
"Reincarnation" (Remake)

Thelol_King · ファンタジー
1 Chs

chapter 1

Everybody is obsessed with "isekai" or "reincarnation" because we've seen animes, novels, manga, manhwa and so on....

because of that everyone went literally insane...

suicide by suicide, jumping off the bridge, day by day dead Bodies night by night killing themselves.

thousands of people killed themselves because they thought they'd be reincarnated.

I, Arthur Grayson believe in this too but...

after suicide attempts I can't do it I was scared of dying.... or maybe reincarnation is not true.

I don't have any balls to kill myself

it's like I thought of killing myself but minutes later I quit and play games.

I don't know the reason to this but it's driving me crazy. killing myself but if I killing myself would I be reincarnated? there's is a possible chance but I'm scared....I wasted 16 years of my life just to kill myself finding out its a lie.. but if I don't kill myself I will miss the adventure and harem I see in the animes

these questions in my head never been answered or unable to answered

I stick out with the "I don't kill myself" after all we are all going to die anyway soo I will enjoyed my life before I die.

*beep beep beep beep beep*

an alarm started to ring it says 8:30 am

*beep beep beep beep*

I was still sleeping...

*beep beep beep beep*

'its annoying!'

I covered myself on pillow so that I can't hear it.

*beep beep beep beep beep*

but my hands are getting tired...

I suddenly got up fast and turn off my alarm with a tired face and my eyes are barely open my mouth is drool and my hair looks messy.

I live in an apartment and my parents pay for my rent. The reason why I lived in an apartment because I want to have some alone time and think about my future.


I stretch my arms a little bit and got to the bathroom, I look myself in the mirror... I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that I took a bath

"ahh, it feels great"

I dressed myself and got outside

"hmm what should I do?"

I explore around the area

it's Saturday today so I don't have school

I go to the convenience store and got inside, I buy some junk foods and go outside...

I drink some coke and looked around the area

I see a man near in the edge of the bridge

it looks like he was about to jump...

"H-Hey!" I dropped my bag and run towards the guy, but the guy jumped I was too late..

"another one"

everyone just doing this just to find out they'd be reincarnated... wasting your life just to reincarnate

I grabbed my bag and got home

I turned on the TV and sit on my bed

"breaking news people committed suicide this day again over 9 people died.... 'rest in peace'.."

with a sad look in my face

"should I kill myself too?"

after all....my friends killed themselves too.

over some anime that they loved and addicted they sacrificed their life's for some stupid fucking reason. fuck my life I have nothing to do anymore


with rage I throw my manga into the window

"fuck it all"

"fuck Isekai"

I throw all of my action figures

"fuck reincarnated fuck harem"

all of it.

"fuck overpowered main character"

yes fuck all of them.

this is reality...

why would you bring fiction into reality?


wasting your life..... over some stupid mother fucking anime.

it's Monday.

I dressed up and went outside

walk into the school

"huh? it's quiet"

I go to the room and saw no one but the teacher

"teacher? what's wrong?"

with a deep breath he said:

"Arthur your classmates committed suicide..."


I was full of shock

"art this school is dismissed... there's no school anymore"

he walked past me

I stand there a little bit

my mind is completely blown

why? why did have to do this?

I walk in the streets with a disappoint look on my face.

"fuck them"

I got home

I opened the refrigerator and grab some chips and coke.. I turned on the TV and watch some cartoons

while I eat chips

suddenly it change into new channel

"breaking news"


"19 students jumped off the bridge early this morning"


"here's the video about it"



..... "is it turned on?"

"yeah yeah"

"it's 7:30 in the morning and we went to this convenience store and when we got out we see this students standing on the edge of the bridge..

there's 19 of them."

"we still don't know what they're planning but we've called the police"





that's my classmate's!

"ah here's the police!"

"police there's 19 students there and they've been standing there for a while now it seems they are planning to commit suicide"

the police started walking towards the students slowly

"hey! it's dangerous out there"

the students looks so depressed

and they been holding each other's hands

"why don't we talk about this out? huh?"

one student turned around

"we are going to reincarnate"

all of the 19 students jump together


end of video.

"the footage released this hour on social media"

"we've interview th-"

I turned the TV off

I finished eating my chips and drink coke.


"yeah fuck them really"