
"Returning to the United States to Engage in Entertainment"

In 1998, it was the worst of times, with six major companies monopolizing Hollywood; it was the best of times, with the internet continuously challenging traditional models. Ronan aimed to climb to the pinnacle of this entertainment era, overlooking countless forests below.

sckyh · 都市
137 Chs

Chapter 116: National Pastimes

"Miss Bündchen is Brazilian, right?" Ronald kept a polite distance from Gisele Bündchen and spoke quite politely, "It's a beautiful country."

Gisele Bündchen, with a face even tougher than some men's, showed a hint of a smile and replied, "Los Angeles is beautiful too."

After exchanging a few simple pleasantries with Ronald, Gisele Bündchen glanced at Carmen Keys, then back at Ronald, and took her leave.

Ronald took a moment to look around but didn't spot Leonardo DiCaprio. He remembered their ups and downs over the years. Unfortunately, Leonardo followed his heart, unwilling to sacrifice the forest for a single tree. Gisele Bündchen eventually married NFL star quarterback Tom Brady.

Perhaps, after drifting in the modeling world for many years, Gisele Bündchen found true love. In his memory, Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady never divorced.

"Are you acquainted with Gisele Bündchen?" Ronald asked casually.

Carmen Keys shifted her feet and replied, "We're familiar, but the modeling circle is much smaller than the film industry, especially for top-tier models."

Ronald sighed inwardly. "You're a supermodel now."

Carmen Keys shifted her feet again, and Ronald noticed. "Is the reception over? Shall we find a place to rest?" he asked.

"Yeah," Carmen Keys didn't object.

Ronald was somewhat pleased by Carmen's response to his attentiveness.

They walked towards the lounge area of the banquet hall, and Carmen naturally linked her arm with his. Many people in the banquet hall noticed the two of them.

Along the way, they encountered Angela Lindvall, who approached them with curiosity. After a brief exchange, they parted ways.

Angela Lindvall's foxy eyes left an impression on Ronald. He remembered someone once saying that just a glance from Angela Lindvall could turn a woman gay...

They found a secluded spot to sit and rest. Ronald asked, "I heard Angela Lindvall is now the muse of Karl Lagerfeld?"

Carmen lowered her voice and said, "A few months ago, Angela Lindvall replaced Steina Tanna as the top spokesperson for Chanel."

She glanced at Ronald and asked, "Are you so interested in the fashion circle?"

Ronald replied naturally, "Because I often follow your updates, occasionally I catch news about other supermodels from fashion reports."

Carmen smiled happily, leaned in a little closer, as if sharing a secret with Ronald, and said mysteriously, "Let me tell you something. I'm in a competitive relationship with Angela Lindvall now, vying for the title of Model of the Year as chosen by Vogue next year."

Ronald immediately offered his support. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Carmen shook her head. "I've already done a lot on my end, so there's a chance of winning."

Ronald, with no real connection to the fashion world, simply expressed his support and then asked, "Does winning Model of the Year greatly help your career?"

"Yeah," Carmen moved her chair forward and lowered her voice, "Not just in modeling, but it also helps with my business investments in Estonia."

Ronald recalled their phone conversation about investments and said, "Fame indeed can drive business development."

Carmen understood deeply. "If I weren't famous, many business opportunities wouldn't even be available to me."

"Oh, Carmen," Ronald asked, "What kind of businesses have you invested in? Only in Estonia?"

Carmen briefly replied, "All in Estonia. I recently invested in a clothing business and established a clothing brand of the same name. Just started a real estate company this year and also joined the Estonian Chess Federation."

Ronald gestured with his fingers and asked tentatively, "Have you ever considered investing in North America? The market here is huge."

Carmen laughed, "I haven't thought about it." She sighed softly, "I don't have enough fame, connections, and influence in North America, but it's different in Estonia."

Suddenly, Ronald noticed something. Since he had known Carmen, apart from teasing Leonardo, most of their conversations revolved around work and business.

Two typical individuals driven by career ambition, their conversations always circled back to work.

Because of Carmen's presence, many people in the banquet hall were paying attention to Ronald's side.

Gossip knows no gender or age; it's a national pastime.

However, some people didn't care about gossip at all; their eyes were focused solely on Ronald.

Daniel Meirke stood in a nondescript corner, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and said, "That young man is Ronald Anderson."

Susan Arnold murmured in agreement but didn't rush forward. Instead, she observed quietly.

One of the reasons she came to the party tonight was Ronald Anderson.

A while ago, on behalf of DreamWorks, Susan Arnold confirmed a collaboration with Daniel Meirke. Daniel quickly submitted a new script to DreamWorks. As he had said, the new script was a horror comedy.

But to Susan Arnold's surprise, Daniel Meirke's new work was a horror comedy!

Without waiting for DreamWorks to greenlight it, this producer, Susan Arnold, vetoed it first.

A damn horror comedy! DreamWorks wanted to collaborate with Daniel Meirke to replicate the success of "The Blair Witch Project," not to make some horror comedy film.

Susan Arnold rejected the script, asking Daniel Meirke to rewrite it based on the success of "The Blair Witch Project." A few days ago, she received news from outside that due to funding issues and the breakdown of cooperation with Daniel Meirke, Relativity Media was preparing to sell the sequel filming rights of "The Blair Witch Project."

How many Hollywood companies would fight over the sequel rights to a movie that grossed $150 million in North America?

"Shall we go over there now?" Daniel Meirke asked.

Susan Arnold whispered, "You shouldn't go over there. Your relationship with Ronald Anderson isn't good, and it could lead to unforeseen complications. You go back, and I'll find an opportunity to approach Ronald Anderson."

Ronald Anderson was deep in conversation with a beautiful woman, and it wasn't the right time.

Daniel Meirke didn't say anything more and left the corner. He roamed around the party, dazzled by everything in the banquet hall. He couldn't have gotten into DreamWorks' line of sight without the success of "The Blair Witch Project," nor would he have had the chance to attend such a high-end party.

All of this was thanks to "The Blair Witch Project." Perhaps Susan Arnold was right; replicating the success model of "The Blair Witch Project" was the most correct path.

Isn't that what Hollywood does? A successful movie, followed by one sequel after another.

Daniel Meirke got a glass of red wine from a waiter, found a place where there were many women, and plunged in. As the director and producer of "The Blair Witch Project," his identity instantly attracted the attention of many women.

Ronald chatted with Carmen for a while. Carmen's agent came over, reminding her of the upcoming activities. Ronald wouldn't delay Carmen's normal work, so he left the rest area alone.

Carmen Casey's modeling career was undoubtedly entering a period of rapid ascent. Dior was one of the top six, and a model who secured endorsement deals with brands of such stature wouldn't easily accept endorsements from other top-tier or even second-tier brands unless her career took a downturn.

What's even rarer was that Carmen wasn't like many models who lived in a dream world, knowing that modeling depended solely on youth. She had a far-reaching vision.

Ronan sighed inwardly: the future female tycoon of Estonia.

"Not bad judgment," someone suddenly remarked nearby. "Is she your girlfriend?"

Ronan turned to glance at Tom Cruise and replied, "Just a friend."

He found it strange why Tom Cruise had come over. They had just met, exchanged a few words, and it seemed unnecessary for such a big star to network with a producer.

Tom Cruise asked, "I heard you're planning to sell the sequel rights to 'The Blair Witch'?"

Understanding his intention, Ronan replied honestly, "That's the plan."

"I have a production company," Tom Cruise said straightforwardly. "Interested in a collaboration?"

Ronan didn't outright refuse and said, "I'll consider it."

Tom Cruise beamed with sunshine, nodded at Ronan, and then left.

Events that seemed profitable always attracted many people.

Without even changing his position, someone else approached. This time, it was a middle-aged woman.

"Mr. Anderson?" the middle-aged woman asked.

Ronan smiled and replied, "Hello, I'm Ronan Anderson."

The woman shook hands with him. "I'm Susan Arnold from DreamWorks."

Hearing the name, Ronan immediately thought of the information Robert had found, and the face in front of him matched the photo in the data.

So, this was Susan Arnold!

Ronan pretended to be puzzled. "Ms. Arnold, is there something you need from me?"

"I heard your company is interested in selling the sequel rights to 'The Blair Witch'?" Susan Arnold saw Ronan nod in confirmation and continued, "DreamWorks is very interested."

She then asked, "I wonder why Mr. Anderson wants to sell the sequel rights?"

Ronan reiterated his prepared speech.

After hearing it, Susan Arnold looked at Daniel Mecklick with more respect again. Daniel Mecklick had previously claimed to be the key to the success of 'The Blair Witch,' and now Ronan, who had bought the rights, was saying the same thing, which made her even more convinced that Daniel Mecklick was a capable director.

"Could we discuss this elsewhere?" Susan Arnold asked. "DreamWorks is very sincere."

Ronan smiled and said, "Several companies have expressed interest in purchasing. I'm not sure who's more sincere right now." After some thought, he said, "How about this? Let's talk somewhere else tomorrow... Hmm, tomorrow afternoon at the Embassy Pictures office."

Susan Arnold agreed, "Okay, I'll come find you tomorrow."

Not only DreamWorks, but before Ronan left the party, Lionsgate and Tom Cruise also indicated they would discuss this matter with his representative tomorrow.