Wenlong, despite possessing an illusionist physique that bolstered his spiritual power, faced a similar predicament due to his lackluster cultivation base. Though his profound eleven-star prowess hinted at potential success, his meager ten-star cultivation fell short of expectation.

In a flurry of motion, seven individuals were swiftly teleported out of the tower, joined by countless others in their failure to progress.

Observing the scene unfold, Elder Cao shook his head in dismay. Despite their aspirations, these individuals had fallen short of the tower's exacting standards.

Chapter 402: Heavenly Snake Blood! . . .

Gasping for breath, Jiang Da, a prodigious talent at the tender age of fourteen, found himself struggling to keep pace with his older counterparts. Despite his innate gifts, his youthful cultivation base lagged behind the seasoned veterans.

"I can't hold on much longer. If this continues, I'll be forced out," Jiang Da gasped between breaths, his resolve wavering as the minutes ticked by. "I must, at the very least, breach the first level and ascend to the second!"

Summoning his latent power, Jiang Da invoked his Heavenly Snake Bloodline, shrouding himself in a veil of black smoke as a colossal serpent emerged. With eyes aglow with purple intensity, the snake surged forward, racing towards the entrance to the tower's second floor.


Meanwhile, Han Feng reached the summit of the towering staircase, casting a glance back at the teleportation water that had encroached upon the lower steps. Without hesitation, he stepped onto the second floor, only to be met with a fresh wave of pressure.

Undeterred, Han Feng forged ahead, his indomitable spirit propelling him towards the next challenge. As he ascended further, each step brought with it an escalation of pressure, marking his transition from the first to the second star tier.

Though his physical strength matched that of a three-star level, Han Feng grappled with the taxing strain on his soul, each step a battle against the suffocating weight of the tower's influence. Despite the pain and dizziness that assailed him, Han Feng pressed on, determined to break through to the third level and beyond.

With gritted teeth and unwavering determination, Han Feng persevered, his sights set on the enhancement of both body and soul that lay beyond each successive level.


Elsewhere, a cadre of elite geniuses effortlessly ascended through the tower's levels, their formidable cultivation bases propelling them towards the highest echelons of achievement. Wang Qingcang, Liu Yuer, the Taixu brothers, Xian'anshan, the Shi Tai Shijun siblings, Hu Xiaodie, and Zhan Fu Yu were among those who navigated the tower's trials with ease, their sights set on reaching the pinnacle of success.

However, for Lei Yuzhe, the journey proved far more taxing. Struggling beneath the weight of the tower's oppressive atmosphere, Lei Yuzhe found himself faltering with each step, his progress hindered by the overwhelming pressure that threatened to crush his resolve.

"Huhu, no more, since that's the case..." Lei Yulu muttered to himself, his voice tinged with resignation. With a decisive gesture, he invoked the power of lightning, enveloping himself in crackling energy that crackled like a tempest.

Surrounded by a corona of electrical discharge, Lei Yulu surged forward, the burden on his body noticeably alleviated. With newfound vigor, he hastened towards the entrance to the third floor, his resolve unshaken by the tower's trials.


Meanwhile, Lin Huixuan's colossal form faltered as he ascended the steps, blood staining the scales of his hide. Weakened by the relentless pressure, he teetered on the brink of collapse.

With a weary sigh, Lin Huixuan's draconic visage contorted in pain as the transformation of his dragon body dissipated, leaving him vulnerable. Toppling from the steps, he plummeted into the waiting embrace of the teleportation water below.

Likewise, Xuan Shentong's Ice Emperor's body reached its limit, reverting to its original state. Without the protective mantle of ice, Xuan Shentong succumbed to the oppressive atmosphere, falling from the steps in exhaustion.


Outside the tower, Lei Junyan and his companions sprang into action, anticipating the inevitable exit of Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong. Positioned strategically before the gate, they swiftly caught the fallen duo, sparing them the indignity of further embarrassment.

As Elder Cao retrieved their jade cards, the gathered geniuses looked on with envy. While most had managed to breach the second floor, Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong's achievement stood out amidst the crowd.

Despite their lower cultivation bases, their tenacity earned them a commendable score of 93 points each, much to their delight. Grateful for their unexpected success, they accepted the congratulations of their peers, content with their hard-earned achievement amidst the tower's formidable trials.

Yu Youcai and his companions swallowed their disappointment, offering heartfelt congratulations to Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong. Though their own hopes of success had dwindled, they found solace in the achievements of their friends.

Despite their dashed aspirations, Yu Youcai and the others recognized that Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong's scores would likely secure their entry into Northern Capital University. While their own prospects seemed dim, they could only resign themselves to fate and extend their best wishes to their peers.


Meanwhile, within the Celestial Tower's second floor, the colossal black serpent continued its relentless ascent towards the third floor's entrance. However, the mounting pressure took its toll, gradually slowing the serpent's progress until it could only crawl laboriously up the steps.

As the strain became unbearable, the serpent's form convulsed, shedding its scales until it transformed into a small figure—the young prodigy, Jiang Da. Submerged beneath the rising tide of teleportation water, Jiang Da vanished from sight.


Outside the tower, amidst the gathering of onlookers, Jiang Da suddenly emerged from the teleportation water, landing gracefully on the ground. Compared to Lin Huixuan and Xuan Shentong's setbacks, Jiang Da's performance elicited a sense of relief from his peers.

Elder Cao, acknowledging Jiang Da's achievement, awarded him a perfect score of one hundred points. Although Jiang Da remained outwardly composed, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over him.

As Yu Youcai approached with careless familiarity, Jiang Da's demeanor shifted, prompting him to withdraw and assume a meditative posture. Though momentarily taken aback by his friend's abrupt reaction, Yu Youcai's concern quickly overshadowed any lingering dissatisfaction.

Observing Jiang Da's transformation, Yu Youcai's astonishment turned to admiration as he recognized the telltale signs of a breakthrough. Amidst the trials of the Celestial Tower, Jiang Da had transcended the limits of his previous cultivation, propelling himself to new heights of power and potential.

Chapter 403: Spiritual breakthrough! . . .

In reality, Jiang Da himself had not anticipated such a swift breakthrough.

Originally, he had estimated that it would take at least a fortnight to reach this stage.

Yet, here he was, on the verge of a breakthrough after just a brief stint in the Celestial Tower.

Internally, Jiang Da lamented the timing of his breakthrough. With so many onlookers present, any deliberate interference could spell failure for his advancement.

Should he fail, the recovery process would set him back by at least a month, delaying his progress and necessitating a return to rigorous training.

With a faint smile, Elder Cao extended his hand, sending a gentle surge of energy into Jiang Da's body. "Impressive lad, with your bloodline, you're destined for greatness in the Great Sacred Domain. Allow me to lend a hand."

Though uttered internally, Elder Cao's intentions were clear. No one would dare disrupt Jiang Da's breakthrough, knowing the consequences it could entail.

Besides, there was no animosity between them and Jiang Da. Why resort to hostile actions?


Seated cross-legged, Jiang Da felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, hastening his breakthrough process.

What would have taken days was achieved in mere moments as he ascended to the eleventh star of the mysterious rank.

With his newfound stability, those around him marveled at the prowess of the sanctuary level, especially one of Elder Cao's caliber.

A mere snap of his fingers could expedite a martial artist's post-breakthrough stabilization process, saving valuable time.

Upon awakening, Jiang Da learned of his breakthrough from Yu Youcai, prompting him to express his gratitude to Elder Cao.

But Elder Cao dismissed his thanks with a casual wave. "We're approaching the final assessment at the Mirror of Death. I couldn't bear to see a promising youngster like you miss out."

However, he cautioned Jiang Da about the challenges ahead. With his current strength, achieving notable results in the Mirror of Death would prove challenging.

Given that one-star monsters at the ground level were worth a mere 0.1 points, Jiang Da, at his current level, would face difficulty in hunting higher-tier monsters.

In essence, to achieve a perfect score, he'd need to vanquish a thousand first-level monsters—a daunting task to accomplish in just three days.

Nonetheless, Jiang Da maintained a pragmatic outlook. "If I fail, there's always next time," he quipped.

Elder Cao chuckled in agreement. "Precisely. Keep that mindset, and in three years, you'll be a top-grade champion."

He offered a reassuring glance to Jiang Da, hinting at the potential for success if fortune favored him.

Jiang Da's initial surprise quickly gave way to laughter. He wasn't alone in this endeavor.

With the collective efforts of himself, Han Feng, and others, securing high scores in the Mirror of Death might not be an impossible feat.


Meanwhile, within the Celestial Tower, Han Feng had ascended to the third floor, while Lei Yuyu found himself struggling to maintain his footing on the same level.

At one-third of the steps, Lei Yuyu's flickering thunder body dissipated under the immense pressure of the third floor of the Celestial Tower, causing him to plummet into the teleportation water below and be transported outside.

Glancing at the jade card, Elder Cao announced, "Lei Yuyu, twenty minutes on the third floor. Ninety-seven points!"

Achieving a perfect score in this assessment was a formidable task. Even reaching one hundred and twenty points was exceedingly challenging, not only for Lei Yuyu but also for the likes of Meng Yaqing, Hu Xiaodie, and Zhan Fu Yu.

Indeed, Elder Cao and others didn't anticipate such high scores. Historically, obtaining a bonus and reaching one hundred and twenty points in the Celestial Tower assessment had been the rarest among the six evaluations.

Ninety-seven points, therefore, was an outstanding achievement.


Meanwhile, on the third floor of the Celestial Tower, Han Feng had reached the midpoint. Despite the efforts of some, like Meng Yaqing, Hu Xiaodie, and Zhan Fu Yu, who had swiftly advanced to the fourth floor, Han Feng found progress on the third floor to be arduous.

It wasn't for lack of trying on Han Feng's part. Rather, the strain on his soul had reached its zenith. Each step he took was accompanied by escalating pain and an intensifying sensation of dizziness and nausea.

Within the recesses of his mind, Han Feng's Essence divine power struggled against the oppressive force of the Celestial Tower's soul.

Cold sweat trickled down Han Feng's forehead, reminiscent of someone emerging from a watery abyss, his wet hair clinging to his skin.

With a determined grit of his teeth, Han Feng deliberated over employing his Heavenly Fire Fighting Body. Yet, he refrained, realizing it would compromise his objective of fortifying his physical prowess and Essence divine power.

As the inheritance water closed in, threatening to submerge him and eject him from the tower, Han Feng steeled himself. Hundreds of steps lay ahead, but suddenly, a surge of inexplicable momentum swept through him.

In that moment, a small section of space above Han Feng's consciousness distorted visibly.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Han Feng's face lit up with joy. "I've broken through! My soul level has reached three stars!"

"With the strength of a three-star body and the prowess of Essence, once I enter Beidu Academy and harness the power of the fire lotus seed, I'm confident I'll reach the pinnacle of the three-star tier within a month!"

In the realm of the local level, even the most gifted geniuses experienced a slowdown in their cultivation speed.

Han Feng's ambition to ascend from the peak of two stars to the pinnacle of three stars within a month seemed almost fantastical, a feat that bordered on the miraculous. It was a declaration so bold that others might scoff or dismiss it outright.

Indeed, most would find such confidence in Han Feng's abilities hard to believe.


Yet, following his breakthrough in Essence divine power, Han Feng's burden lightened considerably, propelling him forward with newfound swiftness.

Where previously the inheritance water loomed just steps away, now, spurred by Han Feng's acceleration, the gap between him and the water widened rapidly, stretching nearly a hundred steps.

In the blink of an eye, Han Feng arrived at the entrance to the fourth floor of the Celestial Tower.

Drawing a steadying breath, he stepped across the threshold.


Inside the fourth floor of the Celestial Tower, before the appearance of the stairs or the entrance to the fifth floor, Han Feng was already overwhelmed by the tower's crushing pressure.

His complexion paled, and discomfort rippled through his body.

In this moment of distress, as the staircase materialized, along with the entrance to the fifth floor, Han Feng knew he might struggle to ascend even ten steps.

Realizing the plateau he had reached with his Essence divine power, Han Feng made a decisive choice.

"The time for improving my Essence divine power and physical strength has come to a temporary halt," he mused inwardly.

"And so..."

"Activate the seventh Heavenly Fire Fighting Body, now!"

Chapter 404: The Tianshen Tower assessment is over! . . .

Han Feng's triumphant stride onto the fifth floor of the Celestial Tower marked a significant milestone in his journey of cultivation. The pressure of the celestial energies swirling around him was palpable, but Han Feng stood firm, his determination unwavering.

As Han Feng ascended higher into the tower, the challenges grew more daunting, yet he remained resolute. With each step, he could feel the weight of expectation bearing down on him, but he refused to falter. The fifth floor, with its formidable aura akin to that of a five-star earth-level powerhouse, tested his limits like never before.

Undeterred by the overwhelming pressure, Han Feng called upon the power of the Canglan Xuanhuo, a fusion of celestial energies that transformed the raging flames around him into a brilliant shade of blue. The change was not merely cosmetic; it signified a deeper connection to the celestial energies coursing through him, empowering him to overcome the challenges ahead.

As Han Feng pressed onward, the blue flames cast a mesmerizing glow, illuminating his path to the sixth floor. Each step brought him closer to his goal, and with unwavering determination, he forged ahead, undaunted by the trials that lay ahead.

Meanwhile, in the Illusory Square, the atmosphere was tense as contenders grappled with the challenges of the Celestial Tower. Liu Yuer's valiant efforts on the fifth floor had earned him commendation, but he was not alone in his struggles. Others, like Meng Yaqing, Zhan Fu Yu, and Hu Xiaodie, raced through the tower, their determination matching Han Feng's.

Among them, the Taixu brothers, Xian Anshan, and Shi Tai Shijun also made significant progress, each pushing themselves to the limit in pursuit of excellence. Their collective efforts exemplified the spirit of perseverance that pervaded the Illusory Square, inspiring others to rise to the challenge.

Back on the fifth floor, Han Feng's indomitable spirit carried him forward, his resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. With each passing moment, he drew closer to his ultimate goal, his determination shining like a beacon in the darkness.

And then, with a resounding boom, Han Feng crossed the threshold of the sixth floor, his journey through the Celestial Tower far from over. But as he stepped onto the next level, he did so with confidence, knowing that with each trial he faced, he grew stronger, more resilient, and ever closer to realizing his full potential.

As Han Feng ascended to the sixth floor of the Celestial Tower, uncertainty mingled with determination in his mind. "The sixth floor of the Celestial Tower, I wonder what level I can reach with my full strength now," he pondered aloud, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

Meanwhile, on another part of the sixth floor, the brothers Taixu and Xian'an Mountain found themselves struggling against the formidable pressure. Despite their efforts, they were eventually overcome and swiftly teleported out before the thirty-minute mark. Undeterred, Stay, with his substantial frame, employed a unique strategy. "Although Wanrong God is still in its infancy, it can still offset nearly half of the coercion without it," Stay remarked, a glint of determination shining in his eyes. "I don't know how the thin guy is faring, but I must hold on a little longer."

In a separate area of the sixth floor, Shi Jun stood like an immovable force, his presence akin to that of a giant knife. With each step, he dispersed the pressure with ease, his expression unwavering as he advanced to the seventh floor.

Meanwhile, Wang Qingcang, despite his impressive sword intent, found himself hindered by his lower cultivation base compared to Shi Jun. Though he managed to achieve a score of 100 points, courtesy of his valiant efforts, he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment upon realizing that both Meng Yaqing and Han Feng had yet to emerge from the tower.

Concern etched on her face, Liu Yuer offered a helping hand to her husband. "My dear, your performance is commendable," she offered with a supportive smile. However, her reassurance was met with Wang Qingcang's sudden realization. "Han Feng hasn't come out yet?!" he exclaimed, disbelief evident in his voice.

As the realization dawned upon him, Wang Qingcang couldn't help but marvel at Han Feng's resilience. "This guy... he's obviously terribly poor, but he's always so perverted," Wang Qingcang muttered to himself, a mix of admiration and incredulity in his tone. Nearby, Jiang Feng, having achieved full marks, observed the unfolding events with keen interest. Reflecting on Han Feng's potential, Jiang Feng couldn't help but acknowledge the young prodigy's remarkable abilities.

Indeed, as Han Feng's journey continued, his peers couldn't help but take notice of his undeniable talent. With each passing moment, Han Feng's ascent to greatness seemed all the more assured, leaving those around him in awe of his burgeoning potential.

"If you can really pass the selection of Beidu Academy, it will not be impossible to break through to the ground within three months," commented Elder Cao, his tone tinged with a hint of excitement.

Meanwhile, amidst the buzz of conversation about Han Feng's astounding performance, the young prodigy himself emerged from the purple gate, his forehead glistening with sweat. Despite his disheveled appearance, there was an air of triumph about him as he landed firmly on the ground.

Elder Cao wasted no time in retrieving the jade card from Han Feng, his expression reflecting a mix of astonishment and admiration. "Han Feng, the sixth floor of the Celestial Tower, more than 30 minutes. Congratulations, kid, you got 120 points!" he exclaimed, his voice resonating with pride.

The revelation sent shockwaves through the gathered crowd, leaving many talented martial artists reeling with disbelief. To achieve a perfect score in an assessment as rigorous as the Celestial Tower was unprecedented, and Han Feng's accomplishment was met with a mixture of envy and awe.

As Han Feng basked in the glory of his achievement, a sense of unease crept over some of his peers. Xie Anshan, in particular, couldn't shake the feeling of dread that Han Feng's success instilled in him. "How can this be... how is it possible," he muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and resentment.

Across the group, murmurs of discontent began to circulate as jealousy and rivalry reared their heads. Brother Taixu and Yuan Zheng exchanged knowing glances, their resolve to eliminate Han Feng growing stronger with each passing moment.

With only five participants remaining in the Celestial Tower, anticipation hung heavy in the air as everyone awaited the conclusion of the assessment. Finally, as Shi Tai Shijun and the others emerged from the tower, signaling the end of the trial, attention shifted to the looming prospect of the Mirror of Death.

Chapter 405: The fruit of death, the flower of death! . . .

"The results are in," Elder Cao announced, his voice echoing through the assembly. "Shitai, seventh floor of the Celestial Tower, 100 points. Shi Jun, seventh floor of the Celestial Tower, 100 points. Hu Xiaodie, the seventh floor of the Celestial Tower, one hundred and ten minutes. Zhan Fu Yu, the 11th floor of the Celestial Tower, hold on for more than half an hour, 120 minutes. And lastly, Meng Yaqing, the eleventh floor of the Celestial Tower, persist for more than half an hour, one hundred and twenty minutes!"

As the final scores were revealed, a sense of anticipation filled the air. However, it was evident that the overall performance in the God Tower assessment had dipped slightly compared to previous evaluations. Despite this, the accumulated results still placed the participants in a favorable position.

"A rest for an hour, and then the last assessment will begin," Elder Cao announced, prompting everyone to take a moment to recuperate before the next challenge.

Meanwhile, Han Feng and his companions engaged in a candid discussion about their prospects in the upcoming Mirror of Death. With tensions running high, Yu Youcai expressed his concerns about their ability to succeed in the perilous trial.

Jiang Feng, however, remained composed as he shared insights into the mechanics of the Death Mirror. He outlined the importance of cooperation and strategy, emphasizing the need for vigilance in the face of formidable adversaries.

"But how do we ensure we stay together?" Han Feng interjected, raising a crucial point. "If we're randomly teleported, there's no guarantee we'll end up in the same location."

Jiang Feng offered a reassuring solution, detailing a secret method to mark their positions and facilitate their reunion. His meticulous planning and foresight earned nods of approval from his companions, who were grateful for his leadership.

Despite Jiang Feng's assurances, Yu Youcai and the others expressed doubt about their ability to contribute meaningfully to the group effort. Han Feng understood their reservations but struggled to find the words to encourage them.

In the end, they resolved to face the challenge together, knowing that their chances of success were slim but unwilling to give up without a fight. As they braced themselves for the final assessment, Han Feng couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for his companions' predicament.

As the weight of their impending challenge settled upon them, Han Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation. Unlike the relatively safe confines of the Celestial Tower, the Mirror of Death posed a genuine threat to their lives. Yu Youcai and the others understood this all too well, realizing that their participation in the trial was akin to facing their own mortality.

"Facing first-level monsters is like facing earth-level one-star opponents," Han Feng remarked solemnly. "Once we're separated, even with the marks, we'll be easy prey for those creatures."

With a heavy heart, Han Feng made peace with the fact that some of them might not make it out alive. "If you feel it's too risky, I won't force you to go," he conceded, his gaze sweeping over the group.

Counting heads, Han Feng noted their reduced numbers. Aside from himself, there were Meng Yaqing, Lei Yuruo, Wang Qingcang, Liu Yuer, Lin Huixuan, Xuan Shentong, Jiang Feng, and Jiang Da. Yet, even among their ranks, the prospect of survival seemed uncertain.

Lin Huixuan, Xuan Shentong, and Jiang Da, though formidable in their own right, lacked the prowess needed to contend with the Mirror's dangers. Their abilities might afford them a slim chance of survival, but hunting second-level monsters was beyond their capabilities.

Then, a glimmer of hope emerged as Jiang Feng produced a jade slip containing vital information about the Mirror's denizens. Excitement rippled through the group as they realized the potential insights it offered.

Han Feng's curiosity piqued when he discovered entries detailing the "fruit of death" and the "flower of death." Jiang Feng explained their significance, revealing that these items could significantly enhance their physical and mental capabilities, respectively.

But the ominous names gave Han Feng pause. "Are they truly beneficial? The name alone doesn't inspire confidence," he remarked, wary of the potential risks involved.

Jiang Feng nodded gravely. "Indeed, while the fruit and flower of death offer great benefits, they also come with inherent dangers," he admitted. "The fruit can boost physical strength, while the flower enhances mental power. However, their effects are not without peril."

Han Feng's heart sank at the revelation of the potential consequences of harnessing the power of death within the fruit and flower. The notion of being consumed by the very force they sought to wield filled him with a sense of dread.

However, amidst the trepidation, a glimmer of hope flickered. Could the flower of death be the key to unlocking Sister Lin's untapped potential? The thought sparked a surge of optimism within Han Feng, yet he couldn't shake the looming specter of danger.

Knowing the risks, Han Feng realized they needed a more prudent approach. Sister Lin's soul, still at the profound level, would likely be unable to withstand the full force of the flower's power. Before considering such a drastic measure, they needed to bolster her spiritual strength to at least the level of the ground stage.

But perhaps there was merit in collecting the flower first, even if they couldn't immediately utilize its power. Wang Qingcang's pragmatic assessment resonated with Han Feng and the others. Despite the dangers, the opportunity to stockpile such potent resources could prove invaluable in the long run.

With a shared resolve, they agreed to proceed cautiously, mindful of the risks while acknowledging the potential rewards. The road ahead would be fraught with peril, but they remained determined to forge ahead, driven by their collective desire for strength and survival.

Chapter 406: Mirror of death! . . .

Wang Qingcang's suggestion resonated with everyone, prompting unanimous agreement to prioritize collecting the fruits of death and flowers of death despite the risks involved.

As they contemplated their plan, Han Feng's mind sparked with an idea. "Brother Jiang, are these death fruits and flowers highly sought after in the outer courtyard?" he inquired.

Jiang Feng nodded in affirmation. "Indeed they are," he confirmed.

Han Feng's eyes gleamed with entrepreneurial spirit. "Then, with a surplus of death flowers, we could potentially trade them in the outer courtyard for points," he suggested with a grin.

Jiang Feng interjected with a note of caution. "While your idea is promising, it's important to understand that the students in the outer courtyard are mostly seasoned veterans who possess considerable cultivation levels. They typically seek medium to high-quality death fruits and flowers. Acquiring these may prove challenging for us," he explained.

Indeed, the outer courtyard of Beidu Academy functioned similarly to an economy, where points served as currency, as explained by Jiang Feng. The realization dampened their initial excitement but did not extinguish their determination.

Han Feng furrowed his brow in thought. "Are the death fruits and flowers graded?" he inquired further.

Jiang Feng nodded once more. "Indeed they are," he confirmed. "The lowest quality ones are red, while higher quality specimens range from purple-red to purple and black. The rarest and most potent variants are a deep pitch black," he elucidated.

Han Feng absorbed this information with a nod. "It seems our task won't be easy," he remarked soberly.

With the remaining time before the next assessment, the group focused on recuperation, mentally preparing themselves for what lay ahead.

As Elder Cao signaled the commencement of the next phase, the atmosphere tensed with anticipation, each member of the group ready to face the challenges of the Death Mirror.

Elder Cao's explanation shed light on the mechanics of scoring within the Mirror of Death, easing some of the tension among the participants. The assurance that each individual would be fairly rewarded for their efforts in monster hunting alleviated concerns about potential freeloaders.

Han Feng, considering the purpose behind the scoring system, remarked, "It seems Beidu Academy aims to foster unity among us, even amidst the harsh conditions of the Mirror of Death."

As Elder Cao concluded his instructions, a massive black gate materialized in the Unreal Square, emanating an ominous aura that unsettled everyone present. Jiang Feng's prior warning about the detrimental effects of the death breaths resonated with the group, reinforcing the urgency of their task.

With a gesture from Elder Cao, the gate swung open, revealing a torrent of black energy that billowed outwards. Elder Cao swiftly dispelled the threatening aura, prompting the participants to proceed into the foreboding abyss.

The number of entrants into the Mirror of Death was significantly fewer than those who ventured into the Celestial Tower, with over half opting to withdraw due to the daunting risks involved.

Inside the Mirror of Death, Han Feng found himself teleported between two towering peaks, devoid of companionship. Disappointed but undeterred, he set his sights on locating the highest mountain.

Launching into the air on the wings of the flame dragon, Han Feng surveyed his surroundings, only to be confronted by a vast expanse of unyielding mountains stretching endlessly in every direction.

Navigating through the desolate landscape of the Mirror of Death, Han Feng's journey was fraught with challenges. The oppressive black mist threatened to corrode his flame dragon wings, forcing him to reconsider his mode of transportation.

"It seems flying with the flame dragon wings is out of the question," Han Feng muttered to himself, assessing the deteriorating condition of his surroundings. "But perhaps my martial arts won't be affected outside of this mist."

Despite the setback, Han Feng remained determined to reach his destination, albeit on foot. As he trudged onward, he was struck by a sudden realization and summoned forth his Blood Drink Chilong Knife—a formidable spiritual weapon on the cusp of ascending to a higher grade.

With the monster-infested environment of the Mirror of Death, Han Feng saw an opportunity to test the capabilities of his weapon. "If I can slay a monster with this blade, perhaps it will aid in its advancement," he speculated, envisioning the potential of his weapon as a formidable asset.

Two hours into his journey, Han Feng's patience was rewarded as he encountered a formidable foe—a goat-headed monster of formidable stature. Drawing upon the knowledge imparted by Jiang Feng, Han Feng swiftly assessed the creature's threat level before engaging it in combat.

With a swift motion, Han Feng unleashed a flurry of strikes with his Blood Drink Chilong Knife, determined to gauge its effectiveness against the monstrous adversary.

Chapter 407: Unblock, blood drink Huanglongdao! . . .

Han Feng observed the goat head demon's residence with a mix of curiosity and caution. The structure, made of rough black stones, seemed to blend seamlessly with the desolate landscape of the Mirror of Death. He couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden within those walls.

As he approached cautiously, Han Feng's keen senses picked up on subtle movements around him. Shadows flitted between the jagged rocks, indicating the presence of more of these enigmatic creatures. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled with anticipation and wariness.

"Looks like I've stumbled upon their lair," Han Feng muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. He tightened his grip on the Blood Drinking Red Dragon Sabre, readying himself for whatever lay ahead.

Peering through a gap in the stone wall, Han Feng caught sight of the goat head demons gathered within. Their gruff voices echoed off the cavernous walls as they conversed in their guttural language, their forms illuminated by flickering torchlight.

Han Feng's heart raced with excitement and trepidation. He knew that confronting them head-on would be risky, but he couldn't shake the feeling of urgency gnawing at him. There was something within that lair, something he needed to uncover.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Han Feng steeled himself for what was to come. With a swift and silent motion, he slipped through the shadows, inching closer to the heart of the goat head demons' domain.

Suddenly, a twig snapped beneath his foot, betraying his presence. The goat head demons' heads snapped in his direction, their eyes narrowing with suspicion and hostility.

"Who goes there?" one of them growled, its voice a menacing rumble that reverberated through the cavern.

Han Feng froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he had been discovered, but he refused to let fear paralyze him. With a quick mental calculation, he prepared to launch into action, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in the depths of the goat head demons' lair.

Han Feng observed the simple stone walls surrounding the goat head demons' nest with a mixture of amusement and skepticism. The walls, while seemingly rudimentary, served as the only barrier between the creatures and the harsh elements of the Mirror of Death. However, their flimsy construction left much to be desired in terms of protection.

"These walls wouldn't hold up against a strong gust of wind, let alone a determined attacker," Han Feng muttered to himself, eyeing the structure critically.

As he watched the goat head demons lazily lounging around their makeshift abode, Han Feng couldn't help but marvel at their lack of intelligence. Their monotonous existence seemed devoid of purpose or ambition, a stark contrast to the cunning and resourcefulness of human warriors.

"Looks like I won't need to employ any elaborate strategies to deal with these creatures," Han Feng remarked, a wry smile playing on his lips. "A direct approach should suffice."

With that, Han Feng sprang into action, drawing his Blood Drinking Red Dragon Sabre with a fluid motion. The blade gleamed menacingly in the dim light as he prepared to face off against the goat head demons.

His sudden appearance caught the creatures off guard, and they scrambled to their feet, their bleary-eyed expressions morphing into ones of hostility and aggression. With a collective roar, they charged at Han Feng, their primitive instincts driving them forward.

"Hah! Four heads? Child's play," Han Feng quipped, his voice laced with confidence as he deftly maneuvered around his adversaries. With swift and precise strikes, he dispatched the goat head demons one by one, each blow sending a spray of crimson blood into the air.

As the last of the creatures fell, Han Feng took a moment to catch his breath, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He couldn't help but marvel at the ease with which he had dispatched the goat head demons, their lack of intelligence proving to be their downfall.

As he watched the black lights of their essences being absorbed into his ring, Han Feng couldn't suppress a feeling of satisfaction. His efforts had not been in vain, and he had earned himself a respectable bounty of points in the process.

With renewed determination, Han Feng turned his gaze towards the horizon, knowing that there were still many challenges awaiting him in the treacherous depths of the Mirror of Death. But armed with his skills and his trusty Blood Drinking Red Dragon Sabre, he was ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.

As the Blood Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife transformed in Han Feng's grasp, its power surged to new heights, radiating a brilliant golden light that illuminated the surrounding darkness. Han Feng's heart swelled with pride as he beheld the weapon's newfound strength, knowing that it had unlocked even greater potential.

With a fierce battle cry, Han Feng unleashed the full force of the Blood Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife, channeling its formidable energy into a devastating attack. The air crackled with power as the blade sliced through the air with unparalleled speed and precision.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Goat Head Demon and its seven minions charged towards Han Feng with reckless abandon, their primal instincts driving them forward. Their red eyes glinted with malice as they closed in on their prey, intent on tearing him limb from limb.

But Han Feng was undeterred, his focus unwavering as he prepared to face his adversaries head-on. With a deft flick of his wrist, he sent the Blood Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife hurtling towards the oncoming horde, its razor-sharp edge gleaming in the dim light.

The blade tore through the air with a resounding whoosh, leaving a trail of golden energy in its wake. As it made contact with the first of the Goat Head Demons, a shockwave rippled outwards, sending the creatures staggering backwards in disarray.

But Han Feng was relentless, pressing the attack with relentless ferocity. With each swing of the Blood Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife, he carved a path of destruction through the ranks of his enemies, leaving nothing but chaos and devastation in his wake.

The leader of the Goat Head Demon roared in fury, its massive form towering over the battlefield like a vengeful god. But even its formidable presence was no match for the sheer power of Han Feng's onslaught, and with a final, deafening cry, it fell to the ground in a heap.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into silence, Han Feng stood victorious amidst the carnage, his chest heaving with exertion. With the Blood Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife held high, he surveyed the scene before him, a triumphant smile playing on his lips.

Seven points may have seemed insignificant at first glance, but for Han Feng, it was a testament to his skill and determination. And as he gazed out into the darkness of the Mirror of Death, he knew that there were still many challenges awaiting him on his journey to greatness. But armed with the Blood Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife and his unwavering resolve, he was ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.

Xian'an Mountain's heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted desperately through the treacherous terrain of the Mirror of Death. Behind him, the ground shook with the thunderous footsteps of a colossal black dragon, its monstrous form casting a long shadow over the jagged landscape.

With each labored breath, Xian'an Mountain cursed his luck, wondering why fate had chosen to pit him against such a formidable adversary. In a realm where monsters were said to be scarce, encountering a sixth-level monster was nothing short of a nightmare, especially one of such immense power.

As he ran, Xian'an Mountain couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration and despair. How had he managed to stumble upon the most dangerous creature in the entire Mirror of Death? It seemed as though the very forces of fate were conspiring against him, leading him into a perilous battle from which there may be no escape.

But despite his fear and uncertainty, Xian'an Mountain knew that he had to keep moving forward. With every fiber of his being, he pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion, his muscles burning with exertion as he raced against the relentless pursuit of the monstrous black dragon.

In his mind, Xian'an Mountain replayed the events that had led him to this dire predicament. Perhaps he had been too reckless, too eager to prove himself in the face of danger. Or perhaps it was simply a stroke of cruel fate that had brought him to this desolate mountain range, where death lurked around every corner.

But regardless of the reasons, Xian'an Mountain knew that he had to find a way to survive. With a steely determination, he pushed himself to run faster, to outpace the relentless pursuit of his monstrous foe and find a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of the Mirror of Death.

And as he raced onwards, his heart filled with determination and resolve, Xian'an Mountain vowed to defy the odds and emerge victorious, no matter what challenges lay ahead. For in the face of adversity, it was his strength of will and unwavering courage that would ultimately carry him through to safety.

Chapter 408: Dark dragon monster! . . .

"Huh? This is..."

Xian'an Mountain's heart skipped a beat as he noticed a shadowy figure ahead, gradually coming into focus. His shock was palpable: "It's him!"

A smirk played at the corner of Xian'an Mountain's mouth, his pace quickening suddenly.

To his surprise, the indistinct figure turned out to be none other than Han Feng.

Han Feng, too, caught sight of Xian'an Mountain at that moment. The Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife in his hand quivered with anticipation, yearning for blood.

Clearly, for the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife, human blood held far more allure than that of any monster.

A strange grin crossed Han Feng's face, poised to make his move, when suddenly, he froze.

His gaze fell on a colossal figure, over ten meters tall, hot on Xian'an Mountain's heels.

"A Dark Dragon Monster!"

Han Feng was taken aback. According to the information provided by Jiang Feng, the Dark Dragon Monster was a level six beast.

Excitement coursed through Han Feng's veins, mirroring the pulsing anticipation of the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife.

Though the blood of a monster couldn't compare to that of humans, the prospect of confronting a level six monster, such a formidable adversary, only stoked the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife's hunger further.

In that moment, Han Feng's estimation of Xian'an Mountain plummeted.

Quickly, Xian'an Mountain surged past Han Feng, taunting: "Boy, looks like we're about to become monster chow."

Without a second thought, Xian'an Mountain pressed on, confident in his four-star speed compared to Han Feng's two-star status.

In Xian'an Mountain's mind, Han Feng might wield impressive fire power, but ultimately, he was only a two-star ground level warrior. In terms of combat effectiveness, speed was his forte, and he intended to capitalize on it.

Hoping to delay Han Feng's pursuit, Xian'an Mountain made a swift escape. From his perspective, Han Feng's speed couldn't match his own, leaving him to contend with the Dark Dragon Monster alone.

Unbeknownst to Xian'an Mountain, the time Han Feng could buy by engaging the monster would allow him ample opportunity to put significant distance between them.

But as Xian'an Mountain glanced back, hoping to catch a glimpse of Han Feng's panic, he was met with an unexpected sight.

Instead of fleeing, Han Feng was charging headlong toward the Dark Dragon Monster, his expression one of eager anticipation.

Xian'an Mountain's face paled, realizing that things were not unfolding as he had planned. His frustration with Han Feng only intensified.

For Xian'an Mountain, deviating from his carefully constructed narrative was tantamount to a loss of face, a stinging rebuke.

If Han Feng were privy to Xian'an Mountain's inner thoughts, he would likely scoff and remark, "Secondary Two is a malady in need of remedy!"

Xian'an Mountain hesitated, his mind racing with incredulous thoughts: "Why isn't that kid afraid? That's a level six monster. Does he really have the ability to take on a level six monster?"

"It can't be possible. That kid is clearly only a second-star warrior. No matter how skilled he is, he couldn't possibly match up to that."

"But he doesn't seem like a fool rushing to his death."

With a determined grimace, Xian'an Mountain resolved, "No matter, I'll have to see this for myself."

"If things turn sour, I'll bolt. But if Han Feng has the upper hand, I might just sneak in and let them both perish together."

"And if they're evenly matched and both fall, well, that's even better. Not only can I rid myself of Han Feng's nuisance, but I could also bag myself ten points by slaying the sixth-level monster!"

His expression darkened, a sinister plan forming in his mind...

Meanwhile, in the distance, Han Feng's Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife pulsed with a relentless thirst for blood.

Sensing the menacing aura emanating from Han Feng, the Dark Dragon Monster released Xian'an Mountain and redirected its attention toward Han Feng, bellowing furiously.

In response, the Dark Dragon Monster expelled a dense cloud of black smoke, hurtling toward Han Feng.

Without hesitation, Han Feng raised the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife, bracing for impact.


An explosion reverberated through the air, the sheer force of it sending Han Feng hurtling backward, crashing into a cluster of towering dead trees.

"Cough... that's a true level six monster for you," Han Feng coughed up blood, his eyes gleaming with renewed determination. "I got lucky. Encountered three first-level monsters, five second-level ones, and seven third-level ones on the way here."

"Not only did I bag 9.8 points, adding to the previous seven, that's a total of 16.8 points."

"And to top it off, the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife has been promoted to the medium level. Once I finish off this Dark Dragon Monster, it'll at least ascend to the top tier of the medium level."

Excitement coursed through Han Feng's veins at the thought.

With the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife at the upper level, it would become his ultimate trump card!

The Dark Dragon Monster, seeing its opponent repelled by a mere breath, mistook its foe's resilience for vulnerability. It let out a triumphant roar, stomped the ground, and charged forward, deathly aura coalescing in its maw.

This time, the black smoke was denser than before, promising even greater power.

Such condensed deathly breath could surely inflict severe damage on warriors of equal standing.

"The Seventh Heavenly Fire Fighting Body, activate!"

"The Seventh Heavenly Fire Armor, engage!"


In an instant, Han Feng's cultivation soared to the pinnacle of the five-star tier.

A blue flame ignited, swirling around him like a tempest.

Watching from afar, Xian'an Mountain was dumbstruck: "He's... he's reached this level with his cultivation!"

"From two stars to five, that's not just a leap of nearly three stars. It's the difference between early and mid-tier."

"And if martial arts skills are factored in, then this kid's combat prowess..."

Xian'an Mountain swallowed hard, a mixture of awe and dread knotting in his stomach.

Xian'an Mountain never imagined that Han Feng wielded such power.

From Xian'an Mountain's perspective, Han Feng at best possessed a fusion of various fires and martial skills. He might be a four-star ground-level warrior at most, or perhaps had combat capabilities nearly reaching five stars. But now...

"No, I must escape quickly!"

Xian'an Mountain was gripped by fear. With Han Feng's formidable strength, the Dark Dragon Monster stood no chance against him. Once Han Feng finished off the Dark Dragon Monster, Xian'an Mountain would be next on his list.

On the other side, Han Feng glanced at Xian'an Mountain with a sneer. "You didn't plan on leaving quietly, did you? Were you hoping to take advantage of the chaos?" he taunted. "Well, if that's the case, then prepare to meet your end."

"Xiao Yan, Xiao Lei, keep Xian'an Mountain occupied for me," he commanded.

"Yes, boss. You can count on us!" The towering forms of Flying Flame Lion Xiao Yan and Phantom Leopard Xiao Lei swiftly appeared in the sky, roaring menacingly as they positioned themselves between Han Feng and Xian'an Mountain.

Xian'an Mountain's expression darkened. "A mere two-star ground-level warrior dares to challenge me?" he snarled.

An intense blaze erupted from Xian'an Mountain, forcing Xiao Yan and Xiao Lei to retreat. But the two beasts refused to yield, roaring defiantly as they pressed Xian'an Mountain, denying him any opportunity to escape.


Meanwhile, as Han Feng's power surged, his True Yuan surged into the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife.

"Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Annihilation!"

Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Annihilation was the deadliest technique among the three ultimate moves of the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife!

With this move, Han Feng's offensive power skyrocketed to the level of a seven-star warrior!

Although his cultivation was merely at the two-star ground level, his combat prowess was now equivalent to a seven-star near the ground level. If news of such a dramatic improvement were to spread, it would surely leave others dumbfounded.

What astonished Han Feng even more was that the power of the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife remained unaffected by the deathly aura!

In other words, the might unleashed by the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife would not diminish due to the presence of the deathly aura.

"Meet your demise!"


Black and yellow energies surged, echoing with thunderous explosions that reverberated across the landscape.

The ripples of deathly aura and the power of the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife spread outwards, causing the Dark Dragon Monster to stagger back uncomfortably.

But when the deathly aura and blood reached Han Feng, they were swiftly incinerated by his Canglan Profound Fire, reduced to mere ashes.

Without hesitation, Han Feng dashed through the energy fluctuations and closed in on the Dark Dragon Monster.

With a decisive slash, Han Feng cleaved the Dark Dragon Monster in two, its black and crimson blood absorbed by the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife.

The surge of energy reignited the Blood Drink Yellow Dragon Knife's excitement.

Feeling the knife's fervor, Han Feng couldn't help but smile.

Glancing at the ring, he saw the score: 26:8.

In just half a day within the Mirror of Death, he had already amassed a score of 26:8. It was a remarkably satisfying result.

But this was only the beginning. As he neared the highest mountain, encountering more high-level monsters, his potential for scoring would only increase.

"My goal isn't just one hundred points; it's one hundred and twenty points," Han Feng murmured determinedly.

Chapter 409: 5 tailed sky fox . . .

"The Fire of Chi Huang, erupt!"


Xiao Yan and Xiao Lei, though weaker in their cultivation bases, were still formidable beasts at the early stage of the terrarium. Compared to early-stage humans, the two beasts were naturally much stronger.

But for Xian'an Mountain, already a four-star terrarium mid-tier warrior, and possessing the unique fire of the red flame, the two beasts were no match.



The two beasts crashed fiercely to the ground, kicking up a cloud of black smoke.

Despite their injuries, the two beasts struggled to rise again, intercepting Xian'an Mountain once more. Even in their weakened state, they remained steadfast in fulfilling Han Feng's orders.

Xian'an Mountain seethed with anger. Humans and beasts were supposed to harbor mutual animosity, so why were these two beasts so obedient to Han Feng?

While he had heard of humans forming unusual bonds with monsters, Xian'an Mountain had always dismissed such stories as fiction. Could humans and monsters truly form such alliances?

As he watched the two beasts, Xian'an Mountain fell silent.

Seeing Han Feng's aura begin to fade, Xian'an Mountain's expression darkened. "You beasts, prepare to meet your end!"

With time running short, Xian'an Mountain spared no effort, channeling a surge of true essence as the red flames transformed into a fearsome tempest.

"The Flame Soul Critical Strike!"

A terrifying crimson storm of flames erupted.

If this storm struck Xiao Yan and Xiao Lei, it would surely render them powerless, if not outright kill them.

"Earth Flame Melt Down!"

A resounding shout pierced the air as a blade of flame sliced through the tempest, instantly cleaving it in two. The red-yellow storm split apart, raining down as fiery embers.

At the critical moment, Han Feng finally arrived.

Xian'an Mountain's face contorted with despair and fury.

Although he knew the Dark Dragon Monster, a sixth-level monster, might not be Han Feng's match, Xian'an Mountain had not anticipated Han Feng's overwhelming strength. With just two moves, Han Feng annihilated the Dark Dragon Monster.

This meant that Han Feng possessed the combat prowess of an ordinary six-star warrior!

A six-star warrior at the earth level was already considered highly formidable, requiring close to seven-star combat capabilities to dispatch with ease.

"Boss, you've finally come," Xiao Yan managed through a mouthful of blood, mustering a weak smile.

Han Feng nodded solemnly, immediately ushering the two beasts back into the animal breeding space. There, they would receive the best treatment for their injuries. "It's clear we need to enhance Xiaoyan and Xiaolei's strength in the future. Their initial cultivation base isn't providing much assistance when they're put in danger to aid me."

"In the future, they'll receive more spirit stones," he resolved, though mindful of his dwindling supply. Thankfully, once admitted to the Northern Capital Academy, various avenues for earning spirit stones would open up.

"Han... Han Feng, I was wrong. The pressure from the Long family forced me. Please don't kill me," Xie Anshan pleaded, devoid of resistance, his strength depleted.

Han Feng sighed deeply, "Honestly, I don't harbor much personal animosity toward you. The root cause lies with the third master of the Long family. But even so, our circumstances differ."

"The blame falls on you for displaying blatant hostility toward me during the assessments. Given such intent, I can't afford to take chances."

Xie Anshan's expression froze. It dawned on him that he had been targeting Han Feng from the start, projecting his own malice onto Han Feng. All the perceived ridicule and contempt were products of his own mind.

Ignoring Xian'an Mountain's demeanor, Han Feng continued, "Moreover, regarding today's incident, when you 'sent' me a level six monster, I was inclined to spare you. But your intentions were clear. If both I and the Dark Dragon Monster were injured, you would have capitalized on the opportunity."

"Don't try to deny it. Your intentions were clear," Han Feng asserted, shutting down any attempts at deception.

Xie'an Shan attempted to argue but found himself unable to. Han Feng's words rang true.

Staring into Han Feng's impassive gaze, Xie'an Mountain felt a shiver of fear. "Han Feng, I was wrong. Spare me. If you kill me, my elder brother won't let you off. He's already at the pinnacle of the six-star earth level, just a step away from seven stars."

"He's not an ordinary six-star terrane. He's formidable, capable of winning battles!" Xie'an Shan pleaded, hoping to appeal to Han Feng's reason.

Han Feng chuckled darkly, "Do you truly expect me to believe that? Do you think I'm foolish enough to trust your words?"

Xie Anshan fell silent, realizing his own nature. He was a bully, cowering at the first sign of danger. While he would acknowledge his faults to survive, once the threat was gone, he would forget his promises and seek revenge, viewing today's events as a deep humiliation.

Han Feng's smile returned, "You don't even believe in your own words. Am I foolish enough to trust you?"

"No matter what, you'll seek retribution. So why should I let you go?"

Xian'an Mountain remained silent, fully aware by now that Han Feng had no intention of sparing him.

Xie Anshan sighed bitterly, "My greatest regret is aligning with Young Master Long San. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be in this predicament."

"There's no remedy for regret. What's the use of regret now?" Han Feng retorted coldly.

"You're a genius in your own right. Why resign yourself to fate without putting up a fight?" Han Feng glanced at the limp figure of Xian'an Mountain, puzzled by his lack of resistance.

Xie Anshan stiffly replied, "It's not that I don't plan to fight, but my body won't move anymore."

Han Feng was taken aback, then shook his head slightly. Xian'an Mountain had squandered his talent, paralyzed by fear.

"If not for his privileged background and aptitude, he'd amount to nothing in ordinary circumstances," Han Feng mused.

The Blood-Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife cleaved into Xian'an Mountain's body, his eyes widening in terror as his body convulsed, blood absorbed by the blade.

Xian'an Mountain, with a fearful expression, offered no resistance as he was drawn into the weapon.

The Blood-Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife quivered, emanating a stronger aura.

"After absorbing Xian'an Mountain's four-star essence and blood, the Blood-Drinking Yellow Dragon Knife is now no less potent than a level six monster like the Dark Dragon," Han Feng observed, sheathing the blade.

Ascending with the wings of the Flame Dragon, Han Feng soared toward the highest peak.

After nearly a day in the Mirror of Death, Han Feng took flight from a mountain range, flames trailing behind him.

Despite killing Xian'an Mountain, Han Feng's luck seemed spent. He had only encountered six first-level and two second-level monsters thus far, no higher-level adversaries.

Frustration gnawed at him. With a paltry score of 1.6 points, added to his prior 26:8, he only stood at 28:4.

Determined to find a higher-level monster, Han Feng lamented the substantial gap from his target—91.6 points away.

Touching down, he reflected, "Not long ago, I sensed two potent spiritual energy fluctuations, likely nearby. We mustn't miss a battle against a level six monster!"

Chapter 410: Five-tailed Fox . . .

The two distinct fluctuations signaled the presence of both a monster and another warrior, each entering the death mirror examination. Han Feng contemplated flying directly over, trusting that the highest mountain range would yield more monsters. However, he hesitated—competing for resources might strain the already precarious unity among the examinees. While Han Feng prioritized securing high scores, he also recognized the importance of collective safety.

The uncertainty gnawed at him. Half a day's journey remained, with unpredictable outcomes. Luck could swing either way, yielding abundant or meager scores. Aware of the need for unity in the face of numerous monsters, Han Feng weighed the risk of potential conflicts with other examinees over resources.

Unfortunately, the spiritual power fluctuation he sensed had vanished, leaving Han Feng to wonder about the fate of the other warrior and the monster they pursued.

After deliberation, Han Feng resolved to explore the area. His keen eyes spotted a faint white light amidst the predominantly dark terrain. Intrigued, he hastened towards it, eventually stumbling upon a striking sight—a majestic white fox lying wounded on the ground, its pristine fur soaked in blood.

Observing the faint white glow surrounding the fox, Han Feng recognized its significance. "Tianhu," he murmured in awe, acknowledging the celestial fox's sacred lineage. Assessing its condition, Han Feng speculated about the identity of the individual responsible for the fox's injuries.

"Who possesses such sacred aptitude?" Han Feng pondered, recalling individuals with exceptional abilities from the aptitude test. A particular figure surfaced in his mind, prompting uncertainty.

"As I treat this five-tailed celestial fox, perhaps the truth will be revealed," Han Feng resolved, intrigued by the potential connection.

Considering the fox's formidable natural abilities and the severity of its injuries, Han Feng speculated about the adversary—a monster of considerable strength, possibly surpassing ordinary sixth-level adversaries. The prospect of facing such formidable foes intrigued and daunted Han Feng, leaving him to ponder the limits of their encounters.

The gap between four-star and eight-star warriors is formidable, yet Han Feng harbors uncertainty. While he's managed to surpass nearly five-star battles himself, he acknowledges the potential for others to achieve similar feats.

Preparing some healing elixirs from his storage space, Han Feng transforms them into potent source liquid. Once administered, the source liquid swiftly begins its work, facilitating the automatic recovery of the sky fox's injuries. Han Feng's priority is to extract information from Tianhu, necessitating the creature's treatment first.

Impressed by the efficacy of the source liquid, Han Feng observes as Tianhu's wounds gradually mend. Despite leaving a visible scar, the bleeding eventually ceases, signaling the effectiveness of the treatment.

As Han Feng eagerly awaits Tianhu's recovery, he ponders the creature's true nature. Unlike beasts capable of transformation through secret methods or special abilities like the Dragon Body Transformation, Tianhu is a genuine monster. Such transformations require considerable true essence expenditure, often reverting in times of severe injury to conserve energy. However, for monsters like Tianhu, their true power is unleashed in their natural form.

Aware of this, Han Feng patiently waits for signs of Tianhu's awakening, anticipating any potential revelations.

After half an hour, the five-tailed celestial fox slowly opens its eyes, its azure blue gaze exuding an aura of otherworldly grace.

"What is this...?" The fox blinks in confusion, initially startled upon seeing Han Feng. Instinctively adopting a defensive stance, the fox quickly realizes that Han Feng harbors no ill intent. Observing the progress of its wound's healing, the fox's apprehension gradually gives way to a sense of relief and gratitude.

All her physical and magical powers had been exhausted in her escape, leaving no time for healing her injuries. By the time she managed to evade the monster's pursuit and attempted to treat herself, it was already too late.

She could only collapse stiffly, her body unable to endure the strain any longer.


"You... saved me?" Her sweet voice drifted faintly, prompting Han Feng to recognize her human form as Tianhu.

Nodding in confirmation, Han Feng replied, "Yes, I found intense spiritual power fluctuations here, so..."

Tianhu, clear in her understanding, recognized the situation as a battle against the monster. With a swift movement, a surge of white light enveloped her, obscuring her form from Han Feng's view. When the light dissipated, it revealed a young woman, approximately sixteen years old.

Cloaked in a dense white fog, the woman's figure was barely discernible. Having transformed from her monstrous form to a human one, she stood before Han Feng, completely unclothed.

A rush of blood surged through Han Feng's veins, a slight itchiness tickling his nose. Momentarily stunned, he blushed and averted his gaze.

Blushing faintly, the woman seemed to have forgotten the implications of her transformation, realizing too late that she would be nude after changing from her monster form to a human one.

It became apparent that she wasn't quite adept at transformations.

Thankfully, the thick fog provided some modesty, obscuring her form until she could don clothes. As the fog dissipated, the woman had donned suitable attire.

Han Feng, sensing the change, turned back and smiled, "Indeed, it's you, Hu Xiaodie!"

Curiously, Hu Xiaodie asked, "How did you guess?"

Han Feng shrugged, "Rumors suggest that Tianhu, a higher-level monster fox, possesses an exceptionally potent charm ability. Given the allure of the sky fox surpasses even that of the monster fox, only someone like you, the true form of Tianhu, could captivate so many in the Unreal Plaza."

Wrinkling her nose, Hu Xiaodie teased, "I was simply a tad too excited and lost control of my charm. Otherwise, I'd have more admirers than just a handful."

"Heh, you saved me, making you my benefactor. How would you like me to repay you?" Hu Xiaodie winked at Han Feng, her charm radiating effortlessly.

Feeling a tightening sensation in his abdomen, Han Feng struggled to catch his breath.

In that moment, Han Feng sensed Hu Xiaodie's charm amplify, realizing why others had succumbed to her allure without realizing it.

With a slight bow, Han Feng concealed his discomfort, his eyes desperately trying to avert from Hu Xiaodie.

Truly, the charm of the sky fox was undeniably potent.

Suddenly, Hu Xiaodie's complexion paled, her charm dissipating as she collapsed to the ground with a cry.

Startled, Han Feng rushed to her side, extending a hand but was left dumbfounded. "Using your charm while seriously injured... This has only worsened your condition, exacerbating injuries that were already difficult to heal."

Pale and trembling, Hu Xiaodie retrieved a jade bottle from her robes, uncorking it to release a fragrant aroma. Just the scent alone revitalized Han Feng, filling him with an unprecedented clarity of mind.